Unit 4 Vocabulary (ppt课件)-新外研版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx

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1、national boundary 国界 boundary dispute 边界争端boundary line 边界线set boundary 设置边界Many students will draw a line on the desk as a boundary.statistics n.统计数字;统计资料;统计学;(一项)统计数据statistic的复数according to statistics 据统计statistics analysis 数据统计statistical adj.统计的;统计数据的,统计学的statistically adv.统计地;统计上地(1)assist sb

2、in/with sth 帮助某人某事assist sb to do sth 帮助某人做某事assist sb in doing sth 帮助某人做某事(2)assistance n帮助,援助come to ones assistance援助某人(3)assistant n助手;助理tackle the problem 解决问题block tackle 拦截;阻截;正面抢截The firefighters successfully tackled the blaze.消防员们成功地扑灭了大火。be vital to/for.对是极其重要的;必不可少的It is vital that.是极其重要的

3、(that从句中谓语用“should动词原形”形式,should可以省略)of vital importance 至关重要comradely adj.同志般的;亲切的;友好的 comradeship n.友谊;同志关系comrade in arms n.战友comrades in armstragically adv.悲惨地tragedy n.悲剧There was a news report about the tragic accident on the highway.catastrophic adj.灾难性的dreadful adj.糟糕透了的埃博拉病毒(Ebola virus)是一种

4、十分罕见的病毒,于1976年在苏丹南部和刚果(金)(旧称扎伊尔)的埃博拉河地区发现。埃博拉是世界上最高级别的病毒之一,比艾滋病病毒还要可怕得多。病毒一旦入侵人体,医学治疗的速度就很难赶上病毒攻击人体的速度。它较强的传染性和最高达90%的病死率,如未及时防控很容易让疫情大规模爆发,所以埃博拉也被称为最致命的病毒之一。The doctors and nurses are combating the virus.I have to combat my desire to eat the chocolate cake.The two men were locked in combat,that is,

5、in a fight to the death.v.与.战斗v.抑制n.格斗His colleague came to relieve him at six oclock.(1)relieve sb of.解除某人的(负担、职务等),将某人从中解脱出来(2)relief n减轻,缓解;宽慰,轻松to ones reliefto the relief of sb 令某人感到欣慰的是in relief 如释重负;松了口气(3)relieved adj.感到宽慰的,放心的These people are leading specialists in their respective fields.s

6、pecial adj.特殊的,特别的 specialize vi.专攻,专门从事 specialize in.专攻 specialization n专业化;专门化infect v传染;使感染be infected with 被传染上;被感染infection n传染,感染;传染病urgent care clinic 紧急医疗诊所medical clinic 内科门诊部pet clinic 宠物医院health clinic 卫生所,健康中心clinical adj.临床的;冷漠的The staff disinfect the subway every week for passengers s

7、afety.disinfectant n.消毒剂;杀菌剂 adj.消毒的She cleaned the toilet with disinfectants.The soldiers were adequately prepared for the outbreak of war.(1)devote v致力,献身,倾注devote.to.把奉献于/投入到中(to为介词)devote oneself to 献身于;致力于;专心投入于(2)devoted adj.忠诚的;挚爱的;全心全意的be devoted to(doing)sth 献身于;致力于;专心投入于_(devote)to scienti

8、fic research wholeheartedly,he spends little time with his family.Devoted=throw up=puke【口】Thats not his vomit but the waterfall.economic miracle 经济奇迹miracle drug 特效药to a miracle 不可思议地by a miracle 奇迹般地wondermarvelwonderworkThe girl in orange is the twin sister.We keep most of our patients in Ward One

9、.(1)compensate for 弥补,补偿compensate sb for sth 因为某事补偿某人(2)compensation n补偿,赔偿;赔偿金,补偿金He received a large sum of money as a _(compensate)for his loss in the pensation=cooperatecollaboration n合作,协作 Such a complex project requires that we collaborate with several foreign companies.the history of mankind

10、 人类的历史all mankind 全人类Cooperation is needed in mankind society.humankindhuman racehuman beingrealistic fiction 现实主义小说realistic problem 现实问题The paintings on the walls are so realistic!realistically adv.实际地;现实地unrealistically practicallifelikefanciful adj.异想天开的impractical adj.不切实际的unrealistic adj.不切实际的

11、minority group=ethnic minority 少数民族be in a/the minority 占少数;成为少数派minor adj较小的;次要的;轻微的major adj主要的;重要的;大的majority n.大部分,大多数 adj.多数(人)的the majority/minority of+n.的大多数/少数【当其作主语时,谓语动词单复数取决于n.的单复数】a majority/minority of+n.(pl.)多数/少数【当其作主语时,谓语动词用复数】Hes going to cast that rock by the seaside.He was often c

12、ast as the leading actor.cast out 驱逐,驱出cast off 摆脱;抛弃cast away 丢掉;浪费cast aside 抛弃,废除cast on 急忙披上(衣服)All prices are inclusive of delivery charges.exclusive adj.独家;专有的;排外的;高档的;排斥的;不包括 n.独家新闻These are the exclusive seats for our VIP.joint pain 关节痛joint venture 合资企业joint statement 联合声明She felt a sudden

13、pain in her knee joint.They made it through joint efforts.harmony n.和谐harmonize v.使调和,使一致 in harmony with 与协调一致out of harmony with 与不协调一致mutual understanding 互相谅解;互相理解mutual interest 共同利益mutual benefit 互惠互利 They were divided by mutual suspicions(n.怀疑,猜疑).reward n.奖励;回报;报酬;赏格;悬赏金vt.奖励;奖赏;给以报酬 in rewa

14、rd for.为了酬谢或报答as a reward for 作为对的奖励/报酬,为了表彰reward sb.for(doing)sth.因(做)某事奖赏某人reward sb.with.用酬谢某人She is mounting the horse.The population has been mounting up in recent years.Many people mounted a protest to call for environmental protection.civil law 民法civil right 民权civil court 民事法庭 A civil aircra

15、ft is used for taking passengers.slave society 奴隶社会slave labour 苦役slave trader 奴隶贩子slave away 埋头苦干Britain and the USA have been confederate allies(盟友)since WWII.European Union 欧盟students union 学生会The soldiers guarantee the safety of civilians.This kind of airplane is for civilian use.civilize v.使文明;

16、教育;教化civilized adj.文明的,有礼的uncivilized adj.无教养的;未开化的;远离文明的civility n.谦恭;礼貌;端庄cell division 细胞分裂division of labour 劳动分工administrative division 行政区域divide v.分,分开;意见分歧;分割divide.into.把分成divide.from.把与隔开divide.between/among.在中分divide A by B A除以B,用B除Adivided adj分裂的;有分歧的This apple tree always brings forth l

17、ots of fruit.bring about 造成,引起,带来bring down 使降低bring in 介绍,引进;赚得bring out 生产(新产品);(尤指)出版;使显现,激发bring up 提出(议题等);抚养;呕吐conceive a prejudice 抱偏见She found it difficult to conceive of him as a professional chief.the Statue of Liberty 自由女神像liberte v.解放,释放liberate from 免除.;从.解放liberation n解放,解放运动liberal n.

18、开明的人;自由主义者adj.慷慨的;心胸宽广的;自由主义的;人文的liberal education 普通教育;文科教育liberal art 文科She dedicated her time to working and being a mother.He told the reporter that his new book was dedicated to his daughter.dedication n.献身His dedication to finding the vaccine was very admirable.dedicated adj.专心致志的 He was very

19、dedicated to his homework.把(时间、力量等)用在.致力于,献给对.的献身/热爱对.专心致志 oneself to doing/n.oneself to doing/n.be to doing/n.onelf to doing/n.be to doing/n.oneself to doing/n.beto doing/n.endure to the end 坚持到底;忍耐endure hardship 忍受苦难endurance n.持久力;忍耐力;忍受enduring adj.持久的,不朽的;能忍受的beardurable adj.耐用的,长久的 permanent

20、adj.永恒的,长久的constant adj.不变的,永恒的deathless adj.不死的,不朽的changeless adj.不变的,永恒的Every month the couple manage to save a small portion of their salaries.portion sth.out 把某物分成若干份Altogether,this TV series is terrible.The living room was altogther clean after his cleaning.These gifts cost me 1,000 dollars alt

21、ogether.adv.总而言之 adv.完全 adv.总共 We consecrate the temple by lighting candles and chanting.desecrate v.亵渎,玷污The local people hallow this statue.diminish v.减少,削弱lessen v.减少,减轻undermine v.暗中破坏;逐渐削弱noble adj.高贵的,高尚的&n.贵族nobility n.贵族;高贵的品质All his efforts to fetch water with a basket were in vain.be influ

22、encial in(doing)sth.在.方面有很大影响influence n.&v.影响have an influence on/upon.对有影响under the influence of.在的影响下influence sb to do sth 影响某人去做某事A healthy family environment will have a positive influence on any munism n.共产主义community n.社区;社会;团体;社团;界;共享;共有;(动植物的)群落Communist Party 共产党Communist country 共产主义国家一、

23、核心单词一、核心单词1 n分界线;边界分界线;边界2 n (一项一项)统计数据统计数据3 adj 极其重要的极其重要的4 n 专家专家5 n 诊所;门诊部诊所;门诊部6 v 为为消毒,给消毒,给杀菌杀菌7 adj 双胞胎的双胞胎的8 n 病房病房boundarystatisticvital specialistclinicdisinfecttwinward9 n 人类人类10 v 选派选派(角色角色)11 adj 联合的,共同的联合的,共同的12 v 走上,登上走上,登上13 adj 公民的,国民的公民的,国民的14 adj 平民的;百姓的平民的;百姓的15 adv 完全完全16 adj 共产

24、主义的共产主义的mankindcast joint mountcivilcivilianaltogether communist二、拓展单词二、拓展单词1 v协助,帮助协助,帮助assistance n帮助,援助帮助,援助assistant n助手;助手;助理助理2 adj悲惨的,不幸的悲惨的,不幸的tragedy n悲惨的事,不幸,灾难悲惨的事,不幸,灾难tragically adv悲惨地悲惨地3 adj传染性的传染性的infect v传染;使感染传染;使感染infection n传染,传染,感染;传染病感染;传染病4 n奉献奉献devote v致力,献身,倾注致力,献身,倾注devoted

25、 adj挚爱的;挚爱的;忠实的,忠诚的忠实的,忠诚的5 v弥补,补偿弥补,补偿compensation n补偿,赔偿;赔偿金,补补偿,赔偿;赔偿金,补偿金偿金assisttragicinfectiousdevotioncompensate6 v合作,协作合作,协作collaboration n合作,协作合作,协作7 adj(目标、希望目标、希望)能够实现的能够实现的realize v实现;意识到;实现;意识到;领悟领悟reality n真实,现实真实,现实8 n少数派;少数少数派;少数minor adj较小的;次要的;轻微的较小的;次要的;轻微的major adj主要的;重要的;大的主要的;重

26、要的;大的majority n大部分;大多数大部分;大多数9 adj包容广阔的包容广阔的include v包括,包含;使成为包括,包含;使成为的一的一部分部分including prep包括包括在内在内10 adj和睦的,融洽的和睦的,融洽的harmony n融洽,和睦;和谐,融洽,和睦;和谐,协调协调11 adj共有的,共同的共有的,共同的mutually adv相互地;彼此;共同地相互地;彼此;共同地collaboraterealisticminorityinclusiveharmoniousmutual12 adj值得做的,有意义的值得做的,有意义的reward n奖励;回报;奖励;回报

27、;报酬报酬 v奖励;奖赏;给奖励;奖赏;给以报酬以报酬13 n分歧,分裂分歧,分裂divide v(使使)分开,分开,(把把)分成,分成,分配分配divided adj分裂的;有分歧的分裂的;有分歧的14 n自由自由liberate v解放;使自由,使摆脱约束解放;使自由,使摆脱约束(或限或限制制)liberation n解放,解放运动解放,解放运动15 adj有影响力的有影响力的influence n影响,作用影响,作用 v影影响,对响,对起作用起作用rewardingdivisionlibertyinfluential用所给单词的适当形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空1Calligraphy

28、 is possibly the most (influence)and popular art in China2We should never forget those who contributed to the (liberate)of the Chinese people3Less than ten percent of the employees in their company are womenThat is to say,women are in the (minor)4I remember it in my heart forever that success belong

29、s to anyone who has the most (realize)dreamsinfluentialliberationminorityrealistic5I would like to thank all of you who made the effortIt is a relief that employees show their (devote)to their job6The government declared financial (assist)would be obtained by those in the employment training courses

30、7Those suffering from (infect)diseases were separated from other patients8There was a (divide)of opinion on that matter9To avoid such conflicts,we should be kind to one another,which is essential to enjoy a (harmony)life10Traveling along the old Silk Road is an interesting and (reward)experiencedevotionassistanceinfectiousdivisionharmoniousrewardingThanks for watching!Thanks for watching!谢谢观看


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