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1、As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township,some achievements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.中西医的区别及中医优势 双百教育 主讲:唐瑞萌 制作:张巍馨As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township,some achievements have b

2、een made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.中西医概念区别中西医概念区别 u什么是中医?什么是中医?中医是指中国的医学,一般指以中国汉族劳动人民创造的传统医学为主的医学。是研究人体生理、病理以及疾病的诊断和防治等的一门学科。u什么是西医呢?什么是西医呢?西医是指西方的医学,原指“西方传统医学”,这个含义上的西医已经消亡了,取而代之的是现代医学。As the only big agricultural village in Tia

3、nding Township,some achievements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.u从本质上来说中医、西医都有着各自领域、传统文化的底蕴u中医是我国优秀传统文化的重要组成部分。中西医本质的区别中西医本质的区别 As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township,some achievements have been made

4、through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.u西医也是随着欧洲文艺复兴运动在思想、文化等大的变革中而发展起来的。As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township,some achievements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning fo

5、r more than a year.u中医、西医的主要区别还表现在思维模式、归纳、诊断、思维模式、归纳、诊断、治疗疾病治疗疾病的方法等几个方面的不同As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township,some achievements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.u主要区别一:主要区别一:中医、西医的思维模式不同,中医、西医的思维模式不

6、同,中医常说,“圣人不治已病,治未病”,又说“上医医心、中医医人、下医医病”,可见中医的思维高度在于对疾病的预防,以及全身心的调理。中西医的主要区别中西医的主要区别 As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township,some achievements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.u西医的思维模式主要是“生物医学模式生物医学模式”,把人看

7、做机器,哪里坏了修哪里;直到近40年才提出了“生物生物-心理心理-社会社会”医学模式。As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township,some achievements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.u中医对于疾病尚未发生、预防疾病或调理慢性病、不适合手术治疗的疾病、调理体质等方面有优势。As the only big agricult

8、ural village in Tianding Township,some achievements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.u西医西医在治疗、处理正在发生的器官、组织等局部病变,严重的、全身性、急性病变、需要立即抢救的疾病方面有优势。As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township,some achievements have

9、been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.u主要区别二:主要区别二:中医、西医在归纳疾病的本质上有区别,中医倾向于看待疾病的整体,即“整体观念整体观念”。中西医的主要区别中西医的主要区别 As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township,some achievements have been made through the beneficial explor

10、ation of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.u中医站在整体的高度中医站在整体的高度按照脏腑、气血等把人体分类,用阴阳、虚实、寒热等标准对人体进行总的评价和治疗,同时考虑人与环境之间的关系,不用具体数字表述。As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township,some achievements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in

11、family planning for more than a year.u西医归纳疾病时,倾向于看待病情的局部、细节,把人体不同的器官、组织看成不同的研究对象,在思考问题的时候离不开具体数字,如各种检查化验单数据等。As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township,some achievements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.u西医

12、归纳疾病时,倾向于看待病情的局部、细节,把人体不同的器官、组织看成不同的研究对象,在思考问题的时候离不开具体数字,如各种检查化验单数据等。As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township,some achievements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.u主要区别三:主要区别三:中医、西医在诊断疾病时使用的具体方法不同,中医诊断疾病时最常

13、用的方法就是辩证论治,例如大家熟知的八纲辨证、病因辩证等。中西医的主要区别中西医的主要区别 As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township,some achievements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.u中医具体的检查方法是:望、闻、问、切望、闻、问、切四诊,u望:望:指用眼睛去观察;u闻:闻:指用耳和鼻来观察;u问:问:用询问方式

14、收集病情信息;u切:切:用把脉探知病情。As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township,some achievements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.u西医具体的检查方法是望、触、叩、听望、触、叩、听,属于物理诊断,是相对于化学诊断和其他辅助检查而言的。As the only big agricultural village in

15、Tianding Township,some achievements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.u西医西医还有抽血化验、X线、B超、内镜、CT等检查诊断方法。As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township,some achievements have been made through the beneficial explora

16、tion of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.u主要区别四:主要区别四:中医、西医治疗疾病的方法不同,中医治病的主要方法包括内治内治和外外治治u内治就是指内服中药中西医的主要区别中西医的主要区别 As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township,some achievements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family

17、planning for more than a year.u外治包括推拿、按摩、牵引、理疗、熏蒸、敷贴、针灸等;As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township,some achievements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.u中医最具特点的治疗方法是中药、经络和穴位中药、经络和穴位三种 。As the only big agricu

18、ltural village in Tianding Township,some achievements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.u西医治疗疾病的方法很多,除了用西药(化学类天然药物和合成药物)外,最具特点的是手术治疗(包括器官移植等),另外,还有血液透析、放疗、基因治疗等。As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township,som

19、e achievements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.u以上我们主要学习了中医、西医四个方面的区别,现小以上我们主要学习了中医、西医四个方面的区别,现小结一下:结一下:u(1)中医、西医的思维模式不同u(2)中医、西医归纳疾病的本质不同u(3)中医、西医诊断疾病的方法不同u(4)中医、西医治疗疾病的方法不同As the only big agricultural village in Tiandi

20、ng Township,some achievements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.中医治疗的优势中医治疗的优势 一、中医重在预防为主,可有效维护身一、中医重在预防为主,可有效维护身体健康。体健康。现代医学主要的方向是努力找“病”,找到疾病后,采取对抗治疗,重点治疗该病;而中医则是重在养生,总结出了什么样的生活方式可以不得病的丰富知识。生活节奏加快,压力加大,经常出现疲劳,特别是那些工作紧张,生活

21、不规律,容易出现失眠、疲劳、头发脱落、精神倦怠等等,也就是疲劳综合征发生率很高,可是到医院检查,指标都是正常的,因此西医就没有治疗方法。就是用一些药物也是反复发作,难以痊愈。到中医那里治疗,医生在开中药方治病的时候会告诉你如何养生,才能根除疾病。并且在中医的认识看来,人是一个整体,从人正常的生理机能运行的整体状况来考虑,这个病是人体的阴阳失去平衡,脏腑之间功能失去协调,气血运行紊乱。采用调和气血、调和五脏、补养气血,就可以缓解这些不适,从而达到驱病强身的目的。As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township,some achie

22、vements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.二、整体观念,标本兼治二、整体观念,标本兼治 用中药治病要想保证疗效,就要在中医理念的指导下诊病,就得用中医的思维对付疾病。中医药主要的特点在于人与自然和谐,天人合一,长期居住于某一地方,就人体生理就适应了那里的地理气候环境,一但易地而处,就可能容易导致人体机能对环境的不适应而发生疾病广东气候炎热,而且湿气重,导致人体乏力,胃口不好,因此广东人都懂得家庭用冬

23、瓜煲汤清热祛湿治疗。而西医没有这种理念,也缺乏这方面的治疗方法。中医的养生还注意适应四时季节的变化。春天阳气生发,人要多到自然界活动,使人体气血通畅,调节情绪,保持心情舒畅,使人体的机能得以正常运转。夏天人体机能旺盛,各种疾病就会减轻少发。秋天阳气内敛,气候干燥,注意少食辛辣食物。多吃梨等养肺的水果。冬天阳气内藏,可以进补阴液的药物。增强体质,防止来年疾病发生。内经一书中有:冬不养阴,春必病温的理念。As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township,some achievements have been made through

24、 the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.三、疑难病症,中医疗效明显三、疑难病症,中医疗效明显 疑难病症的特点是,时间长,没有特效药物,这类疾病是以人体的肌体功能的障碍为主,需长期服药,而中药毒性小,能强壮身体。例如中医治疗肿瘤能够从整体上治疗,减轻痛苦而延长生命。总结为:第一,能够减轻痛苦,第二,能够减少症状,第三,能够提高生存质量,第四,能够控制肿瘤 第五,能够防止复发,最终达到带瘤生存。As the only big agricultural vill

25、age in Tianding Township,some achievements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.四,辩证论治四,辩证论治具有个体化优势。具有个体化优势。可是有人常说,还是西药好,例如高血压病,不管是哪个治疗高血压的药,用上了就可以降压。而中医不行,需要辩证,辨证对用药才有效,不对证,有效的药物用了也没有效果,中药用了不方便。例如治疗头疼的药方有川穹茶调散,黄连温胆汤,血府逐瘀汤等,一


27、4次桥,脂肪肝、心脑血管疾病等等,下了无数次病危通知,最后死马当活马医找到了周妈妈,先是吃了15副中药就嚷嚷着要出院,不要西医治。最后吃了周妈妈380副中药彻底好了,可能大家都觉得不可思议,但是这就是我们周妈妈真实的案例。其实追根究底,是由于西药吃多了,伤及了五脏六腑,对于西药来说可能你身体看起来很健康,但是已经伤害到了你身体的各个器官,而中医是从五脏六腑开始调节,是你的身体达到一个健康的状态。As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township,some achievements have been made through th

28、e beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.五,擅长调节人体的机能紊乱。五,擅长调节人体的机能紊乱。中药的长处是善于调节人体的机能,而使机体强健。这不用于西医的对症治疗对于长期的慢性腹泻,看到腹泻就用止泻药物,对症治疗,没有很好的药物改善肠道的功能。现在高血压病的西医治疗也只是个对症治疗,所用的降压药物都是作用于血压升高的终末环节起到扩血管利尿的效果,而不是针对导致血压升高降低的系统的中枢环节的功能失调加以纠正。因此就不能解决血压失调的根本问题,尽管有很多降压药物仍然需要终身服药治疗。As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township,some achievements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.谢谢观看!谢谢观看!


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