2021年仁爱版中考英语一轮复习(ppt课件):八下Unit 5 Topic 1-2.pptx

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1、1.flm_2.smel_3.sim_4.lavl_5.lmst_ film smell seem lively almost根据音标写单词1.gzm _2.smwn_3.fil_4.dk_5.jul_6.i_ exam someone feeling joke usual either 7.kspt_8.lvl_9.helpfl_10.dil _11.enwn_12._ accept lovely helpful deal anyone though1.worry(动词)_(形容词)2.live(动词)_(形容词)3.face(名词,动词)_(形容词)4.paint(动词)_(名词)5.fr

2、ighten(动词)_/_(形容词)6.invite(动词)_(名词)7.disappoint(动词)_(名词)_/_(形容词)worried lively facial painting frightened frightening invitation disappointment disappointed disappointing 词形变化1.sadness(名词)_(形容词)2.love(动词)_(形容词)3.help(动词、名词)_(形容词)4.feel(动词)_(名词)sad lovely helpful feeling1.我最喜欢的电影之一_2.过夜_3.向某人道谢_4.看电影

3、_5.一张的票_6.感到孤单_7.为感到难过 _ one of my favorite moviesspend the evening/nightsay thanks to sb.go to the moviesa ticket to feel lonely feel sorry for 重点词组8.和和解_9.脸谱 _10.首先_11.有能力做某事_12.受喜爱_13.照顾_ make peace with facial paintings at first be able to do sth.be popular with care for/look after/take care of1

4、4.由于_15.使振奋/高兴起来_16.形成_17.充满 _18.最后_19.害怕做某事_ because of cheer up come into being be full of/be filled with in the end/at last be afraid of doing sth./to do sth.1.在某方面表现很差_2.与某人谈一谈_3.谢谢你做了某事_4.有这些感受_5.给某人讲笑话_6.在某人的年龄时_ do badly in/be weak intalk with sb./have a talk with sb.thank you for doing sth.g

5、et/have these feelings tell sb.jokes at ones age 7.顺便提一下_8.放松_9.并且_10.害怕去做某事_11.发疯 _12.习惯于(做)某事_ by the way take it easy whats more be afraid to do sth.go mad get used to(doing)sth.13.与交朋友_14.即使_15.考试不及格_16.处理;处置_17.拒绝做某事_18.过正常的生活_be/make friends with even though fail(to pass)an exam deal with refu

6、se to do sth.have a normal life 1.你对某件事深表遗憾,可以这样说:_!2.David很悲伤的样子,你想知道原因,可以这样问同桌:_?What a pityWhy did David look sad?/Why was David sad情境交际3.你想知道那段音乐听起来怎么样,可以这样问妈妈:_?4.你感觉John好像有点紧张,你可以这样告诉他父母:_.How did/does the music soundJohn/Your son seems a little nervous5.你的同学对能一起去看电影表示高兴,他们可能会这样说:We felt _.hap

7、py to see the movie together6.你感叹时间过得很快,可以这样说:_!7.你发现班上似乎出了什么问题,可以这样问:_ seems _?_ seems _?How time fliesWhat to be the problemWhat to have happened8.你觉得那里的食物与我们的食物一样好吃,可以这样说:I think _.9.你弟弟因为没有可以说话的朋友,感到很孤独,他可以这样说:_.the food there is as delicious as ours/our food.I feel lonely because I have no frie

8、nds to talk with10.因为孩子生病了,所以Miss Lee看起来很着急,你可以这样跟同学说:_.Miss Lee looks worried because her son is ill 11.当你听说同桌将无法参加你的生日聚会,你可以这么表达遗憾:_!12.李老师似乎有点不高兴,你可以这么告诉同桌:_.13.昨天你父母一起去看电影很开心,你可以这么表达:_.What a shame/What a pity Mr./Miss Lee seems a little unhappy My parents felt happy to see the movie together ye

9、sterday14.看到同桌一脸疲惫状,你可以这么问:_?15.妹妹在为明天的考试而担心,你可以这么安慰她“_.16.得知明天全班一起去春游,你可以这么表态:_!17.听到邻居说他家的狗因车祸死亡,你可以这么说:_.Anything wrong/Whats wrong/Whats the matter Dont worry/Take it easy Im sorry to hear that Thats great/wonderful/How nice/How wonderful1.你怎么了?(matter)_2.这种食物闻起来臭,但吃起来很可口。(smell,taste)_3.明年她就可以上

10、学了。(able,next)_Whats the matter with you?The food smells bad,but it tastes delicious.She is able to go to school next year.4.这位护士正细心地照顾着病人。(care,patient)_5.由于这场大雨,他们不得不待在家。_The nurse is caring for the patient carefully.They had to stay at home because of the heavy rain.6.爸爸对我很严格。_7.很多事情会影响到我们的心情。(af

11、fect,mood)_8.她想和Helen交朋友。(would,friends)_Dad is strict with me.Many things can affect our moods.She would like to make friends with Helen.9.你知道如何处理这些问题吗?_10.他不再恨那位司机了。(notany longer)_Do you know how to deal with these problems?He didnt hate the driver any longer.1.He felt disappointed because he was

12、 not able to get a ticket to The Sound of Music.意思是“他感到很失望因为他没有买到音乐之声的票。”to此处意为“的”(无生命物体),常见的搭配如下:_ Fast and Furious 8 “一张速度与激情8的票”_ the question “问题的答案”_ the door “门的钥匙”a ticket to the answer to the key to考点解析can与be(is,am,are)able to 二者都表示“能,会”,在指“一般能力”时常互换。e.g.He _ work out the problem.“他能算出这道难题。”

13、注意:can 只有现在式和过去式(could),没有数的变化;而be(was,were)able to有时态及数的变化。e.g.I couldnt swim three years ago,but now I can.“三年前我不会游泳,但现在我能。”can/is able to2.He must be excited to get it.意思是“他能拿到票一定很激动。”Ill tell him the exciting news right now.意思是“我会马上告诉他这个激动人心的消息。”be excited意为“感到激动的”,主语一般为_。be exciting意为“令人兴奋的”,主语

14、一般为_。类似的还有:interested/interesting surprised/surprising bored/boring人物用括号内单词的适当形式填空。He is _ at the _ news.(disappoint)The film is _.We are _ by the film.(move)The match was _.The fans got so _ that they danced.(excite)I felt _ to hear that.It was _.(surprise)disappointed disappointing moving moved ex

15、citing excited surprised surprising3.The father was lonely and often became angry because of the noisy children.意思是“孤独的父亲经常由于吵吵闹闹的孩子们而发怒。”lonely表示“孤单的,寂寞的”,指主观上的,既可作表语也可做定语。a lonely road意为“一条偏僻的道路”。alone 表示“单独的,独自的”,指客观上的,只作表语,不能做定语。根据句意,选择alone或lonely填空。I can do the work_.She felt_,although there w

16、ere many people around.That is a(n)_ island.No one has ever been there.lonelylonelyalonebecause of 意为“由于”,是介词短语,后常跟名词或短语。because后可以跟句子。e.g.He didnt come to school because of his illness.=He didnt come to school _.“由于他生病了,所以没来上学。”because he was ill4.Beijing Opera is full of famous stories,beautiful f

17、acial paintings,wonderful gestures and fighting.意思是“京剧里有许多著名的故事、漂亮的脸谱、美妙的姿势以及精彩的打斗场面。”be full of=_意为“装满,充满”。“杯子里装满了牛奶。”_ “她的眼里满是泪水。”_ be filled with The glass is full of milk.Her eyes are filled with tears.5.Anything wrong?=Is there anything wrong?意思是“有什么麻烦吗?”注意:形容词修饰不定代词要后置。e.g.“不好的事情”_ “一切新的事物”_()

18、Is there _in the newspaper today?A.something important B.anything important C.important anything something badeverything newB6.What seems to be the problem?意思是“似乎有什么问题?”seem to do sth.意为“似乎做某事”,常与“It seems that+句子”替换。e.g.He seems to know her name.似乎他知道她的名字。=_seem+adj.意为“似乎(怎样)”,构成系表结构。e.g.You seem s

19、ad.“你似乎很伤心。”=_ =_It seems that he knows her name.You seem(to be)sad.It seems that you are sad.7.I was not used to anything here.意思是“我不适应这里的一切。”get/be used to(doing)sth.e.g.()I _ getting up early.A.am used to B.used to C.am used for ()He _ listen to the pop songs,but now he listens to the folk songs.

20、A.am used to B.used to C.get used toA B8.My classmates all accept me.意思是“我的同学都接受了我。”【辨析】accept和receiveaccept“接受”,指主观上接受。receive“收到,得到”,强调客观上收到,主观上不一定接受。()She _ a gift but she didnt want to accept it.A.got B.received C.accepted()I cant _ your advice.A.get B.receive C.acceptB C9.It is normal to have t

21、hese feelings.意思是“有这些感受是很正常的。”It is normal.意为“是正常的”。在句型“It is+adj.+to do”中,It是形式主语,真正主语是后面的_。e.g._ after a long trip.“长途旅行后感到疲劳是正常的。”It is normal to feel tired动词不定式to do类似的还有句型“find it+adj.+to do”。句子中的It也是形式主语,真正主语也是后面的动词不定式to do。e.g.I _ learn English well.“我发现学好英语是很难的。”They _ swim in the sea.“他们发现在

22、大海里游泳是很危险的。”find it difficult tofind it dangerous to 10.If you dont know how to deal with these problems,you may learn something from Jeff.意思是“如果你不知道怎样处理这些问题,你可以向杰夫学习。”deal with意为“对付,处理”,用于特殊疑问句时与_搭配使用。do with意为“对付,处理”,用于特殊疑问句时与_搭配使用。e.g.How do you deal with this problem?=_ “你要如何处理这个问题?”What do you

23、do with this problem?how what11.He doesnt hate the driver any longer.意思是“他不再憎恨那个司机了。”notany longer=no longer意为“不再”,指时间上不再。notany more=no more意为“不再”,指次数上不再。注意:其中not通常要与前面的助动词连用。You arent a child any longer.你不再是个小孩了。=_We didnt visit him any more.我们不再去拜访他了。=_ You are no longer a child.We visited him no

24、 more.系表结构“系动词+形容词”系表结构的含义:就是英语句子中的主要成分是主语、系动词和表语。1.主语(Subject):主语是一句话的中心,表示所说的是谁或是什么,其位置一般放在句首。英语中主语一般不省略。主语主要由名词、动名词、代词或起名词作用的短语或从句来充当。语法梳理e.g.Li Lei is a Chinese boy.“李雷是一个中国男孩。”(Li Lei 是名词,作主语)He is from England.“他来自英格兰。”(he 是代词,作主语)Collecting stamps must be great fun.“集邮肯定有很大的乐趣。”(collecting st

25、amps是动名词短语,作主语)What she said is right.“她说得对。”(what she said 是主语从句,作主语)2.系动词(Linking verb):系动词本身有一定的词义,但不能独立作谓语,必须和句子中的表语一起构成谓语。简单地说,将主语和表语联系在一起,并构成一个完整句子的动词就叫做系动词。常见的系动词有be,feel,seem,look,sound,taste,smell,keep,stay,fall(陷入),become,turn,get(变得),go(变得)等。I _.“我刚才觉得很累。”You _.“你看上去很担忧。”It _.“很美味。”felt v

26、ery tired just now look worried tastes delicious3.表语(Predicative):表语是用来说明主语的身份、特征或状态的。表语位于_之后,主要由名词、代词、形容词、数词、副词、介词短语、分词(短语)或动名词(短语)等来充当。e.g.I am fine.“我很好。”(fine 是形容词,作表语)He is a boy.“他是一个男孩。”(boy 是名词,作表语)系动词 His uncle is forty.“他的叔叔40岁了。”(forty是数词,作表语)We are here.“我们到了。”(here 是副词,作表语)He is not at

27、home.“他不在家。”(at home是介词短语,作表语)My hobby is reading.“我的爱好是看书。”(reading 是动名词,作表语)3、同级比较状语从句中有一类称为比较状语从句,引导比较状语从句的从属连词主要为as.as(和一样),not as/so.as(不如),than(比),the more.the more(越越)。这类从句常以省略形式出现。主要句型结构:1.主语A+谓语动词+as+形容词/副词原级+as+对比物B”,意为“A与B一样。2.主语A+谓语动词否定形式(not)+as/so+形容词/副词原级+as+对比物B,意为“A不如B”。e.g._“他和我一样高

28、。”He isnt as/so tall as me/I.“他不如我高。”=I am taller than he/him.“我比他高。”_ “她做作业和他一样认真。”She doesnt do her homework as/so carefully as he/him.“她做作业不如他认真。”=He does his homework more carefully than she/her.“他做作业比她认真。”He is as tall as me/I.She does her homework as carefully as he/him.4、because 引导的原因状语从句beca

29、use 用来回答why提问的问句,表示的原因语气很强,一般用在主句后面,强调因果关系。Mr.Wang looks tired because he worked late last night and didnt get enough sleep.王先生看上去很累,是因为他昨晚工作到很晚,没有充足的睡眠。Jack is disappointed because his best friend is not able to come.杰克感到很失望,因为他最好的朋友不能来。Why do they feel proud?他们为什么感到自豪?Because a player from their c

30、ountry won a medal.因为他们国家的一位选手获得了奖牌。C C1.The boy can speak both English and Japanese 1.The boy can speak both English and Japanese _he is only ten._he is only ten.Wow,what a clever Wow,what a clever boyboy!A.if A.if B.becauseB.because C.though C.though2.Helen cant afford the motorbike,2.Helen cant afford the motorbike,it it is is cheapcheap.A.becauseA.becauseB.althoughB.although C.if C.if3.The Internet is really 3.The Internet is really to us.We can to us.We can easily find information easily find information on iton it.A.boring A.boring B.useful B.useful C.interesting C.interestingBB中考训练


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