Unit 1 Understanding ideas Language points(ppt课件)-新外研版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、Language points Cloze testFill in the blanks according to the text.My first day at senior high 1._(final)arrived after I 2._(picture)it over and over again in my mind.The campus was still quiet when I arrived,so I decided 3._(explore)a bit.I was looking at the photos on the noticeboard 4._ I heard a

2、 voice behind me.5._(turn)around,I saw a white-haired man.finallyhad picturedto explorewhenTurningWhen my English teacher stepped into the classroom,I was surprised to see 6._ same man I had met earlier.He asked us to introduce 7._(we)to the class one by one.When I introduced my name,everyone starte

3、d laughing.At last I found I shared the same name 8._ my teacher.People say,Well begun,half 9._(do).I guess this was a good 10._(begin)to my new school life.donebeginningourselveswiththesmart phrases1picture sth in ones mind2rush out of the door 3eagerness to do sth 4introduce to sb 5turn on my brai

4、n 6make a good first impression 7organize my words in my head 8give sb a nudge 在头脑中想象在头脑中想象某物某物/事事冲出门冲出门热望热望做某事做某事向某人介绍向某人介绍开动脑筋开动脑筋留下留下良良好的好的第一印象第一印象打腹稿打腹稿用肘轻推某人,促使某人注意用肘轻推某人,促使某人注意9with butterflies in my stomach 10look at sb in panic 11make sb relaxed 12under pressure13depend on 14keep calm 15make

5、 the most of心里七上八下心里七上八下惊恐地看着某人惊恐地看着某人使某人放松下来使某人放松下来承受着承受着压力压力依靠;依赖依靠;依赖保持镇静保持镇静 充分利用充分利用Important lexical chunks 1.After I had pictured it over and over again in my mind,the big day finally arrived.(P 2)在我在脑海里一遍又一遍地设想过后,这重要在我在脑海里一遍又一遍地设想过后,这重要的一天终于到来了。的一天终于到来了。to imagine sth.,especially by creating

6、 an image in your mind 想象想象,设想设想picture v.We found it hard to picture him as the father of teenage sons.我们很难我们很难想象想象他居然是有几个十几岁孩子的父他居然是有几个十几岁孩子的父亲了。亲了。When he had not come back home for so long time,she pictured him lying dead.当他很久没有回家的时候,她当他很久没有回家的时候,她想象想象着他已经不着他已经不在了。在了。1.我真的无法想象他滑雪的样子我真的无法想象他滑雪的样子

7、.2.I tried to picture what it would be like to live without my friends.I really cant picture him skiing.我努力设想没有朋友的生活会是什么样。我努力设想没有朋友的生活会是什么样。翻译句子。翻译句子。2.What could I say to make a good first impression?(P3)我要说些什么才可以留个好的第一印象呢?我要说些什么才可以留个好的第一印象呢?an opinion or feeling you have about sb.or sth.you have s

8、een but do not know very well 印象,感想印象,感想What was your first impression of her?你对她的第一你对她的第一印象印象是什么呢?是什么呢?How do I make a good impression on my classmates?我怎么样才能在我同学我怎么样才能在我同学面前留个面前留个好好印象印象呢?呢?leave/make a/an impression on sb 给某人留下一个给某人留下一个的印象的印象impression n.impress v.We interviewed a number of candid

9、ates(申请申请者者)but none of them impressed us.我们面试了数名申请者,但是没人给我们我们面试了数名申请者,但是没人给我们留下留下深刻印象深刻印象。What impressed me most about the book was its surprising ending.这本书给我这本书给我印象最深的印象最深的是它令人吃惊的结局。是它令人吃惊的结局。impressive adj.令人令人钦佩钦佩的的;给人给人印象深刻印象深刻的的What do you consider to be your most impressive success?你认为给你你认为给

10、你印象最深刻的印象最深刻的成功是什么?成功是什么?使钦佩;使留下深刻印象使钦佩;使留下深刻印象 The films special effects are particularly _.(impress)I was very _(impress)by the efficiency of the staff.The book left a deep_(impress)on him._(impress)by the beautiful scenery,I forgot to go back home in time.impressiveimpressedimpressionImpressed用用i

11、mpress的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。shy or ashamed,especially in a social situation 窘迫的,尴尬的,害羞的窘迫的,尴尬的,害羞的3.Although I was embarrassed,his words made me a lot more relaxed!(P3)尽管我有点尴尬,但是他的话还是让我放尽管我有点尴尬,但是他的话还是让我放松了很多。松了很多。He felt embarrassed at being the centre of attention.他因自己成为众人注目的中心而感到很他因自己成为众人注目的中心而感到很尴尬尴尬。

12、He was very embarrassed to hear people speak so highly of him.他听见别人这样夸他,感到很他听见别人这样夸他,感到很害羞害羞。embarrassed adj.relaxed adj.calm and not anxious or worried 放松的;放松的;冷静的;镇定的冷静的;镇定的Keep your shoulders relaxed as you do this.当你在做这个动作时,保持肩膀当你在做这个动作时,保持肩膀放松放松。She had a very relaxed manner.她的举止特别她的举止特别放松放松。1.

13、我一生中从未因身高感到如此难堪过!我一生中从未因身高感到如此难堪过!Ive never felt so embrassed about my height in my life.2.比赛前,他显得轻松而自信。比赛前,他显得轻松而自信。He appeared relaxed and confident before the match.翻译句子。翻译句子。4.I looked at them in panic.(P3)我惊慌地看着他们。我惊慌地看着他们。in panic惊慌地惊慌地The small boy looked round in panic.小男孩小男孩心慌意乱地心慌意乱地四下张望着。

14、四下张望着。What they should do is to calm down the public whenever they are in panic.他们应该做的,是在公众他们应该做的,是在公众恐慌的恐慌的时候让公时候让公众安下心来。众安下心来。安静地安静地_ 谨慎地谨慎地_ 恐怖地恐怖地_ 悲伤地悲伤地_高兴地高兴地_ 吃惊地吃惊地_ in silence in caution in horror in sadness in happinessin surprise翻译短语。翻译短语。(in+名词常表达状态)名词常表达状态)5.With butterflies in my stom

15、ach,I breathed deeply.(P3)心里心里发慌发慌,我深深地吸了一口气。,我深深地吸了一口气。butterflies in my stomach(informal)a feeling of being very nervousbefore doing sth 情绪紧张,心里发慌情绪紧张,心里发慌When I think about leaving,I get butterflies in my stomach.当我一想到离开,就当我一想到离开,就心里发慌心里发慌。I have butterflies in my stomach when I have to speak in

16、front of the school.当我在全校面前说话时我当我在全校面前说话时我心里发慌心里发慌。1.演讲大赛开始的时候,我的心里非常演讲大赛开始的时候,我的心里非常紧张,七上八下的。紧张,七上八下的。There seemed be butterflies in my stomach,when the speech competition started.翻译句子。翻译句子。2.I had butterflies in my stomach when I was sitting there waiting for my turn,but once I stepped onto the st

17、age,I was just fine.坐在那里等的时候我心里七上八下的,很紧张,坐在那里等的时候我心里七上八下的,很紧张,不过一上台我就没事了。不过一上台我就没事了。6.Challenges might sometimes put you under pressure.(P3)有时有时挑战挑战可能可能会给你带来压力。会给你带来压力。under pressure a way of working or living that causes you a lot of anxiety 在压力下在压力下Do you perform well under pressure?在压力之下在压力之下,你还能

18、表现得好吗?,你还能表现得好吗?He does not like to work under pressure or in a competitive environment.他不想他不想在压力下在压力下工作,也不想在竞争环境工作,也不想在竞争环境下工作。下工作。7.That way,youll make the most of your time at senior high.这样,你就能充分利用你在高中的时间。这样,你就能充分利用你在高中的时间。that way=in that way 那样那样make the most of=make the best use of 充分利用充分利用I

19、will make the most of every minute of each day!我一定要我一定要充分利用充分利用每一天的每一分钟!每一天的每一分钟!That way,you have expressed your ideas and thoughts.那样那样,你就能表达了你的观点和想法了。,你就能表达了你的观点和想法了。1.那样我们那样我们就就可以成为真正的朋友可以成为真正的朋友了。了。That way,we can be true friends.翻译句子。翻译句子。2.我要利用我所有的零碎时间来加强我我要利用我所有的零碎时间来加强我的英语和演讲水平!的英语和演讲水平!I w

20、ill make the most of my spare time to polish my English and public speech-making skills!1.The campus was still quiet _I arrived,so I decided to explore a bit.(Para.2)2._ my English teacher stepped into the classroom,I was surprised to see the same man I had met earlier.(Para.2)3._ we had all introdu

21、ced ourselves,Mr Meng said,“Well done,everyone!(Para.7)4.I was looking at the photos on the notice board _ I heard a voice behind me.(Para.2)5.I was organizing my words in my head _ the girl next to me gave me a nudge.“Its your turn!”(Para.5)when When when When when“当当的时候的时候”(=at the time that.)(=at

22、 the time that.)“正正忽忽然然”,表示突然表示突然发生某事发生某事.Important sentencesI.was looking at the photos on the noticeboard when I heard a voice behind me.“be doing.when.”句型句型,意为:正在做,这时;本句中的when在句中意为“这时,突然”,相当于at this/that time。不能换成while,as和then等。我我正正在看布告栏在看布告栏里里的照片,突然背后传来一个声音。的照片,突然背后传来一个声音。when 用作并列连词,常用于以下结构:用作并

23、列连词,常用于以下结构:be doing.when.正在这时 be about to do.when.正打算做 这时 be on/at the point of doing.when.正要 这时 had just done.when.刚做了 这时(突然)1)我们正在电影院看一部新电影我们正在电影院看一部新电影时时,灯,灯突然突然灭灭了。了。We _ a new movie in the theatre _ suddenly the light went out.2)他刚上床睡觉他刚上床睡觉,电话,电话就就响响了。了。He _ to bed _ the telephone rang.3)他正要告

24、诉我这个秘密,这时有人拍了下他的肩膀。他正要告诉我这个秘密,这时有人拍了下他的肩膀。He _ me the secret _ someone patted him on the shoulder.were watchingwhenhad gonewhenwas about to tellwhenExercise:补全补全句子句子2.Turning around,I saw a white-haired man.转过身,我看见一位老人。【分析】本句中turning around为现在分词短语作状语,表示时间,其与句子的主语I之间为逻辑上的主谓关系。【拓展】现在分词(短语)作状语:现在分词(短语)

25、作状语可以表示时间、条件、原因、让步、结果、方式、伴随等,其逻辑主语要和句子主语保持一致,且分词(短语)与句中主语含有逻辑上的主谓关系(3)作状语的分词(短语)相当于一个状语从句Hearing the news that the famous host Li Yong passed away,his fans felt heartbroken.听到著名主持人李咏去世的消息,他的粉丝很伤心。句型转换When they heard the news,they all jumped with joy._ _ _,they all jumped with joy.The headmaster was

26、absent from the meeting because he had a bad cold._ _ _ _,the headmaster was absent from the meeting.HearingthenewsHavingabadcold3.How true these words were!这些话是多么地真实啊!【分析】本句是how引导的感叹句,结构为:How形容词主语系动词!【拓展】how和what引导的感叹句的结构和用法:(1)how是副词,引导的感叹句结构为:单句语法填空_ beautiful the city is!_ kind women they are!句型

27、转换Fu Yuanhui is a very lovely girl._ _ _ _ Fu Yuanhui is!_ _ _ _ Fu Yuanhui is!HowWhatWhatalovelygirlHowlovelyagirl当我的英语老师走进教室的时候,我惊讶地发现他当我的英语老师走进教室的时候,我惊讶地发现他竟然是我早些时候遇到的那个人。竟然是我早些时候遇到的那个人。Important sentences4.When my English teacher stepped into the classroom,I was surprised to see the same man I h

28、ad met earlier.此句中,I had met为定语从句,修饰man,省略了关系词that。the same.as/that 结构中,as/that引导定语从句,区别在于:1)the same.as 意为“和一样/相似”,as所指代的人、物与先行词是同一类。2)the same.that 意为“就是.”,that 所指代的人、物 与先行词是同一个。Exercise:英译英译中中1)This is the same watch as I lost yesterday.2)This is the same watch that I lost yesterday.这和我昨天丢失的那块表很像

29、。这和我昨天丢失的那块表很像。(不是同一个不是同一个)这就是我昨天丢失的那块表。这就是我昨天丢失的那块表。(是同一个是同一个)Important sentences5.With butterflies in my stomach,I breathed deeply.我紧张地深吸了一口气。我紧张地深吸了一口气。have butterflies(in ones stomach)=have a nervous feeling before doing sth(做某事前)心慌,紧张(做某事前)心慌,紧张 此句中此句中with butterflies in my stomach用了用了“with+宾语宾

30、语+宾补宾补”的结构,表示伴随状况,即作伴随状语。的结构,表示伴随状况,即作伴随状语。with的复合的复合结构除作伴随状语外还可以作原因状语、条件状语、方式状结构除作伴随状语外还可以作原因状语、条件状语、方式状语、定语和补足语。语、定语和补足语。形容词形容词/副词副词 介词短语(表方式或伴随状态)介词短语(表方式或伴随状态)with+宾语宾语+现在分词(表主动)现在分词(表主动)过去分词(表被动)过去分词(表被动)不定式(表将来)不定式(表将来)Exercise:根据根据with复合结构的用法复合结构的用法填空填空1)The teacher came into the classroom _(

31、他手里拿着书他手里拿着书).2)With spring _(come),the trees turned green.3)With his key _(lose),he had to stay outside.4)With important things _(discuss)with you,you must stay here.with a book in his handcominglostto discuss.Choose the proper phrases to complete the following sentences.in panic impression impress

32、ive embarrassed relaxed picture 1.When you are _,your breathing tends to be slow and gentle.2.Office workers fled _ as the fire started.3.When Bob was interviewed,he was _,and on that basis,he was hired.relaxedin panicimpressivePractice in panic impression impressive embarrassed relaxed picture 4._,

33、I jump up and go into the little house for another cup.5.This is about all the _ I have of her.6.He _ her with long black braided(编辫子的编辫子的)hair.Embarrassedimpressionpictured.Translate the sentences with the help of the key words.1.当我第一次去见我的老师时,我心里紧张得七当我第一次去见我的老师时,我心里紧张得七上八下。上八下。(butterflies in my st

34、omach)When I met my teacher for the first time,I had butterflies in my stomach.2.我们要尽量利用我们在这里呆的这段时间。我们要尽量利用我们在这里呆的这段时间。(make the most of)We should try to make the most of our stay here.3.学会如何在压力下有效地工作。学会如何在压力下有效地工作。(under pressure)Learn how to work effectively under pressure.4.我正在手机上看电影时我正在手机上看电影时,忽

35、然电话铃响了。忽然电话铃响了。(was doing.when.)I was watching a movie on mobile phone when it rang.Reviewin panic one by one butterflies in my stomach under pressure that way make the most of when 惊慌地惊慌地依次地,一个接一个地依次地,一个接一个地情绪紧张,心里发慌情绪紧张,心里发慌在压力下在压力下那样那样充分利用充分利用当当的时候,的时候,正正忽然忽然Write a short passage using the follow

36、ing expressions:1.picture sth.over and over again 2.in ones eagerness3.with butterflies in my stomach4.under pessure5.People say,“Well begun,half done.”HomeworkVIHomeworkWrite a diary about your first day at senior high within 80-100 words in English.(eg:What happened?How did you feel?How will you describe your feelings?)THANK YOU


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