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1、2022届安徽省黄山市高中毕业班第二次质量检测英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读理解Music for LifeLearning music is important for the educational and personal development of young people!Learning an instrument: how do pupils choose?All our teachers are highly qualified and experienced musicians, and pupils can learn to play a wide ra

2、nge of instruments, from the keyboard to the drums (鼓). We have open days when new pupils who are unsure which instrument to choose can come to the centre. They are able to speak to teachers about which instrument might be best for them, and they can also see and hear classes in action.Who is respon

3、sible for buying the instruments?Parents usually have to provide instruments. But parents of beginners are advised not to buy an instrument until they are told that a place is available. They should also find out from the teacher the most suitable type of instrument to get.When and where do lessons

4、take place? Lessons are available in many schools, usually during the day. If there is no lesson available for a particular instrument in a particular school, other arrangements can be made at one of our music centres for lessons on Saturday afternoons or weekday evenings.How are pupils taught?Pupil

5、s can learn in small groups, in classes or individually, depending on their needs. Small groups of three pupils have lessons that last thirty minutes. Class lessons last forty-five minutes and have at least ten pupils. Individual lessons are offered only to pupils who have some experience.Starting y

6、oung: when can pupils begin?Children are never too young to become interested in music. We have special “Musical Youth” classes for children from the age of 3 to 8. These are designed to encourage young children to enjoy music through a variety of activities including singing, musical games, listeni

7、ng and movement. “Musical Youth” classes take place on Saturday mornings with groups of about 18 children. A parent or other adult must attend each session, and they are encouraged to sit with their children and help them with the activities.1What can we learn from the text?APupils are advised to le

8、arn special instruments on Sunday afternoons.BTeachers at the centre should prepare the right instruments for pupils.CPupils are offered open days by the centre to choose a right instrument.DParents are required to stay with their kids during the learning process.2What is the wise choice for a child

9、 with some experience?AIndividual lessons.BClass lessons for more than ten.C“Musical Youth” classes.DSmall groups lessons for three.3Who is the text intended for?ATeachers.BPupils.CMusicians.DParents.Matt Doogue, a 34-year-old nature photographer, had been suffering from depression when he first fou

10、nd his passion for taking pictures of insects and his work is now featured in National Geographic. He says that he tried to take his own life nine years ago after hitting rock bottom. “In the beginning, I was so paranoid (多疑的) and angry that I couldnt leave the house,” says Doogue. “When I attempted

11、 to end my life, I knew I needed to see someone. I went to the doctors and got treatment, but I knew that I needed something more and thats when I started photography. ”Now a dad of two, Doogue found that looking at insects through a camera helped him in ways he could never have imagined and it prov

12、ed to be the lifeline he needed. It had a calming effect that helped him to disconnect from stress; and his astonishing images, showing insects and spiders in amazing detail against brightly colored backgrounds, caught the eye of publishers at National Geographic. “I ended up as one of their feature

13、d photographers,” recalled Doogue. “It was the peak of my career. It was incredible.” Originally from Salford, Greater Manchester, he now lives in Armadale, West Lothian, Scotland. Though he fears that Scotland is in the middle of an epidemic (流行病) of male suicide, he believes that sharing his love

14、of nature photography can help others to cope with their mental health issues as well. “I think the problem is this man-up approach; the idea that men need to be strong puts so much pressure on young males to be fine all the time,” says Doogue. “This is why I try and be so open about my own experien

15、ce. Whenever I am out with my camera, I dont think about my other worries. It is just me and the environment around me. You can lose yourself in a spider making its web.”4What does paragraph 1 mainly tell us about Doogue?AWhy Doogue wanted to end his life.BWhen Doogue turned photographer.CHow Doogue

16、 became depressed.DWhy Doogue took up photography.5What causes Scottish men to develop mental health problems?AThe way men employ to solve problems.BThe lack of love for mens life and work.CThe idea that men are expected to be strong.DThe worry that men get separated from people.6How did photography

17、 benefit Doogue?AIt helped him to escape from pressure.BIt provided him with life-saving skills.CIt gave him a new way to express himself.DIt offered him an opportunity to explore nature.7What is the main purpose of the author in writing the text?ATo warn the seriousness of mental problems.BTo intro

18、duce Doogues fighting depression.CTo show the benefits of nature photography.DTo advise the readers to get close to nature.Scientists have long sought to prevent sharp memories from dulling with age, but the problem remains unsettled. Now research published in Scientific Reports suggests virtual rea

19、lity might help older people recall facts and events based on specific details.The study involved 42 healthy older adults from the San Francisco Bay Area. Half spent a dozen hours over four weeks playing a virtual-reality game called Labyrinth; they wore headsets and walked in place, walking virtual

20、 neighborhoods while completing small tasks. The other half, in the control group, used electronic tablets to play games that did not require recalling details. After 15 sessions, the latter performed roughly the same as before on a long-term memory test. But the Labyrinth players gain an improvemen

21、t in memory through the VR game. A scientist Peter Wais of the University of California said the improvements brought them up to the level of another group of younger adults taking the same memory tests.Meredith Thompson, an education researcher, studies learning through VR games but was not involve

22、d in the new study. “It would be great to actually follow people over time and see what this type of game does for long-term memory.” She says, adding VR can provide greater involvement than other games. Waiss team is now investigating how long the observed effects last and which elements of the tra

23、ining have the most impact.A cognitive psychologist, Daniel Simons, who was also not involved in the study, notes experiments with other games that claim to train the brain have often failed to evaluate this. And it remains unclear how test performance in a laboratory setting might translate to real

24、-world situations. The outcome, Simons notes, “needs to be repeated, ideally with a much larger group, before its treated as a strong finding.”For now, Wais says, the team hopes its studies with similar-sized groups will help draw funding to test the game in a larger pool of participants.8What is th

25、e text mainly about?AVirtual reality may better older adults memory.BOld people should play VR games to avoid aging.CVirtual reality might change peoples memory.DPeoples memory tends to fade as theyre aging.9What is Meredith Thompsons attitude to the research?AUncaring.BCautious.CWorried.DSatisfied.

26、10Why does the research need improving according to the scientists?AIt failed to receive financial support.BIt couldnt be applied in the real world.CThe test performance was unsatisfying.DLimited participants made it unconvincing.11Where may the text come from?AA science fiction.BA book review.CA sc

27、ience magazine.DA sports magazine.Todays journalists face modern challenges. Online media platforms are springing up. And the lowly newspaper and its reporters are fighting money, tech, and distrust issues. Journalism students and teachers must emphasize new skills to keep their profession alive.A t

28、rustworthy press helps inform people and monitor all levels of government. That is essential to a nation. Yet this useful establishment is growing increasingly unpopular. According to the University of North Carolina (UNC), newsroom jobs across the country are fewer than half what they were 10 years

29、 ago. And on many college campuses, the news about the news is dismal too.Take the Syracuse, New York, student-run newspaper The Daily Orange: It isnt daily anymore. The paper prints just three times each week. Next year, The Diamondback of the University of Maryland will be online only. Half the ne

30、wspapers that still exist on paper say they dont print as many copies. And UNCs The Daily Tar Heel has cut staff pay and rented cheaper offices to make its budget.Considering the problems in journalism, its surprising that the enrollment (注册人数) in college journalism programs is up. The Daily Orange

31、managing editor Catherine Leffert calls the layoffs and cutbacks disheartening. “But what keeps me wanting to be a journalist is seeing the effect that The Daily Orange has,” he says.But journalism educators wonder, “Are we preparing young people for a dying industry?” Years ago, journalism graduate

32、s took low-level reporter jobs at newspapers or television stations. That still happens. But todays jobs more often involve digital editing, social media production, and video streaming. Some universities are taking action. The University of Florida offers a sports media program. Several schools hig

33、hlight statistics-driven data journalism.The news isnt all bad. Journalism professor Kathleen Culver says, “When I look at 18-and 20-year-olds in journalism and see what they want to do, Im optimistic.” Maddy Arrowood is the student editor of The Daily Tar Heel. She says her experience makes her mor

34、e interested in a journalism career, not less. Her optimism “comes from knowing that people still need news. They still need information.”12What does the underlined word “dismal” in paragraph 2 mean?ADepressing.BFunny.CInspiring.DUseless.13How do some universities respond to todays journalism?AThey

35、decide to cut down on student enrollment.BThey provide students with specialized programs.CThey introduce students to low-level reporter jobs.DThey advise students to run their own newspapers.14Why is Maddy Arrowood mentioned in the last paragraph?ATo indicate the popularity of The Daily Tar Heel.BT

36、o confirm peoples eagerness for the latest news.CTo show peoples negative attitudes to journalism.DTo prove the bright future of a career in journalism.15Which of the following can be the best title for the text?AWhat does journalism mean to you?BAre journalists still influential today?CDoes journal

37、ism have a future?DWhat is a journalists job now?二、七选五There is no doubt that adding more fish to your diet is something that a lot of people look to do. After all, there are so many health benefits that are naturally associated with eating more fish. At the same time, many people find it difficult t

38、o add fish to their diet in the way that they would like. _16_In the first place, lets begin with some of the benefits of eating more fish. Fish has been spoken about as being part of a healthy diet for a long time now. _17_ Many types of fish are filled with omega-3 fatty acids, as well as various

39、types of vitamins like D and B2. Each fish has its own positive qualities, so it is certainly worth looking up what sort of benefits that you can expect to receive._18_If you are struggling to add more fish to your diet at all, it may be a good idea to get it done straight away in the morning rather

40、 than waiting around any longer than necessary. This can be done by simply having some smoked salmon on top of bread. Alternatively, you can try having some roasted salmon with some fruit such as a pineapple for a change.Use fish in simple dishesSometimes, people are simply afraid ofeating more fish

41、as they do not really know how to add it to their diet. One possible way of getting around this is by having fish in simple dishes. For example, rather than having your usual chicken or beef hamburgers, you can try putting some cod (鳕鱼) in there instead. _19_ So it is going to be ready for use whene

42、ver you need it for a meal.Hopefully, the information that you have received about fish has helped to convince you that it is certainly something that needs to be included into more and more meals. _20_ Some simple preparation work ahead of time can certainly help you out in a significant way here.A

43、Start with fish at breakfast.BInclude a more fish-filled diet.CAlso, you can cook some cod in advance.DYou can read the blog post to get some help.EThere are plenty of reasons why this is the case.FPlus, it does not have to be very difficult to do so.GHopefully, the information above might be useful

44、 for you.三、完形填空On a trip back from Boston, my two little guys and I stopped at a gas station. It was not until I got home that I _21_ my wallet had been left there.I tried to set aside my frustration and _22_ over this and focused on taking action. First, I had to find the phone number of the gas st

45、ation. Just a quick Baidu _23_, right? Unluckily, the number had been recently _24_ due to new ownership. So I _25_ the restaurant across the street. The hostess warmly took down my _26_ and had a waiter bring it to the gas station manager, who then rang me up. He told me that a regular customer had

46、 found my wallet and _27_ it over to him for safekeeping. We _28_ that I would drive back to the gas station the next day to _29_ my wallet.My relief that the situation was heading the right direction was _30_, as was my appreciation for the _31_ and thoughtfulness of others - from the _32_ who foun

47、d my wallet to the restaurant hostess to the manager, who was willing to _33_ me my wallet if that was_34_ for me. At every step of the way, a generous spirit was shown, which was _35_ in a world where we often _36_ self-focused thinking and self-serving behavior.Much good fortune _37_ me after I le

48、ft my wallet behind on that trip back from Boston-including a powerful reminder of the goodness and generosity of others. My world was _38_ and made more joyful, not just by being reunited with my wallet, but by the _39_ acts of others. As Marianne Williamson wrote, “_40_ is what happens when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things real


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