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1、2022年湖北省恩施州中考英语真题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单项选择1Will you send me _ e-mail when you get to Wuhan?Of course, I will.AaBanCthe2There _ some milk and several apples in the fridge.AisBareCbe3Dear, new term is coming. Ive bought a Chinese-English dictionary for you.Thanks. I think it is _ to me.AcolorfulBhelpfulC

2、successful4Miss Li is our physics teacher. She teaches _ P.E. as well.AusBweCour5The clever boy _ recite so many poems when he was three.AmightBwouldCcould6Maria went skating with her friends in the park _ a sunny morning.AatBinCon7China is the first nation _ sent Change to the far side of the moon.

3、AwhichBthatCwho8_ is it from your home to the train station?Its about two kilometers away.AHow farBHow longCHow often9Its good to help the people in need to _ the bus if necessary.Aget upBget offCget well10Would you mind my closing the door? Its too cold outside._ You can do it!ACertainly.BYoud bett

4、er not.COf course not.二、完形填空Jane was a young girl. She loved to see the negative side of life.Once, her father took her to the kitchen. He asked Jane to take a potato, an egg _11_ two spoons of tea leaves. Jane was _12_, and asked her father, “Do you want me to cook?”“No,” her father said.He then to

5、ok three pots and _13_ some water into each pot. The pots were placed on the stove. Once the water started to boil, he dropped the potato in a pot, egg in _14_ one and the tea leaves in the third one.“Why are you doing all these things?” Jane felt puzzled and asked.“Youll get the answer in fifteen m

6、inutes,” said her father.The impatient daughter tried her best _15_ for around 15 minutes.Now, he placed the two plates, one with the potato and _16_ with the egg, and the cup of tea in front of Jane.Jane asked, “What does it mean, father? I dont understand!”“Each object faced similar adversities(不幸

7、), but reacted(反应)_17_. After we put the potato into boiling water, it became very weak. The soft egg became very hard _18_ we put it in boiling water. And the tea leaves changed the water itself, giving it a nice smell. _19_ fantastic it is!”Jane understood that we could create _20_ new even when w

8、e experienced adversities.So, what are you? A potato, an egg or tea leaves?11AandBbutCorDwhile12AdisappointingBdisappointedCsurprisedDsurprising13ApouredBemptiedCpulledDthrew14AsecondBthe secondCa secondDsecondly15Ato leaveBto lookCto payDto wait16AotherBthe otherCanotherDothers17AhardlyBregularlyCp

9、ossiblyDdifferently18AbeforeBwhenCthoughDuntil19AHowBWhatCWhat aDHow much20AnothingBanythingCsomethingDeverything三、多句选词填空仔细阅读下面五个句子,然后用方框中所给的单词或短语填空,使每个句子在结构、句义和逻辑上正确。(提示:选项中有一个是多余的。)Akeep in touch withBa symbol ofCcouldnt help jumpingDbe confident aboutE. for the betterF. unfortunately21No matter w

10、hat happens, we should _ ourselves.22With the help of his teacher, his English has changed _.23The boy _ as soon as the host announced he was the winner.24Bing Dwen Dwen is _ the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.25Nowadays, people of all ages _ their relatives and friends by Wechat.四、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个

11、适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式(不超过3词)。When you are watching TV, you will notice that many famous stars make the ads on TV. Many people believe them because they are famous. _26_, have you ever thought whether the ads are real or not?In the past few years, lots of stars _27_(be)on TV as spokesmen(代言人)of some produ

12、cts. People spent much money on these products, but _28_(final), many of them were not like what the stars said. Many people arent _29_(satisfy)with the famous actors for making the ads after accidents.What are the publics _30_(idea)about the famous people making ads on TV? Do you agree that the fam

13、ous people should take responsibility if the products have _31_(some)problem? A research shows that about 36% think it the _32_(star)fault(过错), but they all think stars should give out the money they got from the ads to the charity(慈善机构). More than 34% think stars must take responsibility, or they w

14、ill _33_(punish).So we should be more _34_(care)when buying things advertised(做广告)by stars. We must find what these things are really like instead _35_ listening to what the stars say. Think it over before we make a decision.五、阅读单选Hongxing Community Bulletin BoardFOR RENTA big apartment for a family

15、 of three9,800 a yearCall Mrs. Li at 010-8651342 from Monday to Friday.PARTYA party for the old in Hongxing community center from 15:00 to 17:00 on Saturday.Call Mr. Song to join us!Tel: 010-8664506FOUNDAn ID card, a wallet, some booksPlease call Mr. Wang from Monday to Friday.Tel: 010-8567869COME A

16、ND JOIN USVolunteers for the disabled childrens home.Age: 12 and aboveTime: 16:00-17:00 every SaturdayTel: 010-866325836Which phone number can Nancy call if she wants to rent an apartment?A010-8567869B010-8651342C010-8663258D010-866450637If you lost your ID card, you can call _.AMr. SongBMrs. LiCMr.

17、 WangDMrs. Wu38The party for the old will be held in _.AHongxing community centerBa big apartmentCthe childrens homeDthe old mens home39Its 15:30 on Saturday. Mrs. Zhao can _.Abuy some booksBtake part in the party for the oldCrent an apartmentDgo to the childrens home40What do we know about the volu

18、nteers?AThey work twice a week.BThey spend two hours on Saturdays.CAn 11-year-old student can be a volunteer.DThey work for the disabled children.Nagasaki University(N.U.)in Japan will no longer accept teachers who smoke. It wants to create a healthier environment for workers and students. The unive

19、rsitys president S. Kono said, “Our job is to look after our staff(职员). We think we have to discourage them from smoking.” He added, “There will be no smoking anywhere in the university from August 2022. Whats more, staff and students cant take cigarettes into any areas of the university from next y

20、ear.”N.U.s no-smoking policy is part of a trend in Japan to end smoking in public. There are now bans(禁令)in many public places, including restaurants and bars. There are many areas in Tokyo and Kyoto where people cannot smoke on the streets.The number of people who smoke in Japan is falling. In 1966

21、, 49% of adults smoked, including 84% of men. Last year, 18% of adults smoked, including 28% of men. Many companies have also started not using smokers. One company in Tokyo is trying to get its staff to give up smoking. It is providing extra(额外的)days off for staff members who do not smoke. Several

22、members soon gave up the habit.41N.U.refuses smokers to be teachers in order to _.Acreate a healthier environmentBattract more studentsCmake itself more famousDreduce the waste42If you work at N.U.in 2023, you _ in the school.Acan only smoke somewhereBwill be able to buy cigarettesCshould avoid taki

23、ng cigarettesDwill be accepted even if you smoke43How does the company in Tokyo encourage people to give up smoking?ABy giving more money.BBy providing extra days off.CBy providing a free trip.DBy praising them orally.44What can we know from the last paragraph?AMany companies have started using smok

24、ers.BThere are no smokers in Japan.CThe number of the smokers in Japan is smaller.DHalf of adults smoked last year.45What is the main idea of the article?AN.U. starts the no-smoking policy.BThe staff in companies give up smoking.CSmoking ends in Tokyo and Kyoto.DThe no-smoking policy in Japan works

25、well.Recently, “cloud tourism” has attracted millions of people in China. “Cloud tourism” refers to a new form of travel that depends on high technologies such as 5G and virtual reality(虚拟现实).During the May Day Holiday, 250 million people took an online tour by livestream(直播)on TikTok(the short vide

26、o app). Taishan, a popular channel, livestreamed the sunrise at the top of Mount Tai on May 1st and attracted 330,000 views.China Daily made a survey of 2,000 people on cloud tourism. According to the survey results, 74.8% of them said they were willing to take an online tour and 59.79% said they ha

27、d a good online traveling experience.“I hate large crowds and long queues(队列), which make me annoyed when visiting museums in person,” said Wang Bo, a museum lover in Beijing. “Whats more, cloud tourism helps cut traveling cost and offers more tourist attractions.”“Cloud tourism” has made huge contr

28、ibutions to the local development and a rise in sales of cultural products after livestreaming shows, according to Xinhua News Agency.46What is “cloud tourism”?AA new app.BA new way of travel.CA new tourist attraction.DA popular channel.47How many people had a good online traveling experience accord

29、ing to China Dailys survey?AAbout 500.BAbout 800.CAbout 1,200.DAbout 1,500.48What does the underlined word “annoyed” mean in Paragraph 4?AangryBexcitedCrelaxedDuseless49Where can we read the article?AIn a poster.BIn a notice.CIn a novel.DIn a newspaper.50Which of the following about “cloud tourism”

30、is WRONG?AIt helps cut traveling cost.BIt makes tourist attractions more crowded.CIt offers more tourist attractions.DIt increases the sales of cultural products.六、阅读还原5选5The earth is our home. Some things we have done are good for the earth while some are bad. _51_ We can see many kinds of pollutio

31、n around us, especially water pollution.Water pollution is becoming serious in my hometown gradually. One year ago, it was a village with clean rivers and beautiful mountains. _52_ As a result, it makes the water dirty and smell terrible. Most of fish in the water have gone and we cant swim in the r

32、iver. _53_ Water is very important to human beings, so what should we do to protect and save it?_54_ The government should pass laws against water pollution. Second, we should save water in our daily life. For example, turn off the taps in time. Third, we should discover ways to reuse water. _55_ La

33、st, lets try to spread the message about protecting and saving water. Make more people around us know the problem of water shortage and how to help to solve it.We must save every drop of water. Dont let our tears be the last drop of water on the earth.AWorst of all, we dont even have enough drinking

34、 water.BBut now, some waste water from chemical factories is running into the rivers.CToday, some large cities are reusing their water.DFirst, we should protect our water resources and not pollute them.EWe have polluted the earth, and it is sick now.七、完成句子56我的笔友戴维来自一个欧洲国家。(come)My pen pal, David, _

35、a European country.57在适应这里的生活后,汤姆过得和以前一样幸福。(happy)After getting used to the life here, Tom lives _ before.58据说从下学期开始,煮饭会成为小学生的一项必备技能。(say)_ (that) cooking will be a basic skill for pupils from next term.59毫无疑问,冬天是堆雪人的好时节。(snowman)No doubt its a good time to _ in winter.60昨天早上,我很开心收到了多年未见的朋友的来信。(hear

36、)To my great joy, I _ a friend whom I havent seen for years yesterday morning.八、材料作文61近期,恩施州幺妹带你慢慢耍职工工间操比赛掀起了全民健身的热潮,越来越多的人认识到了运动的重要性。请你为某网站写一篇文章,谈谈你最喜欢的运动。要点提示:1. 你最喜欢的一项运动;2. 这项运动的好处(至少2点);3. 做这项运动时的注意事项(至少2点);4. 建议人们多运动。写作要求:1. 文中必须包含所有提示要点,可适当发挥;2. 条理清晰,字迹工整;3. 词数为80左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数;4. 文中不得出现真实人名和地名等相关信息。Nowadays, more and more people take part in sports to keep healthy._ 试卷第7页,共8页


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