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1、A1 TEM 4 Writing n 2010年年TEM试卷试卷nPart VI WRITING (45MIN)nSection A COMPOSITION (35MIN)n It was recently reported in a newspaper that six students who shared a dorm at a local university hired a cleaner to do laundry and cleaning once a week.And each of them paid her 60 Yuan a month.This has led to a

2、 heated debate as to whether college students should hire cleaners.nWrite on ANSWER SHEET THREE a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:nShould College Students Hire Cleaners?A2nYou are to write in three parts.nIn the first part,state clearly what your view is.nIn the second part,sup

3、port your view with appropriate reasons.nIn the last part,bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.nMarks will be awarded for content,organization,grammar and appropriateness.Failure to follow the instruction may result in a loss of marks.A3专四作文要求专四作文要求专四作文要求:根据所给作文题目、提纲、专四作文

4、要求:根据所给作文题目、提纲、数据等,数据等,在在35分钟内写分钟内写200单词的左右的作单词的左右的作文,分值文,分值15分分,要求:切题、完整、条理清,要求:切题、完整、条理清楚、结构严谨、语法正确、语言通顺、表达楚、结构严谨、语法正确、语言通顺、表达得体。体裁为得体。体裁为议论文、说明文议论文、说明文(记叙文、描(记叙文、描写文没有考过但不能排除)。写文没有考过但不能排除)。A4一、一、分析往届真题,判断作文命题方式分析往届真题,判断作文命题方式 年份 主题或题目 题材 体裁 题型1995大学生打工利与弊 学生业余生活 议论文 利弊比较1996大学生活与中学生活的不同 学生生活 说明文

5、对比说明1997专业学习压力利或弊 学生学习 议论文 观点议论1998一种解决城市空气污染的办法 环境 说明文 提出建议1999电视广告的利或弊 社会现象 议论文 利弊讨论2000课外活动的重要性 学生生活 说明文 观点说明2001旅游开阔视野 大众生活 说明文 观点说明2002保持健康的最好办法 大众生活 说明文 提出建议2003保持好心情的重要性 大众生活 说明文 观点说明2004电话是否会代替写信?社会现象 议论文 观点议论A52005为艺术节提建议 校园文化生活 说明文 提出建议2006攒钱/还是花明天的钱 大众生活 议论文 观点议论2007网上交友理智吗 学生业余生活 议论文 观点议

6、论2008做志愿者的好处 学生业余生活 说明文 观点议论2009旅游伤害环境吗 社会现象 议论文 观点议论2010大学生聘用清洁工吗 学生业余生活 议论文 观点议论2011 私有车能交污染税吗?大众生活 议论文 观点议论2012 端午节 大众生活 说明文 说明介绍2013 节约花钱 大众生活 议论文 说明观点2014 英语专业学生学数学 大学生学业 议论文 观点议论 A6n二、专业四级二、专业四级命题的特点命题的特点*题材题材常常涉及到学生生活学生生活,如学习、文化、课外活动、文化艺术节等,大众生活如身体健康的方法、心情愉快的重要性和旅游的作用等,一些社会热点问题和现象,如网络、环境、科技的负

7、面影响和私家车等话题。*体裁体裁以说明文说明文和议论文议论文为主,有时会有二者的配合使用。如“保持好心情的重要性”,首先要阐述出几个重要性,属于说明文;然后在分析为什么要那样做,属于议论文。因此有的作文以说明文为主,有的以议论文为主。A7 *题型题型n1)比较选择类作文1995,1996,1999,n2)意义、重要性、危害性说明类作文2000,2001,2003,2006,2008,n3)观点论证类作文1997,2002,2004,2007,2009,2010,2011 n4)提出建议、解决问题类作文1998,2005。A8三、三、写作步骤写作步骤1.审清指令审清指令 理解指令是写作考试至关重

8、要的环节,因为指令包括了对作文主题、发展方式等方面的要求。例 The Best Way to Stay Healthy审题关键:the BEST way -doing exercises?-keeping a balanced diet?-having enough sleep?A92.列出写作提纲写作提纲 将主题思想具体化、条理化。n理清思路,使文章有章可循,有理可依。n保证不跑题,有利于整体布局。n短语句子均可,自己看得懂即可。例 The Best Way to Stay Healthythe BEST way -doing exercisesREASONS:1.physically st

9、rong(lung,heart,blood circulation)2.Help to improve appetite 3.Help to release pressure-relaxation4.Help to build confidence(by race,competition)-mentally strong conclusionA103.确定主题句确定主题句:主题句是确保不跑题的前提。写主题句最保险的方法就是将考试提示中的关键句,甚至标题加以灵活应用,考生可以直接把它扩充为主题句topic sentence。4.安排结构安排结构 指令对文章的结构有规定:第一段明确观点(简单导入和

10、主题思想句);第二段提供理由和事例(主题句和有说服力的细节和事件-一定是具体的例子和事件,不要空虚的套话);第三段归纳总结(使用表示总结的词汇或词组,不要引出新观点)。A115.草稿写作草稿写作 按照拟订的提纲进行充实,补充必要的细节。在打草稿的过程中可以不局限于提纲,任意发挥。以提纲为指导,对主题思想整体布局,通盘考虑。可以对提纲进行调整和修改。6.适当修改适当修改 主题思想明确,文章不偏题;细节与主题密切相关;句子和段落间的衔接;文章无标点、拼写、大小写和语法方面的错误。A12四四.段落的写法段落的写法句子分布:n按照专业四级作文的要求,在35分钟写一篇200左右的短文,因此全文只能有13

11、-14个句子,其中引言段3,4,3句,正文段8,7,7句,结语段3,3,4句即可。A13四四.开头的写法开头的写法n开头利用指令改写 In this fast-paced society,people are confronted with stress in a variety of directions like education,career or family.Therefore,to keep a good mood is of great significance to fight against pressure from all aspects of life.A14n开头开

12、门见山The importance of keeping a good mood can never be overstated.I have the following reasons to support this statement.A15n 开头开头名言、数据等名言、数据等+观点观点 避免写作的主观性,可以在作文中出现别人的声音:避免写作的主观性,可以在作文中出现别人的声音:1.如数据(According to a recent poll,61percent of American high school students have admitted cheating on exams

13、 at least once.)、2.别人的话(My teacher often said that you cant tell a book by its cover.)、3.名人的至理名言(“Love makes all hard hearts gentle”by George Herbert)、4.谚语(A friend in need is a friend indeed.)名言都有固定的句式,不确信最好不用。名言都有固定的句式,不确信最好不用。Hobbies are the best teacher.A16n开头开头提问:注意人称的变换提问:注意人称的变换-we,you,it?Are

14、 you in a good mood today?Do you take a good mood as an important part of your life?Definitely,the importance of a good mood can never be overstressed.The following reasons can account for why a good mood is so important.Firstly,a good can help us.A17五、中间段五、中间段/主体段的写法主体段的写法n中间段要有主题句主题句(topic sentenc

15、e)主旨句是针对全篇文章,是全文内容的总结,并依靠全文的段落支持。因此应出现在开头段里。主题句是对整个段落而言,它是段落思想的概括,并靠整个段落中的例子、细节等来支持、开展。A18Requirements of a Good Topic Sentence1)Topic sentence should be a complete sentence with a complete meaning.Many items to be ready for a safe,enjoyable hike.I need many items to be ready for a safe,enjoyable hi

16、ke.A19nTopic sentence should not be too general and should be clear in meaning.Television is very important.Television plays an educational role in daily life.A203)Topic sentence should have practical content.(主题句内容必须具体。主题句内容必须具体。)To improve reading ability,one needs to acquire some reading skills.T

17、o improve English proficiency,one need to acquire some skills.A214)Topic sentence should not be a specific description.(描写细节的句子不能作主题句。描写细节的句子不能作主题句。)1.He sent his wife a diamond ring on her thirtieth birthday.2.They moved to a new apartment last month.3.He encountered an old friend yesterday.A22n5)T

18、opic sentence:topic+controlling ideanBefore writing any essay or even a paragraph,it is important to think:-the topic -what you want to say about the topic(controlling idea).A23People can avoid burglaries by taking certain precautions.Topic:avoid burglaries Controlling idea:by taking certain precaut

19、ionsThere are several advantages to growing up in a small town.Topic:growing up in a small town Controlling idea:several advantagesMost US universities require a 550 point TOEFL score for a number of reasons.Topic:Most US score Controlling idea:for a number of reasonsA24 requirements:1.Topic sentenc

20、e should be complete sentences.2.Topic sentence should not be too general and should be clear in meaning.3.Topic sentence should have practical content.4.Topic sentence should not be a specific description.5.Topic sentence includes:topic+controlling idea.A25Practice:write at least two topic sentence

21、s for the following topicsnFirecrackers should be banned.nReduce waste on campus.nHow I finance my college education.nTourism brings harm to the environment.nI prefer living in rural areas to living in urban areas.A26nFirecrackers should be banned.Firecrackers form a potential cause for fire acciden

22、ts.Firecrackers may cause injuries to both the people who set them off and the innocent bystanders.Firecrackers pollute air.Firecrackers are a waste of money and resources.A27nReduce waste on campus.Try to avoid using disposable/throwaway tableware.If we are the last one to leave the dorm or classro

23、om,remember to turn off the lights.A28nHow I finance my college education.I can ask my parents for help if they have nice careers.With the help of my teacher,I can apply for a loan especially provided for college students by the state.I can also do a part-time job to make some money.A29nTourism brin

24、gs harm to the environment.In the process of exploiting a scenic spot,the construction of artificial facilities will have certain unfavorable effects on the environment.Some tourists dont have the awareness to protect the environment,and destroy the environment.A30nI prefer living in rural areas to

25、living in urban areas.Living in a rural area keeps me away from all kinds of pollution.Living in a rural area,I will have less working pressure.Living in a rural area,I enjoy more harmonious interpersonal relationships.A31细节的展开细节的展开n表示不同关系的连接词汇,如:n1)时间(to begin with,moreover,finally;first of all,nex

26、t,then,eventually;first,second,third)n2)因果(owing to,due to,in this way,as a result,for this reason,consequently,accordingly)n3)比较、对比(unlike,in contrast,on the contrary,similarly,in the same way,in like manner,just as,whereas,in spite of)A32细节的展开细节的展开n4)附加(besides,not only but also,apart from,further

27、more)n5)递进(furthermore,moreover,equally important,last but not least,additionally,likewise,as well as,besides)n6)举例a case in point,to illustrate,take for example,as follows,as an illustration,just as)A33n7)让步(in spite of,regardless of,even though,whereas)n8)转折(on the other side,on the contrary,never

28、theless)n9)解释、同位(roughly means,in other words,assuggests,as regards,as for,in terms of,that is to say,with regard to)n10)选择(or rather,rather than,not but,whetheror,alternately,neithernor,either.Or)A34n11)总结(all in all,in short,as has been mentioned,to conclude,in conclusion,in summary,on the whole)W

29、e can draw the conclusion from what we have talked aboutPersonally,I For these reasonsAccording to the above analysis,we can arrive at the conclusion that等连词,如能恰当的运用在作文中,会增加连贯性,使句子地道流畅。A35七 范文赏析n怎样利用范文背范文:n不同类型各背一遍,背熟(背不熟与不背是一样的)熟到可以默写下来(10-15分钟)对照原文找错误,即弱点(拼写、语法、标点,时态等)背后要有意识用,即仿写,背诵的表达用得越多越好坚持此种方法

30、练笔,必会有所收获A36Should College Students Hire Cleaners?nAccording to a recent report,six university students hired cleaners to clean their dorm and do their laundry every week.Although we have no right to tell them what to do with their money,as a university student myself,I find this practice absurd.(第一

31、段必须提出观点第一段必须提出观点)nFor a start,away from our parents,it is in university that we learn to be independent adults.Cleaning the room and doing ones laundry are the most basic living skills.If we always depend on others to take care of us,how can we survive when there is no one to help us?How can we take

32、 on any responsibility when we step into society?A37nFor another,the practice reflects their flippant attitude towards money.The money they paid for the cleaners probably comes from their parents,who must be very depressed once they know the truth.It also sets a very bad precedent on campus.Other st

33、udents may follow suit to show the wealth of their families;or worse,they tend to think money can buy them anything in this world,which obviously is wrong.nAll in all,I think we must do away with this practice.Otherwise,we may never appreciate the good value of money and an independent way of life.T

34、he better and sooner we can take care of ourselves,the more proud our parents will be.A38(2)The Benefits of VolunteeringnDirections:December 5th is International Volunteers Day.Since 1985,when the United Nations announced the dpecial day,tens of millions of people around the world have volunteered t

35、o help those in need.China now has 4.5 million registered volunteers who have provided more than 4.5 billion hours of volunteer work.What can you gain from volunteering?(注意审题,注意审题,who are YOU here?)A39nVolunteering means being willing to help people in need and make contributions to society for no f

36、inancial rewards.Needless to say,volunteering is of tremendous benefits to both those in need and the society.Yet,despite the fact that volunteers are not paid for what they have done,serving as a volunteer,I believe,is also beneficial to the volunteers themselves.A40nFirst,volunteering helps volunt

37、eers improve their interpersonal skills.They can understand people better and have better skills to motivate others and to deal with difficult situations in collaboration with people of different personalities in their volunteering work.nBesides,volunteering serves as a good opportunity for voluntee

38、rs to apply their knowledge to practical problems.This is especially useful for sudden volunteers.For instance,students volunteering to assist foreign guests on big occasions like Canton Fair can not only practice their oral English,but also have first hand experience on the latest development of th

39、eir field.nFinally,volunteering satisfies ones psychological need for respect and self-fulfillment,and it gives the volunteers a sense of achievement.A41nIn a word,volunteering helps to improve ones interpersonal skills,apply ones knowledge to practice,and give the volunteers a sense of self-fulfillment.It is of great benefits to the society,but it benefits the volunteers even greater.


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