2019版高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 4 Making the news课件 新人教版必修5.ppt

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1、先熟读背诵精彩句型烂熟于心,主体段落常用句型锤炼之十八:not only.but (also).,1. Not only Jack but also his sister was taken to watch the 2016 Rio Olympics last summer.,去年夏天不仅杰克还有他妹妹都被带去观看2016年里约奥运会。,2.Practising Chinese kung fu can not only build up ones strength, but also develop ones character.,练中国功夫不但能增强体质,还能培养一个人的性格。,3.Not

2、 only will I earn much money but I will also gain some social experience through the job.,通过做这份工作,我不仅可以赚许多钱,而且还能获得一些社会经验。,4.Yet through his painstaking efforts,he changed not only his own fate but also the history of America.,然而通过这些艰苦的努力,他不但改变了自己的命运也改变了美国的历史。,5.Not only do I like this movie,but (als

3、o) my mother likes it.,不但我喜欢这部电影,我的妈妈也很爱看它。,1.太阳不仅给了我们阳光, 也给了我们热量。 (倒装语序),后临摹仿写妙语佳句信手拈来,2.他不仅英语说得正确, 还说得流利。 (倒装语序),3.这个小伙子不仅聪明, 也很勤奋。 (陈述语序),Not only does the sun give us light but also it gives us heat.,Not only does he speak English correctly, but also he speaks it fluently.,This young man is not

4、only clever but also hardworking.,.重点单词识记联想运用会书写一、核心单词,1._ adj.渴望的;热切的2._ vt. 获得;取得;学到3._ vt. 告知;通知4._ n. 需求;要求 vt. 强烈要求,eager,acquire,inform,demand,5._ adv. 其间;同时6._ n. 情况;病例;案例7._ adj. 彻底的;详尽的8._ adj. 有天赋的9._ vt. 擦亮;磨光;润色,meanwhile,case,thorough,gifted,polish,二、阅读单词,1.unusual adj. _2.submit vt. _3

5、.colleague n. _4.update vt. _5.deadline n. _6.accuse vt. _7.deliberately adv. _8.sceptical adj. _,不同寻常的;独特的,递交;呈递(文件等),同事,更新;使现代化,最后期限,指责;谴责;控告,故意地,怀疑的,9.dilemma n. _10.publish vt. _11.department n. _12.process vt. _ n. _,(进退两难的)困境;窘境,出版;发行;发表;公布,部门;部;处;系,加工;处理,过程;程序;步骤,三、拓展单词,1._adj.快乐的;欣喜的_ n.快乐;高

6、兴 vt.使高兴2._ adj.值得赞扬的;令人钦佩的_ vt.钦佩;羡慕3._ vt.帮助;协助;援助_ n.帮助;协助_ n.助手;助理;售货员4._ n.职业;专业_ adj.专业的;职业的 n.专业人员5._ vi.& vt.集中;聚集_ n.专心;集中6._ adj.犯罪的;有罪的;内疚的_ n.内疚;犯罪;有罪,delighted,delight,admirable,admire,assist,assistance,assistant,profession,professional,concentrate,concentration,guilty,guilt,7._ adj.精确的

7、;正确的_ adv.精确地;准确地_ n.精确度;准确性8._ vt.赞成;认可;批准_ n.赞成;认可;批准_ n.不赞成;反对9._ n.约会;任命_ vt.约定;任命,accurate,accurately,accuracy,approve,approval,disapproval,appointment,appoint,会积累1.与“犯罪”相关的高频单词集锦,guilt n. 有罪;罪行crime n. 罪行;犯罪accuse vt. 控告;指控charge vi. 控告commit vt. 犯(罪)punish vt. 惩罚;处罚sentence vt. 判决;宣判,2.后缀able

8、必备形容词集锦,admirable 令人钦佩的comfortable 舒适的unbelievable 难以置信的honorable 荣誉的;光荣的respectable 可敬的valuable 值钱的;贵重的,3.“赞成”与“反对”的高频词汇荟萃,(1)赞成;支持approve vt. 批准;赞同favour vt.& n. 赞成support vt. 支持back up 支持be in favour of 支持be on ones side 支持某人be behind sb 支持某人,(2)反对oppose vt. 反对object vi. 反对disapprove vt. 反对;不同意ob

9、ject to 反对be opposed to 反对be against 反对,会应用用所给词的适当形式填空,1.The man was found _ (guilt) of armed robbery,and condemned to eight years imprisonment.2.Thanks to your _,and if you didnt _ my plan,I would be fired by the employer.(approve)3.To his _,he took first place in the exam.His parents were _ to kno

10、w about it.(delight)4.Tom is an _ teacher in the college.He often _ the students with their problems and gives _ to any student in need.(assist)5.Professor Smith,who is famous in the medical _,is paying a _ visit to our college.(profession),guilty,approval,approve,delight,delighted,assistant,assists

11、,assistance,profession,professional,6.We went to the gallery last weekend and all the artists are very _.In other words,we _ the artists for their _ skills.(admire)7.He has just been _ to the position of Export Manager for the company.He will have an _ with his first foreign customers tonight.(appoi

12、ntment),admirable,admired,admirable,appointed,appointment,.核心短语识记联想运用会书写,1._ 集中;全神贯注于2._ 依靠;依赖3._ 因指责或控告4._ 为了(做) 5._ 在前面6._ 对很敏感;善于发现,concentrate on,depend on,accuse.of,so as to (do sth),ahead of,have a nose for.,7.inform sb of sth _8.keep/bear.in mind _9.look forward to _10.pass.on to _11.in a dil

13、emma _,通知某人某事,记住,盼望,把传给,处于两难的境地,会积累,“v.sbofsth”结构大集合,inform sb of sth 通知某人某事warn sb of sth 警告某人某事cure sb of sth 治好某人的某病remind sb of sth 提醒某人某事suspect sb of sth 怀疑某人某事rob sb of sth 抢劫某人某物convince sb of sth 使某人相信某事accuse sb of sth 控告某人某事require sb of sth 要求某人某事relieve sb of sth 减轻某人的某事,会应用选用上表左栏短语填空,1

14、.They were praised because they finished their task _time.2.China is paying more and more attention to education _ catch up with advanced countries in science and technology.3.The manager _ his job,so he did not hear the loud noise outside his office.4.Andrew returned to the room and _ me _ his deci

15、sion.5.You can _him,for he is a man of his word.6.The workers _ their boss _ having broken his word.7._that you must arrive at school by 8 oclock and not be late.,ahead of,so as to,concentrated on,informed,of,depend on,accused,of,Keep in mind,.经典句式分析背诵仿写,句型公式1:否定词置于句首,句子用部分倒装。教材原句Never will Zhou Yan

16、g (ZY) forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper.周阳永远不会忘记他在一家畅销英语报社的第一项工作任务。句型仿写_ in the fast food restaurant,whose service I am not satisfied with.我再也不到那家快餐店吃东西了,我对那里的服务不满意。,Never again will I eat,句型公式2:be to do表示将来发生的事,常译为“注定会;一定”。 教材原句His discussion with his new bos

17、s,Hu Xin (HX),was to strongly influence his life as a journalist.他与他的新老板胡新的讨论对他的记者生涯必将产生重要影响。句型仿写The invention of the Internet _ we communicate with each other.因特网的发明注定要改变我们相互交流的方式。,is to change the way,句型公式3:where引导定语从句,修饰抽象地点名词。教材原句Have you ever had a case where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick?你们有没有过这样的情况:别人控告你的记者,说他(她)们的报道完全失实?句型仿写Today,we


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