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1、人教版专题五句子翻译一、根据所给中文完成句子翻译。一、根据所给中文完成句子翻译。(一一)1这些书籍将捐赠给山区的孩子们。这些书籍将捐赠给山区的孩子们。The books _to the children in the mountain area.2我的祖父母已经结婚我的祖父母已经结婚50年了。年了。My grandparents _ for 50 years.3和朋友们分离,我感到很难过。和朋友们分离,我感到很难过。I feel very sad to _friends.4昨天我把钱花光了。昨天我把钱花光了。I _ my money yesterday.will be given awayha

2、ve been marriedseparate fromused up/ran out of5露西的经历和你的不同。露西的经历和你的不同。Lucys experience _ yours.6汤姆过去开车上班,但现在他习惯步行去上班。汤姆过去开车上班,但现在他习惯步行去上班。Tom used to go to work by car,but now he is used to going to work on foot/Tom used to take the car to work,but now he is used to walking to work7不要害怕黑暗!不要害怕黑暗!Dont

3、 be afraid/terrified of the dark!8每个人都应该在拯救地球方面发挥作用。每个人都应该在拯救地球方面发挥作用。Everyone should play a part/role in saving the earthis different from/isnt the same as(二二)1习近平主席说,幸福是奋斗出来的。习近平主席说,幸福是奋斗出来的。President Xi Jinping said that happiness _ hard work.2这位年轻人的生活充满了希望。这位年轻人的生活充满了希望。The young man has a life

4、_ hope.3近几年来中国发生了巨大的变化。近几年来中国发生了巨大的变化。Great changes _ in China in recent years.4即使那样,我也不会放弃我的梦想。即使那样,我也不会放弃我的梦想。_,I wont give up my es fromfull ofhave taken placeIn that case5我们不仅要学习现代科技,还要关注传统文化。我们不仅要学习现代科技,还要关注传统文化。We should not only learn the modern technology but also_traditional culture.6我们的老师多

5、么有耐心啊!我们的老师多么有耐心啊!How patient our teacher is/teachers are!7让别人久等是不礼貌的。让别人久等是不礼貌的。Its impolite to keep others waiting for a long time8你帮助的人越多,你就会越快乐。你帮助的人越多,你就会越快乐。The more you help others,the happier youll bepay attention to(三三)1我们学校附近曾有个书店。我们学校附近曾有个书店。_ a bookshop near our school.2在老师的帮助下我学会了查生词。在老

6、师的帮助下我学会了查生词。Ive learned to look up new words _3当我们学习新事物时,不要害怕犯错误。当我们学习新事物时,不要害怕犯错误。Dont be afraid of _ when we learn new things.4不要缺席明天的会议。不要缺席明天的会议。Dont _ the meeting tomorrow.There used to be with the help of the teachermaking mistakes be absent from 5学会阅读多么有用啊!学会阅读多么有用啊!_ to learn to read!6依我来看,

7、和同学们好好相处是非常重要的。依我来看,和同学们好好相处是非常重要的。7你对别人越友好,你交的朋友就越多。你对别人越友好,你交的朋友就越多。8我真的想知道未来是什么样子的。我真的想知道未来是什么样子的。(四四)1布朗先生对他的学生非常有耐心。布朗先生对他的学生非常有耐心。Mr.Brown _ his students.2他的成功是他努力工作的结果。他的成功是他努力工作的结果。His success was _ his hard work.3让我们好好利用时间而不是浪费时间。让我们好好利用时间而不是浪费时间。Lets _ instead of wasting it.4我们以盘锦的快速发展而骄傲。

8、我们以盘锦的快速发展而骄傲。We _the rapid development of Panjin.is very patient withthe result ofput time to good use/make good use of timeare proud of/take pride in5世界上许多国家正盼望着与中国进行贸易往来。世界上许多国家正盼望着与中国进行贸易往来。Many countries in the world are _trading with China.6这是多么有用的信息啊!这是多么有用的信息啊!What useful information(it is)/

9、How useful the information(is)!7这个村庄里曾经有一条河。这个村庄里曾经有一条河。There used to be a small river in the village/There was a small river in the village8你借阅这本杂志多久了?你借阅这本杂志多久了?How long have you kept this magazine?looking forward to(五五)1无论何时遇到困难,你都可以向警察寻求帮助。无论何时遇到困难,你都可以向警察寻求帮助。_,ask the policemen for help.2老师告诉学

10、生们别怕犯错。老师告诉学生们别怕犯错。The teacher told the students _3个人的运气取决于他的美德、才能和习惯。个人的运气取决于他的美德、才能和习惯。A persons luck _ his virtue,ability and habits.4共享单车在中国变得越来越受欢迎。共享单车在中国变得越来越受欢迎。Bike sharing is _in China.No matter when/Whenever you are in trouble/get into trouble/have problems/meet difficulty/difficulties no

11、t to be afraid of making mistakes/to make mistakesdepends onbecoming/getting more and more popular5我想知道你这块手表买了多长时间?我想知道你这块手表买了多长时间?I want to know_?6多么有趣的英语课啊!多么有趣的英语课啊!What an interesting English class it is/How interesting the English class is!7我喜欢我能跟着跳舞的音乐。我喜欢我能跟着跳舞的音乐。I like music that/which I ca

12、n dance to8昨天我给你打电话时,你在做什么?昨天我给你打电话时,你在做什么?What were you doing when I called/rang you yesterday?how long you have had the/this watch二、阅读下面的短文二、阅读下面的短文,将短文中画线部分的句子译成中文。将短文中画线部分的句子译成中文。(一一)Learning English is like building a house.Laying a strong foundation is the first and most important step.In othe

13、r words,you should read and speak English every day.Like building a house,learning English takes time.So dont be impatient.Remember,“Rome wasnt built in a day.”The more you speak,the better your English will become.1.The more mistakes you make,the greater progress you will make.Please dont care how

14、poorly or how well you speak,only care about catching the chances to speak!2.You must enjoy speaking poor English because speaking is the important skill that can lead you to success.1_2_你犯的错误越多,取得的进步就越大。你犯的错误越多,取得的进步就越大。你必须享受说糟糕的英语,因为说是能引领你通向成功的重要技能。你必须享受说糟糕的英语,因为说是能引领你通向成功的重要技能。(二二)Self discipline

15、d(自律的自律的)people are not all excellent people,but nearly all excellent people are self disciplined people.Some of them never get late.1.Some of them always finish their work carefully.The real difference between elites(精精英英)and the ordinary people is that elites can manage themselves.And thats where

16、their success comes from.In fact,self management is self discipline.That is to say,you need to control yourself.If you want to lose weight,you need to manage your mouth.If you want to succeed,you need to manage your behavior and heart.So from now on,set your goals and write down your reasons for the

17、m.2.Make a list for what you should do and what you want to do,and execute(执行执行)them strictly.This is not wasting your freedom.This is real freedom.1_2_有一些成功的人总是从容不迫地有一些成功的人总是从容不迫地/认真地完成他们的工作。认真地完成他们的工作。列出你应该做的事情和你想做的事情。列出你应该做的事情和你想做的事情。(三三)A hutong museum opens in central Beijing,giving visitors mo

18、re knowledge about the citys traditional alleys(小巷小巷)and yards.Hutongs are a kind of alleys commonly found in northern Chinese cities,especially in Beijing.They are usually formed by lines of siheyuan,or traditional yards.The hutong museum is in a 28room traditional yard in Dongsi community.And it c

19、overs over 1,000 square meters 1.The museum is divided into five parts.It took three years to repair the traditional yard and build it into a museum.The neighborhood gave away old objects to the museum after learning about the plan.The official of the community says,“Many people come to the museum e

20、very day.2.We hope that it can help keep memories of hutong culture.Also,it will become a place for nostalgic(怀旧的怀旧的)Beijingers to visit often.”1_2_这家博物馆被分为五个部分。这家博物馆被分为五个部分。我们希望这家博物馆能帮助保存关于胡同文化的记忆。我们希望这家博物馆能帮助保存关于胡同文化的记忆。(四四)Make memories of ginkgo(银杏银杏)leavesAutumn is the season of harvest(收获收获).L

21、eaves turn golden and are blown around by the wind.The ginkgo is one of my favorite trees.1I love its beautiful golden leaves which look like fans.This autumn,I picked up some ginkgo leaves.I cleaned and dried them in the sun.When they are ready,they will be my specimens(标本标本).And I will put them in

22、 my books and use them as bookmarks.2.They will remind me of the season whenever I open my books.They are my memory of this autumn.1_2_我喜欢银杏的美丽的金色叶片,它们看起来像扇子一样。我喜欢银杏的美丽的金色叶片,它们看起来像扇子一样。无论什么时候我打开书,它们将会让我想起这个季节。无论什么时候我打开书,它们将会让我想起这个季节。(五五)In recent years,mobile phones and e readers have become more co

23、mmon.Some people worry that the days of the paper books will be gone.So we did a survey about paper books.Here is what we have got.1In the UK,sales of e books are dropping and sales of paper books are rising.More surprisingly,its young people who are buying most paper books.Another survey of univers

24、ity students from the United States,Japan and Germany also showed that 92 percent of them preferred paper books.Some students said that they liked the smell of the paper books.Other students said that they got a sense of accomplishment when they finished reading a paper book and they enjoyed seeing

25、it on the bookshelf.2Studies have shown that readers can remember more information from paper books.People also more easily have sore eyes while reading ebooks.It seems that paper books still have an attraction.So why not pick up a book and start reading?1_2_在英国,电子书的销量在下降,纸质图书的销量在上升。在英国,电子书的销量在下降,纸质图书的销量在上升。研究表明,读者可以从纸质书中牢记更多的信息。研究表明,读者可以从纸质书中牢记更多的信息。


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