读后续写第二讲 Continuation writing (ppt课件)-新外研版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx

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1、Continuation Writing 提供一篇提供一篇350350词以内词以内的材料,要求考生依据材料的材料,要求考生依据材料内容、内容、所给段落开头语所给段落开头语及所标关键词进行续写(及所标关键词进行续写(150 150 词左右词左右),将其发展成一篇与给定材料有),将其发展成一篇与给定材料有逻辑衔接、逻辑衔接、情节和结构完整情节和结构完整的短文。(满分的短文。(满分2525分)分)(ReadWrite)读后续写“三步走”1.阅读(3-5mins):原文阅读+信息梳理 读懂情节+体会语言+理清线索 2.构思(3-5mins):潜心构思+情节预设+明确方向 关注“两线”-情节线&情感线(

2、负正)关注“四点”-四处衔接 3.行文(10-15mins):初稿勾勒+润色提升+工整誊写一篇好的续写=内容构思+语言表达内容构思不准确是分数无法提高的重要原因之一存在问题:存在问题:读中:缺少阅读发现,阅读时不知道如何挖掘原文中的材料为续写所用写中:缺少衔接与连贯,续写与原文疏离。根源:原文读不懂,读不透,从而抓不住本质。(一)阅读(1)提取信息要点,摸清主旨内涵 精读文本,重点关注短文中关键词并画出可能设置伏笔的地方,思考能否在续写部分进行照应。(2)分析来龙去脉,形成合理发展(情节线)边读边想象场景,在大脑屮勾勒出画面,为下一步的情景创设做好铺垫。(自我代入,做个”戏精”)(3)关注情感

3、走向,形成合理发展(情感线)(4)力求首尾呼应,确保前后一致(结尾设计)(二)构思关注“四点”-四处衔接(构思后对照检查)a.续写内容与前文的逻辑衔接;逻辑衔接;b.第一段结尾句与第二段所给句的衔接;c.续写内容与所给段首句的衔接;d.续写段落内容之间的衔接;(三)行文情绪描写、细节描写、心理描写、对话描写、环境描写读后续写作文训练P1:衔接句衔接句1:情节发展(1)(2)(3)(4)衔接句衔接句2:P2:衔接句衔接句3:情节发展(1)(2)(3)(4)故事结尾句故事结尾句4:主题升华句主题升华句5:When Mike was a seven-year-old kid,his parents

4、usually didnt give him money because he liked to buy junk food.They knew such food would be harmful to kids bodies.But one day Mike strongly wished to buy such food.He knew he couldnt persuade his parents to give him money to buy it,so he was upset.At noon that day,his mom was having a nap in the be

5、droom while his dad was working out of the home.Mike suddenly found his moms wallet on the sofa in the living room.Usually,his mom would put the wallet close to her but not this time.Mike took a few coins from the wallet and walked out of the house,going directly to buy a bag of food that was very p

6、eppery(辛辣的)and a bottle of iced Coca-Cola.Instead of returning home,he stayed outside to enjoy the food and the drink in case his mom discovered it.Minutes later,he ate up the bag of junk food and finished the drink.Then he returned home.His mother was still sleeping.In the afternoon that day,Mike b

7、egan to feel uncomfortable and wanted to vomit(呕吐).He felt pain in his stomach.At first,he could stand it.However,finally,he couldnt stand anymore and told his mom that he felt sick.But Mike didnt tell his mom the truth that he had some hot junk food.Not knowing what was wrong with Mike,his mom was

8、worried.Para 1:She hurried to drive him to the hospital.Para 2:Mike realized he should admit what he had done.Para 1:She hurried to drive him to the hospital.What happened on the way to the hospital?What happened at the hospital?What happened returning home?Para 2:Mike realized he should admit what

9、he had done.1.Did he admit what he had done?How?2.Whats the reflection of his mom?3.Did he realize his mistakes and how?4.What did he learn from it?Para 1:She hurried to drive him to the hospital.A wave of worry swept her and she longed to come to hospital as quickly as possible.On the way,Mike thre

10、w up.Seeing this,his mom realized something.But at that time Mike was in pain,so she didnt question him.When seeing a doctor,Mike honestly told the doctor what was troubling him.After checking his body,the doctor comforted them,saying that they didnt need to be worried.After getting some medicine,Mi

11、ke returned home with his mom.Mike took the medicine,and then he felt better.Para 2:Mike realized he should admit what he had done.So he told his mom the truth.After hearing it,his mom didnt seem angry.Instead,she patiently explained to Mike why his behavior was wrong.She told him,”You can ask for i

12、t if you really want to eat junk food.But you shouldnt steal money.You should be honest.”That day,Mike learned a big lesson and understand the importance of being honest.Paper 2 After class,I walked to his office,took a deep breath,and opened the door.My boss was sitting in his chair.Ashamed and ner

13、vous,I said nothing.My heart pounding fiercely and my palm sweating,an inner voice told me that the boss had better not fire me.It was at that moment that the boss smiled at me and handed me an envelope.It was not an unemployment letter but a letter with several suggestions about my teaching.It didn

14、t take long before I read the suggestions.Sighing with relief,I sensed a glimmer of hope and as if the envelope was comforting me that“Come on,you can do it as long as you respect students feeling.”I stepped out of the office confidently.Inspired by his advice,I walked towards the classroom.As the b

15、ell rang,the students seemed to be expecting another boring and dull English lesson,some dropping their eyes and some whispering in the back rows.Boys and girls,lets start with your comments on my literature class.You can say what you want!When I finished,each lifted his head and looked at me confus

16、ed.The class soon amazingly came to life.At last,everyone clapped loudly and said that they had a great time in my class.Hearing the applause,I felt a great sense of warmth welling up in my heart and surging through me.It was then that I realized that respecting students instead of ignoring them mad

17、e a difference.Para 1:We were worrying about what could be done.But after waiting in our car for a long time,Mom and I decided to walk back the road to the nursing home and seek help.When we arrived,the receptionist was surprised,but warmly helped us contact the garage.There,an old man who had recei

18、ved the flowers was excited to meet us,talking about how great that day was.It amazed us what randdom Step Reading(读取信息)(读取信息)Basic information(基本信息)(基本信息):when;where;what;why;how;whosetting(when,where)plot(what,how,why)characters(who)main idea&writing purposePredicting(预测发展)(预测发展)第一段(逆向思维):结合原文,由第一段(逆向思维):结合原文,由第一段首句第一段首句和和第第二段首句二段首句推出故事情节推出故事情节(动作、情感、对话等细节)(动作、情感、对话等细节)第二段第二段:结合上文,根据结合上文,根据第二段首句第二段首句展开内容,列出要展开内容,列出要点点(动作、情感、对话等细节)动作、情感、对话等细节),最后最后想好一个升华句:想好一个升华句:体现故事圆满结局的句子或故事体现故事圆满结局的句子或故事给我们启示的句子给我们启示的句子


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