《跨境电商实用英语》课件Unit 4-Chapter 1.pptx

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1、Product Information Inquiry跨境电商实用英语 Chapter 1Unit 4 On-sale Services of Cross-border E-commerce跨境电商系列教材Acquire basic knowledge about the online communication tools 1Use appropriate expressions to introduce a product to customers2Master the skills of replying to customers inquiry clearly and professi

2、onally3Learning GoalsAfter studying this chapter,you are expected to:PART ONEWarming-upPART 1Warming-upWork in group.Look at what the following people say or do and express your own opinions with your group members.Try to relate to your personal experience.A.An experienced seller said,“The success r

3、ate of the order will be up to 70%if the seller can respond to the buyers inquiry within 1 hour.”PART 1Warming-upB.Cross-border E-commerce sellers can communicate with customers fast and conveniently through various online chat software.Skype,WhatsApp,Viber,Foxmail and TradeManager are some of the m

4、ain chat tools.PART TWOPassage ReadingPART 2Passage Reading On the Cross-border E-commerce platform,the seller will usually introduce the products(or services)in details on the description page,including product quality,color,specifications,size,materials,modes of sale,etc.Customers buy goods(or ser

5、vices)by choosing a platform,intending to buy the commodity(or service)that is cost-effective,safe,reliable,and with comprehensive information.As customers cannot see the real products(services)through online shopping,they can only judge the products through the pictures,descriptions and customer re

6、views on website(or APP).Customers are more concerned about the consistency of the products and the advertising.In this case,customers will inquire of the customer service staff about the products through e-mail or social media.Customer service staff should be proficient in professional knowledge ab

7、out all the products,have good promotional skills,respond timely and effectively,so as to put away customers worries before buying products,promote customers to purchase and improve customer conversion rate.Product Information Inquiry Product quality is the foundation and source of healthy developme

8、nt of e-commerce,and the core competitiveness of sustainable management of a company.As the e-commerce platforms only provide pictures and description of products,buyers are unable to determine the quality.Before ordering the products,the buyer may inquire about the quality of them.Customer service

9、staff should be patient and truthfully answer the corresponding questions about quality,trying to win orders.PART 2Passage Reading When sellers release a product,they should describe the product materials accurately,especially for products like bags and shoes.The price will differ a lot for differen

10、t materials they use.The price of some leather products like bags and shoes are high,so the buyer will worry about the authenticity of the material.Receiving such inquiries about the material,the seller should communicate with the buyer sincerely.It is best to attach some relevant customer reviews t

11、o eliminate buyers doubts and promote the transaction.PART 2Passage Reading Besides product quality and materials,color is also an important factor to attract buyers to place and order.Some buyers may be interested in the product,but the color provided may not meet their demand.For these buyers,the

12、seller should carefully understand the individual needs,and actively guide them to place an order.PART 2Passage ReadingPART 2Passage Reading As for product specifications and size issues,the seller will generally describe on the product details page,but it does not exclude some buyers who will ignor

13、e this information.In the event of inquiries about product specifications and size,the seller should repeat the detailed specifications and size of the product and guide the buyer to confirm the specifications and size on the product details page again.In addition,some products of Cross-border E-com

14、merce are for domestic sales,so there will be size issues,especially for products like clothing and shoes.There are many disputes arising from different size standards,so it is a troublesome problem for many sellers.How to avoid such disputes?In addition to carefully set the size chart,the seller sh

15、ould respond the size questions in details and with patience,which will play a significant role in avoiding disputes and improving customer experience and satisfaction.New Wordsspecification spesfken n.1New Worda detailed description of how sth is,or should be,designed or made 规格;规范 e.g.)The toy has

16、 been produced exactly to our specifications.这些玩具完全按我们的规格生产。)Examination confirmed that the quality of the products was up to specification.经检查,产品质量合格。返回commoditykmdti n.01New Word2a product or a raw material that can be bought and sold 商品e.g.)Crude oil is the worlds most important commodity.原油是世界上最

17、重要的商品。)There is a growing demand for commodities.对商品的需求不断增长。返回reliablerlabl adj.New Word3that can be trusted to do things well;that you can rely on可信赖的;可依靠的 e.g.)We are looking for salesmen who is reliable and hard-working.我们在物色可靠且勤奋的人。)Cars made in German are so reliable.德国制造的汽车是靠得住的。返回comprehensiv

18、e kmprhensv adj.New Word4including all,or almost all,the items,details,facts,information,etc.,that may be concerned全部的;所有的;详尽的e.g.)All the products are labeled with comprehensive instructions.所有的产品均标有详尽的使用说明。)The government gave a comprehensive explanation of its plans for industry.政府对其工业发展计划做了全面的解释

19、。返回consistency knsstnsi n.5New Wordthe quality of always behaving in the same way or of having the same standard,etc.;the quality of being consistent 一致性;连贯性 e.g.)She has played with great consistency all season.她整个赛季表现相当稳定。)We need to ensure the consistency of service to our customers.我们对客户要确保服务的连贯

20、性。返回proficient prfnt adj.01New Word6able to do sth well because of training and practice熟练的;娴熟的;精通的;训练有素的 e.g.)Shes proficient in several languages.她精通好几种语言。)Hes proficient at his job.他的工作效率很高。返回 promotional prmnl adj.New Word7connected with advertising 广告宣传的;推销的e.g.)We can use the logo in all our p

21、romotional products.我们可以将这个标志用在所有的促销产品中。)Discounts and promotional activities will draw more consumers.折扣和促销活动将吸引更多消费者。返回foundation fanden n.New Word8a principle,an idea or a fact that sth is based on and that it grows from基本原理;根据;基础 e.g.)Communication and understanding provide a solid foundation fo

22、r customer relationship.沟通和理解是客户关系的牢固基础。)The complaint is totally without foundation.这起投诉毫无事实根据。返回sustainable sstenbl adj.9New Wordthat can continue or be continued for a long time可持续的 e.g.)Our focus is on sustainable development.我们的焦点在可持续发展上。)The present policy may not be sustainable.目前的政策也许并不能持续下去

23、。返回correspondingkrspnd adj.01New Word10matching or connected with sth that you have just mentioned相应的;相关的 e.g.)Profits have risen by 15 per cent compared with the corresponding period last year.与去年同期相比利润增长了15%。)Given each picture a number corresponding to its position on the page.按所在页面位置给每一幅图片编上相对应的

24、号码。返回 release rli:s v.New Word11to make sth available to the public 公开;公布;发布e.g.)The new products will be released onto the market in May.新产品将在5月投放到市场。)The government have released no further details about the project.关于这个项目,政府没有透露更多的细节。返回authenticity:entsti n.New Word12the quality of being genuine

25、or true真实性;确实性 e.g.)The authenticity of the material is beyond doubt.产品材料真实性毫无疑问。)The leader of the department emphasized the importance of the authenticity and accuracy of the data.部门领导强调了数据真实性和准确性的重要性。返回eliminatelmnet v.13New Wordto remove or get rid of sth/sb排除;清除;消除 e.g.)Credit cards eliminate t

26、he need to carry a lot of cash.有了信用卡就用不着携带很多现金。)We have eliminated all statistical tables,which are of interest only to the specialist.我们删去了全部统计表格,只有专家才对这些表格感兴趣。返回transactiontrnzkn n.01New Word14a piece of business that is done between people,especially an act of buying or selling交易;业务;买卖e.g.)They w

27、ere uncertain of the total value of the transaction.他们还不确定这笔交易的总价值是多少。)He is always in the middle of business transaction.他总是忙着做生意。返回excludeksklu:d v.New Word15to deliberately not include sth in what you are doing or considering不包括;不放在考虑之列e.g.)We should not exclude the possibility of negotiation.我们不

28、应该排除谈判的可能性。)The price has been excluded from the cost of shipping.价格未包括运输成本。返回ignore gn:(r)v.New Word16to pay no attention to忽视;对不予理会 e.g.)They completely ignore these facts as if they never existed.他们完全忽略了这些事实,就仿佛它们不存在似的。)I made a suggestion but they chose to ignore it.我提了个建议,但他们不予理会。返回disputedspju

29、:t n.17New Wordan argument or a disagreement between two people,groups or countries;discussion about a subject where there is disagreement 争论;辩论;争端;纠纷 e.g.)The cause of the accident was still in dispute.事故的原因仍在争议之中。)India and Nepal have sorted out their trade and security dispute.印度和尼泊尔以及解决了贸易与安全方面的

30、争端。返回troublesometrblsm adj.01New Word18causing trouble,pain,etc.over a long period of time令人烦恼的;讨厌的;令人痛苦的e.g.)The economy has become a troublesome issue for the Conservative Party.经济状况已成为保守党的一大难题。)Managing money is both trivial and troublesome.理财是一件琐杂而又麻烦的事。返回Phrases&Expressionsintend to 打算(做),想要(做)

31、01P&E e.g.)I intend to take full advantage of this APP to buy the things we need.我打算充分利用这个APP来购买我们所需的物品。)They intend to claim for damages against the supplier.他们打算向供货商生索要损害赔偿。Phrases&Expressions01P&E02be concerned about 关心;挂念Phrases&Expressions e.g.)More and more people begin to be concerned about o

32、ur natural environment.越来越多的人开始关心我们的自然环境。)You should be concerned about the needs of potential customers.你应该关心潜在客户的需求。P&E03conversion rate 转化率 e.g.)A high customer conversion rate depends on many factors.高的客户转化率取决于很多因素。)Increasing conversion rate is an extremely powerful way of increasing your sales

33、.提高转化率是提高销售额非常有力的方式。Phrases&ExpressionsP&E04core competitiveness 核心竞争力Phrases&Expressions e.g.)Talent is the core competitiveness of the enterprise.人才是企业的核心竞争力。)Improving abilities of independent innovation is the key to enhancethe core competitiveness of firm.提高自主创新能力是企业提升核心竞争力的关键。meet ones demand

34、满足某人的需求05P&E e.g.)Meeting customers demand is the ultimate goal of our company.满足客户需求是我们公司的最终目标。)Our shop will release new products every month to meet different customers demand.我们店铺将每月推出新产品以满足不同客户的需求。Phrases&ExpressionsP&E06individual needs 个人需要 e.g.)You really need to have a desire to help custom

35、ers with their individual needs.你确实要有意愿去帮助顾客来满足他们的个人需求。)The development of the business platform should satisfy the individual needs of target customers.业务平台的发展应该满足目标客户的个人需要。Phrases&ExpressionsP&E07domestic sales 内销Phrases&Expressions e.g.)Many Chinese state-owned enterprises rely almost entirely on

36、 domesticsales.许多中国国企几乎完全依赖国内销售。)Domestic market sales remained stable.国内市场销售保持平稳。arise from 产生于,起因于08P&E e.g.)Any dispute that may arise from under this contract shall be settled by arbitration.本合同所发生的一切争议将通过仲裁解决。)Misunderstanding may arise from the improper analysis of the problems.如果问题分析不当,便可能造成误

37、解。Phrases&ExpressionsTask 1 Work in pairs.Read the passage and answer the following questions.1Why are some customers concerned about the consistency of the products and the advertising?2What can customer service staff do to put away the worries of customers before they buy products?3What should sel

38、ler do when they receive buyers inquiry about specification and size of the product?Task 2 1.We use automated systems to confirm the _ of credit card purchases.2.Science and technology hold the key to Chinas economic prosperity and _ development.3.Figures _ yesterday show retail sales were down in M

39、arch.4.Today,culture branding and creative industry have become part of the _of modern cities.5.These changes _ differences in climate and the nature of the country.6.They have made huge profit out of the _.7.Our site must cater to the _ of visitors.8.Resolving the_will require a mood of conciliatio

40、n on both sides.Complete the following sentences with the words or phrases in the box.Change the form if necessary.authenticity sustainable release core competitiveness arise from transaction individual needs disputeTask 3 1.我们将继续与供应商合作,调节存货,以满足客户需求。(meet ones demand)_2.该国目前的困难起因于其货币的贬值。(arise from)

41、_3.风险不可能完全消除,但可以通过防范和培训来降低。(eliminate)_4.产业园区的建设对城市的可持续发展起到了至关重要的作用。(sustainable)_5.这一争端与谈判没有直接联系。(dispute)_ 6.货币供应量的改变随即引起支出的相应改变。(corresponding)_Translate the following sentences into English,using the expressions in brackets.We will continue to work with our suppliers to manage inventories to mee

42、t customers needs.The countrys present difficulties arise from the reduced value of its money.You should never eliminate risk,but preparation and training could reduce it.The construction of industrial parks plays a crucial role in citys sustainable development.The dispute is not directly connected

43、to the negotiations.A change in the money supply brings a corresponding change in expenditure.PART THEREReal Case Analysis 卖家在处理国外买家的询盘时,要确保询盘回复的及时性和有效性。因时差的存在,卖家可以根据买家时差上班时间来回复,也可以按照客户当地上班时间设置邮件发送时间。此外,卖家在处理询盘时要讲究方法得当,为尽快争取订单打下基础。要掌握3C原则,即Clearness(清楚)、Conciseness(简洁)、Courtesy(礼貌)。要做到能清晰地回答客户提出的问题,

44、将产品或公司信息清晰地展示给客户;尽可能使用简洁的词汇和句子,不需要长篇大论地介绍公司或店铺;多用“please,help,kindly,could,thank you,appreciate”等礼貌性的词语来回复询盘,以取得买家的好感和信任。PART 3Real Case Analysis 卖家在应对不满意、不高兴的买家时,请记住收到投诉信后要立即予以回复。态度诚恳,措辞得体,语气恰如其分。如果不能给予圆满的答复,要向对方说明此事正在调查之中,承诺过后给予回复并给出时限。在回复投诉信时,高明的卖家会感谢买家的投诉,表示赞同买家的观点并且就发生的事情表示歉意,说明采取了哪些措施来解决问题。可以的

45、话,给对方送一份小礼物或代金券。PART 3Real Case Analysis询问Sample 1关于产品价格的询问和回复Hi,seller,how much is this hairpin?回复Sample 1 关于产品价格的询问和回复Dear friend,Thanks a lot for your inquiry.We value the chance to do business with you.The price of the hairpin you are interested is$5.If you order a quantity of 10,we can offer yo

46、u the bulk price of$4.5 with free shipping.We look forward to your early reply.Best Regards,当买家收到卖家的询价时,回复函应包含感谢买家询价、希望与买家建立业务关系、说明产品零售报价以及批发价等。询问Sample 2关于产品质量的询问和回复 Hi,how about the quality of the stuffed toys?Are they made from environmental friendly materials and tested by the National Quality C

47、ontrol Department?回复Sample 2 关于产品质量的询问和回复Dear friend,Thank you for your inquiry.Our stuffed toys are of very good quality and obtained favorable comments from customers.We only use environmental friendly materials and we can guarantee that the stuffed toys are well up to all standards.We are looking

48、 forward to receiving your order early.Yours truly,xxx 由于跨境电商平台仅仅提供产品图片和产品文字描述,买家无法直观把握产品质量,因此部分买家在下单前会就质量问题进行咨询。卖家应感谢买家咨询,并如实友好地回答相应的质量疑问,让买家放心购买。询问Sample 3关于产品材料的询问和回复Hi,this ladys handbag looks nice.Is it made of 100%genuine leather?回复Sample 3 关于产品材料的询问和回复Dear friend,Thanks for your interests in

49、our item.This handbag is the bestseller in our store.The handbag is made of 100%genuine chamois.Dont worry about the material.You can refer to the feedbacks from our buyers.Please contact us if you have any problems.Best Regards,xxx 一些产品,例如包、鞋类往往因材质的不同在售价上存在较大的差距。上述询盘中,买家对于女士手包是否100%真皮材质存在一定的担忧。为打消买

50、家的顾虑,卖家给予了明确回复,并附上已购买该类产品的其他买家评价来进一步加强该买家对于产品材质的信任度,争取订单成交。询问Sample 4关于产品规格的询问和回复Hi,do you have this ladys handbag?Would you please tell me the specification about it?Thank you.回复Sample 4 关于产品规格的询问和回复Dear friend,The ladys handbag you are interested in is this years latest style.The detailed size is


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