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1、Chapter 6 Contrastive Studies of Sentences Word order of English English sentence patterns English sentence elements Principles underlying English sentence construction1.Word order of EnglishIN linguistic description,word order usually refer to the sequence in which grammatical elements such as Subj

2、ect,Verb,and Object occur in sentences.A great deal of attention has been paid to the way in which languages vary the order of these elements,as part of typological studies.ExampleThe boy saw the man.SVOJones I invitednot Smith.OSVStrange fits of passion have I known.OSVWhich is the natural,unmarked

3、 word order in English?OSV in SpaceSick have I become.Strong am I with the Force.Your father he is.When nine hundred years old you reach,look as good you will not.Six logical possibilities of word orderSVO,SOV,VSO,VOS,OSV,OVS Of these,over 75%of the worlds languages use SVO or SOV.SVO:English,French

4、,Vietnamese,Chinese SOV:Japanese,Tibetan,Korean German:SVO in main clauses;SOV in subordinate clauses.2.English sentence patterns1)SV2)SVO3)SVOO4)SVOC5)S V P Honestly,knocking off after eight hours probably wont earn me the corner office or the _ promotion.But hey,leaving work at five o clock means

5、I eat dinner with my family.-lucrative A simple phone call to tell me about the problem_(本可以省掉我所有的麻烦和开销)-would have saved me all this fuss and expense.One day,when I was 14,my uncle sent me a pink T-shirt from ST.Louis.Three years of romance and two years of marriage later,I got tired of him.He is t

6、he most unromantic man I know.He never bought me flowers,he never surprised me,and nothing had changed in our marriage.VOO Sent me a T-shirt Bought me flowers3.Elements of English sentence3.1 SubjectAll finite clauses(except imperative clauses)regularly contain a subject.The subject is characterized

7、 as follows.It:1)is characteristically a noun phrase;2)is in the nominative case of pronouns;3)characteristically precedes the verb phrase;4)requires the verb to agree with it in number and person.The most typical semantic role of a subject is that of the AGENTIVE participant:that is,the animate bei

8、ng instigating or causing the happening denoted by the verb.(Quirk et al.1985:741)Peter sliced the bread with a knife.Peter:AgentThe bread:PatientA knife:Instrument Semantic Roles:AgentPatientThemeExperiencerGoalSourceInstrumentBenefactiveRecipientLocative(Aarts 1997:88)The ball broke the window wit

9、h a hammer.George fell down the cliff to save her.(1)a.Margaret is mowing the grass.b.The wind blew my hat off.c.I love beer.d.He resembles his father very much.e.My tent sleeps four people.英语主语属于显性成分,与谓语动词结合,对全句起提切、构架作用。SV concord/agreement 是英语极重要的句法规范。任何英语句子都不能摆脱SV的提挈作用。刘宓庆,新编汉英对比与翻译 The spirit of

10、 self-help is the root of all genuine growth in the individual;and,exhibited in the lives of many,it constitutes the true source of national vigor and strength.Help from without is often enfeebling in its effects,but help from within invariably invigorates.Samuel Smiles,Self-Help3.2 Other types of s

11、ubjectsThey look on the sunny side of things;they see obstacles only to surmount them.Coming into their presence is like coming into a sunny room.It is perfectly natural and human to want to be at your physical best.What this does mean,however,is that you need to stop criticizing,judging,or finding

12、fault with your body even when you are not at your healthiest or most attractive.3.3汉语的主语主语是谓语前边表示主体事物的成分;谓语是主语后边表示有所述说的成分。这是两个基本句子成分,一般的小句都由这两个成分所构成。其中,谓语的地位尤其重要。(刑福义 2002:24)主语的语义类型1)施事主语大妈们在跳舞。2)受事主语那幢房子已经被撤掉了。刀子切钝了。3)用事主语这些土豆烧牛肉的。这把刀切牛肉。4)断事主语今天阴天。这位老师北方人。5)描写主语这把刀子很名贵。主语的词类/结构性质?1)体词性主语/名词性主语乔石

13、遗体乔石遗体19日火化。民族的灾难、人民的痛苦民族的灾难、人民的痛苦,激发了鲁迅的爱国思想。逃学的,逃学的,赶快跑回家挨打去,不要在这里玩。2)动词或形容词短语 签署自贸协定签署自贸协定,将为两国实现优势互补、密切互利合作,提供更高的平台和更完善的制度保障,也将为亚太地区发展高水平的经贸安排产生示范效应,有助于推动亚太经济一体化进程。太慢了太慢了不好,太急了太急了也不好,太慢太急太慢太急都是机会主义。3)介词短语对面高山上对面高山上有个庙,庙中庙中住下一个青年和尚,诚心苦修。(沈从文)桌子上桌子上放着一本书。4)主谓短语 阿博特在贺信中指出,今天对于澳中两国来说是一个重要的日子,澳中自贸协定正

14、式签署澳中自贸协定正式签署是两国关系新的开始。(搜狐新闻)我能正确记忆到我小时的一切我能正确记忆到我小时的一切,大约在两岁左右。(沈从文)他讲课他讲课很出色。(对比:他他讲课很出色)3.4英汉主语对比 英语主语汉语主语名词 形容词 X 谓语动词 X 非谓语动词 介词短语 X 名词性从句 X?3.5汉语的谓语汉语的句子,按照结构可以分为主谓句和非主谓句。非主谓句包括独词句,无主句。如:好极了!飞机!下雨了,天晴了包含主语和谓语的句子叫主谓句。根据谓语的性质,主谓句可以分为四种。动词谓语句形容词谓语句主谓谓语句名词谓语句v 动词谓语句花开了。许多娘儿们也都特别熟习他那顶水獭皮帽子。他一见到我就赶过

15、来用两只手同我握手。(连动式)我就邀他在船上住一夜。(兼语式)你告诉我你的电话号码。(动词+双宾)v形容词谓语句天候干冷,天空倒明明朗朗。山势既较平和,河水也温和多了。v 名词性谓语句今天礼拜四。他东北口音。v主谓谓语句他事情懂得多呢。这一带土地肥沃,山水秀丽。3.6 英汉谓语的比较v述宾谓语一(双宾式;VOO)英语:常见的动词汉语:给、送、租、借、卖、教、还、求、问、赔、告诉、通知、报告、请教再给我一次机会行吗?给我叫叫辆专车吧。给他送副球拍。v 述宾谓语二(述补+宾语;VOC)他们一定会救活他的。这本书我到处托人买,今天可买到了一本。你的儿子将用血来洗尽你身上的污垢!打破-卖光-打伤打死-

16、学会-听懂-唤江郎觉。4.英汉语句子的组织 English sentence:Tree-like sentence structure;Different parts connected to the trunk like branches and sub-branches.What I consider as the peculiar value of the following work,is,the quantity that it contains of Johnsons conversation,which is universally acknowledged to have be

17、en eminently instructive and entertaining,and of which the specimens that I have given upon a former occasion,have been received with so much approbation,that I have good grounds for supposing that the world will not be indifferent to more ample communications of a similar nature.Boswell,Life of Joh

18、nson A young woman of Leek,in Staffordshire,while he served his apprenticeship there,conceived a violent passion for him;and though it met with no favorable return,followed him to Lichfield,where she took lodgings opposite to the house in which he lived,and indulged her hopeless flame.At that time b

19、ooksellers shops in the provincial towns of England were very rare,so that there was not one even in Birmingham,in which town old Mr.Johnson used to open a shop every market-day.英语句子呈现句首封闭,句尾开放的特征(right-branching)。修饰语、插入语可以后置,句子可以不断向句尾扩展、延伸。句子长度大大超过汉语,也使句子变得繁复。(连淑能 2010:93-94)英语句子结构形式必须齐整严谨,词组不能单独使用

20、;SV为主轴;主语的承接力有限;动词的形态为上下文提供相互约束的语法依据,加强了语段内在的组织性;英语句子在扩展中由于有大量后置成分、插入成分造成结构上紧凑简约,跌宕起伏。刘宓庆 2006:246 Chinese:Bamboo-like sentence structure;The chunks of a sentence seem to be connected,yet they are separated,like sections of a bamboo,which,though linked by the joints,are relatively independent and se

21、lf-contained.我买了7本书,一共70元钱,拿回家一看,都是半新半旧了。阿Q没有家,租在本庄的土谷祠里;也没有固定的职业,只给人家做短工,割麦便割麦,舂米便舂米,撑船便撑船。汉语常用散句、松句、紧缩句、省略句、流水句、并列句,以中短句居多,结构简化,无拖沓、盘错之感。汉语句子呈现句首开放,句尾收缩的特征(left-branching)。句首虽可开放,向左伸展,但扩展的长度和程度受到种种限制,不能像英语那样层层环扣,向后不断扩展延伸。(连淑能 2010:94)学术报告 关于当代语言学的学术报告 李教授做的关于当代语言学的学术报告 昨天-汉语不求句子结构形式齐整,词组可以相对独立使用;汉语主语的承接力很强,一次出现,多次隐含;动词缺少形态标记,不能给上下文提供约束性语法信息;汉语句子呈流散性扩展,重在意合。刘宓庆 2006:2465.英汉语序规则英汉语言比较与翻译,杨丰宁


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