译林小学英语五年级下5B期末模拟卷 (14).doc

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1、五下英语综合测试五下英语综合测试(二二) 听力部分(听力部分(30 分分) 一、选出你所听到的单词或短语。(10 分) ( )1. A. party B. park C. Pick. ( )2. A. because B. between C.before ( )3. A. where B. why C. what ( )4. A. school B. street C. three ( )5. A. live B. near C. new ( )6. A. get on B. get off C. get in ( )7. A. turn left B.urn right C. turn o

2、n ( )8. A. eating B. reading C. sitting ( )9. A. clean the car B. clean the desk C. Clean the bike ( )10. A. look at B. look after C. look for 二、听录音,选出正确的答句。(10 分) ( ) 1. A. He lives in Sunshine Town B. She lives in Sunshine Town. C. We live in Sunshine Town. ( ) 2. A. She has got a fever. B. She ha

3、s a pen. C. She has got a pen. ( ) 3. A. Theyre cleaning the desk. B. Theyre washing clothes. C.We are washing clothes. ( ) 4. A.People eat rice dumplings B. People eat moon cakes. C.People eat dumplings. ( ) 5. A. Its on the tenth of September. B. Its the tenth of September. C. Its Monday morning.

4、三、听录音,补全所缺单词。(10 分) It is the _ of _.It is Spring Festival.Its popular in China.People also call it _ _ _.At Spring Festival.You _ _together with your _.People usually eat _.Its my favourite _. 笔试部分(笔试部分(70 分)分) 一、选出下列每组单词中划线部分发音不同的单词。(5 分) ( )1. A. cook B. clock C. crayon D. nice ( )2. A. she B. sh

5、ip C. sure D. bus ( )3. A. much B.teach C. chair D. school ( )4. A. this B. that C. three D.these ( )5. A. what B. where C. who D. Why 二、短语互译。(5 分) 1穿上外套_ 2留下这个包_ _ 来源:163文库 3骑自行车_ 4问路_ 5到达车站_ 6wash some vegetables _ 7drive the pests away_ 8Play with the cat _ 9 have a great time_ 10my favourite fes

6、tival_ 三、根据首字母提示补全单词,注意使用单词的正确形式。(8 分) 1.Please walk a_ the street,you can get there. 2.My favourite f_ are Childrens Day and Chinese New Year. 3.I like the potato soup very much.Its y_. 4.I want a coat,b_ Im very cold. 5.Sweets are bad for your teeth,you s_ eat too many. 6.Father and mother are our

7、 p_. 7.The first of March is my b_.I want to have a party. 8.I have got a toothache, I have to see a d_. 四、单项选择。(10 分) ( )1.There _ a lot of meat on the plate. A. are B. have C. is 来源:学科网 ( )2. _ his mother cooking meat with potatoes? A. Is B. Do C. Are ( )3.Toms mother is washing clothes.Tom is hel

8、ping_. A. them B. she C. her ( )4.Nancy can play_ basketball. A / B. a C. an ( )5._ Liu Tao like meat? A. Do B. Does C. Is ( )6.My father is _ computer games beside me. A.play B.is playing C.playing ( )7._ your sister watching TV? A.Are B.Is C.Do ( )8.Here _ some water for you. A.are B.is C.isnt ( )

9、9.-Im ill. -You should _. A.eat a cake B.eat sweets C.take some medicine ( )10.-Whens your birthday? -Its_first of April. A.the B.on the C.on 五、看图完成对话。(7 分) 1. 来源:163文库 A:When is Spring_? B: Its in January or_. A: What do you usually do? B: I usually eat dumplings and get together with_. 2. 六、用所给单词的

10、适当形式填空。(5 分) 1.She _(have) a good time every day. 2.Where _(be) my gloves? 3.Why cant you _(go) home now? 4.He likes_(ride) a bike in the park. 5.How do I _(get) the shop on the Moon Street? 6.Whats wrong with_(she)? 7.It is five oclock in the afternoon,Tom_(sweep) the floor in the classroom.来源:163文

11、库 ZXXK 8.Is your father_(look) for his new clothes now? 9.It is _(one) of January.Its New Year today. 10.She wants _(wash) dishes for her parents. 七、根据要求完成句子。(5 分) 1. My birthday is on the 1st of April. (对划线部分提问) _ _ birthday?来源:163文库 2. He is cleaning his new bike. (对划线部分提问) _ is he _? 3. I like pl

12、aying football. (同义句) I like _ _ football . 4. Im asking him for h help. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ _him for help? 5. David is cooking meat for his family. (对划线部分提问) _ cooking meat for his family? 八、完形填空与阅读理解。(15 分) A What are the children doing? What are you _1_,children ?Oh, we are _2_ games,Look at Li Lei,He

13、is playing basketball with Jim .What about the _3_? They are flying _4_.The kites are very nice.One looks like a bird,the other is like a plane,Li Tao is playing football with me Han Mei and Ma Lin are singing _5_ English song under a big tree. ( )1. A.do B. does C. doing D. drinking ( )2. A. watche

14、s B. watch C. play D. playing ( )3. A. twin B. twins C. girl D. boy ( )4. A. kite B.kites C.a kites D. some kite ( )5. A. a B. the C.an D. some A:What is Liu Taos father _? B: Hes_. A: And whats his mother doing? B: She _ _vegetables. B One beautiful Spring evening.A hungry wolf goes out to look for

15、 his dinner.He sees a little goat(小山羊).The goat is standing on the cliff(悬崖). “I want to have the goat.”The wolf thinks.“But how can I catch her?” “ Hello,little goat,you are dangerous (危险的)there,Please come here .” says.he wolf. “Dont be afraid.”says the goat.“Im OK.” “Please come here,I want to pl

16、ay with you.Dont be afraid of me.Im a good wolf.And the grass(草)is nice,come o eat,please.”says the wolf. “Thank you.”says the goat. “I know who you are and what you want.You dont want me to eat the grass,but you want to eat me up.”Then the goat runs away,and the wolf has no dinner. (1).判断正误,用“T”或者“

17、F”表示。来源:163文库 ( ) 1. It is a Spring evening. ( ) 2. The goat is sitting on the cliff. ( ) 3.The wolf is the goats friend ( ) 4. The wolf wants to eat the goat up. ( ) 5. Finally(最后),the goat is the wolfs dinner. (2).选择正确答案。 ( ) 1. The goat is standing on the _. A. grass B. wall C. cliff ( ) 2. The g

18、oat knows that the wolf wants to_. A. help her B. eat her B. C. play with her ( ) 3. The little goat_finally. A. runs away B.plays with the wolf. B. C. eats the grass来源:Z。xx。k.Com ( ) 4. The wolf goes out and looks for_. A. his son B.his friend C. his dinner ( ) 5. Does the wolf have dinner? A. Yes,

19、 he does. B. No, he doesnt. C. Sorry. We dont know. 九、交际运用.(10 分) A.情景匹配.(5 分) ( )1. You are late. A. Thats a good idea. ( )2. Is Yang Ling skating now? B. He is washing his car. ( )3. How about flying a kite in the park? C. Yes, she is. ( )4. Your mother cooks nice food, I think. D. No, she doesnt.

20、 ( )5. What is your father doing? E. Im sorry.来源:163文库 B.小练笔。 请你用所学的现在进行时句型描述一下晚上六点你的全家人的活动, 不少于六句。 (要求: 1.不少于六句。2.注意现在进行时的组成。共 5 分。) It is six oclock in the evening.My family are at home. Look._ _ _ _ _ _ 期末测试期末测试 A 卷卷 听力部分 一、选出你所听到的单词或短语。 1.A. party 2.A. because 3.B. why 4.B. street 5.C. new 6.A.

21、get on 7.B.urn right 8.B. reading9.A. clean the car10. A. look at 1-5 A A B B C 6-10 A B B A A 二、听录音,选出正确的答句。 1.Where does Ben live? 2.Whats wrong with Nancy? 3.What are you doing? 4.What do people usually do at Spring Festival? 5.When is Teachers Day? 1-5 A A C C A 三、听录音,补全所缺单词。来源:163文库 It is the f

22、ourth of February.It is Spring Festival.Its popular in China.People also call it Chinese New Year.At Spring Festival.You should get together with your families.People usually eat dumplings.Its my favourite festival. 笔试部分 一、选出下列每组单词中划线部分发音不同的单词。 1-5 D D D C C 四、短语互译。 1.put on the coat 2.leave the bag

23、 behind 3.ride a bike 4.ask the way 5.get to the station 6 .洗蔬菜 7.赶害虫 8.和猫玩 9.玩得很开心 10.我最爱的节日 五、根据首字母提示补全单词,注意使用单词的正确形式。 1.along 2.festival 3.yummy 4.because 5.shouldnt 6.parents 7.birthday 8.doctor 四、单项选择。 1-5 C A C A B 6-10 C B B C A 六、看图完成对话。 1. Festival February families来源:学&科&网 2.doing cooking is washing 七、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.has 2.are 3.go 4.riding 5.get to 6.her 7.is sweeping 8.looking 9.the first 10.to wash 七、根据要求完成句子。 1.Whens your 2.What doing 3.to play 4.Are you asking 5.Whos 八、阅读理解。完形填空与阅读理解。 A. 1-5 C D B B C B.(1). 1-5 T F F T F (2). 1-5 C B A C B 九、交际运用。 A. 1-5 E C A D B B. 略


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