人教版(七下)Unit 6 I’m watching TV.-Section A 1a—2c-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:80999).doc

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人教版(七下)Unit 6 I’m watching TV.-Section A 1a—2c-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:80999).doc_第1页
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1、 - 1 - 人教版七年级下英语教学设计人教版七年级下英语教学设计 Unit 6 IUnit 6 Im watching TV.m watching TV. 一、教材分析一、教材分析 本 单 元 是 人 教 版 Go for it 七 年 级 下 册Unit6 。 主 要 围 绕 “What are you doing?”这一主题展开各种教学活动,Section A 部分主要 围绕 “日常活动” 展开。 通过主题图片展现同一时间人们进行不同的活动的场面, 将学生带入谈论日常活动的话题中。 1a1c 展示了日常活动的图片和大量的动作短语,通过创设日常生活真实的 情景自然引出本单元的重要语法结构现

2、在进行时,然后让学生根据图片内容 尝试运用新的语言结构询问和回答对方正在做的事情。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 我所教学的对象是七年级 4 班的学生(英语基础知识比较薄弱),对英语普遍 感兴趣,但有很大的不稳定性,好奇心强,求知欲旺盛,他们学习英语既感到好 奇又担忧,希望能得到他人的肯定。因此我在教学活动中尽量用音乐,表演,情 景交际,游戏等方式让他们参与到活动中来,减少他们对于学习英语的恐惧感, 通过学生间的合作学习,降低他们的学习难度,使他们体验到成功的喜悦。提高 他们综合运用语言的能力,使各层次的学生都有所收获。 三、教学目标:三、教学目标: 1. 1. 语言知识目标:语言知识目标: 1)

3、 初步了解现在进行时的用法;掌握现在进行时的句子结构特征;现在分词 的构成规律。 2)词汇:making soup , watching TV, cleaning, reading, talking on the phone, listening to a CD apartment, 3)句型 What are you doing? Im watching TV. Whats she/he doing? She/Hes using the computer. What are they doing? Theyre listening to a CD. 2. 2. 情感态度价值观目标:情感态度价

4、值观目标: 通过对本单元的学习活动,能培养培养学生学习英语的强烈兴趣,善于发现 - 2 - 生活中正在发生的事情,积极思考,乐于助人,乐于参加各种活动的积极情感, 培养学生团结合作的精神。 四、教学重难点四、教学重难点 1. 教学重点: 词汇、词组搭配和现在进行的用法。能用现在进行时表达,描述人们正在做 的事情。 2. 教学难点: 现在进行时中助动词 be 的使用及现在分词的构成规律。 五五、教学方法教学方法 运用任务型教学法与问答式教学法为主,多媒体教学法为辅,通过猜图, 对话,表演等活动逐渐突破本课的重点和难点。 教学过程教学过程(Teaching process)(Teaching pr

5、ocess) Step1.WarmingStep1.Warming- -up (2mins)up (2mins) 1.Greet the Ss Teacher: How are you, boys and girls? S s : Fine, thank you. And you? T : Im fine ,too. T:How is the weather today? Ss: Its sunny. 2.Let student watch video on TV. T: Do you like watch TV? S: Yes, I do T: Ok, Lets enjoy a video

6、on TV .Can you sing? Lets sing a song with music. 设计意图:听一首活泼愉快的歌曲,既能激发学生的学习兴趣,又能过渡到现 在进行时的学习。 Step2.Step2. PresentationPresentation(15mins)(15mins) - 3 - 1. Show some pictures on the big screen. Present the new words and expressions. 2. Ss watch and learn the new words and expressions. E.g. T: What

7、are you doing? S: I am cleaning. (Help him/her to answer) T: What is he /she doing? Ss: He /she is listening to a CD. T:What are they doing? Ss; Theyre watching TV. Teach: watching TV, cleaning, reading a newspaper, talking on the phone.as the same way. 设计意图 通过 PPT 呈现, 让学生在真实情景中学习短语和感受出现在进行时中的 不同人称的

8、结构和用法。 3.Play a game.(Guessing challenge) T:Lets play guessing game. I give you 1 min to guess this pictures. What are these people doing? Are you clear? 4.Work on 1a. Ss read the activities and look at the pictures. Then match the activities with pictures. Check the answers with the Ss. T:This is a

9、n apartment. There are third floor. I live in this apartment and I have many neighbors. Guessing what are they doing now? Can you match the activities with the pictures? I give you 1 min to finish this part 1a. 设计意图 运用图片学习现在分词短语,精讲多练。提醒学生学习现在进行时 的时候要注意 be 和动词的-ing 形式。 Step3.Listening Step3.Listening

10、 1b1b (13mins)(13mins) 1.Before listening T:I have four neighbors. Jenny, John, Dave and Mary, And we get to know what are they doing now? lets listen to the tape, find out the right - 4 - activities from 1a. I will play the recording twice Ss listen to the recording and write the numbers from 1a. 2

11、.While listening Play the tape for the students to check their work. Ask three students : What is Jenny doing? Jenny is watching TV. What is John doing? John is washing the dishes. What are Dave and Mary doing? They are listening to a CD. 设计意图听前让学生知道要听到的内容,让学生有重点地听,通过英语问 答,让学生听得更细,使听力训练和语言表达同时达到。 3.

12、After listening Activities: give a performance T:I will let some students to here and do the action on the blackboard. You are guess, what is he/she doing?( Ss watch and guess the actions.) Ss: What are you doing ? Perform S1:I am cleaning T:What is YangZheng doing? Ss: He is cleaning (The same way

13、completes the following activities) Step4.Step4. Pair work 1c(4mins)Pair work 1c(4mins) 1. .Pair work (1) . Ask the Ss to read the conversations in 1c with a partner. Then look at the pictures in 1a. And conversations about other person in the picture. (2) Give some pictures and let pairs of student

14、s to act out their dialogues in class. 设计意图在此,我设计的任务是要求学生两人一组,根据大屏幕给的图片进行 问答, 这样的活动即能培养学生的合作意识,又能在真实的情景中使用现在进行 时交际,巩固本课的重点也突破了难点,促使学生在学习过程中学会细心观察) Step5.Step5. SummarySummary andand AssignmentAssignment(5mins)(5mins) - 5 - 1. T:Today we have learned to talk about what people are doing.We must learn

15、to use “am/is/are+ doing”.Be careful not to miss them. Ss review the new activity words in 1a and their“-ing” forms. 设计意图让学生观察句子和现在分词形式, 总结出现的进行时态结构和现在分 词的构成,培养学生的观察能力和归纳能力 2.Read the new words and expressions. Summary:Present progressive tense: be(am/is/are)+V-ing 3. Practice Step 6.Homework (1min)

16、Step 6.Homework (1min) 1. Review the words and expressions in this period. 2. Observe (观察)your family in the evening and write some sentences about what they are doing and give a report next class. 板书设计:板书设计: 六、课后反思六、课后反思 Unit 6 IUnit 6 Im watching TV.m watching TV. Section A1 (1a-1c) 1. What are yo

17、u doing? Im watching TV. watching TV 2. Whats she/he doing? She/Hes using the computer. cleaning 3. What are they doing? Theyre listening to a CD. reading a newspaper 现在进行时:be(am/is/are)+V-ing talking on the phone 动词动词- -inging 形式的变化,你会吗?形式的变化,你会吗? 1. watch_ 2. clean_1. watch_ 2. clean_ 3. read_ 4.

18、talk_3. read_ 4. talk_ 5. listen_ 6. use_5. listen_ 6. use_ 7. make_7. make_ 8. wash_8. wash_ 9. exercise_10.swim _9. exercise_10.swim _ 这些人称使用什么这些人称使用什么 bebe 动词呢?动词呢? 1.What_1.What_he doing_he doing? -He_ watching TV.He_ watching TV. 2. What_ she doing2. What_ she doing?-She_ cleaning.She_ cleaning

19、. 3. What_ it doing3. What_ it doing? -It_ eating in the room.It_ eating in the room. 4.What_you doing?4.What_you doing? I_ reading a newspaper.I_ reading a newspaper. 5. What_ they doing5. What_ they doing?They_ making soup . They_ making soup . 6. What_ w6. What_ we doinge doing? We_ exercising.We

20、_ exercising. - 6 - 本课时学生参与面广,基础较弱学生能运用所学句型进行简单的交际练习。英 语能力较强的学生则进行了大量的游戏、唱歌、等活动,语言能力拓展达到一定 深度和广度。 通过本节课的教学实践,我认识到设计课堂教学要体现多样化和层次感;面 对不同的学生群体,任务的难度系数(深度)是可以调控的;而面对同一群体里 的不同程度的学生, 教师可以在任务设置时注意不同角色的设定, 做到有针对性, 使每一层面的学生皆有所得。 基础知识较弱的学生教师要有意识地积极引导学生 以教材上的简单东西为媒介向他们熟悉的生活发散开去, 大胆地用英语去了解生 活中的各类简单事物,解决生活中的各种简单事情。同时在教学过程中所出现的 问题本人也将积极的改正。并不断的提高自己的业务知识使其更好服务于教学.


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