Unit 2 Developing ideas Time for a change(ppt课件)-新外研版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx

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1、Social Insights A family dinner is an important tradition(to celebrate Spring Festival).Nowadays,some people choose to have the dinner in a restaurant,but not everyone is keen on this idea.What do our readers think?n(C)(尤指对复杂情况、看法的)顿悟,猛醒 n(U)洞察力,眼光choose to do sth愿意做某事,情愿做某事adj.喜爱的,热衷的,渴望的,热切地社会见解年夜

2、饭是春节的一项重要传统。如今如今,有些人选择在饭店吃年夜饭,不过,不是每个人都支持这一想法。读者朋友们,你们怎么看呢?不定式做后置定语choose-chose-chosenDear Editor,1.We have eaten out for the Spring Festival family dinner for the last three years,and we have enjoyed it no less than eating at home.I dont understand(why some people refuse to embrace the change.)n.(报

3、纸、杂志的)主编,编辑不比.差;多达欣然接受,乐意采纳(新思想、意见等)refuse to do 拒绝做某事宾语从句尊敬的编辑最近三年,我家都是在外面吃年夜饭的,和在家吃比起来,在外面吃一样开心。我不理解为什么有些人拒绝接受改变。2.Cant they admit(that the preparations for the dinner are hard work)?I really dont think(its worth the effort of spending so much time preparing for a single meal,and then another hour

4、 cleaning up the mess after its over.)1.be admitted into/to 被录取;被接收2.admit doing sth/having doing sth.承认做过某事1.make an effort to do sth 努力做某事2.in an effort to do sth 为了做某事3.spare no effort(to do sth)不遗余力(做某事)adj.有.价值,值.钱;值得spend(in)doing 单一的,单独的打扫(或清除)干净脏乱,凌乱,麻烦,混乱宾语从句省略“that”宾语从句难道他们不觉得准备年夜饭很辛苦吗?花这么

5、长时间准备一顿饭,饭后再花一个小时收拾,我真心觉得不值。We work all year,so why dont one day be about spending time with family and relaxing?We work all year,so why cant one day be about spending time with family and relaxing?辛苦一年了,为什么不能用这一天的时间陪陪家人,放松放松呢?3.(Eating out)is a good choice and it has nothing to do with loss of trad

6、itions.We still have the dinner with the same people,just in a different place.The occasion is more enjoyable without all that tiring cooking,and the dishes taste better!动名词短语作主语have nothing to do with 与.毫不相干丧失,丢失场合,时刻;时机;某次1.make up for the loss 弥补损失at a loss 不知所措,困惑suffer a loss 遭受.的损失2.lost adj.失

7、去的;丧失的;迷惑的 be lost in 全神贯注于;沉浸于1.on this/that occasion 此时/彼时 on no occasion 在任何条件下都不2.occasionally adv.偶尔,间或在外面吃年夜饭是个挺好的选择,而且这也谈不上丢弃传统。我们还是和同样的人一起吃饭,只是换了地方而已。不用辛苦地做饭,用餐会更加愉快,而且(饭店的)饭菜味道也更好。4.In my opinion,(what or where we eat on Spring Festival Eve)really doesnt matter.(Eating out)may change the fo

8、rm of this tradition,but the love between the family members(sitting around the table together)remains the same.Wang Peng,software enginner除夕夜(计算机)软件形式在我看来,除夕夜我们吃什么、在哪里吃,真的不重要。在外面的饭店吃年夜饭可能改变这个传统的表现形式,但是围坐在餐桌前的家人们之间的亲情并没有改变。王朋,软件工程师动名词短语作主语动名词短语做后置定语what、where 引导主语从句Dear Editor,1.For this years Sprin

9、g Festival family dinner,my son has booked a table at the best restaurant in town,but Im a bit unhappy about it.For me,it just wont feel like Spring Festival(having the dinner out).动名词短语作真正的主语预订尊敬的编辑今年我儿子在城里最好的饭店订了桌年夜饭,可我不怎么高兴。对我来说,在外面吃年夜饭就不像过年。形式主语2.(When I was a little boy),the dinner on the eve o

10、f Spring Festival was(what I looked forward to most).It was not only for the delicious food(that we seldom got to eat),but(also)for the opportunity(to have our whole family gathered together).n.前夕,前一天on the eve of.在.前夕时间状语从句表语从句定语从句adv.不常,很少n.机会不仅.而且.小时候,我最期待的就是除夕的年夜饭。我们不仅可以吃到平时难以吃到的美食,而且全家人能有机会团聚在一

11、起。1.连接并列主语时,谓语动词单复数与but(also)后面的主语保持一致,即遵循“就近原则”2.连接两个并列句,not only 置于句首时,not only所在的分句要用部分倒装,but(also)后面的句子不倒装不定式做后置定语2.I run around the house,(listening to the adults)chatting about their year.I (get under my mothers feet in the kitchen,watching her making dumplings.Sheput tokens in some dumplings:

12、candies for a sweet life and peanuts for a long and healthy one.表示过去常见的情况或习惯,意为“总是,老是”,相当于used to do 动名词短语做伴随状语,表状态动名词短语做伴随状语,表状态n.成年人,大人be/get under ones feet在某人身边纠缠,妨碍n.象征,标志那时我会在家里跑来跑去,听大人们闲聊他们这一年的情况。我还会缠着在厨房做饭的妈妈,看她包饺子。她会在有些饺子里放一点“彩头”:糖果寓意生活甜美,花生代表健康长寿。2.In the evening,all of us would sit around

13、 the table,enjoying the food and being together again.We toasted each other,we laughed,and the simple,homemade dishes tasted more delicious than anything cooked by a top chef.动名词短语做伴随状语,表状态过去分词做后置定语到了晚上,我们都围坐在餐桌前,享受美食和团员的乐趣。大家互相敬酒,谈笑风生,简简单单的家常菜吃起来比顶级大厨做的菜都要美味。3.I hope my children and their children

14、will still value our memories of preparing the dinner together.To me,the process is even more important than the dinner itself.Liu Yonghui,retired teacher我希望我的子孙后代依旧珍视珍视全家人一起做年夜饭的回忆。对我来说,准备的过程甚至比年夜饭本身更重要。刘永辉,退休教师n.(为达到某目标的)过程,进程v.加工,处理;列队进行in the process of(某事)正在进行adj.退休的retire vi 退休;离开(安静的地方)A fact

15、 is something that exists or has happened,for example,an object,event or experience.Facts are statements that can be proved by evidence.An opinion can be a general or individual view,belief or impression.Opinions can sometimes be identified by the presence of words such asfeel,believeard think”Learning to learn1.exist in.存在于.exist on.靠.为生e into existence 产生,成立,开始存在3.existing adj.现存的,现行的n.物体,事物n.事件v.证明proof n.证据n.证据adj.个人的n.信念n.出席,存在


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