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1、祈使句祈使句什么是祈使句?什么是祈使句?祈使句祈使句是表示请求、命令、建议等是表示请求、命令、建议等句子,通常说话的对象是第二人称句子,通常说话的对象是第二人称youyou,youyou常被省略。常被省略。肯定祈使句肯定祈使句动词原形在开头,祈使句型不发愁动词原形在开头,祈使句型不发愁eg.eg.BeBe happy happy.2.2.Be动词动词 形容词形容词/名词名词1.1.实义动词原形实义动词原形 其他其他 (句首句尾加句首句尾加pleaseplease;句首句尾加人名;句首加;句首句尾加人名;句首加DoDo表强调表强调)eg.eg.Get Get upup.eg.eg.LetLet

2、us us go.go.3.3.Let 宾语宾语 动词原形动词原形 其他其他PleasePlease sitsit down.down.Tom,Tom,closeclose the door.the door.BeBe a good boy.a good boy.LetLet me help you.me help you.DoDo listen to me!listen to me!Task1Task1Be quiet.Be quiet.JimJim,have a cake.have a cake.Please stand up.Please stand up.Lets go to the

3、park.Lets go to the park.以下哪些句子是肯定祈使句?以下哪些句子是肯定祈使句?Tom likes dogs.Tom likes dogs.This is my mother.This is my mother.Do listen to me.Do listen to me.Clap your hands.Clap your hands.否定祈使句否定祈使句变否定,你别急,加上变否定,你别急,加上dontdont真容易。真容易。eg.eg.DontDont run.run.Dont Dont open the door.open the door.DontDont be

4、sad.be sad.Tom,Tom,dontdont eat too much.eat too much.Please Please,dontdont drink here.drink here.否定祈使句否定祈使句1.1.DontDont+let+let+宾语宾语+动原动原+其他其他 2.Let+宾语宾语+not+动原动原+其他其他 eg.Let him eg.Let him not not do this.do this.否定祈使有例外,否定祈使有例外,LetLet句式真奇怪。句式真奇怪。eg.eg.DontDont let him do this let him do this.否定祈

5、使句否定祈使句eg.No smoking.eg.No smoking.禁止抽烟。禁止抽烟。No food or drinks.No food or drinks.No parking.No parking.禁止停车。禁止停车。变否定,还有招儿,变否定,还有招儿,NoNo后后doingdoing表警告表警告=Dont eat or drink.=Dont eat or drink.=Dont park your car.=Dont park your car.=Dont smoke.=Dont smoke.Tip:NoTip:No后也可加名词。后也可加名词。小新不认识这些标识,你能帮帮他吗?小新

6、不认识这些标识,你能帮帮他吗?Task2Task2Dont.Dont.No.No.Lets not.Lets not.否定祈使句否定祈使句P PDont.Dont.No.No.Lets not.Lets not.祈使句回答祈使句回答肯定祈使句的回答:肯定祈使句的回答:OK/Thanks/Yes,I willOK/Thanks/Yes,I willegeg:Please close the door.Please close the door.否定祈使句的回答否定祈使句的回答:Sorry/Sure,I will not./wont.:Sorry/Sure,I will not./wont.OK,

7、I will.OK,I will.eg.No smoking.eg.No smoking.Sorry,I wont.Sorry,I wont.Task 3Task 3帮助小新选择对应的回答。帮助小新选择对应的回答。Dont talk.Dont talk.Dont talk.Dont talk.Please stand up.Please stand up.Please stand up.Please stand up.Open your book.Open your book.Donteat here.Donteat here.No smoking.No smoking.No smoking.

8、No smoking.Close the door.Close the door.Close the door.Close the door.Donteat here.Donteat here.,I wont.Open your book.Open your book.,I will.Task 4 ExerciseTask 4 Exercise帮助超人小新消灭怪兽吧帮助超人小新消灭怪兽吧!MONSTER 1.Jim,_ me a hand.Jim,_ me a hand.A.gives B.is giving C.will give D.give A.gives B.is giving C.w

9、ill give D.give-10001000MONSTER 2._ careful,Jenny!There is a tree in front of you.2._ careful,Jenny!There is a tree in front of you.A.Am B./C.Be D.Was A.Am B./C.Be D.Was-10001000MONSTER 3.Lets _ our time.3.Lets _ our time.A.not waste B.no wasting C.not to waste D.no A.not waste B.no wasting C.not to

10、 waste D.no wastewaste-20002000MONSTER 4._ let anyone open the door.4._ let anyone open the door.A.Dont B.Will C.Not D.No A.Dont B.Will C.Not D.No-10001000MONSTER 5.Dont be late again.Sorry,_.5.Dont be late again.Sorry,_.A.I may B.I must C.I will D.I wont A.I may B.I must C.I will D.I wont-1000-1000Practice makes perfect!Practice makes perfect!


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