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1、Contents2.Introduction to American Transcendentalism 3.Washington Irving 华盛顿华盛顿欧文(欧文(17831859)4.James Fennimore Cooper 詹姆斯詹姆斯费尼莫尔费尼莫尔库珀(库珀(17891851)5.William Cullen Bryant 威廉威廉柯伦柯伦布莱恩特(布莱恩特(17941878)6.Edgar Allan Poe 埃德加埃德加艾伦艾伦坡坡1.Introduction to American Romanticism7.Ralph Waldo Emerson 拉尔夫拉尔夫沃尔多沃尔

2、多爱默生爱默生 8.Henry David Thoreau 亨利亨利大卫大卫梭罗(梭罗(18171862)9.Nathaniel Hawthorne 纳撒尼尔纳撒尼尔霍桑(霍桑(18041864)10.Herman Melville 赫尔曼赫尔曼梅尔维尔(梅尔维尔(18191891)11.Henry Wadsworth Longfellow亨利亨利沃兹沃思沃兹沃思朗费罗朗费罗 12.Walt Whitman沃尔特沃尔特惠特曼惠特曼(May 31,1819-March 26,1892)13.Emily Dickinson 艾米莉艾米莉狄金森(狄金森(18301886)Origin It stre

3、tches from the end of the 18th century to the outbreak of the Civil War.started with the publication of Washington Irvings The Sketch Book ended with Whitmans Leaves of Grass.见闻札记见闻札记草叶集草叶集Romanticism:It is a literary attitude in which imagination is considered more important than formal rules and r

4、eason.Romanticism,as applied to the social political and literary revolution that swept through Western Europe from 1789 to 1832,suggests changes such as increasing emphasis on the individual as opposed to social convention and tradition,emphasis on mystery and the supernatural strangeness and wonde

5、r as opposed to common sense,emphasis on the imaginative and emotional as opposed to the rational.Ever-increasing magazines played an important role in facilitating literary expansion in the country.Background of RomanticismIndustrialization(economic boom)Immigration(melting-pot)Westward expansionFo

6、reign influencesOptimism and hope among peopleRepresentatives:Washington Irving 华盛顿华盛顿欧文(欧文(17831859)James Fennimore Cooper 詹姆斯詹姆斯费尼莫尔费尼莫尔库珀(库珀(17891851)William Cullen Bryant 威廉威廉柯伦柯伦布莱恩特(布莱恩特(17941878)Edgar Allan Poe 埃德加埃德加艾伦艾伦坡坡Ralph Waldo Emerson 拉尔夫拉尔夫沃尔多沃尔多爱默生爱默生Henry David Thoreau 亨利亨利大卫大卫梭罗(梭

7、罗(18171862)Nathaniel Hawthorne 纳撒尼尔纳撒尼尔霍桑(霍桑(18041864)Herman Melville 赫尔曼赫尔曼梅尔维尔(梅尔维尔(18191891)Henry Wadsworth Longfellow亨利亨利沃兹沃思沃兹沃思朗费罗朗费罗 Walt Whitman沃尔特沃尔特惠特曼惠特曼(May 31,1819-March 26,1892)1.Washington Irving(1783-1859)Father of American Literature 1st American writer 1st American imaginative writ

8、er to gain the international fame The only American writer of his generation who could chide the British in an atmosphere of good humor.Life and literary careerlBorn:3 April 1783lDied:28 November 1859lnamed for George Washington;his parents were admirers of General Washington.vIrving was born in 178

9、3,the year in which Benjamin Franklin signed at Paris the treaty of peace with England after the Revolutionary War.1.Washington Irving(1783-1859)l Birth place:New York Cityl Family background:a rather wealthy merchant familyl Education:reading widely in English literature at home;studying law but sh

10、owing more interest in literaturel先后在几个律师事务所学法律,但对法律并没有兴趣,喜爱文学,喜爱四处游历。lFrom 1804 to 1806 his older brothers financed his tour of France and Italy.l幼年体弱多病,16岁辍学;1804年因病赴欧洲休养,到过法国、意大利和英国,一度想成为画家。Irving travels a lot:travelling experience:to Germany in pursuit of an interest in German Romanticism;to Pa

11、ris social comedy;to Spain A History of 历史传记 Back to USA western adventures1806年回国后在Virginia任律师,后帮助他的两个哥哥经营进口生意。这时他与律师霍夫曼的女儿玛蒂尔达订婚,妻子早逝于1809年,后来他虽有过几次恋爱,却一直过着独身生活。v1807年,他和哥哥威廉等人共同创办刊物杂拌(Salmagundi papers),开始了他的文学创作活动,显露出他的幽默、风趣和含蓄的讽刺才能。v欧文的第一部重要作品是纽约外史(A History of New York,1809年)Under the pseudony

12、m Diedrich Knickerbocker,he published A History of New York(1809),a satire that has been called the first great book of comic literature written by an American.此后10年,除英美战争期间曾于1814年担任过短期军职之外,一直在帮助他的哥哥经商,1815年欧文去英国利物浦在他哥哥所开设的分行工作;1818年分行因经济萧条而倒闭,欧文留居英国,以写作为生。1819年,欧文陆续发表许多散文、随笔和故事,共32篇;于1820年结集为见闻札记(A

13、 Sketch Book)出版,引起欧洲和美国文学界的重视。这部作品奠定了欧文在美国文学史上的地位。之后,欧文写了体裁相似的布雷斯布里奇田庄(Bracebridge Hall,1822)和故事集旅客谈(Tales of a Traveller,1824年),这两部作品都较见闻札记逊色。1826年在马德里任美国驻西班牙大使馆馆员。1828年发表哥伦布的生平和航行(The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus)。1829年发表攻克格拉纳达(The Chronicles of the Conquest of Granada);同年曾到格拉纳达的摩人故宫阿尔

14、罕伯拉游览,后出版游记、随笔和故事集阿尔罕伯拉(Tales of the Alhambra,1832年)。欧文曾任美国驻英公使馆秘书。牛津大学曾授予其名誉法学博士学位,英国皇家学会也向他颁发了勋章。1832年欧文回到美国,在纽约受到热烈欢迎。由于读者 迫切需要他描写本国的生活,他 曾到新开发的美国西部进行考察,写了草原游记。In search of colorful material,he made a journey to the frontier and wrote about the American West in A Tour of the Prairies(大草原游大草原游记记,1

15、835).n他还根据大皮货商约翰阿斯托提供的材料,为这个大财阀写了一部发家史阿斯托里亚(1838年)。n1842年再度赴马德里,出任美国驻西班牙公使。n1846年回国,晚年是在他曾经描写过的睡谷附近度过。n这一时期他的主要作品是传记:哥尔德斯密斯传(The Life of Oliver Goldsmith,1840年)与穆罕默德及其继承者(Mahomet and His Successors,1849-1850年)。Late life:a colossal 5-volume biography of George Washington a biography of Christopher Co

16、lumbus is still considered a classic.v1859年11月28日,欧文与世长辞。美国人民为了怀念这位在文学方面做出突出贡献的作家,在纽约下半旗致哀,而欧文的许多优秀作品则被人们传诵至今,成为珍贵的文学遗产。他本人更被尊为“美国文学之父”。Irvings grave欧文-在中国o1877年,清朝官员张德彝出访英国时,见到了根据欧文的瑞普凡温克尔改编的戏剧。回国后,张德彝在出访记录中记述了对它的感受。30年后,早期翻译名家林纾将见闻札记译成中文,取名拊掌录,这是欧文作品的第一个中译本。在林译中,瑞普凡温克尔被译为李伯大梦。此外,林纾还翻译了旅人述异和大食故宫余载等

17、书。In Sketch Book n“Rip Van Winkle”n“The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”)Literary AchievementsRip Van Winkle“Rip Van Winkle”introductionRip Van Winkle:the protagonist The plot Similar to a 3rd-century Chinese tale of Ranka(烂柯烂柯)典故原文:信安郡石室山,晋时王质伐木至,见童子数人棋而歌,质因听之。童子以一物与质,如枣核,质含之而不觉饥。俄顷,童子谓曰:何不去?质起视,斧柯尽烂。既归,无复

18、时人。南朝梁任昉述异记 典故寓意:传说在西晋时有个叫王质的青年农民,一次上山打柴,来到王乔仙洞口。王质胆大好奇,心想,人家都说洞 里有仙人,我何不进去看个究竟?因洞口很小,只能通过一个人,洞深三丈余,宽余高各丈许。王质刚进洞中什么也看不见。顷刻之间,洞顶好像透进来光线,只见两个小孩正在下围棋。王质素好下棋,被两位小孩精湛的棋艺一下子给吸引住了。两位小孩好像未发现有人进洞似的,边下棋边吃大枣,有时也顺手把枣递给王质吃。看完一局棋后,小孩对王质说:“你也该回家了。”王质俯身去拾斧子,想不到斧柯(斧柄)已经烂朽,只剩下铁斧了。王质回到村里,怎么一个人也不认识了,询问自己的父母,才知道他们已经死去一百

19、多年了,从此,后人就把这座山叫“烂柯山”。王质在山中逗留了片刻,人世间已经发生了巨大的变化。这故事因此常常被人们用来形容人世间的巨变。古人喜欢用神话去解释那些神秘陌生的事物。云雾缭绕的深山,常常会被人们想像成不问尘世烦忧的仙人的居所。这故事中,时间对山中的童子们是宽容的,而对人间却是冷漠的。其中所寄托的一种苍凉的意味,也使历来读到它的人们不由得发出怅惘的叹息。lThe story is set in the years before and after the American Revolutionary War.Rip Van Winkle:the protagonistla village

20、r of Dutch descentllives in a nice village at the foot of New Yorks Catskill Mountainslan amiable man whose home and farm suffer from his lazy neglectlhe is loved by all but his wife The plotlOne autumn day he escapes his nagging wife by wandering up the mountains.lThere he encounters strangely dres

21、sed men,rumored to be the ghosts of Henry Hudsons crew,who are playing nine-pins.vAfter drinking some of their liquor,he settles down under a shady tree and falls asleep.vHe wakes and returns to his village,where he finds twenty years have passed.vHe finds out that his wife has died and that his clo

22、se friends have died in a war or gone somewhere else.lHe immediately gets into trouble when he proclaims himself a loyal subject of King George III,not knowing that the AmericanRevolution has taken place.lAn old local recognizes him,however,and Rips now grown daughter takes him in.lRip resumes his h

23、abitual idleness,and his tale is solemnly believed by the old Dutch settlers,with certain hen-pecked husbands wishing they shared Rips good luck.3.The Legend of Sleepy Hollow introduction The Characters The plots introductionvthe longest tale in the collection The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon,Gent

24、.vwritten while he was living in Birmingham,England.vThe story is set circa 1790 in the Dutch settlement of Tarry Town,New York,in a secluded glen(峡谷)called Sleepy Hollow.The CharactersvIchabod Crane:a lean,lanky,and extremely superstitious schoolmastervAbraham“Brom Bones”Van Brunt:the town rowdy(无赖

25、无赖,流氓流氓)vKatrina Van Tassel:the sole child of a wealthy farmer The plotsvCrane is competing with Brom Bones for Katrina.vCrane leaves a party he attended at the Van Tassel home on an autumn night.vHe is pursued by the Headless Horseman.the Headless Horsemanvsupposedly the ghost of a Hessian(德国黑森州的德国

26、黑森州的)trooper(骑兵骑兵)vhis head shot off by a stray cannonball during“some nameless battle”of the American Revolutionary Warv“rides forth to the scene of battle in nightly quest of his head”.Ichabod mysteriously disappears from town,leaving Katrina to marry Brom Bones,who was“to look exceedingly knowing

27、 whenever the story of Ichabod was related”.改编电影:Sleepy Hollow(断头谷)n十八世纪末期的纽约,警察们还延用古老的办案方式,对罪犯刑讯逼供,年青的警察伊卡布克瑞恩笃信科学的办案方式,因此受到市内同行的排挤,被派到一个叫断头谷的小镇办理一起连环凶杀案。n断头谷一直流传着关于“无头骑士”的传说,据说,他是因为嗜血而战的黑森林雇佣军,被敌人割去头颅后,他的孤魂一直在断头谷游荡,在月黑风高之夜,他会骑着快马、拿着大剑将经过此地的行人的头颅割下。两个月内,小镇中已经三个人惨遭毒手。n克瑞恩住进了当地富豪范塔索家中,他对“无头骑士”的传说不以为然

28、,但是,又有人接二连三的死去,他还亲眼目睹了“无头骑士”砍掉小镇治安官的头颅,他不得不相信传说的存在,也坚定了要查出真相的决心。n当他展开调查的同时,他也爱上了当地一名女子Katrina Van Tassel,一个行动不便的年轻漂亮女子,为了能娶到她,为了证明他要比镇上其他人要优秀,他立定决心要掀开这个系列谋杀的真相。但可能这个传说流传得太久,仿佛是件真事一样。而且很快,他发觉他不用再去寻找这位传说中的无头骑士,因为这个骑士已经找上门来了。随着骑士杀戮的进行,侦探了解到,他深爱的Katrina 的母亲是巫师,她的父亲是财主,而她的继母则是当年被Katrina老爸占了土地的落魄户的女儿。这妩媚的

29、老女人和镇上的遗嘱管理者有染。并且,侦探发现,所有死者都和Katrina老爸财产的继承权有关。n当侦探在教堂目睹Katrina Van Tassel老爸被骑士杀死后,误会了Katrina 是操纵无头骑士的巫婆,愤然离去。却在路上遭到袭击,并终于领悟到秘密所在Katrina 的继母。在Katrina继母操纵无头骑士挥剑要杀死Katrina的霎那,侦探从Katrina继母手中夺到操纵无头骑士的钥匙骑士头骨,将骑士送回地狱。由于骑士“爱”上了Katrina继母,所以带着她一起下了地狱。Katrina Van Tassel则和侦探Ichabod Crane一起回到伦敦,开始了幸福的生活。lConser

30、vative e.g.Rip felt into sleep before American Independence and woke after itlove of old worlds tradition“an old gentleman speaking English not American lAim of writing:entertainment,not moralizingStylen 1.Avoid moralising:amusing and entertainingn 2.Good at developing a Gothic and supernatural atmo

31、spheren 3.Vivid and true charactersn 4.Strong sense of humorn 5.Refined and musical language Features of WritingGothic Fiction Prominent features of Gothic fiction include terror(both psychological and physical),mystery,the supernatural,ghosts,haunted houses(凶宅,鬼屋)(凶宅,鬼屋)and Gothic architecture,castles,darkness,death,decay,madness,secrets,and hereditary curses.74 结束语结束语


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