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1、 1 Unit 10 If you go to the party, youll have a great time! The First Period Section A (1a1c) Teaching aims(教学目标)(教学目标) 1. 掌握 if + will (主将出现)的句式。 2. 能运用 if + will 谈论因果关系。 3. 学会合理的安排事情。 4. 思考自己的梦想并为之努力。 Language points(语言点)(语言点) 1要求掌握以下词汇: 1)名词 n. jeans 2) 动词 v. wear 3) 形容词 adj. famous,usual 4) 词组 w

2、ear jeans, take the bus to, have a great time, be sorry, be late, stay at home, give up (本节课的生词较少,而且单词的拼写比较简单,所以学生学起来不会感到困难,可以鼓励 学生当堂掌握。) 2. 要求掌握以下句式: I think Ill wear jeans to the party. If you do, the teachers wont let you in. Are you going to the party tomorrow night? Who will you go with? Whats

3、your dream? My dream is to be a reporter. Difficulties(难点):掌(难点):掌握握 if+will(主将出现主将出现)的句式的句式 Teaching steps(教学教学步骤)步骤) 1. Warm-up and revision(课堂热身)(课堂热身) Brainstorm and talk about parties, e.g., types of parties, when to have them, whom to invite, what to bring, food and drinks, types of music, gam

4、es/activities. 2. Presentation(呈现(呈现 if+will(主将出现主将出现)的句式)的句式) (1) Ask and answer T: What will you do if it rains tomorrow/your friend is late/you lose your watch/your teacher gives you more homework? S: I will if it rains tomorrow/my friend is late/I lose my watch/my teacher gives me more homework

5、. (教师从前面的歌曲自然导入目标句型,让学生自然地根据提示熟悉并应用句型) (2) Find rules T: What will you do if it rains tomorrow/your friend is late/you lose your watch/your teacher gives you more homework 2 S: I will call him/her if my friend is late. 主句 从句 (教师结合前面的歌曲,自然问答后引入关键句型。) T: Lets find the rules! S: T: If 引导的条状语从句中,当主句_时,从

6、句用_, if 解释为 “_”这就是 主将从现规律。 (教师引导学生总结规律, 并简化要点, 帮助学生从练习中提炼要点, 并回到练习当中去。 ) (3) (4) Read some typical sentences. T: Read together! S: If I get up at 9:00, I will be late. If I am late, my friend will be angry with me. If my friend is angry with me, I will be sad. If you go, you will have a good time. I

7、f you do, you will be happy. (充满韵律的诵唱,可以提高学生语言学习的兴趣。) (4) Exercise T: Make sentences using if. S: (教师分解难度, 突出重点, 引导学生自己总结目标句型的特点, 把学习的主动权给学生, 让学生在使用该句型的时候有了理论的支持,同时再应用到实践中去。) 3. Work on 1a (1) Lead in by asking and answering. T: Write these words in the blanks in the picture above. (教师可以四处走动,以帮助学生将动

8、词正确搭配在相关词组中,也可以让学生发挥 peer assessment 的作用) 4. Work on 1b T: Look, they are having a party. Interview them! S: What will you wear if you go to the party? How will you go there if you go to the party? If you go to the party, who will you go with? Ss: (教师将社会热点结合到教学中,自然地引导学生以采访中国好声音四位导师的形式,渗透 If I _ (go)

9、 to the party , I _ (have) a great time. If I _ (have) a lot of money, I _ (help) others. If she_ (open ) the box, she _ (find) a teddy bear. 3 了 1a 中的目标语言,为 1a 做了良好的铺垫,同时是对前面一个环节的巩固,并降低学习的 难度。) (2) Match. T: Match the statements with the pictures a-d S: 1. _ I think Ill wear jeans to the party. 2.

10、_ I think Ill stay at home. 3. _ I think Ill take the bus to the party. 4. _ I think Ill go to the party with Karen and Anna. 5. Work on 1b (1) Listen and complete the responses in 1a. T: Read the sentence in pairs together. Statements 1. I think Ill wear jeans to the party. 2. I think Ill stay at h

11、ome. 3. I think Ill take the bus to the party. 4.I think Ill go to the party with Karen and Anna. Responses 1. If you do, the teachers wont_. 2. If you do, youll_. 3. If you do, youll_. 4. If you do, youll_. (此处听力部分的内容,同时也是本课时目标语言的集中体现,所以,在完成后,教师可以 带领学生朗读巩固。) (2) Read T: Read the sentences in 2 team

12、s. S: A: I think Ill wear jeans to the party. B: If you do, the teachers wont let you in. A: I think Ill stay at home. B: If you do, youll be sorry. A: I think Ill take the bus to the party. B: If you do, youll be late. A: I think Illgo to the party with Karen and Ann. B: If you do, youll have a gre

13、at time. (听力的内容相对比较长,根据新课程标准,教师有必要对于教材进行适当的编辑采选,所 以,此处将听力部分中体现目标语言的内容进行了整和,同时,简单地渗透了 be going to =will,体现了分层的特点,可以要求程度好的学生掌握。) 6. Work on 1c 4 (turn up 等词组的使用是个难点,此处适当进行解释和强化) 7. Work on 3b T: look at the pictures above and make conversations. S: A: Are you going to the party tomorrow night? B Yes,

14、I am. A: Who will you go with? B: I think Ill go with Karen and Anna. A: If you do, youll have a great time. (根据新课程标准, 教师要尽量搭建学生使用英语的平台, 所以看图对话则很好地使用了教 材资源,让学生进行巩固和 peer assessment。) 8. Work on your dream (1) Guessing game (通过线索的逐步呈现,让学生猜测出王宝强,符合学生的兴趣特点,并有机结合了本课 时主题和梦想。同时对学生也有情感教育的作用。) (2) Pairwork

15、T: Do you have any dreams? S: A: Whats your dream? B: My dream is to be a reporter. A: Can you make it? B: Of course, I think I will make iot A: If you do, you will meet many interesting people. (教师为学生创设了合理的情景,引导学生在主题指引下对于目标句型进行操练。) 9. Summary and exercise (教师在学生使用目标语言后,再引导学生重复目标语言的特点,实现了语言的循环性,起 到了巩固效果,而简单的练习更帮助学生进行诊断和自我反馈) 10. Homework Oral: 熟读 p. 104 Section A 1b 听力部分四个对话并背诵其中一个对话。 Written:用 if 引导的条件句至少造句五句。 (根据学生程度进行口语和书面作业的布置, 不体现在难度上, 而是为了把目标语言的知识 进行更好的巩固。)


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