人教精通版(三年级起点)三年级下册《英语》Unit 1 Let's go to school 主题提分卷(含答案及音频).rar

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  • 2023新人教精通版(三年级起点)三年级下册《英语》Unit 1 Lets go to school 主题提分卷(含答案及音频)
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1/8Unit 1 主题提分卷主题提分卷 时间:40 分钟满分:100 分题号一二三四五六七八九十总分得分听力部分(40 分)一、Kate 第一天上学,请你听一听她为自己准备了哪些学习用品,选出你所听到的内容。(10 分)()1.A.Chinese bookB.textbookC.notebook()2.A.pencil B.pen C.pencilbox()3.A.storybook B.English book C.eraser()4.A.exercise book B.classroom C.ruler()5.A.desk B.bag C.chair二、Kate 正在和同学谈论自己的学习用品,请你听一听,用 110 给图片排序。(10 分)()()()()()()()()()()三、Kate 的班里来了一位机器人 Robot,他们正在交谈。请你听一听,选出他们所说的话。(10 分)()1.A.Good morning,RobotB.Good afternoon,Robot!()2.A.Nice to see you.B.Glad to see you.()3.A.Whats on the desk?B.Whats on the chair?()4.A.A Chinese book.B.An English book.()5.A.Very well!B.Very good!2/8四、Robot 看到同学们为新学期做了很多准备。请你听一听,并根据所听内容选出正确的答语。(10 分)()1.A.A chair.B.An exercise book.()2.A.Some chairs.B.A ruler.()3.A.Sure.Here you are.B.Yes,I can.()4.A.A desk.B.A textbook.()5.A.Me too.B.Thank you!笔试部分(60 分)五、上课了,老师让 Kate 和大家聊聊自己房间里的物品,请你选择相应的内容。(8 分)A.a new textbookB.on the bedC.put my textbook in my bag D.in the boxMy name is Kate.I often clean my room on Saturdays.I have 1._ .I 2._ .My cat is 3._ .And my storybook is 4._ .六、下课了,Kate 和同学们正在讨论什么?请你猜一猜,把句子补充完整。(12分)()1.凯特告诉李燕:I have_Chinese book and_exercise book in my bag.A.a;anB.an;aC.a;a()2.李燕问凯特:Guess,_on my desk?Some books.A.what B.whats C.who are()3.鲍勃问凯特:Whats_my hand?A notebook.3/8A.in B./C.at()4.除了一些书,Peter 还做了补充:Some rulers_pens are on the desk.A.or B./C.and()5.老师走进来说:Lets_the classroom.A.clean B.to clean C.cleans()6.由于窗户太高了,擦窗户的同学表示:I need(需要)two_.A.chair B.chairs C.a chair七、Kate 和她的同桌谈论起了物品摆放,请你读一读,选出相对应的图片。(10分)A.Whats on the chair?B.Whats on the desk?A Chinese book and a marker.An exercise book and a pencil.C.Whats in the desk?D.Whats on the chair?An English book and a ruler.A bag and a ball.E.Whats on the desk?A Chinese book and a pencilbox.()()()()()八、放学的路上,Kate 再次见到了她的好朋友 Jim。他们都说了些什么?请你读一读,帮他们把对话补充完整吧。(10 分)Kate:Hello,Jim.Nice to see you again.Jim:1._ I have a new bag.Kate:2._Jim:Sure.3._Kate:How nice!4._Jim:5._Kate:Thats good.See you(再见)!A.Really?Can I see it?B.Nice to see you again.C.Here you are.D.A textbook and a pencilbox.E.Whats in it?4/8Jim:Bye!九、回到家后,Kate 的同桌来她家做客,他们在玩猜谜游戏。请帮助他们重新排序,使句子通顺吧。(10 分)1.whats in Guess desk my?2.new storybook a I have.3.has She textbook a.4.I Can it see?5.are Here you.十、愉快的一天结束了,Kate 回忆起教室里的场景,写了一篇关于自己以及朋友们心爱的物品的介绍。请你读一读,找出下列物品的主人,并在相应表格内打。(10 分)Im Kate.Im nine.Im in Class One,Grade Three.Look at our classroom.This is my desk.Look!There is a notebook and a marker on Lisas desk.Where is Peters storybook?Oh,its under my chair.And there is a pencilbox.Its Li Yans.We like our school very much.KateLisa 5/8Li YanPeter 6/8Unit 1 主题提分卷主题提分卷听力材料:一、1.I have a Chinese book.2.I have a pencilbox.3.Its an English book.4.Its an exercise book.5.This is my bag.二、1.Look,this is my bag.2.I have an exercise book.3.Whats in the pencilbox?A marker.4.Can I see your notebook?Sure.5.This is my desk.6.I have an English book.7.Show me your Chinese book,please.8.Whats on the chair?9.I have a textbook.10.I have a storybook.Me too.三、1.Good morning,Robot!2.Glad to see you.3.Whats on the desk?4.An English book.5.Very good!四、1.Whats in your bag?2.Whats in the pencilbox?3.Can I see it?7/84.Whats in your hand?5.I have a new notebook.答案:一、1.A2.C3.B4.A5.B二、54128693107三、1.A2.B3.A4.B5.B四、1.B2.B3.A4.B5.A五、1.A2.C3.D4.B六、1.A2.B3.A4.C5.A6.B七、B A D C E八、1.B2.A3.C4.E5.D九、1.点拨:猜猜我的桌子里有什么?Guess 后面要加上逗号,在里面用 in。2.3.4.点拨:因为这句话末尾是问号,所以情态动词 Can 要放在句首。5.十、KateLisaLi YanPeter 8/8
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