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1、医学英语英汉互译的技巧 重庆医科大学附属第一医院罗 涛 一定的公共英语基础 较强的汉语表达能力 懂一定的专业 Mr.Johnson completes the Cardiology consult,and is diagnosed with atrial fibrillation.He is subsequently admitted and cardioverted without complications.掌握医学英语的常用词汇和语法规则 阅读大量的医学英语书刊翻译的标准:信、达、雅 翻译的原则性翻译的原则性:完整、准确地表达出原 文的内容 翻译的灵活性翻译的灵活性:在不违背原意的情况下

2、,允许采用灵活的表达方式。区域淋巴结无转移。No metastases are found in the regional lymph nodes.No metastases are present in the regional lymph nodes.Regional lymph nodes show no metastases.1、直译 我们称这种细胞为白细胞。We refer this kind of cells as leukocyte.2、意译到1998年8月来我院治疗时,肿块已增至碗口大,表面有明显静脉怒张。By the time the patient came to our

3、hospital in August 1998,the tumor mass had already attained the size of a pineapple with markedly engorged veins.汉语和英语的一些不同:1.无主句2.动词性谓语3.特殊句型4.主动与被动5.句子的长短一、词汇的选择1、同义词的替换 意识/认识我最后终于认识到这件事为何非做不可。I came to realize in the end why it must be done.他认识到自己犯了一个错误。He recognized that he had made a mistake.看起

4、来她还没有意识到有多危险。It seems that she is still not aware of the danger.万大爷痛苦地意识到一家人的看法有分歧。Grandpa Wan grew painfully aware that the family were divided in their attitude.他们意识到上司不赞成。They were conscious that the boss disapproved.我意识到我没把收音机关掉。It dawned on me that I had not turned off the radio.这种治疗方法是一种外科手术方法

5、。The therapeutic method is a surgical approach.2、音调 这家工厂的管理令人满意。The management of the factory is satisfactory.3、根据不同环境和对象选用词汇4、选用符合英文表达习惯的词语 避免用词不当如:本文介绍了我们研究的成果。This paper introduces the research achievement.gives an account of 心不在焉 absent-minded心慈手软Soft-hearted心甘情愿Be most willing to心心相印Have mutual

6、 affinity心明眼亮Be sharp-eyed and clear-headed1、分译 静注总黄酮20mg/kg后35分钟,重复注射上述二化合物的作用与静注总黄酮前相比无明显差异。Three to five minutes after intravenous injection of the total flavones 20 mg/kg,these chemicals were injected again./The results indicated that the effect before and after the flavone injection therapy did

7、 not differ significantly.2、合译u 当上述实验参数保持稳定时,实验结果可以重复。误差在+10%以内。u When these experimental parameters are kept stable,the results of the essays are reproducible within an error 10 per cent of the mean values.3、缩译u 如何进一步提高诊断的准确性,严格选择治疗适应症,是今后需要继续解决的问题。u Accurate diagnosis and strict selection of cases

8、 are problems to be solved.4、加注u 这种特殊的、复杂的,相当不愉快的主观感觉,往往被描述为“酸”“麻”“重”“胀”,它是镇痛的必要条件。u This characteristic,complex and rather unpleasant feeling often described as soreness,numbness,heaviness and being swollen in the deep tissues beneath the point of acupuncture is apparently a prerequisite for the ef

9、fect of analgesia.u 我们的调查发现,酸菜为林县人民的副食品之一,这种酸菜普遍地为一种真菌-白地霉所污染。u The people of Linxian county eat a fair amount of some kind of pickled vegetables.These are made and preserved in big earthen jars and are often contaminated with fungi,one of which is called Geotrichum Candidum link.5、改组u 世界工业化迅速发展,这就不

10、可避免地使自然资源日趋枯竭。u The rapid expansion of industrialization throughout the world must inevitably lead to a progressive exhaustion of natural resources.1、主语(1)泛指人称主语u 有人会及时通知你的。u Someone will notify you without delay.u You will be notified without delay.(2)形式主语u 一般认为,这项发现将会彻底革新外科手术。u Everybody considers

11、 that this discovery will revolutionize surgery.u It is generally considered that this discovery will revolutionize surgery.(3)无主句u 应当注意采用有效措施防止医院感染。u You should pay attention to the effective measures to prevent nosocomial infection.u Attention should be paid to the effective measures to prevent no

12、socomial infection.(4)物称主语u 我突然想到一个好主意。u Suddenly I thought of a good idea.u A good idea suddenly stuck/occurred to me.2、注意连接u 我们大家轮流值班,大家都不感觉累。u We took a turn at keeping watch,none of us felt tired.u As we took a turn at keeping watch,none of us felt tired.翻译这篇短文,译完了交上来。Translate the short passage

13、 and hand it in when you have finished.避免同样句型反复使用:避免同样句型反复使用:腹平,无瘢痕,无静脉怒张,未见肠型及蠕动波。Abdomen flat without scars.No dilated veins.No visible intestinal patterns or peristaltic waves.男男:对 你无情 你残酷 你无理取闹 女女:那你就不无情!?不残酷!?不无理取闹!?男男:我哪里无情!?哪里残酷!?哪里无理取闹!?女女:你哪里不无情!?哪里不残酷!?哪里不无理取闹!?男男:我就算再怎么无情 再怎么残酷 再怎么无理取闹 也不

14、会比你更无情 更残酷 更无理取闹 女女:我会比你无情!?比你残酷!?比你无理取闹!?你才是我见过最无情 最残酷 最无理取闹的人 男男:哼 我绝对没你无情 没你残酷 没你无理取闹 女女:好 既然你说我无情 我残酷 我无理取闹 我就无情给你看 残酷给你看 无理取闹给你看 男男:看吧 还说你不无情 不残酷 不无理取闹 现在完全展现你无情 残酷 无理取闹的一面了吧。u 这位战士的双腿受了重伤。u The soldiers two legs were badly wounded.u The soldier was badly wounded in both legs.u 你觉得重庆怎么样?u How d

15、o you think of Chongqing?u How do you feel about Chongqing?u What do you think of Chongqing?一、准确他说:“她这个人真有意思。”她说:“他这人挺有意思。”于是有人传言:她和他有了意思,要他们赶快意思意思。他发火了,说:“你们这样瞎说是什么意思。”传言者有点不好意思,便解释说:“仅仅是开开玩笑而已,绝没有别的意思。”事后,有人说:“真有意思。”也有人说:“真没意思。”-新民晚报作者:彭小华1.短语及从句之间关系的正确识别u In man about 40%of body weight is cross-t

16、raited muscle,which makes it the largest tissue in the body.u 人体体重的40%是横纹肌,这一点使得它成为体内的最大的组织。u These authors point out that it is impossible to distinguish cases with,from those without,blindness by the character of the lesions in the spinal cord.u 这些作者指出,不可能根据脊髓损伤的性质,来区别失明病例和未失明病例。2.注意一词多义和词组的搭配Why

17、use general anesthesia when you can use local anesthesia?u当你能用局麻时为什么要用全麻?u 既然能用局麻,为什么还用全麻?3.注意逻辑关系和修辞手段4.真实反映原文作者的语气、分寸和重点u 当时我们本应本应给他输血。(1)时态u We should have given him a blood transfusion at that time.(2)副词u He spoke over an hour.u He stayed there over a period of 10 days.(3)形容词 Few of us speak Eng

18、lish.A few of us speak English.Quite a few of us speak English.(4)对术语、人名、地名的翻译要力求准确u术语 by passu人名 James Ford James Ford,Jr.u地名 New York New York cityu译文应符合汉语规范;u译文应在语法严谨,用词准确的基础上,尽可能注意修辞加工;u注意区别不同题材、不同文体的不同译法。1、语态的变化u The presence of a second abscess should be suspected when clinical improvement is

19、not maintained.u在不能维持临床情况好转之时,应怀疑第二个脓肿的存在。uElectronic computers have come into wide use.u电子计算机已开始被广泛应用。2、句子成分的改变 主语、宾语等的改变3、句子的剪裁u The recommended dose of DPT should be given intramuscularly on four occasions,with three doses at 4 to 6 week intervals and a fourth dose approximately 1 year after the

20、third injection.u 所推荐的DPT剂量应该分四次作肌肉注射,前三次是按46周间隔给予,第四次是在第三次注射后的一年给予。4、加字与减字(1)加字u An operation was suggested and was declined.u 医生医生建议作手术,但被病人病人拒绝了。(2)减字u to decide what to include and what to leave out u 在决定取舍方面 u There are very few ways to limit the use of transplanting technologies once the genie is out of the bottle.u 一旦器官移植手术开始应用,就会失控失控,很难加以控制。Mrs.Lincoln become Mr.Kennedys girl Friday almost by accident.


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