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1、词汇大作战1句型大闯关2语法加油站3作文训练营49A Unit 3 总复习课件总复习课件词汇大作战16.n.课业课业 _ 17.n.清单清单 _18.adj.宝贵的,宝贵的,_/n._19.n.友谊友谊 _20.n.安静,寂静安静,寂静_/adj._21.n.令人担忧的事令人担忧的事 _/复数复数_22.n.方法方法 _23.vt.解答,解决解答,解决_24.n.回答,答复回答,答复_/复数复数_ 25.n.字典字典 _/复数复数_26.担心的,烦恼的担心的,烦恼的adj._/v._27.vt.发音发音_/n._28.出声地,大声地出声地,大声地adv._29.正确地正确地adv._/adj.

2、_ 30.vt.说起,提及说起,提及_1.n.分数分数 _ 2.发疯的发疯的adj._/比比_/_3.n.考试考试 _4.或许,可能或许,可能adv._5.vi.处理处理/过去式过去式 _/_ 6.n.选择选择 _/v._(过去式)(过去式)_7.adj.醒着的醒着的 _ 8.adv.几乎不几乎不 _ 9.vi.&vt.设想想象,设想想象,_10.vt.怀疑怀疑 _11.n.化学化学_ 12.n.进展,进步进展,进步_13.(C)n.建议建议 _14.n.原因原因 _15.adj.严格的严格的/比较级比较级/最高级最高级 _mark mad madder maddestexamperhapsd

3、eal dealtchoice chooseawakehardlyimaginedoubtsuggestioncausestrict stricter strictestschoolworkfriendshipvaluable valuelistsilence silentworry worriesmethodsolvedictionary dictionariesreply replieschemistryprogresscorrectly correctworried worrypronouncealoudpronunciationmentionchoseadv.silently默写校对2

4、023-1-11Task2:Phrases1.使人受不了使人受不了_ (drive-_-_)2.处理,对付处理,对付_3.很值得做某事很值得做某事_4.对某人某事严格要求对某人某事严格要求_ 5.根据根据_ 6.算出,解决算出,解决_ 7.答复某人答复某人_ 8.嘲笑嘲笑/被嘲笑被嘲笑_ 9.不客气不客气_ 10.与与.同龄的同龄的_ 11.呆在户外呆在户外_ 12.在某方面取得进步在某方面取得进步_ 13.熬夜熬夜(干某事)(干某事)_ 14.复习,回顾复习,回顾_drive sb.maddrove drivendeal withbe well worth doingbe strict wi

5、th sb.in sth.according to work outreply to laugh at/be laughed atdont mention itbe of sbs agestay outmake progress instay up late(to do)go over2023-1-111.我不理解我父母为什么在学业上对我如此严格。我困惑我该怎样处理这样我不理解我父母为什么在学业上对我如此严格。我困惑我该怎样处理这样的问题。的问题。I dont understand why my parents are so strict with me in my schoolwork.I

6、wonder how I should deal with such a problem.2.我经常怀疑是否值得花这么多时间在家作上。我经常怀疑是否值得花这么多时间在家作上。I often doubt whether it is worth spending so much time on homework.3.我别无选择只能熬夜完成我的家庭作业。所以我发现第二天保持清醒很难我别无选择只能熬夜完成我的家庭作业。所以我发现第二天保持清醒很难I have no choice but to stay up late to finish my homework.So I find it hard to

7、 stay awake the next day.4.不要理睬那些嘲笑你的同学。不要理睬那些嘲笑你的同学。Dont pay attention/Pay no attention to those classmates who laugh at you.5.他想知道他如何能在学业和爱好间取得双丰收。他想知道他如何能在学业和爱好间取得双丰收。He wonders how he can achieve a balance between his schoolwork and his hobbies.6.我梦想着一个长假以便我能有更多的时间用在我的爱好方面。我梦想着一个长假以便我能有更多的时间用在我的

8、爱好方面。I dream of a long holiday so that I can have more time for my hobbies.2023-1-117.许多和我同龄的许多和我同龄的学生学生恰巧也无法清晰地表达他们自己的意思。恰巧也无法清晰地表达他们自己的意思。Many students of my age happen to have difficulty expressing themselves clearly.8.我希望你采纳这么有价值的建议。我希望你采纳这么有价值的建议。I hope you will take such valuable advice/sugges

9、tions.9.努力把所有单词的音发准确对努力把所有单词的音发准确对你很有帮助你很有帮助。Trying to pronounce all the words correctly is of great help to you.10.她宁愿把她宁愿把担忧埋藏在心底担忧埋藏在心底也不愿让朋友分担烦恼。也不愿让朋友分担烦恼。She would rather keep worries to herself than share worries with her friends.11.当伤心时我不知道向谁去倾诉。当伤心时我不知道向谁去倾诉。I dont know who I can talk to/to

10、 talk to when feeling sad.12 在英语方面我进展甚微。或许我该尽可能在英语方面我进展甚微。或许我该尽可能经常经常地复习我所学过的东西。地复习我所学过的东西。Ive made little progress in English.Perhaps I should go over what Ive learnt as often as possible.一一、单词拼写。、单词拼写。(A)根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式。根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式。1.Did you know how many _(胃胃)a cow has?Four.2.To know

11、the word better,he looked it up in many _(字典字典).3.His great _(进步进步)in English surprises us.4.One of the _(原因原因)of the accident was found out by the police yesterday.5.Lets make a _(清单清单)of what to buy before going shopping.6.Such good temperatures require special attention to these plants,not to _(提

12、提及,说起及,说起)the large number of the plants.7.The news reporters _(沉默沉默)on this point is amazing.There may be someone or something that stops all of them talking about it.8.Other languages have different _(发音发音)of the name of Jesus.9.Reading_(出声的出声的)every morning is a good way to improve your English.1

13、0.I could _(几乎不几乎不)believe what happened in the film the Wandering Earth.词汇大作战单词填空,考查综合运用能力!单词填空,考查综合运用能力!stomachsdictionariesprogresscauseslistmentionsilencepronunciationsaloudhardly(B)根据句意,写出括号内所给单词的适当形式。根据句意,写出括号内所给单词的适当形式。1.Suddenly,the classroom was in dead _(silent).2.The teacher drilled the c

14、lass in _(pronounce)of French words.3.I could see the _(worry)on her face,so I went to comfort her.4.A department store has large _(choose)of all the things we need in everyday life,from electrical appliance to fashionable clothes.5.I consider him to be the most _(value)player in this game.6.I dont

15、think the _(suggest)which have been offered by her may help me.7.Steve really values your _(friend)more than anything else.8.The first step to _(pronunciation)English words correctly is to practise as much as possible.词汇大作战单词填空,考查综合运用能力!单词填空,考查综合运用能力!valuablesuggestionsfriendshipsilencepronunciation

16、worry/worrieschoicespronouncing句型大闯关Millie has lots of homework every day,she _ _(别无选择只能熬夜做家作(别无选择只能熬夜做家作)and then she finds it hard to stay awake the next day.Millie _(知道做作业的重要性知道做作业的重要性).However,she hardly has any spare time for her hobbies.She cant imagine _(生活会是什么样的生活会是什么样的)without hobbies.And s

17、he_(怀疑是否怀疑是否值得花如此多时间值得花如此多时间)on homework.She_(梦想着有个长假以便梦想着有个长假以便)she could have more time for her hobbies.has no choice but to stay up lateknows the importance of doing homeworkdoubts whether it is worth spending so much time Sigmund _(答复答复)her letter and offered her some advice.He hopes that his ad

18、vice _(值得采纳值得采纳).First,she should plan her day carefully.Second,She can make a list of all the homework she has.Finally he thinks that perhaps she can choose her hobby _(根据根据)the time she has.is worth takingaccording toto do homework what life will be likedreams of a long holiday so thatreplied toSi

19、mon is crazy about football,but his love of football has _(成为成为.的理由的理由)his problem.When he plays football with friends,he always forgets time,which makes him _(陷入困境陷入困境).Thats because his parents dont _(允许他玩允许他玩)outside after 6 p.m.He cannot understand _(为什么他们对他如此严格为什么他们对他如此严格).So he wonders whether

20、 its bad _(呆在户外)呆在户外)and how he can _.(学业和爱好之间学业和爱好之间获得双丰收获得双丰收)Sigmund _(提供有用的建议提供有用的建议)that he hopes it _ (对他有价值对他有价值).He thinks it is important to develop hobbies.He agrees with his parents that it is better for him to go home earlier.So he hopes that Simon can understand his parents.Simon can en

21、joy his hobby but do not forget about his schoolwork.become the cause ofget into troubleallow him to playwhy they are so strict with himto stay outachieve a balance between his schoolwork and his hobbieshas offered such useful advicewill be valuable to him Daniel is worried that he _(在在.收效甚微收效甚微)his

22、 English,so he asks Millie for help.Millie tells him that it takes time to get better.She also gives him some advice._(尽可能经常地复习所学过的东西尽可能经常地复习所学过的东西)_(大声朗读英语大声朗读英语)every morning.Try to _.(发准所发准所有单词的读音有单词的读音)Learning their correct p_ will help you remember them.has made little progress inGo over what

23、he has learned as often as possible.Read English aloudpronounce all the words correctlyronunciationShe is one of the top students.She often gets high marks.She loves English,Math and Chemistry.She has two problems.The first one is that shes not good at sports.Mr Friend thinks she should just try her

24、 best in PE class and enjoy the exercise.The second problem is that she has only a few friends.She _(被嘲笑被嘲笑)and is called a bookworm by her classmates.Mr Friend told her to talk to her best friend when feeling sad.She should_(不要理会嘲笑她的同学们不要理会嘲笑她的同学们).She should _(以以.为豪为豪)her schoolwork.Norapay no att

25、ention to the classmates who laugh at heris laughed atbe proud of 句型大闯关本单元重点句子有哪些?看谁说得多!本单元重点句子有哪些?看谁说得多!would rather be laughed at than give up being strict with himself.if/whether such a little child could deal with are stricter with me in my schoolworkWork out how many students of our age will wo

26、rry abouthad no choice but to pronounce all the words correctly6、很多学生宁愿在外面待得特别晚也不愿与父母交流?很多学生宁愿在外面待得特别晚也不愿与父母交流?Some students _ 7、他提及的青少年问题非常值得关注他提及的青少年问题非常值得关注。The teenage problems_8、这学期他在这学期他在化学化学上取得了很大进步上取得了很大进步,受到了老师的表扬。受到了老师的表扬。He _ this term that he was praised by his teacher.9、在答复顾客之前记得三思而后行在答

27、复顾客之前记得三思而后行。Remember to _.10、你应该以你的学业为豪而不是在意嘲笑你的那些同学们。、你应该以你的学业为豪而不是在意嘲笑你的那些同学们。You should _句型大闯关本单元重点句子有哪些?看谁说得多!本单元重点句子有哪些?看谁说得多!would rather stay out too late than oftenmentioned by him/he mentioned are well worth paying attention to.made such great progress in Chemistry think twice before reply

28、ing to customers be proud of your schoolwork instead of paying attention to those classmates who laugh at municate with parents语法加油站2023-1-11陈述句陈述句一般疑问句一般疑问句特殊疑问句特殊疑问句whether:1.or not/or 2.to do 3.介词之后介词之后 4.作主语作主语从四过that+主语主语+谓语谓语.(that 可以省略)可以省略)if/whether+主语主语+谓语谓语.特殊疑问词特殊疑问词(what,where,how,who,w

29、hy,which)+主语主语+谓语谓语.陈述句语序(主语陈述句语序(主语+谓语谓语.)以下问句本身就是陈述句语以下问句本身就是陈述句语序,不需要变化序,不需要变化主现从不限主现从不限主过从四过主过从四过真理、自然现象、客观真理、自然现象、客观规律只用一般现在时规律只用一般现在时中考链接中考链接 1.Youve no idea _ to build a new airport.Let me tell you,young man.Thats billions of dollars.(2019 无锡无锡)A.how much it will cost B.how long it will take

30、us C.how much will it cost D.how long will it take us 2.I know hes been curious about everything,but thats _.Be patient!(2015无锡无锡)A.what do kids like B.what kids like C.what are kids like D.what kids are likeAD课件PPT部编版课件统编版部编版牛津译林教材9AUnit3 中考复习课件(28张)课件优质课课件免费课件PPT课件PPT部编版课件统编版部编版牛津译林教材9AUnit3 中考复习课

31、件(28张)课件优质课课件免费课件PPT3.-I dont care _.In this camp,theres only one hairstyle-short!Understand?(2018 无锡无锡)-Yes,madam!A.what you are used to liking B.what you used to be like C.what are you used to liking D.what did you use to be like 4.-Could you tell me _?-His left leg is badly hurt.A.what the matter

32、 is with him B.how he was C.what is the matter with him D.if there was anything wrong with himBC课件PPT部编版课件统编版部编版牛津译林教材9AUnit3 中考复习课件(28张)课件优质课课件免费课件PPT课件PPT部编版课件统编版部编版牛津译林教材9AUnit3 中考复习课件(28张)课件优质课课件免费课件PPT 5.Could you please tell me _ at the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi?A.how many gold medals

33、 did Chinese athletes win B.Chinese athletes won how many gold medals C.did how many Chinese athletes win gold medals D.how many gold medals Chinese athletes won6.You do not win respect by showing _ you are,but what youre able to do.(2018 无锡无锡)A.where B.who C.how D.when 7.I dont care how you do the

34、job.I only care _ it can be done.Just give me a date!(2017无锡无锡)A.where B.when C.what D.whyDBB课件PPT部编版课件统编版部编版牛津译林教材9AUnit3 中考复习课件(28张)课件优质课课件免费课件PPT课件PPT部编版课件统编版部编版牛津译林教材9AUnit3 中考复习课件(28张)课件优质课课件免费课件PPT8.Do you know if _ back next week?If he _ back,please let me know.A.he comes,will come B.will he

35、come,comes C.he will come,comes D.will he come,will come9.Fathers Day is coming.Shall we make a card for Dad?Good idea!But would you please show me _ as I know little about DIY?(2016无锡无锡)A.why B.when C.where D.how10.I didnt know _A.how many times he has been to FranceB.why did he go to ItalyC.Whats

36、the matter with the ipad I bought yesterdayD.who to ask for help when in troubleif“如果如果”,引导条件状语从句,主将从现,引导条件状语从句,主将从现,主过从过;主过从过;if“是否是否”,引导宾语从句,时态依语境而定;引导宾语从句,时态依语境而定;CDD课件PPT部编版课件统编版部编版牛津译林教材9AUnit3 中考复习课件(28张)课件优质课课件免费课件PPT课件PPT部编版课件统编版部编版牛津译林教材9AUnit3 中考复习课件(28张)课件优质课课件免费课件PPTWhy not do?Why dont y

37、ou do?What/How about doing?Shall we do?Lets do.Perhaps you should do.Its a good idea to do.Giving suggestions课件PPT部编版课件统编版部编版牛津译林教材9AUnit3 中考复习课件(28张)课件优质课课件免费课件PPT课件PPT部编版课件统编版部编版牛津译林教材9AUnit3 中考复习课件(28张)课件优质课课件免费课件PPT作文训练营课件PPT部编版课件统编版部编版牛津译林教材9AUnit3 中考复习课件(28张)课件优质课课件免费课件PPT课件PPT部编版课件统编版部编版牛津译林教

38、材9AUnit3 中考复习课件(28张)课件优质课课件免费课件PPT 为了帮助中学生健康成长,某中学英文报开辟了为了帮助中学生健康成长,某中学英文报开辟了HEART-TO-HEART”HEART-TO-HEART”专栏专栏。假设你是该栏的编辑。假设你是该栏的编辑 Jamie Jamie,收到一封署生活名为,收到一封署生活名为 Worried Worried的求助信。信的求助信。信中该同学向你诉说了自己的困扰:近日容发牌气,使正常的学习和受到了影中该同学向你诉说了自己的困扰:近日容发牌气,使正常的学习和受到了影响响;学习没有进步,学习积极性不大。请用英文给该同学写一封回信。学习没有进步,学习积极

39、性不大。请用英文给该同学写一封回信。To:JamieCFrom:DavidBSubject:WorriedDear Miss Jamie,Im David,a Grade 9 student.Im in a bad mood these days.It has influenced my daily life and study.How can I solve the problem?Recently,because of the heavy schoolwork,I hardly have any spare time for my hobbies and feel stressed and

40、 tired.Im busy with studies all day,but I have made little progress in my study.What should I do?My parents care too much about my marks after each exam?Are the marks really important?Would you give me some good advice?I look forward to hearing from you soon.All the best,David课件PPT部编版课件统编版部编版牛津译林教材9

41、AUnit3 中考复习课件(28张)课件优质课课件免费课件PPT课件PPT部编版课件统编版部编版牛津译林教材9AUnit3 中考复习课件(28张)课件优质课课件免费课件PPTWrite a letter to DavidDear David,Thank you for sharing your problems with me._Best wishes,Mr Jamie注意:注意:1.词数不少于词数不少于90,信的开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总词数。,信的开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总词数。2.回复须包括所有要点,可适当发挥,是全文连贯、通顺。回复须包括所有要点,可适当发挥,是全文连贯、通顺。课件

42、PPT部编版课件统编版部编版牛津译林教材9AUnit3 中考复习课件(28张)课件优质课课件免费课件PPT课件PPT部编版课件统编版部编版牛津译林教材9AUnit3 中考复习课件(28张)课件优质课课件免费课件PPTDear David:Thank you for sharing your problems with me.You said you hardly have spare time for your hobbies.Why not make a careful plan?Make a list of all the homework you have.Then work out h

43、ow much free time you have.Studying is not the only task.You need time to relax,so learn to keep a balance between study and hobbies.You also said you are busy with studies and have made little progress in study.I think you should improve your learning methods,such as listening to the teacher carefu

44、lly in class,taking notes in time,going over lessons in time and correcting mistakes at any time.Finally,your parents care too much about your marks after each exam.Its a good idea to try to communicate with your parents often.Share your true feelings and worries with them.Tell them your health is a

45、s important as marks.I hope you think my advice is valuable to you.Best wishes,Mr Jamie 课件PPT部编版课件统编版部编版牛津译林教材9AUnit3 中考复习课件(28张)课件优质课课件免费课件PPT课件PPT部编版课件统编版部编版牛津译林教材9AUnit3 中考复习课件(28张)课件优质课课件免费课件PPT How do you see the teenage problems you have?Why?A B C I see them asgreat trouble.I see them asgood c

46、hances.I dont really care.课件PPT部编版课件统编版部编版牛津译林教材9AUnit3 中考复习课件(28张)课件优质课课件免费课件PPT课件PPT部编版课件统编版部编版牛津译林教材9AUnit3 中考复习课件(28张)课件优质课课件免费课件PPTYou need to know.“Every problem is a gift.Without them we wouldnt grow.”“Problems are nothing but wake-up calls for creativity.”“Not everything that is faced can be changed.But nothing can be changed until it is faced.”“Running away from your problems is a race youll never win.”课件PPT部编版课件统编版部编版牛津译林教材9AUnit3 中考复习课件(28张)课件优质课课件免费课件PPT课件PPT部编版课件统编版部编版牛津译林教材9AUnit3 中考复习课件(28张)课件优质课课件免费课件PPT


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