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1、中考语法专题中考语法专题状语从句状语从句12定义定义状语从句是指在句子中用作状语、起副状语从句是指在句子中用作状语、起副词作用的句子,修饰词作用的句子,修饰谓语谓语、非谓语动词非谓语动词、定语定语、状语状语或句子。或句子。连接词:连接词:when,while,as,before,after,until/till,since,as soon as,by the time4一、一、时间时间状语从句状语从句5连词连词用法用法例例 句句when 1.意为意为“当当时时”,从句的动词可从句的动词可用延续性动词,也可用非延续性动词用延续性动词,也可用非延续性动词2.意为意为“这时这时”或或“在在那时那时”

2、1.When I came into the room,he was writing a letter.2.I was walking along the street when suddenly Tom patted me on the shoulder.while1.意为意为“当当时时”;while引导的引导的动作必须是动作必须是持续性持续性的的2.意为意为“然而然而”1.While it was raining,they went out.2.All of us are working hard while he is sleeping.as1.意意为为“一边一边一边一边”,引导持,引导

3、持续性动作,强调主句和从句的动续性动作,强调主句和从句的动作同时发生作同时发生 2.意意为为“随着随着”1.He hurried home,looking behind as he went.2.As time goes by,I like China better.6till until1.若主句动词是若主句动词是持续性动作持续性动作,常用,常用肯定式,表示肯定式,表示“直到直到为止为止”2.若主句动词是若主句动词是瞬间动词瞬间动词,要用否,要用否定式定式notuntil表示表示“直直到到才才”1.We waited till(until)he came back.2.She didnt s

4、top working until eleven oclock.since 1.意为意为“自从自从以来以来”,主句主句常用常用现在完成时,从句用一般过去时现在完成时,从句用一般过去时2.its+时间时间+since从句从句 1.Great changes have taken place in China since 1978.She has taught in this school since she came to this city in 1989.2.Its three years since she came to this city.as soon as意为意为“一一就就”As

5、soon as I arrive in Shanghai,Ill write to you.7时间状语从句的时态时间状语从句的时态1.主句一般将来时,从句用一般主句一般将来时,从句用一般现在时现在时(主将从现主将从现)The boy will be a writer when he grows up.2.主语含有情态动词,从句用一主语含有情态动词,从句用一般现在时般现在时(主情从现主情从现)When the lights are red,the traffic must stop.3.主句为祈使句,从句用一般现主句为祈使句,从句用一般现在时在时(主祈从现主祈从现)Please dont go

6、to bed before you finish your homework.4.主句为一般过去时,从句也用主句为一般过去时,从句也用过去时态过去时态(主过从过主过从过)I liked reading when I was young.二、二、原因原因状语从句状语从句连接词连接词:because,since(因为,既然因为,既然),as,for注意注意:for连接的并列句分句前连接的并列句分句前常有逗号常有逗号,其引导的分句不可放于句首。,其引导的分句不可放于句首。例:例:It must have rained last night,for the ground is still wet.8【

7、注注】because不能与不能与so同时同时使用。使用。2.遵循遵循“主将从现,主祈从现,主情从现主将从现,主祈从现,主情从现”的原则的原则1.连接词:连接词:if,unless,as long as(只要只要)e.g.If I am free,I will call you.e.g.We shall go there tomorrow unless it rains.=We shall go there tomorrow if it doesnt rain.9三、三、条件条件状语从句状语从句e.g.You will succeed as long as you work hard.连接词:连

8、接词:so that,in order that10四、四、目的目的状语从句状语从句E.g.Speak slowly so that/in order that we can understand you.so that和和in order that后常接含后常接含can/could,may/might,shall/should,will/would等等情态动词情态动词的从句的从句如果目的状语从句的主语与主句的主语相同,可用如果目的状语从句的主语与主句的主语相同,可用in order to 转化为简单句。转化为简单句。E.g.Ill write down your phone number s

9、o that I may not forget.=Ill write down your phone number in order not to forget.11五、五、结果结果状语从句状语从句连接词:连接词:so that,so that,such that连词连词用法用法例句例句so that意为意为“因此,所以,结因此,所以,结果果”,so that前有逗号前有逗号We turned up the radio,so that everyone heard the news.名用名用such,形、副,形、副so,多多少少也用,多多少少也用so。12sothat与与suchthat的区别

10、的区别总结总结:so+形容词形容词/副词副词+that so+形形+a/an+名名(单数单数)+that such+a/an+形形+名名(单数单数)+that 用用so不用不用such:so+many/much/few/little+形形+名名 用用such不用不用so:such+形形+不可数名词不可数名词/可数名词复数可数名词复数 13sothat引导的结果状语从句可与引导的结果状语从句可与tooto或或enoughto构成的简单句转换。构成的简单句转换。例句:例句:The boy is so young that he cant go to school.=The boy is too y

11、oung to go to school.=The boy is not old enough to go to school.转换时转换时too放在所修饰词之前。放在所修饰词之前。too+adj./adv.enough放在所修饰词之后。放在所修饰词之后。adj./adv.+enough141.It was _(如此好的天气如此好的天气)that we decided to go fishing.2.All of us feel surprised that such a little boy can eat _(如此多的食物如此多的食物).3.他以前从没见过如此宏伟的一处自然景观。他以前从没

12、见过如此宏伟的一处自然景观。4.孩子们在夏令营里的生活是如此丰富,所以他们都想孩子们在夏令营里的生活是如此丰富,所以他们都想再次参加。再次参加。such good weatherso much foodHe has never seen such a wonderful natural wonder before.The children are having such colorful life in the camp that they all want to join in the camp again.连接词:连接词:than,as.as,not as/so.as,the+比较级比较级

13、,the+比较级比较级15六、六、比较比较状语从句状语从句注意:注意:as.as,not as/so.as中间用形容词或副词的中间用形容词或副词的原级原级。例句:例句:1.The earth is bigger than the moon.2.He writes as carefully as his sister.3.The more exercise you take,the healthier you will be.The harder you work,the greater progress you will make.1.连接词:连接词:though,although,even

14、if,even though16例:例:Although/Though he is young,he knows a lot.Ill go even if/though it rains tomorrow.七、七、让步让步状语从句状语从句【注注】although和和though可与可与yet或或still连用,但连用,但不能与不能与but连连用用。17连接词:连接词:where,whereveruWhere there is water,there is life.哪里有水,哪里就有生命。哪里有水,哪里就有生命。uWherever you go,you must obey the law.无论

15、你到哪里,你都必须遵守法律。无论你到哪里,你都必须遵守法律。地点状语从句地点状语从句 vs.定语从句定语从句 where引导定语从句时,从句前应有一个表示地点的名词作引导定语从句时,从句前应有一个表示地点的名词作先行先行词词;状语从句前则;状语从句前则无需先行词无需先行词。Go back where you came from.(地点状语从句)地点状语从句)你从何处来到何处去。你从何处来到何处去。Go back to the village where you came from.(定语从句,修饰定语从句,修饰village)回到你来的回到你来的那个村子里去。那个村子里去。八、八、地点地点状语

16、从句状语从句18九、九、方式方式状语从句状语从句连接词:连接词:as(正如,像(正如,像),as if,as though(好像)(好像)as if/though从句所表示的情况是事实或有很大可能用从句所表示的情况是事实或有很大可能用陈述语陈述语气气,是主观想象或与事实相反时用,是主观想象或与事实相反时用虚拟语气虚拟语气。例句:例句:It looks as if it is going to rain.(非虚拟语气非虚拟语气)He talked as if he had seen the accident.(虚拟语气虚拟语气)1.They dont know if it _(rain)tomo

17、rrow.If it _(not rain),theyll go camping.2.As soon as I get to the airport,I _(phone)you to pick me up.3.Whilemywife_(read)thenewspaper,IwaswatchingTV.4.They _(not see)each other since 1999.5.The local guide spoke as _(clear)as she could to make the visitors understand her.will raindoesnt rainwill p

18、honewas readinghavent seenclearly6.只要我们竭尽全力,父母就会对我们很满意。只要我们竭尽全力,父母就会对我们很满意。(as long as)7.虽然她很忙,她还坚持自学英语。虽然她很忙,她还坚持自学英语。(keep on doing sth.)8.如果如果Tom考试不及格,他就没有机会上高中了。考试不及格,他就没有机会上高中了。(have the chance)9.请打开窗以便我们能有新鲜的空气。请打开窗以便我们能有新鲜的空气。(so that)Ourparentswillbepleasedwithus as long aswetryourbest.Altho

19、ugh she was busy,shekeptonlearningEnglishbyherself.Tom wont have the chance to go to the high school if he fails the exams.Please open the window so that we can have fresh air.连词连词1.并列连词并列连词(1)表表并列并列关系:关系:and,bothand,neithernor(既不(既不也也不不),not onlybut also(2)表表转折转折关系:关系:but,yet,however,while(然而)(然而)(

20、3)表表选择选择关系:关系:or,eitheror(不是不是就是就是;或者或者或或者者)(4)表表因果因果关系:关系:for,so2.从属连词从属连词(1)引导引导宾语从句宾语从句:that,if,whether (在句中不做任何成分)在句中不做任何成分)(2)引导引导状语从句状语从句(前面已讲前面已讲)就近原则就近原则havent seenarrivescrossingwere havingwill raindoesnt rainwere singingpassedwas searchingto shaketo readgoturningwill tellwas cookinghad lea

21、rnedcould hearwould I have worked at this school since I graduated from Qingdao University.When we dont know how to solve problems,we can ask our teacher for help.It is convenient for passengers to use the electronic tickets when they take the high-speed railway.Both parents and children are working

22、 hard for the beautiful future.David is a good student as well as a good singer.You will not be successful unless you put all your heart into your work.No matter how difficult it is,Chinese women s volleyball will never give up.When the teacher came in,they were talking about the chemistry experiment.Please open the window so that we can have the fresh air.We didnt go home until we sent the old man to the hospital.Thanks for your listening!


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