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1、 被被 动动 语语 态态Passive voice 一、被动语态的理解 二、几种常见的被动语态结构 三、如何将主动语态改为被动语态 四、什么时候用被动语态?五、被动语态的种类 六、哪些主动结构表示被动语态Teaching aimsTeaching aims一、被动语态的理解一、被动语态的理解 英语动词有两种语态:英语动词有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。主动语态和被动语态。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。被动语态的结构:被动语态的结构:be+及物动词及物动词的过去分词的过去分词 主动语态:被动语态:主

2、语主语谓语谓语宾语宾语动作执行者动作执行者动作本身动作本身动作承受者动作承受者原宾语原宾语谓语被动谓语被动 be done原主语原主语一、被动语态的理解(定义)一、被动语态的理解(定义)动作承受者动作承受者动作执行者动作执行者 1.有人称的变化有人称的变化1.be 的作用:的作用:2.有时态的变化有时态的变化(助动词)(助动词)3.否定,疑问的变化否定,疑问的变化2.done 的形式保持不变。的形式保持不变。二、几种常见的被动语态结构二、几种常见的被动语态结构be done被动语态的时态人称由被动语态的时态人称由 be 变化:变化:be done一般现在时:done 一般过去时:done 一般

3、将来时:will be doneam/is/are was/were主动:主动:一般现在时:一般现在时:do/does 一般过去时:一般过去时:did 一般将来时:一般将来时:will do三三.主动语态变被动语态的方法主动语态变被动语态的方法主动语态变被动语态三步曲:主动语态变被动语态三步曲:宾语提前主语变,宾语提前主语变,时态人称时态人称be关键,关键,原主变宾原主变宾by后见。后见。出宾出宾换谓换谓/变态变态移主移主二二.演示:演示:1.出宾:2.换谓/变态:3.移主:He makes a plane 1.出宾:2.换谓:3.移主:A planeA planeis madeby himi

4、s madeA plane(保持原句时态不变)(保持原句时态不变)将下列句子变成被动语态将下列句子变成被动语态 1.They speak English .(English.)2.Many people use computers.(computers-)3.He wrote many stories last year.(many stories-)4.A tiger was killed by the hunter.(The hunter)Computers are used by many people.Many stories were written by him last year

5、.The hunter killed a tiger.English is spoken by them.将下列句子变成被动语态将下列句子变成被动语态 5.They are going to fix the radio in an hour.6.I will make a pen.7.They make computers in the USA.8.They grow rice in South China.A pen will be made by me.Computers are made by them in the USA.Rice is grown by them in South

6、China.The radio is going to be fixed by them in an hour.被动语态的否定句和疑问句:The Olympic Games are held every four years.疑问句:疑问句:肯否回答:肯否回答:疑问句:疑问句:2.His new book will be published next month.疑问句:疑问句:肯否回答:肯否回答:疑问句:疑问句:Are the Olympic Games held every four years?Yes,they are/No,they arentHow often are the Oly

7、mpic Games held?Will his new book be published next month?Yes,it will/No,it wont.When will his new book be published?四、什么情况下四、什么情况下用被动语态用被动语态 何时使用被动语态呢?何时使用被动语态呢?一、一、行为主体不明确行为主体不明确,不必说出或者无法,不必说出或者无法说出动作的执行者时。例如:说出动作的执行者时。例如:Football is played all over the world 二、二、不易找到不易找到或根本就不可能找到或根本就不可能找到动作的动作的执行

8、者时执行者时。例如:。例如:My bike was stolen我的自行车被盗了。我的自行车被盗了。三、汉语中含有三、汉语中含有“据说据说”、“据悉据悉”、“有有人说人说”、“大家说大家说”等时。例如:等时。例如:It is said that one day he climbed to the top of a house and It was reported that her mother died of SARS.众所周知众所周知 It is known to all that 据推测说据推测说 It is supposed that 四、汉语中含有四、汉语中含有“被被”、“由由”等词

9、时。等词时。例如:例如:Tina is asked to come by Paul Tina是被是被Paul叫来的。叫来的。Paper is made from wood.纸张是由木材制成。纸张是由木材制成。五、某些句子习惯上用被动语态。例如:五、某些句子习惯上用被动语态。例如:He was born in October,1989 被动语态的时态人称由被动语态的时态人称由 be 变化:变化:be done一般现在时:done 一般过去时:done 一般将来时:现在进行时:现在完成时:过去进行时:过去完成时:过去将来时:情态动词:will/shallbe doneam/is/are doing

10、being doneam/is/arewas/werehave/has donebeen done was/were doingbeing donehad donebeen donewouldbe donemustbe done五、被动语态五、被动语态的种类的种类(done)(一一)及物动词的被动语态:及物动词的被动语态:1.You are wanted on the phone.2.The road was being repaired now.不及物动词无被动语态。(二二)短语动词的被动语态:短语动词的被动语态:1.The baby was looked after by his moth

11、er.2.The students should listen to the teacher carefully.3.The boy shouldnt be laughed at by us.Teachers should be listened to carefully by their students.We shouldnt laugh at the boy.一些动词短语(不及物动词一些动词短语(不及物动词+介词)用于被动语介词)用于被动语态时,动词短语应当看作一个整体,而不能丢掉态时,动词短语应当看作一个整体,而不能丢掉其中的其中的介词或副词介词或副词。We cant laugh at

12、 him.He cant be laughed at by us.He listens to the radio every day.The radio is listened to by him every day.(三三)双宾语动词的被动语态:双宾语动词的被动语态:如果是接双宾语的动词改为被动语态时,如果是接双宾语的动词改为被动语态时,He gave me a book.I was given a book.He gave a book to me.A book was given to me 注:如果 直接宾语(物)被提前做主语 介词要保留.He showed me a ticket.M

13、y father bought me a new bike.*More wordsgive sb sth=give sth.to sbshow sb sth=show sth.to sbpass sb sth=pass sth.to sbsend sb sth=send sth.to sb bring sb sth=bring sth.to sbtell sb sth=tell sth.to sbbuy sb sth=buy sth for sbmake/cook(四四)复合宾语(宾语补足语)的被动复合宾语(宾语补足语)的被动语态:语态:1.make,let,have,hear,watch,s

14、ee,feel,notice.help动词后变做宾补的不定式一般不加 to,变为被动,必须加必须加to.make sb do sth sb+be+made to do sth see sb do sth A girl saw my wallet drop when she passed by.My brother often made me do this and that when I was young.2.含有复合宾语的主动句,含有复合宾语的主动句,将宾语变为主语,将宾语变为主语,宾补不变宾补不变。如:They call her Xiao Li.She is called Xiao Li

15、.He left the door open.The door was left open by him.六.主动语态表示被动语态:使用被动语态应注意的几个问题1.不及物动词不及物动词 无被动语态无被动语态 What will happen in 100 years.The dinosaurs disappeared about 65 million years ago.2.有些有些动词动词用主动形式表示被动意义用主动形式表示被动意义 This pen writes well.This new book sells well.Our plan changed.The clothes wash

16、well.The coat feels soft.4.在在need,want,require等少数表示等少数表示“需要需要”的的 动词后的动名词用主动形式表被动意动词后的动名词用主动形式表被动意义。义。3.be worth后的动名词要用主动表被动。后的动名词要用主动表被动。The house needs cleaning.房子需要打扫了。These children require looking after.这些孩子需要照看。The house needs to be cleaned.These children require to be looked after.This movie i

17、s worth seeing.这部影片值得一看。The problem is not worth discussing.这个问题不值得讨论。5.表示状态的动词(系动词)表示状态的动词(系动词)感官系动词一般用主动形式表示被动意义,如:感官系动词一般用主动形式表示被动意义,如:feel,look,seem,taste,sound,remain等。等。(1)Do you like the material?Yes,it feels very soft.误:误:It is felt very soft.(2)The food tastes delicious.误:误:The food is tast

18、ed delicious.(3)The pop music sounds beautiful.误:误:The pop music is sounded beautiful.6.宾语是反身代词,相互代词,不定式,不宾语是反身代词,相互代词,不定式,不能变为被动句子的主语,如:能变为被动句子的主语,如:I taught myself English.误:误:Myself was taught English.We love each other.误:误:Each other is loved.Choose the best answer:1.A new book_me by him yesterd

19、ay.A.is given to B.was given C.was given to D.gave to2.Dont worrry.The job_two hours.A.can be finished in B.was finished for C.can finish in D.can be finished after3.Usually the classroom_twice a day,but nobody _the floor this morning.A.is cleaned,was swept B.cleans,was swept C.is cleaned,swept D.is

20、 cleaned,sweeps4.I_ at five this morning,so I am very tired now.A.was waking B.was woken C.wake up D.was woken upCACCD5.He _me _there with him last nigh.A.was asked,to go B.asked,to go C.was asked,go D.asked,go6.They stayed here_April.A.in B.since C.for D.on7.We_a picnic last Wednesday.A.told to hav

21、e B.were told to have C.were told him to have D.were told to not have8.Who _ the food on the table,Tom?A.ate up B.was eaten up C.eats up D.was eating up9.Today many trees are being cut in our country.So more trees_.A.must plant B.must be plant C.must be planted A.must be to plantBBABCA10._ the homew

22、ork_the day after tomorrow?A.May,be handed in B.Maybe,handed in C.May,hand in D.May,be handed11.My pencil_the day before yesterday.A.found B.was found C.was founded D.is found12.The scientist has worked on the maths problem for three days without having a rest,so he _very tired now.A.must be B.may b

23、e C.can be D.need be13.The workers much heavy work each day.A.made to do B.were made to do C.were made do D.made him to do AABAB1.It was quite hard for the dog to go_(通过通过)the small hole.2.Look,whats _(发生发生)over there?3.I saw him walk _(经过经过)the teachers office.4.I know the boy_(叫叫)Mike.5.The letter

24、 was_(写写)to them last night.Fill in the missing words:throughhappeningpastnamedwritten 6.Newspapers are_(看看)every day.7.The ball was_(扔扔)to him and he caught it.8.They are_(砍砍)down some trees.9.Mike and Tom want to be_(士兵士兵)in the future.10.The book can be_(借借)for a week.11.Were they_(用于用于)for_(保保持持

25、)warm?readthrowncuttingsoldierskeptusedkeeping1.He was told me to go there at once.2.The boy was seen came into the office3.The old can be taken good care in our country.4.Is the kind of car make by Shanghai?CorrectionCorrectionCorrectionto comeofmade in1.Tom hasnt invited us to the party.2.Where ar

26、e the workers building a new bridge now?否定/疑问句的被动语态变化:We havent been invited to the party by Tom.Where is a new bridge being built by the workers now?.实战练习三:1.We often use a recorder in our English class.2.They will show a new film next week.3.When did they build the house?4.I saw a film in the room

27、.5.Will they show a new film next week?6.Have they posted the letter yet?7.We must turn off the light now.8.Who is repairing the bike?9.The student should learn all the texts by heart.Keys:1.A recorder is often used by us in our English class.2.A new film will be shown by them next week.3.When was t

28、he house built by them?4.A film was seen by me in the room.5.Will a new film be shown by them next week?6.Has the letter been posted by them yet?7.The light must be turn off by us now.8.By Whom is the bike being repaired?9.All the texts should be learnt by the student by heart.将下列句子变成被动语态将下列句子变成被动语态

29、 1.They speak English in Canada.(English.)2.People use wood for making tables.(wood-)3.They make computers in the USA.(Computers-)4.They grow rice in South China.(Rice)English is spoken by them in Canada.Wood is used for making tables by people.Computers are made by them in the USA.Rice is grown by them in South China.


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