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1、天津市十二区重点学校2021届高三毕业班联考(二)英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单项选择1-Annette has been complaining about_ traffic keeping her awake at night.-Yes, there is _ heavy traffic on the road near the residential community.A/; /B/; theCa; theDthe; /2- I dont feel I can accept her words.-But what she said was fair _.Acontent

2、BcommentCcontactDconcern3With her attention _ on the book, the girl sat there quietly.Ato be fixedBfixCfixedDfixing4Who was that girl?Well, if you _ know, her name is Mabel.AwouldBmayCshouldDmust5As is reported, the number of smokers _ dropped by 17 percent in just one year thanks to the push of hea

3、lth knowledge.AisBhasChaveDare6As she turned back she _ the puzzled look on her mothers face.AcaughtBconductedCstoodDsearched7Waiter, would you please come and explain to me why the steak is so tough? I _ asked for it rare(半熟).AsignificantlyBsteadilyCspecificallyDsimilarly8Well have to revise our or

4、iginal plan the present situation.Ain return forBin view ofCin addition toDin comparison with9- So, tell me about your new job. _.- The boss is very demanding and, more important, we are paid a small salary.AIts a piece of cakeBI wont pull your legCIm all earsDAs you wish10Senior family members, esp

5、ecially parents, should create an atmosphere _ children can be encouraged to pour out their heart happily.AthatBwhereCwhatDwhich11Look at the timetable. Hurry up! Flight CZ3694 _off at 17:15.AtakesBtookCwill be takenDhas taken12I think John will make a good monitor, _ Id like to vote for him.AbutBso

6、CorDfor13Lily spoke very carefully and slowly, _the benefits of the plan against the risks involved.Abeing weighedBto weighCweighingDweighed14One of governments _duties is the redistribution of income, so that the better off can help the worse off out of poverty.AslightBprimaryCshortDflexible151 stu

7、dy Italian _ I would be able to read Dante in the original.Aso thatBeven thoughCin caseDas if二、完形填空When 19-year-old Chloe Mitchells senior trip was canceled due to the pandemic, she knew she couldnt just lie around the house. Not only is she a _16_volleyball player with an active lifestyle, shes als

8、o a teenager. Being _17_ in the house all day with your parents isnt ideal-no matter how much you love them.“I was bored. I was really depressed because quarantine(隔离)had taken away my senior year,” she explained. “I needed something to _18_worries in my mind. I needed _19_labor. I needed space _20_

9、my family.”As a self-described DIY obsessive(痴迷者), Mitchell saw the shabby shed (破旧的棚屋)in the yard, a relaxing space to call her own. Unfortunately, as she set about_21_ the forgotten shed into a stylish vacation homeShe Shed, Mitchell was upset that social-distancing rules meant she couldnt invite

10、her friends over. So she decided to share the_22_with her 34 followers on TikTok, _23_close friends, letting them know every step she did during the following days .Over the next 10 days, Mitchell began to _24_the contents of her small shed used as a storage barn(仓库)so that it could be cleaned easil

11、y. After that, she wiped down the original wooden beams(横梁)before giving them a fresh layer of white _25_ . Once the paint had dried, she hung fairy lights, _26_the space with plants and added a television and refrigerator donated by neighbors. She _27_built herself a daybed (躺椅)and purchased a litt

12、le bed for her dog, Lilly.Happy to be out in the sun, putting her DIY skills to good_28_ and sharing the experience with her friends, Mitchell could never have_29_what happened next. Known as “she shed girl”, Mitchell now has a (an) _30_ 2.7 million followers on TikTok, _31_ she shares DIY tips and

13、snippets (片段) of her life as a freshman at Aquinas College in Michigan. _32_by the success of her first project, Mitchell turned her attention to the familys pool house, imagining it as a charming pub shed.Commenting on Mitchells _33_ shed renovation (翻新), the experts at My Tool Shed DIY said, “Stre

14、ss levels have_34_ in the last year due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Now more than ever people need time to do something they love. Having a_35_ space like a she shed can be perfect for this.”16ApassionateBkind-heartedCselflessDpessimistic17AlockedBoccupiedCstuckDclosed18Agive outBtake o

15、ffCpick upDsettle down19AmentalBconvenientCcasualDphysical20AoutsideBfromCinsideDopposite21AbuildingBmendingCtransformingDexchanging22AassignmentBprojectCprogressDshed23AmostlyBreallyChardlyDnaturally24AfurnishBprepareCfixDempty25AwoodBpaintCsheetDpaper26AfilledBputCplacedDoffered27AstillBevenCyetDt


17、Ddedicated三、阅读理解FOR RENTLarge, sunny office in convenient downtown location, near two bus routes, ample parking at the back. 900 sq. feet divided into two private offices and comfortable reception area, small kitchen, one bathroom. Modem 10-story building with two elevators. $l,750/month. First mont

18、hs rent and security deposit equal to one months rent required to move in. To see, call City Office Rentals at 382-0838 between 8:30 and 4:30, Tues. Sat.To: Marilyn SawyerFrom: Paul LebowskiSent: Tuesday, October 3Subject: Office rentalMarilyn,Heres a link to an office rental ad I found online: www.

19、offices. com/10-01.1 think its worth looking at even though the rent is a bit high. I know it is a good deal more than we are paying now, but look at the size. Its twice as big as our current office, and Im sure we can use the space.And it has a kitchen, a bathroom and a reception area just like we

20、have now. Unfortunately it is nowhere near a subway station. That is a convenience I would miss having, but it does have parking, unlike our current office. Im sure our clients would appreciate that. It would also be good to be in a building with an elevator. Im really tired of using the stairs. Id

21、like to see the space as soon as possible. Could you call and make an appointment? Try and get one for tomorrow if you can, because after that Ill be away until next Monday, as you know. Thanks.Paul36How big is Marilyn and Pauls current office?A450 square feet.B750 square feet.C900 square feet.D1,75

22、0 square feet.37What is true of Marilyn and Pauls current office?AIt is near the subway.BIt is in a 10-story building.CIt is in a building with an elevator.DIt cost more than the advertised office.38How much would Marilyn and Paul have to pay before moving into the advertised office?A$900.B$1,750.C$

23、1,800.D$3,500.39When does Paul want to see the office?AMonday.BTuesday.CWednesday.DThursday.Maybe no one forgets their first bicycle and there is no exception to a woman like me. Mine was a Schwinn coaster bike, second-hand, painted a distinctive red and yellow by its previous owner. I remember ridi

24、ng too fast down the big hill on Springfield Avenue. I knew at once that the world was mine to explore.A couple of years later, when I was 11, my grandmother visited from England, bringing me a bike. It was a shiny dark green, with three gears (齿轮) and hand brakes. As the owner of the first English

25、bicycle my neighbors had ever seen, I was, for a time, almost a star.Unlike my coaster bike, it was light and responsive riding it felt like flying. I rode it past big stone houses with their huge yards and trees. I rode past brick row houses. I rode alone and with groups of friends.That beloved bik

26、e went with me to college, carrying me to the library and to classes. Beyond transport, it was often a prop (道具): pushing it along as I walked the college paths made me feel less self-conscious. Somehow, conversation flowed more easily on either side of a bike.After college, I lived abroad for a tim

27、e. Returning from London, I discovered to my horror that my parents had sold my bike. They didnt even know who had bought it.For years after that, I didnt have a bicycle that was specifically mine. Teaching in a New England prep school, I simply rode whatever bikes its graduates had left behind. I r

28、ode around the little town on bikes which slipped in and out of gear, with brakes that often failed.I did not take any of those bikes with me when I moved south to the coastal town where I now live. But after a while I missed riding. Finally, on a fall day, I bought a bicycle. Called a comfort bike,

29、 it has wider tires than my old bike and seven gears. But it is green a brighter green bike.Still, I was a bit apprehensive. I was out of practice and a lot older. I brought the bike home and put on my helmet Id never worn a helmet before. Then I got on the bike. After a tentative, slightly shaky st

30、art, I fell exactly as I was on that long-ago day on Springfield Avenue: free. Soon I was riding along. It seemed that everyone I passed smiled and waved or call out, great day for a bike ride! And I knew they all remembered their first bike and how it had set them free. I wanted to call back to the

31、m, “I still can!”40According to the article, the authors beloved bike _.Awas a red and yellow coaster bikeBmade her the envy of all her friendsCwas her birthday gift from her grandmotherDmade her shy and awkward at times at college41While pushing the English bike along, the author_.Afelt boredBfelt

32、specialCbecame talkativeDbecame lost in thought42When she was teaching at a prep school, the author _.Adidnt like her once-beloved bikeBgot out of the habit of riding bikesCloved exploring the little town by riding aroundDrode bikes that had been recommended to her by graduates43What does the underl

33、ined word “apprehensive” in Paragraph 6 mean?ADissatisfied.BExcited.CShocked.DFearful.44What was the authors main purpose in writing this article?ATo describe the different bikes she has been riding alone.BTo recall the joy and freedom she has enjoyed thanks to riding.CTo inform us of the fun and be

34、nefits of riding bikes with others.DTo tell us about how she grew up through her riding experiences.Thanks to its harsh environment, Antarctica remained largely untouched by humans for many millennia, allowing a thriving ecosystem to evolve. However, since the 1990s, the last true wilderness on the

35、planet is becoming an increasingly popular destination for adventure-seeking tourists. Now, a new study declares that the visitors may be leaving behind harmful bacteria which could devastate the areas native bird population.Humans can infect animals with illnesses such as the flu. Researchers, howe

36、ver, believed that the Antarctic animals were immune to the danger due to the continents extreme weather. However, microbiologist Marta Cerda-Cuellar was not convinced.She and some colleagues decided to examine waste samples from Antarctic birds for evidence of human bacteria. To ensure the waste wa

37、s not polluted, the scientists had to collect it from the birds themselves.The results of their study revealed the presence of several types of human bacteria in the bird waste. This included a common strain (品种) of bacteria that causes food poisoning in humans. The researchers say the bacteria stra

38、ins were resistant to commonly-used human antibiotics, indicating they were brought in by the visitors, rather than migratory birds (候鸟).“These strains, which are a common cause for infections in humans and livestock, do not usually cause death outbreaks in wild animals, says Gonzalez-Solis. However

39、, the emerging or invasive pathogens (病原体) that arrive to highly sensitive populations could have severe consequences and cause the local collapse and extinction of some populations. The researcher also fears the presence of these bugs could foreshadow the arrival of other, more deadly, pathogens as

40、 the number of tourists people increases.Experts believe the only way to prevent the mass destruction of the birds is to impose stricter regulations or, at least, put the ones already in place into effect. For example, while the Antarctica Treaty requires visitors to carry their waste back home to s

41、afeguard the pristine environment, the regulation is rarely enforced. Nowadays, some officials are taking steps to save the vulnerable birds before its too late.45What problem is Antarctica facing according to Paragraph 1&2?AThe increasing number of tourists.BThe worsening wilderness.CThe replaced n

42、ative bird population.DThe spread of infectious illnesses.46What docs the underlined word devastate mean?ADestroy.BIncrease.CProtect.DBenefit.47Why did the scientists need to catch some Antarctic animals?ATo treat their illness.BTo get their waste.CTo raise them as pets.DTo study their lifestyles.48

43、What did the scientists prove in their study?ABacteria can be killed by human antibiotics.BExtreme weather keeps Antarctic animals healthy.CHumans bring bacteria to Antarctica.DAntarctic animals are immune to human bacteria.49What is the authors attitude towards the prospect of bird population in An

44、tarctica?AIndifferent.BDoubtful.CAmbiguous.DOptimistic.50In what section in a newspaper can you find the passage?AEntertainment.BTravel.CNature.DEducation.The playing field is never even or equal. Your skills and attitude play a major role in the outcome. Knowing what you can do to have an advantage

45、 can make the difference between success and failure.My kids tell me its unfair to play with the big children. I tell them thats right. Unfairness is a good thing. There is more to be gained by the effort when things seem unfair. It is true that many things in the world are unfair. But unfair things

46、 usually can be a boon to you. For example, the early bird catches the worm. It is unfair that the bird that sleeps in misses out on breakfast but it is nice to know that if it gets up early it is sure to get the worm.I always try to explain to my kids that complaining about how unfair something is will get them nowhere. Instead, make the most out of it and get on the other side of it. Once you do that you are in the advantage. Abov


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