人教版(七下)Unit 8 Is there a post office near here -Section A 1a—2c-ppt课件-省级优课-(配套教案编号:61f41).ppt

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人教版(七下)Unit 8 Is there a post office near here -Section A 1a—2c-ppt课件-省级优课-(配套教案编号:61f41).ppt_第1页
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人教版(七下)Unit 8 Is there a post office near here -Section A 1a—2c-ppt课件-省级优课-(配套教案编号:61f41).ppt_第2页
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人教版(七下)Unit 8 Is there a post office near here -Section A 1a—2c-ppt课件-省级优课-(配套教案编号:61f41).ppt_第3页
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人教版(七下)Unit 8 Is there a post office near here -Section A 1a—2c-ppt课件-省级优课-(配套教案编号:61f41).ppt_第4页
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人教版(七下)Unit 8 Is there a post office near here -Section A 1a—2c-ppt课件-省级优课-(配套教案编号:61f41).ppt_第5页
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1、 Shanghai Boston Beijing Moscow Weather report guess other places that start with the first letter. (首字母) “P” “B” “L” “H” “P” “R” “S” “H” “S” “R” restaurant restrnt hotel htel pay phone pe fn post office pst fs bank bk hospital hsptl street stri:t police station pli:s sten When you see the Chinese ,

2、 if you know the words ,please stand up and speaks it out loudly! (屏幕将出现一些中文单词,如果你懂屏幕将出现一些中文单词,如果你懂 就请就请站起来大声把单词说出来站起来大声把单词说出来,看谁,看谁 反应最快!反应最快!) 餐馆餐馆 银行银行 邮局邮局 酒店酒店 医院医院 大街大街 警察局警察局 1a Match the activities with the pictures. 1. post office _ 2. police station _ 3. hotel _ 4. restaurant _ 5. bank _ 6

3、. hospital _ 7. street _ 8. pay phone _ 9. park _ a g d i h e c b f Bob There is anear his school. 帮帮BobBob找一找他的新学校周围都有哪些地方找一找他的新学校周围都有哪些地方? ? Bobs new school Groupwork pay phone 小组合作找一下小组合作找一下Bob学校周围的地点,比一比哪个小组找的最快最多。学校周围的地点,比一比哪个小组找的最快最多。 There is/ are .有有 There is a school in the town. 在小镇上有一座学校。

4、在小镇上有一座学校。 are two cars 在小镇上有两辆车。在小镇上有两辆车。 在小镇上有座学校吗?在小镇上有座学校吗? There is a school in the town. ? Is there Yes, there is. No, there isnt. Are 在小镇上有两辆车吗?在小镇上有两辆车吗? two cars Yes, there are. No, there arent. 1. post office 2. police station 3. hotel 4. restaurant 5. bank 6. hospital 7. street 8. pay hon

5、e 9. park Listen and circle the you hear. Peter Bob What places are Bob asking? How to circle quickly(快速圈出快速圈出)? A: Listen to every word. B: Listen to the key words(关键词关键词). places 1b Conversation 3 A: Is there a hospital on Center Street? B: No, there isnt. Conversation 2 A: Is there a post office

6、near here? B: Um, yes, there is. There is one on Long Street. Conversation 1 A: Is there a restaurant on Bridge Street? B: Yes, there is. 听录音并模仿,注意句中重读的听录音并模仿,注意句中重读的 单词和一般疑问句的语调。单词和一般疑问句的语调。 Look at the picture and make conversations. A: Is there a hospital near here? B: Yes, there is. Its on Bridg

7、e Street. 1c Is there a hospital near here? Yes, there is. Its on.street. Talk about the places in pairs. (两人一组谈论图片中的地点)(两人一组谈论图片中的地点) Is there a near here? Yes, there is. Its on Bridge Street. Bob Peter Where is the ball? Its the box. next to in front of near Where is the ball? Its the box. behind

8、between Where is the ball? Its the boxes. Where is the ball? Its the box. across from 在在对面对面 on Green Street across from the library True or Faults: Where is the pay phone? in front of the library behind the library Where is the pay phone? next to the library between the library and the post office

9、Where is the pay phone? (5分)分) (0分)分) ( 4分)分) (0分)分) ( 1分)分) (2分)分) 每个礼盒后面都有一个题目,任意选择一个礼盒,答对即得相应的分数。分数高者获胜。 on school street Use “Is there?” to make a dialogue: next to bank restaurant Where is the bank? Its next to the restaurant. across from hospital pay phone Is there across from ? Yes, there is.

10、 No, there isnt. 完成问句,并做肯定和否定回答。 in front of restaurant post office Where is the ? Its in front of . 完成对话 behind library police station Use the three words to make a sentence. . between park bank supermarket Where is the bank? 请回答 Discuss and design your dream living places. And tell us what places

11、do you want to have. You have to use some words and preposition phrases to make sentences. For example: I live in Long Cheng Road, and there is a bank near my home (讨论和设计自己理想的社区环境,用到本讨论和设计自己理想的社区环境,用到本 单元学习到的地点名词和介词短语,然后单元学习到的地点名词和介词短语,然后 向同学们们展示你的成果。向同学们们展示你的成果。) 我的收获我的收获 表地点的名词;表方位的介词;表地点的名词;表方位的介

12、词; 询问询问“某地有某物吗?某地有某物吗?”; 描述某一地点的相对位置。描述某一地点的相对位置。 在听力训练过程中,学会抓关键词在听力训练过程中,学会抓关键词/ /句,句, 有效获取并处理信息;有效获取并处理信息; 关注课本相关图片,充分利用所提供的关注课本相关图片,充分利用所提供的 信息;信息; Words: ( (词词) ) Listening skills: ( (听力技巧听力技巧) ) Others: ( (其他其他) ) Sentences: (句句) post office,hospital,bank across from, in front of Is there ? The is across from/next to 地点名词及表述相对位置的方位词地点名词及表述相对位置的方位词 1.Remember the words about places and preposition phrases : post office, bank, next to , across from 2.Use these words to make ten sentences. 3. Do some preparation about 2d.


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