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1、。”2.15 子曰子曰:“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。”The Master says,“If you read without thought,you are liable to be confounded;if you think without reading,you are liable to feel at sea.”,请停止重复往日关于天才的教诲。”(赵一凡译,吉欧波尔泰,1993:页码)因此,思考或活跃的心灵是极其珍贵的。2.17 子曰:子曰:“由,诲女知之乎由,诲女知之乎?知之为知之,知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。不知为不知,是知也。”The Ma

2、ster says,“You,do you know what knowledge really implies?You should be clear about what you really know and what you do not know yet.Thats sound knowledge and high intelligence.”)2.22子曰:子曰:“人而无信,不知其可也。大车无倪,小人而无信,不知其可也。大车无倪,小车无杌,其何以行之哉!车无杌,其何以行之哉!”The Master says,“If one has no credibility,nobody kno

3、ws how he gets anywhere or establishes himself in society.If a wheel is without spokes,nobody knows how it can be fixed to a vehicle and goes around.”,因为他们太无视他们的敌人,太信任他们的朋友。”a.Confucius believes,“The whitebackground is suitable for gorgeous colors.”In his“An Essay on Criticism”,Alexander Pope(1688 1

4、744)says,“As shades more sweetly recommend the light,/So modest plainness sets off sprightly wit;For works may have more wit than does them good”“Words are likeleaves;and where they mostabound,/Much fruit of sense beneath is rarely found.n孔子认为,素淡的背景更宜于衬托出绚丽的色彩。英国新古典主义代表人物亚历山大蒲柏在其批评论中也表达了同样的观点:“正如阴影能

5、更好地衬托光亮,/朴素的文字更宜昭示灵动的才思;因为作品中的才思绝非多多益善。”“文字恰如枝叶;繁茂稠密之处,/思想的果实隐匿其中,难觅踪影。False eloquence,like the prismatic glass,/Its gaudy color spreads on every place;/The face of Nature we no more survey,/All glares alike,without distinct gay./But true expression,like the unchanging sun,/Clears and improves whate

6、er it shines upon;/It gilds all objects,but it alters none./Expression is the dress of thought,and still/Appears more decent as more suitable.”n虚假的雄辩恰如多棱镜,/把炫目的色彩到处播洒;/我们无法窥见自然的本来面目,/万物皆闪耀夺目,不分主次界限。/但恰如其分的表达,正如亘古不变的太阳,/所照之处令万物清新醒目;/它给万物镀上金色,但丝毫无损万物的形貌。/表达是思想的衣装,/越恰当就越庄重。”nThe poet uses a metaphor to

7、 express his notion that as light looks all the more bright against the background of darkness,so plain style brings into prominence lively wit and wondrous notions.Excessive imaginations are a curse to a poem,just as too much blood is harmful to health.The poet then compares words to leaves and the

8、 sense or notion to the fruit when he says wherever there are too many leaves,the fruit is liable to be concealed.n蒲柏以生动的比喻表明他的观念:正如在黯淡背景的衬托下光线愈显清晰明亮,朴素的文风也更能彰显灵动非凡的智慧。如玄学派诗人那样过分追求奇思妙喻,对诗歌而言是个灾难,就如过量充沛的血液有害于健康一样。蒲柏紧接着将文字比作枝叶,将思想比作果实,生动且深刻地阐明若枝叶过于繁茂,果实则必被遮掩。nThen the poet points out the difference be

9、tween“false eloquence”and“true expressions”:the former spreads“gaudy colors”“on every place”,the result of which is the blurring of“the face of Nature”while the latter“gilds all objects,but it alters none”“like the unchanging sun”,which clears and improves whateer it shines upon.”n诗人更进一步指出“虚假的雄辩”和“真

10、正的表达”之间的差异:前者“把炫目的色彩到处播洒”,结果使“自然的面目”模糊不清;而后者则像“亘古不变的太阳”,“给万物镀上金色,但丝毫无损万物的形貌”,“所照之处令万物清新醒目”。nd.In“Ulysses”,Alfred Tennyson(1809-1892)says,“Yet all experience is an arch where-thro/Gleams that untravelld world whose margin fades/Forever and forever when I move./How dull it is to pause,to make an end,/

11、To rust unburnished,not to shine in use!”n在尤利西斯一诗中,阿尔弗雷德丁尼生写道:“而全部经验,也只是一座拱门/尚未游历的世界在门外闪光/而随着我一步一步的前进,/它的边界也不断向后退让。/最单调最沉闷的是停留,是终止,是蒙尘生锈而不在使用中发亮!”(飞白译)nHere the poet actually explains why he dotes on exploration,as an experience helps you to see something fresher,more inviting,more exciting and more

12、 rewarding,so that you move on and enter into an entirely new higher sphere.Thats why you are always urged to explore new possibilities in life and see a rainbow of exciting episodes.Therefore,it is boring to pause.n诗人在此阐明他为何钟爱游历探险,因为丰富的游历能拓展一个人的眼界视野,增长见闻学识,激励人们去孜孜探寻未知之地,使其迈入更加高远宏阔的人生境界。因此,在人生漫长的征程中

13、,我们要不断敦促自己去探索寻求新的机会,见识经历新的场景,从而历练我们的人格。停滞不前是沉闷单调的。3.12 祭如在,祭神如神在。子曰:祭如在,祭神如神在。子曰:“吾不与吾不与祭,如不祭。祭,如不祭。”nWhen you offer sacrifice to your ancestors,you should feel the very presence of the ancestors before you;when you pay adoration to the gods,you should feel the very presence of the gods before you.T

14、he Master says,“If I do not participate in the sacrificial ceremony in person,I cannot be seen as one who has offered sacrifice to the ancestors or the gods.”na.The first idea presented here is perhaps that one is supposed to engage themselves in serious matters heart and soul.Even if it is a thing

15、physically remote,you should see it near in your minds eye and feel it dear spiritually so that you may do it whole-heartedly.n其实,孔子表达了这样的观点:凡遇庄重之事,我们须一心一意将它做好,即使远离庄重之事发生的场合,我们仍然应该在心灵深处视其宛如就在眼前,从而全身心地投入进去。nb.My interpretation of what Confucius says is that you should not pretend to do whatever you a

16、re not actually involved in or you should not give a wrong impression that you have done something which you have not done in actualities.Or you should never practice deception in order to solicit compliments or to win the favor of others by giving them the wrong impression.n我认为,孔子想告诉我们:没有实际参与之事,大可不

17、必大张旗鼓、装腔作势,以免给人留下错误印象,误为事情由你所完成。或者说,不要试图以欺骗来赢得恭维和赞赏,不要以制造错误印象来换取他人的青睐。3.17 子贡欲去告朔之饩羊。子曰:子贡欲去告朔之饩羊。子曰:“赐也!赐也!尔爱其羊,我爱其礼。尔爱其羊,我爱其礼。”nWhen Zi Gong wishes to spare a sheep which is supposed to be offered as a sacrifice,the Master urges him,“Please do offer the sheep as a sacrifice.When you are reluctant

18、to offer it as a sacrifice,Im in fear of anything that might mar the rituals.”na.Confucius urges Zi Gong to offer sheep as a sacrifice,for he is in fear of marring the rituals.Sometimes we are so short-sighted that we are ready to act just for the sake of,say,frugality,or convenience.The result coul

19、d be grievous.Here the rituals might be marred.n孔子敦促子贡献出羔羊作为祭礼,因为他担心祭祀仪式会受到影响。有时我们目光过于短浅,出于节俭或方便的考量,我们的行动会大大受到制约,这样很难成就大事。如文中所言,若不愿为祭祀仪式献出一只羔羊,结果可能得不偿失了,因为羊虽然“保住”了,祭祀却受到了负面的影响。nb.So more often than not,we are ready to do complicated things first,lets say,to make meticulous preparations,so as to pave

20、 an easy way for the future.It is a common problem with the modern man that so much of humanity has tried to find a simple and neat solution to the complicated problem.However,if you are in the habit of finding a neat solution to a complicated issue,you are liable to complicate your chances.n世上的事往往是

21、这样的:我们应该学会未雨绸缪、不畏困难。复杂的事先做好,后面的路便越走越平坦。现代生活中,普遍存在着一个问题,即多数人试图为一个复杂的问题或现象寻找一个一劳永逸、方便快捷的解决办法。然而,如果一个人习惯于为复杂问题寻找便捷答案的话,那么他反而会作茧自缚,使自己陷入杂乱无序的困境。3.23 子语鲁大师乐,曰:子语鲁大师乐,曰:“乐其可知也:始作,翕如乐其可知也:始作,翕如也;从之一,纯如也,皦如也,绎如也,以成。也;从之一,纯如也,皦如也,绎如也,以成。”nTalking about the music with a master at State Lu,the Master says,“We

22、can acquire sufficient knowledge about the music.In the beginning,we see a magnificent picture in our minds eye;with our imagination going with the music,we have a feeling of purity and harmony;in the end,we can picture in the mind clear layers of manifold messages,then the music attains the accompl

23、ished state in satisfying our metaphysical needs.”na.Here we can see the impact music may exert upon human beings.In the beginning,we tend to be moved by the music,which presents us a picture of grand scenes,torrents,tempests and whirlwind.In the second phase,we tend to feel our hearts purified and

24、mind ennobled as we feel a mighty harmony in the music.In the end,we feel ourselves carried away by music,uplifted into sort of perfect sphere,with a feeling of accomplishments.n我们在此可以看到音乐给人带来的巨大影响。最初,我们为音乐所感动,音乐为我们展现了一幅宏大的画卷:激流、风暴、漩涡。在第二个阶段,我们感到了音乐强大的和谐力量,心灵得到净化,境界得到提升,思想变得崇高。最后,我们完全陶醉于音乐之中,忘乎所以,带着

25、巨大的满足感进入完美的艺术境界。nb.Perhaps Confucius tells us about magic power and wondrous effects music has and works upon us and music has multi-layered messages.Perhaps people of different ages and of different degrees of maturity are most likely to understand and interpret music differently.Young people are driven by passion;mature people are partial to harmony and really wise people prefer accomplished wholeness.n孔子向我们展示了音乐的魔力及其作用于听者感官之上的非凡艺术效果,同时指出,音乐蕴涵着多重艺术信息。或许不同年龄阶段的人由于成熟的程度不同,对音乐的理解和阐释也不尽相同。年轻人易被澎湃激昂的乐曲所感染,经过生活历练的中年人更偏爱和谐的音律,大智者则推崇曲式更臻完美、艺术上达到造极之境的音乐作品。Thank you!


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