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1、Assessment and Assessment and Development of HRM Development of HRM for HT for HT 1.Identify the major determinants of individual performance.2.Discuss the three general purposes of performance management.Identify the five criteria for effective performance management.Discuss the four approaches to

2、performance,the specific techniques used in each approach,and the way these approaches compare with the criteria for effective performance management systems.5.Choose the most effective performance measurement approach for a given situation.6.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different

3、 sources of performance information.7.Choose the most effective source(s)for performance information for any situation.8.Distinguish types of rating errors and explain how to minimize each in a performance evaluation.9.Identify characteristics of a performance measurement system that follows legal g

4、uidelines.10.Conduct an effective performance feedback session.SituationalConstraints-Culture-Economic conditionsObjectiveResultsIndividual Attributes(skills,abilities)IndividualBehaviorsOrganizationalStrategyLong&Shortterm goals and valuesAn Organizational Model of Performance ManagementThe purpose

5、s are:Strategic Administrative DevelopmentalPurposes of Performance Management Strategic Purposes Performance-Management Administrative Purposes System Development Purposes Purposes of Performance ManagementPerformance AppraisalPURPOSE:BASIS FORCOMPARISON:APPRAISALTECHNIQUE:ROLE OFMANAGER:Developmen

6、talAdministrativeImprove PerformanceInformation for:pay increasespromotionsterminationsAbsolute StandardRelative StandardResults-OrientedBARSRating ScaleCounselorJudgeStrategic CongruenceValidityReliabilityAcceptabilitySpecificityPerformance Measures CriteriaJob Performance Measure:Contamination,Val

7、idity and DeficiencyJob PerformanceMeasureActual Job PerformanceContaminationValidityDeficiencyAcceptabilityAffected by Three Categories of Perceived FairnessProceduralInterpersonalOutcomePerformance Measurement ApproachesComparativerankingforced distributionpaired comparisonAttributegraphic rating

8、scalesmixed standard scalesBehavioralcritical incidentsBARS,BOS,and OBMassessment centersResultsMBO_ ProMESThe Quality Approach Ap p r o a c h e s t o Me a s u r i n g Pe r f o r ma n c e:1.Th e Co mp a r a t i v e Ap p r o a c h Ra n k i n g F o r c e d d i s t r i b u t i o n P a i r e d c o mp a

9、r i s o n 2.Th e At t r i b u t e Ap p r o a c h Gr a p h i c r a t i n g s c a l e s Mi x e d s t a n d a r d s c a l e s 3.Th e Be h a v i o r a l Ap p r o a c h Cr i t i c a l i n c i d e n t s BARS Be h a v i o r a l l y a n c h o r e d r a t i n g s c a l e s BOS -Be h a v i o r a l o b s e r v

10、 a t i o n s c a l e s OBM -Or g a n i z a t i o n a l b e h a v i o r mo d i f i c a t i o n As s e s s me n t Ce n t e r s 4.Th e Re s u l t s Ap p r o a c h MBO Ma n a g e me n t b y o b j e c t i v e s P r o MES P r o d u c t i v i t y me a s u r e me n t a n d e v a l u a t i o n 5.Th e To t a

11、l Qu a l i t y Ap p r o a c h (TQM)Approaches to Measuring PerformanceComparison of Approaches to Performance MeasurementApproachStrategicCongruenceValidityReliabilityAcceptabilitySpecificityComparativeAttributeBehavioralResultsTQMpoorLowLowvery lowvery lowLowModestModestmoderategoodvery highhighhig

12、hhighhighhighhighhighhighhighhighvery highhighvery highpoorWHO:Source for Performance Measures Supervisors Peers Subordinates Self CustomersErrors in Performance MeasurementRater Errors Similar to me Contrast Distributional errors Halos/HornsReducing Rater ErrorTwo Approaches:Rater Error TrainingRat

13、er Accuracy TrainingImproving Performance Feedback Give feedback frequently Create the right context for the discussion Have employee do self-evaluation before session Encourage participation during session Praise effective performance Focus on solving problems Focus feedback on behavior or results

14、Minimize criticism Set specific goals and a date to review progressManaging the Performance of Marginal Employees Solid Performers high ability and motivation managers should provide development opportunities Misdirected Effort lack of ability but high motivation managers should provide skill develo

15、pment activities such as training Underutilizers high ability but lack motivation managers need to consider actions that focus on interpersonal problems or incentives Deadwood low ability and motivation managerial action,outplacement,demotion,firing.Legal Requirements ofPerformance Management System

16、s Conduct a valid job analysis related to performance Base system on specific behaviors or results Train raters to use system correctly Review performance ratings and allow for employee appeal Provide guidance/support for poor performers Use multiple ratersEquity Theory on PaymentOUTCOMEINPUTSthe same,more or less?OUTCOMEINPUTSPay,benefits,opportunities,etc.effort,ability,experience etc.


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