1、Crosstalk18203100351820310035姜端茹姜端茹BRIEF INTRODUCTION Crosstalk,originally means to imitate others,is one of the most popular and influential types of quyi.Its performance is characterized by talking,imitation,fun-making,and singing.Satire is its main purpose.CONTENTOrigin&DevelopmentACharacteristic
2、BFamous performersCModern crosstalkDPart 1Origin&DevelopmentT h e e a r l i e s t p e r f o r m e rZ h a n g S a n l u(张 三 禄)Three major originsBeijing tian qiao(北京天桥)Tianjin quan ye chang(天津劝业场)Nanjing Confucius temple(南京夫子庙)Part 2CharacteristiclComic monologue:one performerl(单口相声)lComic dialogue:t
3、wo performersl (对口相声)lGroup crosstalk:three performers or morel(群口相声)逗哏:A performer who is a protagonist to make people laugh through funny words or actions.捧哏:A performer to support protagonist using words or facial expressions to make people laugh.包袱:comic material for crosstalk贯口:a part of long a
4、nd rhythmic linesTalking(说):An ability of saying tongue twister.Imitating(学):One can learn provincial dialect,a variety of local opera,folk art,pop songs etc.Fun-making(逗):make jokesSinging(唱):One can sing tai ping lyrics(太平歌词)Part 3Famous performersMa Sanli(马三立)Hou Baolin(侯宝林)Jiang Kun(姜昆)Guo Degan
5、g(郭德纲)二 十 世 纪 晚 期,以 侯 宝 林、马 三 立 为 首 的 一 代 相 声 大 师 相 继 陨 落,相 声 事 业 陷 入 低 谷。2 0 0 5 年 起,凭 借 在 网 络 视 频 网 站 等新 兴 媒 体 的 传 播,相 声 演 员 郭 德 纲 及其 德 云 社 异 军 突 起,使 公 众 重 新 关 注相 声 这 一 艺 术 门 类,实 现 了 相 声 的 二次 复 兴。Part 4M o d e r n c r o s s t a l k Deyun Club(德云社)Deyun Club is one of the most famous professional crosstalk clubs in China which was founded in 1995 by well-known crosstalk performers Zhang Wenshun,Guo Degang and Li Jing.Guo DegangGuo Degang Yu QianYu QianYue YunpengYue YunpengSun YueSun YueZhang YunleiZhang YunleiYang JiulangYang JiulangB BD DC CA AThanks2021