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1、 1 20162017 学年度第二学期期末考试试卷 小学英语小学英语四年级四年级 听力部分(听力部分(30 分)分) 一一、听录音,选出你所听到的句子中含有的选项,并将其序号填在题前的括 号内。 (共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分。每小题读两遍。 ) ( ) 1. A. leave B. live C. love ( ) 2. A. walk B. work C. word ( ) 3. A. take B. make C. cake ( ) 4. A. meat B. meet C. eat ( ) 5. A. 7th, June. B. 11th, July. C. 7th,

2、 July. ( ) 6. A. dinner B. chicken C. kitchen ( ) 7. A. cold B. coat C. clothes ( ) 8. A. bread B. because C. brush ( ) 9. A. from B. farm C. far ( ) 10. A. rubber B. number C. robot 二、听录音,根据你所听到的内容,选出最佳答语,并将其序号填在题前的括号内。 (共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分。每小题读两遍) ( ) 1. A. On foot. B. By train. C. By plane. ( )

3、 2. A. In November. B. In October. C. In December. ( ) 3. A. I play games. B. Im reading a book. C. I am busy. ( ) 4. A. Because his foot hurts. B. Because he gets many toys. C. Because he has a cold. ( ) 5. A. She is cleaning the car. B. She often washes dishes. C. She likes watching TV. 三、听录音,根据你所

4、听到的内容,选出最佳选项,并将其序号填在题前的括号内。 (共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分。每段对话读两遍) ( ) 1. Where is City Library? A. Far from here. B. Its near Nancys house. C. Its far from Nancys house. ( ) 2. Whats wrong with the boy? A. He has a toothache. B. He has a fever. C. He has a headache. ( ) 3. What date is it today? A. Novemb

5、er.30th. B. December.1st. C. December.30th. ( ) 4. Where is Toms mother? A. In the bedroom. B. In the kitchen. C. In the bathroom. ( ) 5. What festival is it today? A. The Mid-Autumn Festival. B. The Double Ninth Festival. C. The Dragon Boat Festival. 四、听录音,根据你所到的内容,完成下列对话。(共 5 个空格;每空一词,每词 2 分。满 分 1

6、0 分。对话读三遍) 2 Mr. Green: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the cinema? Nancy: Sure. Its (1) _. You can take the (2) _ there. Mr. Green: Where should I get (3) _? Nancy: At Moon Street Stop. Then, walk along Moon Street and turn (4) _ at the traffic lights. The cinema is (5) _ to No.1 Hospital. Mr

7、. Green: Thank you very much. Im sure I can find it. 笔试部分(笔试部分(7070 分)分) 五、单项填空 (共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) ( ) 1. Its really cold. Please _ your coat. A. take on B. put on C. take off D. get off ( ) 2._ do we get_ there? By plane. A. How; to B. What; / C. How; / D. What; to ( ) 3. Wheres my book? I c

8、ant _ it. Can you _ it for me? A. look for; finds B. finds; look for C. look for; find D. find; look for ( ) 4. There _any tomato soup in the bowl. A. are B. is C. isnt D. arent ( ) 5. Look, the boy _ in the playground. He _ very fast. A. running; runs B. is running; runs C. runs; is running D. is r

9、unning; run ( ) 6. I want to go to the _ to see the dentist. A. cinema B. bookshop C. hospital D. zoo ( ) 7. _ your birthday in May? No, my birthday is _ the second of June. A. Is; on B. Does; in C. Is; in D. Does; on ( ) 8. My father likes swimming, _ my mother doesnt. A. or B. and C. to D. but ( )

10、 9. Mike_ a cough. He should _ some warm water. A. has; drinks B. has; drink C. have; drink D. have; drinks ( ) 10. _ is on the second Sunday of May. A. Mothers Day B. Fathers Day C. Womens Day D. May Day 六、词汇拼写 (共 14 个空格;每空一词,每词 1 分,满分 14 分) A根据上下文和首字母填空。每空一词。 1. We should wash our hands b_ dinner.

11、 2. Spring is a good season to g_ flowers. 3. There are thirteen c_ in Jiangsu. 4. These apples are big and s_. 5. My mother is very b_ in the kitchen. She is cooking dinner. 6. I have a toothache. I cant eat a_. B用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Helen likes _ (read) books. She often _ (read) fairy tales. 2. Its

12、 too late. Mike has to_ (go) to bed now. 3. Whats wrong with _ (she)? She has a fever. 3 4. Today is my _ (eight) birthday. 5. Are you _ (help) your mother in the kitchen now? 6. My parents are taxi _ (drive). 7. I want to go_ (climb) with my friends. 七、根据中文,完成句子。 (共 15 个空格;每空一词,每词 1 分,满分 15 分) 1. 妈

13、妈,你正在烧肉吗? 不,我正在洗一些蔬菜。 _ you cooking meat, Mum? No, Im _ some _. 2. 番茄汤的味道怎么样? 太美味了,我很喜欢。 _ the _ _? Its _. I like it. 3. 吉姆的生日在 11 月 28 日。 Jims birthday is _ the _ of _. 4. 冰箱里有一些面包和牛奶。 There _ some _ and milk in the _. 5. 我妈妈是个很会做饭的人,她做菜做得很好吃。 My mother is a great _ and she _ very well. 八、完形填空。 (共

14、6 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 6 分) An old woman has a cat. The cat is very old; she cannot run _1_, and she cannot bite(咬). One day the old cat sees a mouse. She jumps and _2_ the mouse. But she cannot bite it; so the mouse gets out of _3_ mouth and runs away. Then the old woman becomes very _4_ because the cat c

15、annot kill(杀死) the mouse. She begins to hit(打) the cat. The cat says, “_5_ hit your old servant(仆人). I work for you for many years, but Im too old now. Please remember you are also not _6_.” ( )1. A. quick B. quickly C. loudly ( )2. A. catch B. catching C. catches ( )3. A. his B. him C. her ( )4. A.

16、 happy B. angry C. hungry ( )5. A. Dont B. Lets C. No ( )6. A. old B. young C. beautiful 九、阅读理解 (每小题 2 分,共 20 分) A. 判断下列句子的意思是(T)否(F)和短文内容相符 Do you know American football? If you dont know, you are not good at sports. In China, a lot of students like to play football very much. They play it every da

17、y. We know in China, a football is round(圆的) and you cant use your hands to touch it. There are 11 players in a team. But American football is very different. You must use your hands to touch it or carry it. The ball is not round. Its like an egg. There are forty players in a team. But only eleven c

18、an play on the ground. A lot of young Americans are very good at playing American football but not football. ( )1. Football is round, but American football is like an egg. ( )2. There are only 11 players in a team of American football. 4 ( )3. You can use your hands to carry the football in American

19、. ( )4. Many Chinese people like football. ( )5. Young Americans also like playing football. B. 根据短文内容,选择最佳选项,并将其序号填在题前括号内。 Mrs Brown has a garden behind her house. It is small, but nice. In spring she grows some vegetables in it. She looks after (照看) them very carefully. When summer comes, they loo

20、k very nice. One evening Mrs Brown looks at her vegetables and says, “Tomorrow I am going to pick them and we can eat them.” But early the next morning, her son runs into the kitchen and shouts, “Mum, mum! Come quickly! Our neighbours (邻居) ducks are in the garden and they are eating our vegetables!”

21、 Mrs Brown runs out, but it is too late. All the vegetables are gone! Mrs Brown is sad and her neighbour is very sorry about it. A few days before Christmas, the neighbour gives Mrs Brown a beautiful fat duck. And on it is a piece of paper with the words, “Enjoy your vegetables!” ( )1. Mrs Brown has

22、 a _ behind her house. A. small garden B. big garden C. small house D. nice house ( )2. In _ , she grows some vegetables in the garden. A. summer B. spring C. autumn D. winter ( )3. When _ comes, the vegetables look very nice. A. spring B. autumn C. summer D. winter ( )4. One morning _ are eating ve

23、getables in the garden. A. monkeys B. ducks C. pigs D. turkeys ( )5. A few days before Christmas, the neighbour gives Mrs. Brown_ . A. a duck and some vegetables B. some vegetables C. a piece of paper D. a duck 十、书面表达 (共 5 分) 根据下面的问题,以短文形式,描述你最喜欢的中国传统节日。 1. Whats your favourite Chinese festival? 2.

24、When is it? 3. What do people usually do at this festival? 4. What do you do? 要求: 1. 语句通顺,表达正确。 2不少于 5 句话。 _ _ _ _ _ 5 20162017 学年度第二学期期末考试试卷 小学英语小学英语五五年级年级听力听力文字稿文字稿 一一、听录音,选出你所听到的句子中含有的选项,并将其序号填在题前的括号内。 (每小题 读两遍。 ) 1. The three bears live in the forest. 2. I walk to school every day. 3. You should

25、 make the bed before you brush your teeth. 4. Dinner is ready. Liu Tao is eating the meat. 5. Its the seventh of July today. 6. His mother is cooking in the kitchen. 7. I have a cold. 8. You should brush your teeth before bedtime. 9. My uncle works on a big farm. 10. Can you see the number over ther

26、e? 二、听录音,根据你所听到的内容,选出最佳答语,并将其序号填在题前的括号内。 (每小 题读两遍) 1. How do we go to the US? 2. When is Halloween? 3. What do you usually do at weekends? 4. Why is Mike so happy? 5. What is your sister doing? 三、听录音,根据你所听到的内容,选出最佳选项,并将其序号填在题前的括号内。 (共 5 每段对话读两遍) 1. A: Where do you live, Nancy? B: Not far from here,

27、near City Library. 2. A: Whats wrong with you? B: I have a headache. I feel cold. 3. A: Whens your birthday, Jack? B: Its on December 1st . Tomorrow is my birthday. 4. A: Mum, I am hungry. B: Wait a minute. I am cooking meat with potatoes. 5. A: Many people eat rice dumplings today. B: Yes, they are

28、 yummy. 四、听录音,根据你所到的内容,完成下列对话。(对话读三遍) Mr. Green: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the cinema? Nancy: Sure. Its far. You can take the bus there. Mr. Green: Where should I get off? Nancy: At Moon Street Stop. Then, walk along Moon Street and turn right at the traffic lights. The cinema is next to

29、 No.1 Hospital. Mr. Green: Thank you very much. Im sure I can find it. 6 20162017 学年度第二学期期末考试试卷 小学英语小学英语五五年级年级参考答案参考答案 听力部分 一、BABAC CACBB 二、CBABA 三、BCABC 四、far,bus,off, right,next 笔试部分 五、BCDCB CADBA 六、A. 1. before 2. grow 3. cities 4. sweet 5. busy 6. anything B. 1. reading; reads 2. go 3. her 4. eighth 5. helping 6. drivers 7. climbing 七、1. Are, washing, vegetable 2. Hows, tomato, soup 3. on, twenty-eighth, November 4. is, bread, milk 5. cook, cooks 八、BCABAB 九、TFTTF ABCBD 十、略


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