Unit1 Growing up Developing ideas(ppt课件)-2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx

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1、 外研版英语 选择性必修第二册 Unit 1 Growing upPeriod 3 Developing ideas&Presenting ideas同步测试题.单词拼写1Bank of Dalian will provide a _(贷款)with low interests.2The vice president will run for the _(选举).3The acquisition of a language is a _(逐渐的)process.4_(正直)is always regarded as an important _(美德)according to traditio

2、nal culture.5Technology makes it possible to communicate with anyone from any part of the world i_.6Whoever with a good knowledge of history will be s_ for the position.7The l_ in the university has free access to amounts of books and resouces.8The drivers l_ was suspended due to speeding and drunk

3、driving.9He works in the l_profession.10He goes to the market with m_ amount of money to make ends meet.11.The people who are the happiest with their lives are able to enjoy and _(珍惜)the present moment.12.They are devoted to protecting the tradition of _(书法).13.His parents were quick to _(拥抱)their s

4、on after Henry had won the game.14.The players had to change their daily _(日常习惯)and lifestyle.15.He was back in the office,updating the work _(日程安排)on the computer.16.He found that it was a _(苦乐参半的end after years of hard work.17.Though he was not a_(寄宿生),the pupil always arrived early and left late.

5、18.People in modern times are trying to have a _(多样化的)and balanced diet to improve their living quality.19.We shall maintain our focus on the needs of the_(顾客).20.Once a decision has been made,all of us should _(坚持)to it.【答案】cherish【答案】calligraphy【答案】embrace【答案】routine【答案】schedule【答案】bittersweet【答案】

6、boarder【答案】varied【答案】customer【答案】stick.单句语法填空1.We welcome his election _ president.2.These courses are _,so you dont have to choose.(elect)3.Do you have a _(reserve)with us,sir?4.The man was _ responsible for the charge.(legal)5.For the house owner,it is _ to go to the house rented without permissio

7、n.(legal)6.This is a lecture _(involve)teenager growth.7.Her voice is_ recognizable.(instant)8.The show was _ instant success.9.I felt extremely nervous _ instant the class began.10.I had about a mile to go _ I needed to turn off.11.I would appreciate it if my application could get your _.(approve)1

8、2.We are expecting the governments _ to public services.(commit)13.He quickly found he loved playing this instrument,and was committed to _ it so that within a couple of months he was playing reasonably well.(practice)aselective reservation legallyillegalinvolvinginstantly an thebeforeapprovalcommit

9、mentpracticing1.be based on/upon 以.为基础2.be related to 与.有关 (近义词:be connected/linked with/to;be involved in;be associated with;have to do with)3.in the long term/in the long run 从长远来看4.be presented with 面对.;被授予.;得到5.stick at 坚持;坚持不懈地做=persevere in stick at ones work;stick with the original plan;stick

10、 to the rules6.now that 既然+句子7.its likely to do 有可能.8.sit an exam 参加考试9.in between 在两者之间地 10.give a presentation=give a speech11.kind regards=sincere regards 亲切地问候12.be/stay/keep away from 远离13.live on ones own 独自生活municate openly with sb 与某人开诚布公的交流15.set my mind at ease 让我放心16.be concerned about 担心

11、./Im concerned that+句子 我担心17.bring back memories 唤起回忆18.bittersweet adj.喜忧参半的III.选词组并用其适当的形式填空。1._ we are all part of the global village,everyone becomes a neighbour.2.Its so cold and I had to jump_to keep warm.3._ they will complete the project on time with much help of the government.4.He could no

12、t spare time to help you because he will _ tomorrow.5.If you want to play an instrument well,youve got to _ it.6.Success of a man _ the choice made by himself.7.He spent _ months on the streets to experience life.8.Dont blame him for breaking that cup;_ he is a child.9.My work will _ facts without g

13、uesses.10.She _ the gift in gratitude for her good service last weekbe related to be presented with up and down stick at after all Its likely that.sit a major exam be based on now that a couple of Now that up and down Its likely thatsit a major exam is related to a couple of after allbe based on was

14、 presented with stick atThe little prince小王子阅读目标:1.读懂故事大意,2.能够完成课后题 3.掌握相关语言知识,语言点NoImageNoImage1.What experience made the author write The Little Prince?2.What kind of person do you think Saint-Exupry was?Read the introduction to Antoine de Saint-Exupry and answer the questions.1.The story was prob

15、ably inspired by his plane crash in the desert in 1935.2.adventurous,talented/gifted in writing,thoughtful.Preview the questions and read the passage aloud with the 2 questions.fairy taleThe Little Prince(Excerpt from The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery)The structure of the textParagraphsM

16、ain ideaPart 1Para1-3 Para 4-5Part 2Para 6-7Para 8Part 3Para 9-12I was deep into a drawing from a book.The grown-ups response to my first drawingThe grown-ups response to my second drawingThe drawing experience made me choose a new profession.Later in my life,I held an attitude towards grown-ups.Onc

17、e when I was six years old,I saw a magnificent picture in a book,called True Stories from Nature,about the primeval forest.It was a picture of a boa constrictor In the act of swallowing an animal.Here is a copy of the drawing.我六岁的时候在一本书里看到了一张非常震撼的图。书的名字是大自然的真实故事,讲的是原始森林。那张图片上有一条蟒蛇正在吞掉一只动物。这是那张图的摹本:1

18、.primeval adj.原始的 远古的a primeval forest 一片原始森林2.magnificent adj.令人震撼的 3.boa constrictor 蟒蛇4.in the act of doing sth 正在做某事5.swallow vt.吞咽 swallow up 吞没5.drawing=picture 图片language point:Inthebookitsaid:Boaconstrictorsswallowtheirpreywhole,withoutchewingit.Afterthattheyarenotabletomove,andtheysleepthro


20、是这样的:1.prey n.猎物2.chew vt.咀嚼3.digestion n.消化digest vt.消化 理解 4.ponder vi.仔细考虑5.succeed in doing 成功做某事4.Ishowedmymasterpiecetothegrown-ups,andaskedthemwhetherthedrawingfrightenedthem我把我的杰作给大人看,问他们有没有被我的画吓到。5.Buttheyanswered:Frighten?Whyshouldanyonebefrightenedbyahat?”但他们回答:“吓到?为什么有人会被一顶帽子吓到?6.Mydrawin


22、但由于大人们没有看懂,我又画了一幅:我画出了蟒蛇身体的内部,这样大人就能看清楚了。所有事情都非要你跟他们解释清楚,他们才能懂。我的“二号画作”是这样的:1.masterpiece n.杰出2.frighten vt.使.害怕3.digest vt.消化 n.摘要4.digest an elephant 5.the grown-ups 大人们6.draw-drew-drawn 绘画7.have sth done 使.被.what do you think the prince may feel like?hopefulsurpriseddisappointednaive creative7.Th



25、ion,andlearnedtopilotairplanesIhaveflownalittleoverallpartsoftheworld:anditistruethatgeographyhasbeenveryusefultome.AtaglanceIcandistinguishChinafromArizona.Ifonegetslostinthenight,suchknowledgeisvaluable.所以后来我选了另一个职业,我开始学习驾驶飞机。世界上每个地方我差不多都去过;地理对我确实很有用。我一眼就能分辨中国和亚利桑那州。如果晚上迷路了,这样的知识很有价值。1.response n.

26、回复 respond v.回复 to 2.advise sb to do 建议3.whether.or 是否devote oneself to n./ving将自己投身于.4.disheartened adj.灰心的be disheartened by 对.灰心5.tiresome adj.辛苦的6.fly-flow-flown 飞行7.distinguish A from B 区分AB distinguished adj.著名的8.get lost 迷路9.such+n.so+adj.10.valuable adj.珍贵的11.be useful to sb 对.有用12.at a glan

27、ce 一瞥9.Inthecourseofthislife,Ihavehadagreatmanyencounterswithagreatmanypeoplewhohavebeenconcernedwithmattersofconsequence.Ihavelivedagreatdealamonggrown-ups.Ihaveseenthemintimately,closeathand.Andthathasntmuchimprovedmyopinionofthem.在生命历程中,我多次遇到过很多关心大事的人。我在大人之中生活了很久。我密切地观察过他们,近在咫尺地看过。然而我对他们的看法还是没有改观



30、他聊桥梁、高尔夫、政治、领带。而这个大人就会很高兴能遇到这样一个明智的人(ExcerptfromTheLittlePrincebyAntoinedeSaint-Exupery)节选自安托万德圣埃克苏佩里的小王子NoImagebring oneself down to ones level 自降到某人的层次be pleased to do 乐意做某事=take delight in doing=be delighted to do 众所周知,小王子是一则童话,但并非是只写给孩子看的童话,作者圣埃克苏佩里将题词献给了一个大人,之所以献给大人,是希望大人能把小王子的故事讲给自己的小时候。小王子用自己


32、的爱与友情视若无睹。与前四者相比,第五颗星球上的点灯人不会使小王子感到可笑,也正如小王子所说的那样:“可能是因为他关心的是别的事,而不是他自己。”旅程至此,小王子好像离自己的目标越来越近,爱从来不是自私的占有。NoImageNoImageNoImageNoImage 第六颗星球要比前面的星球大十倍,上面住着一位老地理学家,只是他并不了解所在星球的地形,面对小王子的询问,他信誓旦旦地说缺少探险家。天真的小王子并未过多追究想法与实践的问题,他从老地理学家那里知道了花儿朝生暮死,担心起他的那朵玫瑰。在老地理学家的建议下,小王子来到了偌大的地球。在地球,他遇到了形形色色的动植物和人,他就像一张白纸,任



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