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1、 - 1 - Module 4Module 4 Fine Arts Fine Arts Western, Chinese and Pop ArtsWestern, Chinese and Pop Arts .阅读理解 2020安徽五校联盟检测While an entire month free of homework or tests may sound too good to be true, that is exactly what the students at Sturenskolan School in Boden, Sweden were treated to in April.

2、Whats more, if the results of the experiment prove encouraging, starting 2019, the middle schoolers will never have to worry about afterschool work or tests, aside from the national examinations, which are compulsive for students across the country. The schools principal, Petronella Sirkka, who came

3、 up with the idea, said, “We are constantly receiving new reports that our children feel bad. And thats because they have a high level of stress all the time. This is our way of trying to reduce that stress.” The educator says that while banning homework and tests sounds radical(激 进的), it makes sens

4、e given the changes in the curriculum and approaches to education. While in the past students were primarily subjected to memorizing facts, learning today is all about reflection and analysis. As a result, it is often harder for kids, especially those with little support at home, to comprehend the m

5、aterial by themselves. Sirkka is not the only one who believes afterschool work does not help students learn. In March 2018, another principal in Canada also decided to do away with homework. They hope parents will spend the extra time reading to their kids. While the longterm impact of the recent d

6、ecisions made by the two educators remains to be seen, the experiment has already proved successful in Finland which has done away with homework, grades, and even teaching by subjects for many years. Yet, Finnish students always rank high in the PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment)

7、tests especially in math and science but they have the least homework! Hopefully, it will only be a matter of time before US educators follow their lead and ban afterschool work as well! 1The students at Sturenskolan School had no homework in April because _. Athe headmaster was experimenting with h

8、er idea Bthey needed to do some experiments during the month Cthey were busy preparing for the national examinations Dthe headmaster had to carry out the governments policy 2What makes childrens learning hard nowadays? - 2 - AChildren have to do more analyzing. BThe approach to education is complex.

9、 CChildren get no support at home and school. DThere are many more facts to memorize. 3What does Petronella Sirkka most likely advise parents to do? AHelp children with their homework. BFree children from afterschool housework. CSpend more time reading to their children. DCommunicate with teachers f

10、rom time to time. 4What can we infer about the students in Finland? AThey study the hardest at school. BThey have a more relaxing school life. CThey enjoy great success after graduation. DThey all have a talent for math and science. .完形填空 济南市2020年高三学习质量针对性检测When I was young, my understanding of life

11、 was simple. This made it _1_ for me to deal with the world around me. As I grew up, things seemed more _2_, which made life more challenging. Now, middleaged, I find my _3_ of the world is returning to the simple. When I try to teach my daughter important _4_ about life, I will break complicated th

12、ings _5_ into small pieces. One of those basics is _6_, for yourself, and for others. I teach my daughter to _7_. To fail feels bad, _8_, but not to have tried feels worse, because you cant respect yourself for it. And as the saying _9_, if you dont respect yourself, no one else will. When I was sev

13、en or eight, I played at my cousins house with his toys. His family was better off than mine, and he had many more toys. There was one _10_ that Id always wanted, and I _11_ it into my pocket. But a moment later, I _12_, even at that age, that I would never enjoy playing with the toy. I would always

14、 know I had _13_, and my opinion of myself would _14_. When his mother dropped me off later that day, I shamefacedly _15_ out the toy and gave it back. She knew, Im sure, what had happened, _16_ she thanked me and never spoke of it again. I hope to help my daughter avoid similar _17_. She first has

15、to gain selfrespect _18_ she can start respecting others. I believe in respect, because _19_ it were all enemies. Im not _20_ in this regard, far from it. But I try - 3 - my best, and I respect others for trying their best in this changing world. 1A.funnier Beasier Csafer Ddeeper 2A.important Bawkwa

16、rd Cfragile Dcomplex 3A.view Bexperience Caim Dexpectation 4A.basics Bfacts Csubjects Dchoices 5A.away Boff Cdown Dout 6A.passion Blove Crespect Ddesire 7A.forgive Baccept Cshare Dtry 8A.certainly Beventually Cpersonally Dwillingly 9A.runs Bgoes Cwrites Dfollows 10A.for fun Bin particular Cwith care

17、 Dat random 11A.fetched Barranged Cslipped Dfitted 12A.doubted Bpromised Cquestioned Dsensed 13A.lied Bstolen Cchanged Dcheated 14A.suffer Bimprove Cfade Dspread 15A.gave Bleft Cpulled Dhanded 16A.so Bor Cfor Dbut 17A.accidents Bmistakes - 4 - Cresults Dhabits 18A.before Buntil Cin case Dnow that 19

18、A.upon Bbeyond Cwithout Ddespite 20A.honest Bcasual Ccurious Dperfect .语法填空 2020贵阳市高三摸底考试One night 1._ winter, a bear came into the city in Vancouver, Canada. It walked through the city streets past houses, shops and offices. Then it 2._ (find) some food in bins outside a restaurant and started eati

19、ng. In the morning, someone saw the bear and called the police. The police came with a vet(兽医) from the city zoo. They put the bear in a lorry and took it to the mountains outside the city. 3._ (lucky), the bear was safe. But 4._ happens in other countries when big animals come into cities? In Vanco

20、uver it is unusual 5._ (see)a bear, but in some cities you can see big animals on the city streets every day. Big animals usually come into cities to find food. In Cape Town in South Africa baboons(狒狒) come into the city when they are 6._ (hunger). Human food is very bad for the baboons 7._ (tooth)

21、because it has a lot of sugar. Now, there are Baboon Monitors working in Cape Town. 8._ (they) job is to find baboons in the city and return them to the countryside. In Berlin, Germany, pigs sometimes come into the city for food. They eat flowers and plants in parks and gardens. Sometimes they eat v

22、egetables from gardens 9._ they walk in the street, causing accidents. Some people like the pigs and they give them food and water. Other people do not like the pigs and they want the government and the police to stop them 10._ (enter) the city. .短文改错 2020安徽五校联盟第二次检测Last Saturday our class went hiki

23、ng in a countryside. We meet at our school gate and set off at 8:00 am. On the way, we were singing and laughing happily while a girl suddenly fell into a deep hole. She felt so frightening and even burst into tears. One of my classmate found a long rope and we finally got him out. Fortunately, she

24、didnt suffer seriously injuries, but it seemed that her ankle slightly twisted. We managed to sending her to the nearest - 5 - hospital. It is an experience well never forget it, though we didnt enjoy ourselves very much that day. 课后提能练课后提能练( (十十) ) .阅读理解 【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。瑞典一所学校在四月份取消了学生的家庭作业和考 试,这是该

25、校校长 Petronella Sirkka 看到学生作业负担太重而提出的举措,且芬兰采取的 类似做法已获成功。 【难句分析】 While an entire month free of homework or tests may sound too good to be true, that is exactly what the students at Sturenskolan School in Boden, Sweden were treated to in April. 分析:该句为主从复合句。句中“While an entire month free of homework or t

26、ests may sound too good to be true”为 while 引导的让步状语从句;“what the students at Sturenskolan School in Boden, Sweden were treated to in April”为 what 引导的表语 从句。 译文:尽管整整一个月没有家庭作业或者考试可能听起来好得令人难以置信,但是瑞典 - 6 - 博登的 Sturenskolan 学校的学生们在四月享受到了这样的待遇。 1A 考查细节理解。根据第二段第一句中的“The schools principal, Petronella Sirkka, w

27、ho came up with the idea”,并结合第一段的内容可知,Sturenskolan 学校的学 生们在四月份没有家庭作业和考试是该校校长提出的想法,故 A 项正确。 2A 考查细节理解。根据第三段第二、三句“While in the past students were primarily subjected to memorizing facts, learning today is all about reflection and analysis. As a result, it is often harder for kids, especially those wit

28、h little support at home, to comprehend the material by themselves”可知,在过去,学生主要 是被要求记住事实,而如今学生需要的是反思和分析。因此,孩子们往往很难自己理解这些 材料。据此可知,反思和分析让孩子们的学习更加困难,故 A 项正确。 3C 考查推理判断。根据第四段尾句“They hope parents will spend the extra time reading to their kids”可推知,Petronella Sirkka 很可能会建议父母花些时间为他们的 孩子们阅读,故 C 项正确。 4B 考查推理判

29、断。根据尾段第一句中的“the experiment has already proved successful in Finland which has done away with homework, grades,and even teaching by subjects for many years”可知,多年来,芬兰已经取消了家庭作业、成绩等级,甚至 科目教学。据此可推知,芬兰学生的学校生活更加轻松,故 B 项正确。 .完形填空 【语篇解读】 本文是夹叙夹议文。作者由儿时偷拿别人玩具的经历认识到尊重自己的 重要性;于是,作者教女儿要尊重自己、尊重他人。 【高频词回顾】 deal wi

30、th 应付, 处理 complicated adj. 复杂的 shamefacedly adv. 惭愧地 far from it 远非如此 1B 根据上文中的“my understanding of life was simple”可知,那时“我”对 生活的理解很简单,所以应付周围的事情就更加容易一些,故选 B。 2D 根据空后的“more challenging”可知,随着不断地长大,事情似乎更复杂 (complex)了,这让“我”的生活更具挑战性。fragile 意为“易碎的”。 3A 根据本文第一句中的 understanding 可知,进入中年以后,“我”发现“我”对 世界的看法(vi

31、ew)又重归简单。 4A 根据第 6 空前的 basics 可知,此处表示当“我”在教女儿一些重要的生活基本 原则(basics)时,“我”将复杂的东西分解成一个个小块。 5C 参见上题解析。break sth. down 意为“分解某物”。 6C 根据第 8 空后的“you cant respect yourself for it”和下文多次重复出现 的关键词 respect 可知,我教女儿的基本原则之一便是尊重(respect),尊重自己,尊重他人。 7D 根据第 8 空后的“not to have tried”可知,“我”教女儿去尝试。 - 7 - 8A 根据下文中的“not to ha

32、ve tried feels worse”可推知,失败的确让人感到 很糟糕,但是不去尝试会让人感觉更加糟糕。 9B 该空后面的“if you dont respect yourself, no one else will”表示你不 尊重自己,没有人会尊重你,是一句俗语,故用“as the saying goes”表示“常言道”。 10B 根据第 15 空后的“and gave it back”可知,“我”当时一直特别想要其中的 一件玩具,于是“我”就将它悄悄塞进口袋里。 11C 参见上题解析。slip 意为“悄悄塞”。 12D 根据下文中的“that I would never enjoy p

33、laying with the toy”可知,但 是不久一会,即使那时那么年幼,“我”也能感觉到(sensed),“我”再也不会喜欢玩这个 玩具了。 13 B 根据第 15 空前的“shamefacedly”可推知, “我”会一直记得自己偷了(stolen) 东西,这让“我”对自己的看法变差(suffer)。 14A 参见上题解析。 15C 根据空后的“gave it back”可推知,“我”羞愧地将玩具拿出来归还给她。 pull out 意为“拿出,掏出”。 16D 她那时明白所发生的事情,但还是感谢“我”,并从未再提起这件事情。 17B 在文章第三段,作者讲述了自己当时的一个小的错误,即拿

34、走了别人的玩具, 因此作者希望自己能帮助女儿避免类似的错误。 18A 根据空前的“first”可知,她应该在学会尊重他人之前,首先学会尊重自己。 19C 根据文章最后一句可知,“我”尽最大的努力,在这个变化的世界,“我”尊 重其他人,因为他们也在尽最大的努力尊重“我”。由此可推知,如果没有尊重,人与人之 间就都变成了敌人。 20 D 根据第 19 题的解析可知, 在尊重他人方面, “我”不是完美的, 且远远达不到, 但是“我”会尽最大努力去做,故选 D。 .语法填空 【语篇解读】 本文是说明文,主要讲述了三个地方对待闯入它们城市的动物(熊、狒 狒、猪)的方式。 1in 考查介词。根据语境可知,

35、此处表示“在冬天的一个晚上”,故应用介词 in, 表示“在(某月、某年、某季节等)”。 2found 考查动词的时态。根据上文中的 One night 和本句中的 started 可知,这里 讲述的是发生在过去的事情,故用一般过去时,填 found。 3Luckily 考查副词。根据该空后面的逗号和句子成分可知,此处要填副词修饰整个 句子,故填 Luckily。 4what 考查疑问句。根据该句句末的问号并结合语境可知,该句是一个疑问句,且 - 8 - 该句子的主句缺少主语,表示“什么”,故填 what。 5to see 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,本句中的 it 为形式主语,真正的主

36、语为后面的动词不定式,故填 to see。 6 hungry 考查形容词。 be 动词后面要接形容词作表语, 表明主语的状况, 故填 hungry。 7teeth 考查名词的单复数。tooth“牙齿”为可数名词,此处表示“狒狒的牙齿”, 为复数概念,故该空要填名词 tooth 的复数形式 teeth。 8Their 考查形容词性物主代词。此处指的是“Baboon Monitors”的工作,故此处 要填形容词性物主代词 Their。 9and 考查连词。此处前后表述的内容都是猪在这个城市的行为,故填 and。 10entering 考查固定用法。stop sb. doing sth.“阻止某人做

37、某事”是固定用法, 故填 entering。 .短文改错 Last Saturday our class went hiking in a the countryside. We meet met at our school gate and set off at 8:00 am. On the way, we were singing and laughing happily while when a girl suddenly fell into a deep hole. She felt so frightening frightened and even burst into tear

38、s. One of my classmate classmates found a long rope and we finally got him her out. Fortunately, she didnt suffer seriously serious injuries, but it seemed that her ankle was slightly twisted. We managed to sending send her to the nearest hospital. It is an experience well never forget it, though we

39、 didnt enjoy ourselves very much that day. a 改为 the。考查冠词。根据固定用法 in the countryside“在乡下”可知,此处应 将 a 改为 the。 meet 改为 met。考查动词的时态。根据上文中的时间状语 Last Saturday 可知,该句 陈述的是上周六发生的事情,故用一般过去时。 while 改为 When。考查连词。此处考查句型 was/were doing sth. when., when 为 并列连词意为“就在这时”,故将 while 改为 when。 frightening 改为 frightened。考查形容

40、词。根据该句主语 She 可知,该处指“她感 到很害怕”,故用形容词 frightened,修饰人。 【知识储备】 frightening 和 frightened 都是形容词,但用法和对象不同。ing 结 尾的表示“使人,令人”,用来修饰物;ed 结尾的意为“觉得”,用来修饰人 - 9 - 或与人的心理活动有关的声音、表情等。 classmate改为classmates。 考查名词的单复数。 one of后接可数名词复数, classmate 为可数名词,故用其复数形式。 him 改为 her。考查代词。根据上文中的 a girl 和 She 可知,该处指“将女孩救了上 来”,故将 him

41、改为 her。 seriously 改为 serious。 考查形容词。 该处修饰名词 injuries, 表示“严重的伤”, 故用其形容词形式。 ankle 后加 was。考查时态和语态。句中的 her ankle 和 twist 之间为被动关系,故 用被动语态;该处陈述的是过去的事情,应用一般过去时,故在 ankle 后加 was。 sending 改为 send。考查非谓语动词。manage to do sth,为固定用法,意为“设法 完成某事”。 删除 forget 后的 it。 考查代词。 分析该句结构可知, 该句包含一个省略了关系词 that 或 which 的定语从句,先行词为 an experience, that 或 which 在从句中作宾语可省略,it 指代内容与其重复,故删除 it。


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