2021年广东省英语中考复习专题二十二 同义转换 (ppt课件).ppt

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2021年广东省英语中考复习专题二十二 同义转换 (ppt课件).ppt_第1页
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1、 中考英语(广东专用)第二部分综合运用能力提升(中考题型专练)专题二十二同义转换1.(2020深圳)Tom,lets go to play basketball.Id love to.But I have to complete my homework first.A.checkB.finishC.correctYour English teacher is very humorous.Exactly.She is very popular with us.A.friendlyB.outgoingC.funnyYou are always there for me when I am in t

2、rouble.Thats what a friend should do.A.in fearB.in difficultyC.in surpriseBi Sheng,an ancient Chinese,invented movable type printing in the 1440s.It was developed in China but served the world.A.createdB.discoveredC.searchedIt took me nearly two days to make the vlog.I cant wait to watch it.A.hardly

3、B.probablyC.almostSam,could you tell me something about Earth Hour?Sure.People usually turn off lights and keep them off for an hour.A.switch offB.take offC.get offWhat do you think of the Hi-Tech Fair in Shenzhen Bay?You cant miss it!The show room is full of different models.A.is filled withB.is ma

4、de ofC.is covered withMost Chinese customers prefer to pay by Alipay or WeChat Pay nowadays.Thats true.Life becomes more convenient in China because of them.A.waitersB.buyersC.businessmen答案答案B句意:汤姆,我们去打篮球吧。我很乐意,但是我必须先完成我的家庭作业。本题考查动词。check检查;finish完成;correct纠正。complete在句中的意思为“完成”。故选B。C句意:你(们)的英语老师很幽默

5、。是的。她很受我们欢迎。本题考查形容词。friendly友好的;outgoing外向的;funny诙谐的。humorous在句中的意思为“幽默的”。故选C。B句意:当我有麻烦的时候,你总会帮我。那是一个朋友应该做的。本题考查介词短语。in fear在恐惧中;in difficulty有困难;in surprise吃惊地。in trouble 在句中的意思为“有麻烦,有困难”。故选B。A句意:毕昇,中国古代人,在15世纪40年代发明了活字印刷术。它是在中国开发的,但是为世界服务。本题考查动词。create创造;discover发现;search搜寻。invent在句中的意思为“发明”。故选A。C

6、句意:做这个影音博客花了我几乎两天时间。我迫不及待想看了。本题考查副词。hardly几乎不;probably很可能;almost几乎。nearly在句中的意思为“几乎,将近”。故选C。A句意:萨姆,你可以向我介绍一下地球一小时吗?当然可以。人们通常关灯并持续一小时。本题考查动词短语。switch off 关掉;take off 脱下;get off下车。turn off 在句中的意思为“关掉”。故选A。A句意:你觉得深圳湾的高新技术成果交易会怎么样?你不能错过它!展示厅里充满了不同的模型。本题考查固定短语。be filled with充满;be made of由制成;be covered wi

7、th被覆盖。be full of在句中的意思为“充满”。故选A。B句意:如今,大部分中国顾客更喜欢用支付宝或微信付款。对。因为它们,在中国生活更便利了。2.(2019深圳)Where shall we watch the light show tonight?On the top of Lianhua Mountain.Its in the centre of our city.A.backB.middleC.frontSarah seems to be confident about her performance tomorrow.So she is.Shes gotten prepare

8、d for it.A.sorryB.famousC.readyI heard that your grandma lost her way in Dameisha yesterday.Yes.Luckily,a kind stranger managed to lead her back home.A.takeB.pullC.putWhen can we finish making the model car?We must hand it in this afternoon.Very soon.There is one more step to finish it.A.stairB.post

9、C.stageIm not sure if I copied the address correctly.Can you check it for me?No problem.Lets check it together.A.without difficultyB.without instructionsC.without mistakesHow was your skating lesson last week?Not bad.Although I fell over many times,I managed to skate at last.A.in the endB.at present

10、C.at timesHow many Chinese poems did you learn by heart last term?Twenty.Most of them were written in the Tang dynasty.A.studyB.rememberC.researchDont lie around.Help me with some dishes,Jimmy.OK,Mum.Im coming in a minute.A.look aroundB.turn aroundC.sit around答案答案B句意:今晚我们在哪儿看灯展?在莲花山山顶。它在我们市中心。本题考查名词

11、。centre中心,(市镇的)中心区;back后面,后部;middle中间,中央;front前面,前部。故选B。C句意:萨拉似乎对她明天的表演很有信心。确实。她已经准备好了。本题考查形容词。prepared准备好的;sorry抱歉的;famous著名的;ready准备好的。故选C。A句意:我听说你奶奶昨天在大梅沙迷路了。是啊。幸运的是,一个好心的陌生人设法把她带回了家。本题考查动词。lead带领;take带,引领;pull拉;put放。故选A。C句意:我们什么时候可以完成这个汽车模型?我们今天下午必须交上去。很快。还有一步就可以完成了。本题考查名词。step 步骤;stair 楼梯;post邮

12、件;stage步骤。故选C。C句意:我不确定我抄写的地址是否正确。你可以为我核对一下吗?没问题。我们一起核对吧。本题考查副词。correctly正确地;without difficulty没有困难;without instructions没有指示;without mis-takes没有错误。故选C。A句意:你上周的溜冰课怎么样啊?不错。尽管摔倒多次,但我最终能滑了。本题考查固定短语。at last最后,终于;in the end最后,终于;at present目前,现在;at times有时。故选A。B句意:上学期你背了多少首中国诗歌?20首。大部分都是唐诗。本题考查动词短语。learn by

13、 heart 记住;study学习;remember 记住;research研究。故选B。C句意:不要无所事事。帮我洗碗,吉米。好的,妈妈。我马上就来。本题考查动词短语。lie around无所事事,游手好闲;look around四处看;turn around 转身;sit around 闲坐。故选C。3.(2018深圳)More than 400 street gardens will be built in Shenzhen next year.Good news!Our city is becoming more and more beautiful.A.OverB.AroundC.N

14、earlyTim,you spend too much time on computers.Its harmful to your eyes.I see.Thank you.Ill do more sports instead.A.is good forB.is bad for C.is useful toHi,John!Would you like to go hiking with me tomorrow?Sounds great!Its a good way to keep fit.A.livelyB.activeC.healthyMr.Li,I feel a little nervou

15、s before the coming exam.Youd better take a break from studies and relax yourself.A.restB.breathC.walkI dream to be a great dancer when I grow up.Thats great.But it requires confidence and a lot of practice.A.getsB.hasC.needsExcuse me,could you please tell me how to get to the Concert Hall?Sure.Go d

16、own the street,and youll find it close to the Book City.A.behindB.oppositeC.nearTony,have you got any plan for the summer vacation?Not yet.Perhaps Ill go back to my hometown with my family.A.MaybeB.ActuallyC.GenerallyOur English club will put on a famous play during the school art week.Really?I cant

17、 wait to watch it.A.work onB.act outC.make up答案答案A 句意:超过400个街道花园明年会在深圳建成。好消息!我们的城市正变得越来越美。more than多于;over超过;around大概;nearly几乎。故答案为A。B句意:蒂姆,你在电脑上花了太多时间了。那对你的眼睛有害。知道了,谢谢。我会多做运动来代替。be harmful to对有害;be good for对有好处;be bad for对有害;be useful to对有用。故答案为B。C句意:你好,约翰!明天你想和我一起去远足吗?听起来不错!这是保持健康的好方法。fit健康的,合适的;l

18、ively生动的;active积极的;healthy健康的。故答案为C。A句意:李老师,我在即将到来的考试前感到有点紧张。你最好从学习中解脱出来休息一下并放松自己。break休息,间断;rest休息;breath呼吸;walk散步。故答案为A。C句意:我梦想长大后成为一名伟大的舞蹈家。太棒了。但这需要信心和大量的练习。re-quire需要,需求;get得到;have拥有;need需要。故答案为C。C句意:打扰一下,请问您能告诉我怎么去音乐厅吗?当然。沿着这条街一直走,你会发现它就紧挨着书城。close to接近于;behind在后面;opposite在对面;near在附近。故答案为C。A句意:

19、托尼,你有什么暑假计划了吗?还没。可能我会和我的家人一起回家乡。perhaps可能;maybe也许,大概;actually实际上;generally普遍地。故答案为A。B句意:我们的英语俱乐部会在校艺术周上演一部出名的戏剧。真的?我等不及要看了。put on上演;work on对起作用;act out演出来;make up化妆,编造。故答案为B。4.(2017深圳)Ancient Greeks used a giant wooden horse to capture the city of Troy.A.hugeB.wonderfulC.wideI worked as a volunteer

20、in the school library last Friday afternoon.Really?Can I go with you next time?A.hadB.madeC.wasI have difficulty in learning Chinese.Could you give me some help?Sure.Reading a lot will help you improve your Chinese.A.questionsB.problemsC.tasksChinas first large passenger plane C919 flew successfully

21、 on May 5.Yes.Whats more,it was built on our own in Shanghai.A.with some helpB.from our friendsC.by ourselvesHi,Bob!Whats going on over there?Oh,Tom and Dick are playing chess,with a crowd of students watching them.A.happeningB.appearing C.workingDing Ning beat Miu Hirano,a Japanese player,in the 20

22、17 World Table Tennis Championship entering the final.We were all excited at the good news.A.fought withB.won againstC.lost byDid you see the movie Dangal last weekend?No.I hardly go to the cinema these days.I am busy writing a book report.A.oftenB.always C.seldomIn Shenzhen the city center will be

23、connected to all the districts by metro in several years.Great.Im proud of living in Shenzhen.A.closed toB.joined to C.added to答案答案 A 古希腊人民利用巨大的木马夺取了特洛伊城。考查形容词辨析。A:巨大的;B:令人惊叹的,极好的;C:宽广的。C上周五下午我去学校图书馆做志愿者了。真的吗?下次我可以和你一起去吗?考查固定搭配。work as意为“担任,以身份工作”。A意为“有”;B意为“做,制作”;C意为“是”。B我学习中文遇到了困难,你能给我一些帮助吗?当然,多阅读


25、败”;C意为“因而遭受损失”。C上周末你看电影摔跤吧!爸爸了吗?没有,这些天我几乎不去电影院,我在忙着写读书报告。考查同义词转换。A意为“经常”;B意为“总是,常常”;C意为“很少”。B在几年之内深圳市中心将通过地铁与各区相连接。太好了,我为住在深圳感到自豪。考查短语辨析。A项意为“对关闭”;B项意为“与相连接”;C项意为“添加,增加”。5.(2016深圳)After leaving school,I think Ill miss my teachers.Me,too.All the teachers are so friendly.If I have time,Ill come back t

26、o see them.A.nice and kindB.good and excitedC.glad and luckyThe library near our school isnt open in the evening,so we can go there during the day.No problem.Ill go with you tomorrow.A.day after dayB.in the daytimeC.all the timeMr.White,could you give me some advice?I have trouble in learning Englis

27、h.Sure.First,you should be confident and never give up.Second,.A.introductionsB.suggestionsC.instructionsHow did your class raise money for the poor old man in hospital?We organized a book fair in the playground and sold some books and CDs.A.collectB.put upC.spendA little giraffe has come to Shenzhe

28、n Safari Park.Shall we go and watch it?Good idea!Lets go there together next Sunday.A.one by oneB.with each other C.in our spare timeMy mum is ill.I have to stay at home and look after her.Im sorry to hear that.I hope she can get better soon.A.look atB.look for C.care forExcuse me,could you please t

29、ell me the way to the Book City?OK.Walk along this street till you reach the Childrens Palace.The Book City is opposite it.A.on the other side ofB.in front ofC.next toGood news!Metro Line 11 will be open on June 30 in our city.Great!It will make our lives more convenient.A.richerB.easierC.faster答案答案

30、A 根据题意friendly意为“友好的,友善的”,故正确答案为A。B根据题意during the day意为“在白天”。故正确答案为B。A选项意为“日复一日地”,C选项意为“一直,时时刻刻”。B根据题意此处advice意为“建议”。A选项意为“介绍”;B选项意为“建议”;C选项意为“指示,指令”。故正确答案为B。A根据题意此处raise意为“筹集”。A选项意为“收集”;B选项意为“举起,提高”;C选项意为“花费”。故正确答案为A项。Btogether意为“一起”。A选项意为“一个接一个”;B选项意为“彼此”;C选项意为“在我们的业余时间”。故正确答案为B项。Clook after意为“照顾,

31、照料”。A选项意为“看”;B选项意为“寻找”;C选项意为“照顾”。故正确答案为C项。A根据题意opposite意为“在对面”。A选项意为“在另一边”;B选项意为“在前面”;C选项意为“挨着”。故正确答案为A。Bmore convenient意为“更便利”。A选项意为“更富有”;B选项意为“更容易”;C选项意为“更快速”。故正确答案为B。C组教师专用题组一、同义词一、同义词(2013深圳)He began to do his homework after supper.A.heldB.learnedC.triedD.startedThe film will last for an hour an

32、d half.A.get readyB.hold onC.get onD.go onThe plane to Wuhan will take off as soon as the cloud lifts.A.passes awayB.comes outC.gets upD.puts upShe was able to ride a bike when she was four.A.had toB.mustC.wouldD.couldJames gets a letter from his penfriend every month.A.hears ofB.gives a call toC.is

33、 on a visit toD.hears from答案答案D 句意:晚餐之后他开始做家庭作业。本题考查词义辨析。begin开始,与start同义。hold举行,learn学习,try尝试。D句意:这部电影将会持续一个半小时。本题考查短语辨析。last持续,继续。get ready准备好;hold on等一下,别挂断;get on上车,进展;go on继续。故选D。A句意:云一消散,飞往武汉的飞机就会起飞。本题考查短语辨析。lift消散,消失。pass away消失,消逝;come out出版,出现;get up起床;put up提出,建造。D句意:当她四岁的时候她就会骑自行车了。be abl

34、e to表能力,相当于can;have to和must意为“不得不,必须”;would是will的过去式,表意愿。D句意:James每个月都会收到他笔友的来信。本题考查短语辨析。get a letter from收到某人的来信,相当于hear from。hear of听说,give a call to给(某人)打电话,be on a visit to参观、访问、观赏。二、同义句二、同义句(2013茂名)Mary is a teacher.She often smiles.(合并句子)Mary is a teacher often smiles.Kate told me not to stay

35、in bed.(改成直接引语)“stay in bed,”Kate to me.Often we dont know where we can go on Sundays.(同义句转换)Often we dont know go on Sundays.答案答案who/that考查定语从句。用关系词who/that指人,代替she。Dont;saidSb.tell sb.not to do sth.句式改为直接引语时,用动词say及祈使句的否定形式。where to宾语从句可转化成“特殊疑问词+to do”结构。1.(2020深圳光明一模)Hi,Judy.You look unhappy.My

36、parents always plan things for me,but I need personal time to do what I like.A.publicB.privateC.properJack,the Maldives(马尔代夫)may disappear as a result of the rising of sea level.God!We must do something to stop it.A.except forB.because ofC.according toIm sorry,Mr.Li.I left my physics book at home.It

37、 doesnt matter.Please remember to bring it here tomorrow.A.dont forgetB.dont waitC.dont wantWhich do you like better,rock music or light music?Neither.I am interested in Beijing Opera.A.offerB.considerC.preferHow does the sweater look on me,Lucy?To tell you the truth,it doesnt fit you.A.factB.excuse

38、C.methodYou sit here quietly for a long time.Whats the matter?I had a fight with my best friend.I feel very sad.A.in silenceB.in publicC.in surpriseChina plans to send one more spaceship into space.Wow!More unknown things will be discovered soon.A.the otherB.anotherC.otherCould you tell me how I can

39、 improve my English?Sure.Most importantly,you should speak it as much as possible.A.In generalB.By the wayC.Above all答案答案B句意:嗨,朱迪。你看起来不开心。我父母总是为我安排事情,但我需要私人时间来做我喜欢做的事。在第二句中personal的意思是“私人的”。public公共的;private私人的;proper适当的。故应选B。B句意:杰克,因为海平面的上升,马尔代夫可能会消失。天啊!我们必须想办法阻止它。在第一句中as a result of 的意思是“因为”。excep

40、t for除了;because of 因为;according to根据。故应选B。A句意:对不起,李老师。我把我的物理课本落在家里了。没关系。请记得明天带来。在答语中remember的意思是“记得”。dont forget 不要忘记(也就是记得);dont wait不要等待;dont want不想要。故应选A。C句意:摇滚乐和轻音乐,你更喜欢哪一个?两个都不喜欢。我对京剧感兴趣。like better意思为“更喜欢”。offer提供;consider考虑,认为;prefer更喜欢。故应选C。A句意:露西,这件毛衣穿在我身上怎么样?说实话,它不适合你。truth在句中的意思是“事实”。fact

41、事实;excuse借口;method方法。故应选A。A句意:你静静地坐在这儿好久了。怎么了?我和我最好的朋友打架了。我感到很难过。quietly在句中的意思是“安静地”。in silence沉默地,安静地;in public公开地;in surprise吃惊地。故应选A。B句意:中国计划再向太空发射一艘宇宙飞船。哇!更多未知的东西很快就会被发现。one more在句中的意思是“另外一个”。the other其他的(限定范围);another 另外一个;other其他的(无限定范围)。故应选B。C句意:你能告诉我如何提高英语吗?当然可以。最重要的是,你应该尽可能多地讲英语。most import

42、antly在句中的意思是“最重要的是”。in general 总的来说;by the way顺便说,顺便问一下;above all 首要的是,最重要的是。故应选C。2.(2020深圳福田八校联考)You are good at playing the piano,arent you?Yes,I am.Besides it,I also do well in playing the violin.A.In addition toB.Because ofC.Ahead ofThis city is known as the Flower City.Really?If its like that,t

43、here must be many people travelling around it every year.A.reportedB.calledC.askedWhat kinds of fruit do you like eating?Apples as well as oranges.A.andB.butC.or答案答案 A句意:你擅长弹钢琴,不是吗?是的。除此之外,我也很擅长拉小提琴。本题考查介词。be-sides在句中的意思是“除了”。in addition to除了;because of因为;ahead of在之前。故选A。B句意:这座城市被称为花城。真的吗?如果是这样的话,每年

44、肯定有很多人到这里旅行。be known as作为而出名,被称作。report报告;call叫,称为;ask询问。故选B。A句意:你喜欢吃什么水果?苹果和橘子。as well as 和,以及。and和;but但是;or或者。故选A。3.(2019深圳南山期末质量检测)Are you certain of the date of the meeting?Yes,it will be held on December 28th.A.afraidB.excitedC.sureThere is no cause for concern.Do you mean you will finish the w

45、ork on time?A.dangerB.worryC.interestWhat do you know about the earthquake?It has killed one hundred people and thousands of people are still missing.A.leftB.knownC.lostThe yellow shoes look great!Well,you know what?They are exactly what Ive always wanted for years.A.justB.stillC.evenWhy do the work

46、ers look so tired?They have been forced to work all day and all night for a week.A.encouragedB.pushedC.allowedIts hard to see clearly as a result of the foggy weather.Yes,no wonder all the cars are running so slowly.A.except forB.because ofC.according toAll the furniture in the house is out of date.

47、Yes,they were bought nearly twenty years ago.A.not convenientB.not necessaryC.not fashionableOh,I failed the math exam again.Its so difficult.Well,cheer up!Let me help you with it.A.be readyB.be overC.be happy答案答案C句意:你确定会议的日期吗?是的,会议将于12月28日举行。在第一句中certain意思是“确定的”。afraid害怕的;excited兴奋的;sure确定的。故选C。B句意

48、:没有理由担心。你的意思是你会按时完成工作吗?concern 在第一句中的意思为“担心”。danger 危险;worry 担心;interest兴趣。故选B。C 句意:你对本次地震了解多少?本次地震已造成100人死亡,数千人失踪。missing 在句中意思为“失踪的”。lost意为“失踪的;找不到的”。故应选C。A句意:那双黄色的鞋很好看!你知道吗?它们正是我多年来一直想要的。句中的exactly意思是“确切地”;just 正好,正是;still仍然;even甚至,故应选A。B句意:工人们为什么看起来那么累?他们一整个星期都不得不整天整夜地工作。force在句中是“逼迫”的意思。encoura

49、ge鼓励;push迫使;allow允许。故应选B。B句意:由于大雾天气,很难看得清楚。是啊,难怪所有的车都跑得那么慢。as a result of在这句话中的意思是“由于”。except for除了;because of因为;according to 根据,故应选B。C句意:房子里所有的家具都过时了。是啊,它们差不多是20年前被买回来的。在本句话中,out of date 的意思是“过时的”。not convenient 不方便的;not necessary不必要的;not fashionable不时髦的,过时的。故应选C。C句意:啊,我数学考试又不及格。它太难了。好啦,振作起来吧!我来帮你。

50、cheer up在本句中的意思是“振作”。be ready 准备好的;be over 结束;be happy 开心。故应选C。4.(2019深圳龙华第二次调研)Ive heard you are going to study in America for a year.When will you set off?Tomorrow.A.returnB.comeC.leaveProfessor Stephen Hawking has become one of the most celebrated leaders in his field.Yes.Recently,he has been hon


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