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1、Unit 1 How can we become good learners?课时课时1 Section A(1a-2d)人教版九年级上人教版九年级上一、从方框中选择合适的单词并用其正确形式填空。一、从方框中选择合适的单词并用其正确形式填空。1.山西中考改编 Reading the first _ of each paragraph before you read the whole text helps you get the main idea quickly.2.To improve my English,I read it _ every morning.3.The teacher o

2、ften asks me to have _ with my deskmate in English in class.textbook,sentence,aloud,conversation,pronunciationsentencealoudconversationstextbook,sentence,aloud,conversation,pronunciation4.He is not good at English and he cant get the _ right.5.Bob needs his math _for the next class,but he cant find

3、it.pronunciationtextbook二、单项选择。二、单项选择。6._ can you become a good learner,Tom?I will listen to the teachers carefully in class.A.What B.Why C.How D.WhenC7.Could you tell me how to pay for the clothes _ scanning QR code(扫描二维码)on the smartphone?Sure,Id love to.A.in B.with C.by D.aboutC【点拨点拨】考查介词考查介词by的用

4、法,意为的用法,意为“通过通过”。根据。根据句意句意“你能告诉我怎样通过扫描智能手机中的二维你能告诉我怎样通过扫描智能手机中的二维码来付衣服的钱吗?码来付衣服的钱吗?”可知,答案选可知,答案选C。8.Can you turn the passage into Chinese?Sorry.Its _ hard _ understand.A.so;that B.such;thatC.enough;to D.too;toD【点拨点拨】so that和和such that连接的是复合句;连接的是复合句;enough to和和too.to连接的是简单句。本题由于第二空后为动词连接的是简单句。本题由于第二

5、空后为动词understand,所以只能选,所以只能选C或或D。结合句意,可知选。结合句意,可知选D。9.2019日照 Just be _;you cant lose your weight in a day.A.careful B.patientC.honest D.braveB【点拨点拨】句意句意“_ 一些,你不可能一天内就减肥成一些,你不可能一天内就减肥成功。功。”根据语境可知,此处指根据语境可知,此处指“耐心一点耐心一点”。故选。故选B。10.2019 青海 You have made such great progress on your English.Thanks.I belie

6、ve _ you work,_ you will be.A.the less;the betterB.the harder;the betterC.the better;the worseB【点拨点拨】考查考查“the 比较级比较级.,the比较级比较级.”的句的句型结构,表示型结构,表示“越越,越越”。三、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。三、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。11.小组学习怎么样?What about _ _ _?working/studying with a group12.当我们处于危险中时,我们应该向警察求助。When we are in danger,we should

7、 _ the police _ _.askfor help13.亨利明天一到就给我们做报告。Henry will _ _ _ for us as soon as he arrives tomorrow.give a report14.你需要时间才能提高写作。It _ _ for you to improve your writing.takes time15.这篇文章你需要逐字地阅读。You need to read the article _ _ _.word by word四、补全对话。四、补全对话。A:Are you busy with your schoolwork,Han Mei?B

8、:Yes,I am,especially with my English._16 Sometimes I find it hard to learn it well.A.I usually listen to tapes.B.How do you learn English?C.Well,I usually take grammar notes.D.Are you afraid to make any mistakes?E.Do you think it important to read aloud?F.Why dont you ask him or her to speak slowly?

9、G.And it helps you understand something better by communicating with others.BA:_17 And it can help me a lot.B:But when your teacher speaks so fast in class,how can you write down the notes?A.I usually listen to tapes.B.How do you learn English?C.Well,I usually take grammar notes.D.Are you afraid to

10、make any mistakes?E.Do you think it important to read aloud?F.Why dont you ask him or her to speak slowly?G.And it helps you understand something better by communicating with others.CA:You should only write down the key words._18B:Thats a good idea._19A:Yes,I do.And it is a good way to improve your

11、pronunciation.A.I usually listen to tapes.B.How do you learn English?C.Well,I usually take grammar notes.D.Are you afraid to make any mistakes?E.Do you think it important to read aloud?F.Why dont you ask him or her to speak slowly?G.And it helps you understand something better by communicating with

12、others.FEA.I usually listen to tapes.B.How do you learn English?C.Well,I usually take grammar notes.D.Are you afraid to make any mistakes?E.Do you think it important to read aloud?F.Why dont you ask him or her to speak slowly?G.And it helps you understand something better by communicating with other

13、s.B:Is it useful to study with a group?A:Yes,it is._20B:OK.Your advice is very helpful to me.Thanks a lot.A:Youre welcome.G课时课时2 Section A(3a3b)人教版九年级上人教版九年级上Unit 1 How can we become good learners?一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。1.I looked at her,trying to read the _(表情)on her face.2.Jane thinks spe

14、lling and good _(语法)are both important.3.We _(发现)this great restaurant while traveling around the town.expressiongrammardiscovered4.Sometimes body language can help us get the _ (意思)of a word.5.After talking with Mrs.Li,I _(意识到)the importance of learning English well.meaningrealized二、单项选择。二、单项选择。6.2

15、019 广东 We should take care of the earth _ we can make a better world to live in.A.so that B.until C.even if D.whileA【点拨点拨】句意为:我们应该关心地球,这样我们才句意为:我们应该关心地球,这样我们才能创造一个更好的世界去居住。根据此两句的关联,能创造一个更好的世界去居住。根据此两句的关联,可知选可知选A。7.2018安徽 What is the _ of your excellent spoken English?Practice makes perfect!A.result

16、B.influenceC.duty D.secretD【点拨点拨】“你口语特别好的秘诀是什么?你口语特别好的秘诀是什么?熟能生熟能生巧!巧!”result结果;结果;influence影响;影响;duty职责;职责;secret秘秘诀。故选诀。故选D。8.2019安徽 Can you stay a little longer?I have _ more to tell you about the plan for tomorrow.A.something B.everythingC.anything D.nothingA【点拨点拨】句意:你能呆长点时间吗?关于明天的计划我有句意:你能呆长点时间

17、吗?关于明天的计划我有更多的事情要告诉你。更多的事情要告诉你。something某事,常用于肯定句或某事,常用于肯定句或征询意见的疑问句;征询意见的疑问句;everything所有的事,用于任何句式所有的事,用于任何句式中;中;anything某事,常用于否定句或疑问句中;某事,常用于否定句或疑问句中;nothing没有什么,表示否定。结合本题句意,可知选没有什么,表示否定。结合本题句意,可知选A。9.2018 眉山 We find _ impossible for us _ a foreign language well in a short time.A.one;learn B.it;to

18、 learnC.that;to learn D.this;learningB【点拨点拨】考查考查it作形式宾语的用法,其句型结构为:作形式宾语的用法,其句型结构为:find it 形容词形容词to do。故选。故选B。10.How did you improve your spoken English?Besides talking with my partner,I improved it by practicing the conversations in English movies _.A.too B.either C.as well D.alsoC【点拨点拨】四个选项均有四个选项均有

19、“又,也又,也”之意。之意。as well可作状语可作状语常位于句末,无须用逗号与句子分开;常位于句末,无须用逗号与句子分开;too常用于肯定句常用于肯定句且置于句末;且置于句末;also一般位于肯定句中的谓语实义动词之前;一般位于肯定句中的谓语实义动词之前;either常用于否定句的句末,一般要用逗号与句子分开。常用于否定句的句末,一般要用逗号与句子分开。三、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一三、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。词。11.张明害怕提问,因为他的发音不好。Zhang Ming _ _ _ ask questions because of his poor pronunciation.

20、is afraid to12.重要的是你应该听关键词。Its important that you should listen for_ _ _.thekey words13.2019随州 我能通过查字典找到生词的意思。I can find the meaning of the new words by _ them _ in a dictionary.lookingup14.2019襄阳改编 襄阳是一座如此古老而又美丽的城市,以至于我已经深深地爱上了她。Xiangyang is such an ancient and beautiful city that I have _ _ _ _ he

21、r deeply.fallen in love with15.中国传统音乐有助于我们对中国文化有一个更好的理解。Traditional Chinese music helps us have _ _ _ of Chinese culture.a better understanding四、从方框中选择合适的词并用其正确形式填空。四、从方框中选择合适的词并用其正确形式填空。Im glad to hear from you.From your letter,I know youve _16 in love with Chinese.You want me to give you some usef

22、ul advice on _ 17 to learn it well.The following is what I want to say.interest,aloud,fall,how,sentence,review,they,pronounce,skill,gofallenhowFirst,read your textbook again and again.If possible,read it _18.You know,if you want to speak a language,you must _ 19 the words in a right way,or others ca

23、nt understand what you say.interest,aloud,fall,how,sentence,review,they,pronounce,skill,goaloudpronounceSecond,try to talk with your friends in Chinese,especially with your Chinese friends.You can learn how to make up right _20 from them.You can even understand what _ 21 words mean from their body l

24、anguage.interest,aloud,fall,how,sentence,review,they,pronounce,skill,gosentencestheirThird,read as many Chinese books as you can.In order to improve your reading _22,youd better find the key words first.The key words help you understand the article.interest,aloud,fall,how,sentence,review,they,pronou

25、nce,skill,goskillsAs time _ 23 by,your reading speed will increase.Then you will read faster and faster.For language learning,reading something you are _ 24 in is the key to success.interest,aloud,fall,how,sentence,review,they,pronounce,skill,gogoesinterestedLast,review the things you have learned a

26、s often as possible.As the saying goes,“Get new knowledge by _25 the old.”interest,aloud,fall,how,sentence,review,they,pronounce,skill,goreviewing课时课时3 Section A(Grammar Focus-4c)人教版九年级上人教版九年级上Unit 1 How can we become good learners?一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。1.Of all the subjects,I like_(物理)bes

27、t.2.The_(化学)teacher has a special way to make his students interested in his classes.3.Excuse me,would you please_(重复)what you said just now?I didnt hear you clearly.physicschemistryrepeat4.Zhang Hui was my best_(伙伴)in my childhood.5.I usually practice my English by_(记忆)sentence patterns.palmemorizi

28、ng二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。6.Do you often memorize new words by _(make)vocabulary lists?making7.Dont worry about _(miss)your lessons.Ill help you with them.missing8.We should play a part in _(protect)plants and animals.protecting9.Lily is looking forward to _(travel)to Beijing with her pare

29、nts.traveling10.Mrs Wang left the classroom without _(say)anything.saying三、单项选择。三、单项选择。11.How do you study for a test?_working with friends.A.By B.With C.On D.InA12.原创题 Tom is standing _ the window,looking at the birds in the tree.A.for B.by C.in D.onB13.How do you spend your free time,Sally?I spend

30、 it by _ to music.A.listen B.listeningC.listens D.listenedB14.Who taught you Japanese?Nobody.I learned it _ myself.A.at B.for C.by D.toC15.Have you ever been to Mountain Tai?Yes.I went there with my parents _ train last summer holiday.A.on B.about C.with D.byD四、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空词数不限。四、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空词数不限。

31、16.Tom learns math _(通过做大量练习题).by doing lots of exercises17.You can learn chemistry_(通过做笔记).by taking notes18.I improve my English writing _ _(通过用英语写日记).by keeping diariesin English19.Miss Wu advised me to remember the words _(通过制作单词卡片).by making word cards20.I often keep in touch with my friends _(

32、通过给他们写电子邮件).by writing e-mails to them_25 After graduation,I found a job in England and I have worked here since then.Now I have no difficulty in talking with people in English.CA.In my opinion,learning English is a long way.B.Thanks to her,I had a good habit of learning English.C.Through my hard wo

33、rk,I later went to college and studied English culture.D.When I was in the middle school,I learned the most important part of English,grammar.E.I improved my spoken English by speaking a lot.F.I began to have English classes when I was in primary school.G.Let me tell you some secrets to English lear

34、ning.课时课时4 Section B(1a1e)人教版九年级上人教版九年级上Unit 1 How can we become good learners?一、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。一、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1.We should try to practice English with our _(partner)in a group.2.Do you have good _(solution)on how to learn English well?3.Jim _(pronunciation)Chinese badly.You should help him a lot.

35、partnerspronouncessolutions4.His _(speak)English is not as good as mine.5.Youd better find a pen pal if you dont get much _ (write)practice.writingspoken二、单项选择。二、单项选择。6.Smoking can _the risk of developing heart disease,so give up smoking!A.discover B.increaseC.rise D.memorizeB7.I often make mistakes

36、 _ grammar.Why not ask your English teacher _ help?A.in;for B.in;toC.at;to D.at;forA8.2019 青岛 As middle school students,we _ follow the public rules wherever we go.A.would B.should C.might D.couldB9.Whats the _ of the car?Its about 100 kilometers an hour.A.place B.price C.speed D.patternC10.易错题 I do

37、nt have a partner to practice English _.Why not join an English language club to practice _.A./;speaking B.with;speakC./;to speak D.with;speakingD三、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。三、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。11.我的问题是我不能发准这些生词的音。My problem is that I cant _ the pronunciation of the new words _.getright12.你能给我一些如何提高阅读速度的建议吗?Can

38、 you give me some advice on _ _ _ my reading speed?how toincrease13.他总是在拼写方面出现错误。He always _ _ _ spelling.makes mistakes in14.学好英语最好的方法之一就是进行大量的阅读训练。One of the best ways of learning English well is toget _ _ _.much reading practice15.我需要一个一起练习跳舞的同伴。I need a partner to _ _ _.practice dancing with四、阅读

39、理解。四、阅读理解。16.Lisa thinks it is a good idea to _.A.teach English in schools in her countryB.teach other subjects in EnglishC.learn scienceD.learn math请同学们看请同学们看点拨训练点拨训练第第5页原文。页原文。B【点拨点拨】根据根据Lisa所在的原文第三段中句子所在的原文第三段中句子I think its a really good ideaof course,the teachers English should be good.可知答案。可知答案

40、。17.Which of the following does Paola agree with?A.English is difficult to learn.B.Its good to create new words.C.Many Italian words are from English.D.Its good to borrow words from English.C【点拨点拨】根据根据Paola所在的原文第四段中句子所在的原文第四段中句子In Italian there are lots of English words like weekend,stress,OK and co

41、ok.可知答案。可知答案。18.What are the four people talking about?A.How they learn English.B.Learning or using English.C.Why English is important.D.English teaching in their countriesD【点拨点拨】阅读原文可知四位谈论的是英语的学习和使用阅读原文可知四位谈论的是英语的学习和使用问题。问题。课时课时5 Section B(2a2e)人教版九年级上人教版九年级上Unit 1 How can we become good learners?一

42、、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。1.Reading more books can increase our k and open our eyes.2.Mike is a in class.He likes answering the teachers questions.3.It took them more than six months to c this TV programme.nowledgectivereate/complete4.2019 青岛 People who learn w and well will achieve their dre

43、ams more easily.5.Enough sleep can make our b work better and think clearly.iselyrains二二、单项选择。、单项选择。6.2019 武汉 Have you _ chemistry for the coming exam?Yes.Im quite ready for it.A.repeated B.copiedC.marked D.reviewedD7.What should I do to improve my spoken English?You need to pay attention _ as much

44、as you can.A.speaking B.to speakC.spoken D.to speakingD8.You will still miss the flight _ you catch a Didi car.A.even if B.as ifC.until D.beforeA9.Mr.Wang loves teaching a lot,and he has decided to take it as his _ work since he started his teaching.A.lifelong B.successfulC.perfect D.interestingA10.

45、2019绥化 I think youll miss the train _ you hurry up.A.if B.and C.unlessC三、从方框中选择合适的短语并用其正确形式完成句子。三、从方框中选择合适的短语并用其正确形式完成句子。11.Lets stop talking and _what the guide is saying.be born with,pay attention to,take notes,in common,depend onpay attention to12.Kate _a great talent in music.She is sure to beco

46、me a musician.be born with,pay attention to,take notes,in common,depend onwas born with13.Liu Dan and I have a lot _.For example,we both like Chinese and English.be born with,pay attention to,take notes,in common,depend onin common14.Its true that a students success _ his good learning habits.be bor

47、n with,pay attention to,take notes,in common,depend ondepends on15.Its a good habit to _in class.be born with,pay attention to,take notes,in common,depend ontake notes四、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。四、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。16.无论你是否忙,请花一些时间读书。_ you are busy _ _,please spend some time reading books.Whether or not17.请将所学知

48、识与现实生活联系起来。Please _ what you have learned _ your real life.connect with18.对一门学科产生兴趣很重要。Its important _ _ _ _ _ one subject.to create aninterest in19.我们必须从错误中汲取教训。We must _ _ _.learn from mistakes20.我们应该寻找解决问题的方法。We should _ _ _ _ _ the problem.look for ways tosolve五、综合填空。五、综合填空。English is a foreign

49、language for the Chinese.Its hard to learn,and its _21 to forget.What should we do to learn English well?Here is some advice.easyFirstly,its a good way to improve your English by _22(read).However,you cant try to translate every word _ 23 you are reading English articles.readingwhileSecondly,do _24(

50、much)listening exercises.You should _ 25 the sentences out loud after you hear them.Its good for your _ 26(pronounce).Some listening materials(材料),like numbering the pictures in order or finding the _ 27 in the sentences and then correcting them,offer exercises to you.These are good for improving yo


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