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1、绝密启用并使用完毕前高三年级学情检测英语试题本试卷共10页,满分120分。考试用时100分钟。注意事项:1.答题前,考生务必用0.5毫米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、座号、考号填写在答题卡规定的位置。2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。3.非选择题必须用0.5毫米黑色签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应的位置,不能写在试卷上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不能使用涂改液、胶带纸、修正带。不按以上要求作答的答案尤效。第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满

2、分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AIf you always sit indoors for too long,putting on weight may become a trouble.Tired of all that fat?If so,these sports can help you burn the most calories.RunningRunning is one of the best calorie burners out there,qualified personal trainer Daniel Saltos says

3、. An average person can burn anywhere from 500 to 1000 calories in one hour of running.Speed,pace,and tolerance are all factors that can impact this range. But running uses every muscle group in the body,allowing you to burn more calories.Swimming“Swimming is a workout that produces the lowest impac

4、t on body while it still can burn 500 to 600 calories in just 30 minutes, Saltos says. Swimming also improves heart health and increases strengthall great reasons for playing in the water.BoxingNot only is boxing a great way to release energy,but it also helps improve balance, builds up tolerance an

5、d strengthens the upper body and core.Boxing helps you get a good calorie burn, too, with the average person burning up 400 to 800 calories in an hour session, Saltos says.RowingThe pushing and pulling motion of rowing machines targets multiple muscle groups including the arms,core,and back,helping

6、you to burn more calories.An hour of rowing will burn 400 to 600 calories on average,Saltos says. 1. Which sport can burn the most calories per hour?A.Boxing. B.Running. C.Swimming. D.Rowing.2.What is the advantage of swimming according to the text?A. It enhances balance. B. It improves tolerance. C

7、. It produces low impact. D.It builds muscle groups. 3. Who is the text intended for?A.Great athletes. B.Fitness experts. C. Sports reporters. D. Overweight persons,BLam Hon-ming,director of the State Key Laboratory at the Chinese University of Hong Kong,is a top expert in soybean(大豆)research. Since

8、 1998,Lams team has been cooperating with scientists in Chinese mainland.In 2010,he came across Zhang Guohong, an agricultural expert from Gansu, China, at a national soybean conference. With the same major, they hit it off and decided to improve farmers lives and promote local agriculture.Farmers i

9、n Gansu depend largely on the weather for their livelihood, mainly on rainfall,which is also a cause of severe poorness in the area.In 2016,they developed three new soybean varieties suited to salty soil and rare rainfall of Northwest China. All received official government approval.As the land in N

10、orthwest China is not suitable for the growth of common varieties of soybeans,local farmers never planted soybeans, and it became a major problem for spreading new soybeans. Lam and Zhang increased communication with farmers through various ways. To ensure farmers income,Lam struck a partnership wit

11、h a Hong Kong food company that will purchase all soybean sat market price when they are harvested.By 2020,the planting area of the three approved soybeans in Gansu had gone beyond 2.4 million square kilometers,covering 46 of the provinces 80-plus counties,and the output had reached 7.71 million kil

12、ograms,adding about 30 million yuan to local farmers income.Zhang said that Professor Lams contribution has greatly pushed the poorness relief and agricultural research in Northwest China.It is hard to keep doing agricultural research with less funding. And it is more difficult to travel from Hong K

13、ong to the poor areas of the Northwest to do agricultural research,he added.In the future,Lam will continue to work with mainland scientists and lead moreHong Kong powerinto the development of the countrys Northwest.4. What can we know about the two scientists from Paragraph 1?A.They are friends sin

14、ce 1998. B. They both major in agriculture. C. They once served in the same lab. D.They met by chance in Hong Kong.5.What does the underlined worditin Paragraph 3 refer to?A.Rainfall is not enough. B.The locals lived a poor life. C.Little land is rich in nutrition. D. The farmers never planted soybe

15、ans.6. What does Paragraph 4 mainly tell us?A. More work needs to be done. B. All farmers become better-off. C.The two scientists are successful. D. Soybeans grow throughout Gansu.7.Which of the following can best describe Lam Hon-ming?A.Dependent. B.Honest. C.Open-minded. D.Devoted. CThe AIDA model

16、 is the foundation of modern marketing and advertising practice.It outlines the four basic steps used to persuade potentials to make a purchase.The first three steps lie in creating attention(A),decorating interest(I),and building desire(D)for the product,before the fourth stepthecall to action(A)te

17、lls them exactly how and where to buy. AIDA can channel the customers feelings through each stage toward reaching a sale.Attracting the customers attention is the first challenge and this may be achieved by using an attracting phrase or picture. Once someones attention has been clutched,it must be t

18、urned into real interest. This is best done by providing a brief description of the products benefits to the consumer rather than simply listing the products main features or problem-solving claims.Now,it is time to transform that interest into a desire for a product or service.This is where consume

19、rs need to believe their lives could be better by possessing the product.It could be a vital step towards turning a potential into a real customer.“Call-to-action”is where all of the initial hard work pays off and leads to the action from a potential customer.For example,they might pick up the phone

20、 to discuss the idea of a trial of the services or,alternatively,they may just buy that product or service that has been promoted to them all along.And AIDA is used to great effect in the movie industry. Movie studios begin their marketing campaigns months in advance. The campaigns develop by offeri

21、ng attractive flashes of the movie without giving too much away.Desire is inspired by the release of the full preview which is fully designed to show the exciting moments of the movie,from special effects to humorous lines of dialogue on the opening weekend. Advertisements in newspapers and on telev

22、ision focus on the movies release,inviting the consumer to go and buy a ticket. 8. What is the purpose of practising AIDA?A.To create jobs. B. To increase sales. C. To research markets. D. To introduce products.9.What does the underlined wordclutchedmean in Paragraph 2?A.Seized. B.Freed. C. Cheated.

23、 D.Affected. 10.In which stage of the AIDA model may a customer call to try the service?A. Action. B.Interest. C.Desire. D. Attention. 11. Why does the author mention the movie industry in the last paragraph?A.To design an AIDA model. B.To display how AIDA works. C. To show how to make a movie. D. T

24、o advertise the movie industry.DAccording to a study done by University of Michigan,shopping to reduce stress was 40 times more effective at giving people a sense of control and shoppers were three times less sad than those only looking at items.More than half of the 1,000 consumers surveyed by Cred

25、it Karma,head researcher of the study,said they have shopped to deal with feelings of stress or depression. About 48 percent of men and 31 percent of women who have stress shopping said they had purchased alcohol when stressed. About 82 percent of women spend on clothing compared to 52 percent of me

26、n. Women also lead shopping for jewellery,42 percent,compared to 22 percent for men.In some sense,stress shopping can actually help you live a healthier life by making sure that your blood pressure is lowered. The survey found 82 percent had only positive feelings about their purchases and that the

27、positive mood was long-lasting. However, stress shopping,for many,could grow into a drive that uses up money, causes conflict, and therefore adds great stress to life.Despite the in-time joy from purchases,stress shopping never proves a long-lasting cure to stress or depression. Actually it needs to

28、 be avoided anyhow. Whether youre purchasing Christmas presents or buying groceries, having the items you need written down will provide you with brightness while shopping.Reward yourself for sticking to your list and youll be more likely to commit to it.In addition always think about what you strug

29、gle with most financially.Do you spend too much money at the mall?Eating out?Vacations? Make a list of where your money is going and take necessary steps to resist your desire. For example, if you spend too much money on dining out on weekends,stuff your cupboard with food on Friday. So youll be mor

30、e likely to stay in and cook. And you need to give up the need to keep up with others. Everyones financial situation is different and comparison may lead to debt and dissatisfaction with what you already have.12.Why does the author mention those numbers in Paragraph 2?A.To support an idea. B.To attr

31、act readers. C. To call for actions. D. To introduce a topic.13.Which of the following may help deal with stress shopping?A. Stimulating desires. B.Recording spending. C. Turning to medicines. D. Comparing with others.14. What is the authors attitude to stress shopping?A. Unclear. B.Doubtful. C. Obj

32、ective. D.Negative.15. What is a suitable title for the text?A.Does shopping benefit us? B. More stressed, women or men?C. Should we compare with others? D. Can stress shopping reduce stress?第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分.满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Choice,we are given to believe,is a right.B

33、ut for a good many people,choice gives birth to anxiety. Interested in the idea too many choices are dizzy,I have been conducting an experiment. _16_When presented with a menu in a restaurant,Ill only consider the first few options on each page.I know,it sounds crazy._17_I used to read the menu a lo

34、ng time instead of sitting back and talking to my dining companion. These days I quickly select the best-sounding dishes and then chat and eat. In doing so,I find myself trying new things.The other night,for example,I ordered a smoked chicken salad. If I had permitted myself to glance further down t

35、he list,this would never have happened. But guess what?_18_So limiting my choices can sometimes lead me to a wider range of experiences._19_I can now access many films and TV series,yet after tcn minutes of looking through apps and menus,I will more often than not find myself watching whatever Chann

36、el 4 has scheduled at 9 pm. So before I even turn on the TV,I ask myself:what do I want to watch? I think of a program. Then I just watch it.This devotion to a simpler set of possibilities came in handy when our summer holiday to America was OVID-canceled.I didnt go through a million Trip Advisor re

37、views for the best replacements.I simply went on Airbnb, saw what in England was still available and immediately booked the one I could afford._20_And now I can actually focus on enjoying our holiday.A.It was delicious. B. It never proved worth a try. C. But its actually quite liberating. D.It inter

38、prets a lifestyle:less is more. E.The same applies to home entertainment. F.In doing so,I saved myself days of travel anxiety. G.Ive been expanding the choices I allow myself to have.第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。On the night of the speech contest,

39、I was worried about the shy girl. My heart_21_when I knew the boy on stage previous to her,_22_, was fairly successful with his humor and personal style.The whole audience burst out a wave of_23_almost every 30 seconds.My palms(手掌)began to_24_.It was the first time that she had been on the stage,so

40、I couldnt blame her for any_25_.The strong spotlight made her so insignificant that nobody _26_she had been on the stage.But the moment that_27_me occurred.I clearly heard a_28_voice,Now,your _29_, please!The whole audience fell quiet. Small and thin as the girl appeared, the_30_ look on her face in

41、stantly caught everyones eyes. Then her speech was on,logical and well-organized. Words of power_31_freely out of the girl like magic. When her speech _32_,a thunderous applause sounded from the audience. When the competition was concluding,all of us waited _33_for the winners name to be called.Tear

42、s of joy 34 my vision when the host announced she won first prize. Holding the medal tightly,she gave me a brilliant smile.I_ 35_ her into my arms,too excited to say any words.21.A.beat 22.A.sure enough 23.A.crying 24.A.sweat 25.A.try 26.A.thought 27.A.confused 28.A.loud 29.A.support 30.A.determined

43、 31.A.crowded 32.A.started 33.A.sincerely 34.A.misted 35.A.pushedB.sank B.worse still B. warning B.tremble B.pose B. admitted B.interested B. weak B.attention B.puzzled B.hurried B.ended B.easily B.hid B.threwC. lost C. above all C. clapping C. change C.guess C.ignored C. surprised C. tight C.vote C

44、. relaxed C. bounced C.progressed C. wildly C.prevented C.pulledD.broke D.in addition D.screaming D.turn D.slip D.noticed D.challenged D.low D.silence D.bored D.flowed D.rested D. eagerly D.shaded D.lifted第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Today,giant pandas are considered to be

45、 one of the worlds best-known animals. People makc huge efforts_36_(protect) them and luckily their efforts are paying off in some areas._37_ (global)recognized as a leading symbol of both China and nature conservation in general,giant pandas are popular in the world. But global interest in the anim

46、al only _38_ (take) off in the 20th century.The inspiration for WWF s logo (标识) came from Chi Chi,_39_giant panda that arrived at London Zoo in 1958.Being aware of the need for a remarkable symbol to break through all language barriers, one of the WWF s_40_(founder) agreed to make the big furry pand

47、a with her distinctive black and white coat a great logo.The first pieces_41_were done by the British environmentalist and artist Gerald Patterson became modestly successful. Later,_42 _(base) on these drafts, Sir Peter Scott, drew the first logo. He said at the time,“we want an animal that is beautiful and endangered


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