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1、高中英语必修三语境记单词Unit 1 Festivals and CelebrationsOn the Lantern Festival,joyful people wear make-up and dress up in colourful carnival costumes,arching along the streets. Some attend the ceremony,and others visit a lantern fair or guess lantern riddles. People greet and congratulate each other. Congratu

2、lations can be heard everywhere. After all,festivals have a wide rangeof origins. Some come from religions. In other words,their origins are religious. Some festivals are for famous figures and significant events. The harvest festival is an important agricultural festival full of joy and charm. Peop

3、le are grateful or express their gratitude because all the crops have been gathered. In European countries,people decorate churches and town halls with flowers and fruit. Today,festivals are becoming commercial,with businesses taking advantage of the celebrations. With the commercialisation,some tra

4、ditions may fade away. In spite of the fact that festivals are commercialised,some typical festivals still keep their traditions. Christmas is the biggest occasion in the West. People greet each other with “Merry Christmas”. On Christmas Eve,people are pleased to enjoy the roast turkeys,puddings, ma

5、shed potatoes and pumpkins.在元宵节,欢乐的人们化了妆,穿着五颜六色的嘉年华服装,沿着街道游行。一些人参加仪式,还有一些人参观灯会或猜灯谜。人们互相问候和祝贺。到处都能听到恭喜的声音。毕竟,节日有着广泛的起源。有些来自宗教。换句话说,它们的起源与宗教有关。有些节日是纪念名人和重大事件的。丰收节是一个重要的农业节日,充满了喜悦和魅力。人们心存感恩或表达感激之情,因为所有的庄稼都收割了。在欧洲国家,人们用鲜花和水果装饰教堂和市政厅。如今,随着商家利用了庆祝活动,节日正变得商业化。随着商业化的渗透,一些传统可能会逐渐消失。尽管节日被商业化了,一些有代表性的节日仍然保留着自己

6、的传统。圣诞节是西方最大的庆典。人们互相问候“圣诞快乐”。在平安夜(圣诞节前夕),人们很高兴能够享用烤火鸡、布丁、土豆泥和南瓜。Last week I attended a wedding ceremony. The new couple are from Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. The bridegroom is a wrestler who has taken part in the national wrestling competition,and the bride is the archery champion. Both of them

7、 have represented the autonomous region in national competitions. They love each other,respect each other and have faith or belief in each other. They have a lot in common. To be frank,they are absolutely well matched. The wedding was held in a tent on the grassland,reflecting a warm atmosphere. The

8、 bride showed unique grace in her fancy robe. After the host delivered a brief speech,all the guests clapped their hands. Just at that moment,an eagle flew through the air,giving people a horrible feeling. Except for this,everything went well. After the wedding,the guests began to go off and the new

9、 couple set off for home,too. After that,the media reported on the wedding.上周我参加了一个婚礼。这对新人来自内蒙古自治区。新郎是参加过全国摔跤比赛的摔跤运动员,新娘是射箭冠军。他们两人都代表自治区参加过全国性的比赛。他们彼此相爱,互相尊重,彼此信任。他们有许多共同之处。坦白说,他们绝对是天生一对。婚礼在草原上的一个帐篷里举行,显示出一种热烈的气氛。新娘穿着精致的礼袍,显得格外优雅。主持人做了简短的讲话后,所有客人都鼓起掌来。就在那一刻,一只雕从空中飞过,给人一丝可怕的感觉。除此之外,一切顺利。婚礼结束后,客人们开始离去

10、,新婚夫妇也动身回家。之后,媒体对婚礼进行了报道。Unit 2 Morals and VirtuesPeople often talk about morals and what virtue is. But sometimes they may face moral dilemmas. For example,if an old man tripped over a stone or suddenly fainted in the street or was injured in an accident,what would be your first response? Should yo

11、u assist him to rise or give first aid? Or just stand by? This will illustrate what your moral and life principles are. In Lin Qiaozhis eyes,life is precious. When others entrusted her with their lives,it was virtue that carried herthrough a life of hard choices. She did not choose marriage as the m

12、ajority of girls did,but chose to study medicine. Therefore,her brother responded against her choice and complained about it,thinking of the high tuition fees. After graduation,Lin Qiaozhi won a scholarship from a union and was hired as a resident physician in a famous hospital. Once she was appoint

13、ed as a visiting scholar to a clinic in a faraway country. She impressed her colleagues by rejecting a well-paid offer. In the decades after liberation,Lin Qiaozhi was elected as leaders in many important positions and led all the staff to the medical cause of China. She published a great deal of me

14、dical research. She did not retire until the day she passed away,22 April 1983.人们经常谈论道德和什么是美德。但有时他们可能会面临道德 困境。例如,如果一个老人被石头绊倒,或者在街上突然晕倒,或者在事故中受伤,你的第一反应是什么?你应该帮助他站起来还是提供急救?还是袖手旁观?这将说明你的道德和生活原则是什么。在林巧稚看来,生命是宝贵的。当别人把自己的生命托付给她时,正是美德支撑着她度过了艰难抉择的一生。她没有像大多数女孩那样选择结婚,而是选择了学医。因此,她的哥哥对她的选择不以为然,并为此抱怨,考虑到学费太高了。毕业

15、后,林巧稚获得了联合会的奖学金,并被一家著名医院聘为住院医师。有一次她被派往一个遥远的国家的诊所做访问学者。她拒绝了一份高薪的工作,给同事们留下了深刻的印象。解放后的几十年里,林巧稚被选为许多重要职务的领导人,带领全体职工投身于中国的医疗事业。她发表了大量的医学研究作品。她直到 1983 年 4 月 22 日去世才退休。There was an earthquake here. The might of the earthquake brought more or less harm to per family. Some people lived in tears,in tension or

16、 in despair. Some people had bought disaster insurance with their income savings,while some people tended to accept it. At midnight,the scared and passive people couldnt go elsewhere but sit in the square of the kindergarten,listening to the chairman tell fables. Mothers whispered with their lips op

17、en and their children sleeping on their laps regardless of the mosquito bites. The chairman told a chain of fables as if in memory of a moral person. One of the fables began with a disguised king. He left his court and got into a cart for a visit. He hid behind a maple tree. He saw a customer limp i

18、nto a caf. An energetic waitress came up to greet him. However,he on purpose spilt some dirty water on her and said some sharp and unkind words. The waitress smiled and apologized,but no one knew she was pregnant. The owner of the caf was a flexible person,so the operation of the coffee shop was fai

19、rly good. The caf also imported and exported coffee.这里发生了地震。地震的巨大威力给每个家庭带来了或多或少的伤害。有些人生活在泪水、紧张或绝望之中。有些人用自己的收入积蓄买了灾难保险,而有些人则倾向于接受。午夜时分,这些惊恐而被动的人们不能去别的地方,只能坐在幼儿园的广场上,听着主持人讲寓言故事。母亲们张着嘴 悄声说话,孩子们不顾蚊虫叮咬,躺在她们的腿上睡觉。主持人讲了一连串的寓言故事,仿佛是为了纪念一个有道德的人。其中一个寓言是从一个乔装打扮的国王开始的。他离开宫廷坐上马车去私访,他躲在一棵枫树后面。他看见一个顾客一瘸一拐地走进一家咖啡馆。

20、一位精力充沛的女侍者走上前来迎接他。然而,他故意泼了她一身脏水,说了一些尖酸刻薄的话。女服务员微笑着道歉,但没人知道她怀孕了。咖啡馆的主人是个灵活的人,所以咖啡店的经营相当不错。咖啡馆还进口和出口咖啡。Unit 3 Diverse Cultures While admitting cultural diversity or diverse cultures,we should explore the historical causes of this phenomenon. Apart from this,we should also understand Chinese ethnic min

21、ority cultures. In 1848,the discovery of gold near San Francisco brought about a gold rush. Over 300,000 people from all over the world crossed the Atlantic and headed to San Francisco to seek their fortune. Some immigrants settled down near downtown,in the Mission District. To earn a living,they op

22、ened up shops, bars and restaurants. The climate in San Francisco is mild all year round. Today a large percentage of Chinese-Americans live in Chinatown. There visitors can buy fashionable clothing,souvenirs,boots,jeans,china plates and even Chinese herbal medicine. 在承认文化多样性或多元文化的同时,我们应该探索这种现象的历史原因

23、。除此之外,我们还应该了解中国的少数民族文化。1848 年,旧金山附近发现了黄金,引发了淘金热。来自世界各地的30 多万人跨越大西洋前往旧金山寻求财富。一些移民在市中心附近的教会区定居下来。为了谋生,他们开了商店、酒吧和餐馆。旧金山全年气候 温和。今天,很大一部分华裔美国人住在唐人街。在那里,游客可以买到时髦的服装、纪念品、靴子、牛仔裤、瓷盘甚至中草药。A typhoon hit the small town,claiming hundreds of lives. Only a minority of the residents escaped,but the disaster destroy

24、ed their homes and caused them financial difficulties. Afterwards a series of things occurred again. Some families took food from home with them,such as spicy chips,cheese,and poisonous mushrooms. These mushrooms contained deadly poison. Some residents folded their neat clothing and other daily item

25、s. They put them on their trucks together with construction materials and accessories. They were definitely going to settle down in a new place. The children didnt forget to bring their journals,diagrams,jazz music boxes,comics and graffiti with them. Apart from these,they selected some super collec

26、tions which would suit their tastes. 一场台风袭击了这个小镇,夺走了数百人的生命。只有少数 居民 逃脱了,但灾难摧毁了他们的家园,给他们造成了经济困难。此后又发生了一系列的事情。一些家庭从家里带走食物,如辛辣薯条、奶酪和毒蘑菇。这些蘑菇含有致命的毒素。一些居民包裹好整洁的衣服和其他日用品,把它们和建筑 材料及配件一起装上卡车。他们肯定要去一个新的地方定居下来。孩子们不忘带上他们的日记、图表、爵士音乐盒、漫画和涂鸦。除此之外,他们还挑选了一些适合自己品位的超级收藏品。Unit 4 Space ExplorationTo become an astronaut,

27、you must go through a strict selection procedure. You need a lot of mental,intelligent and physical training. Besides,you should not only know about the universe,the solar system and our globe,but also understand rockets,satellites,spacecrafts,gravity and so on. In closing,astronauts must have a det

28、ermined will and a strong desire to succeed. After a spacecraft is launched,make sure it goes in the right orbit. An astronaut on board has a lot of missions to carry on. He must be able to complete a spacewalk independently so as to transmit data to the relevant agencies on the earth.要成为一名宇航员,你必须经过

29、严格的选拔程序。你需要大量的心理、智力和体能训练。此外,你不仅应该了解宇宙、太阳系和我们的地球,还应该懂得火箭、卫星、航天器、重力等知识。最后,宇航员必须有坚定的意志和取得成功的强烈愿望。宇宙飞船发射后,确保它在正确的轨道上运行。飞船上的宇航员有很多任务要完成。他必须能够独立地完成太空行走,以便将数据传送到地球上的相关机构。Tom keeps in mind the famous saying “Thats one small step for a man,one giant leap for mankind.” So he is keen to explore the mysteries o

30、f the universe. Once there was virtual training in space,Tom boarded a vehicle called Jade Rabbit in the hope of exploring the final frontier. On the spacecraft there was a microwave,a smartphone,a pillow,an oxygen bottle,some soap, towels,tissues and other facilities to provide for him. After the s

31、pacecraft entered its orbit,the monitor signaled regularly. When he was finishing the ongoing mission,he began to float in the capsule for lack of sufficient training,and his muscles ached too. Fortunately,he was attached tightly to the spacecraft. Otherwise,he would float beyond the spaceship. But

32、he felt disappointed when he found his limitedre sources were running out. He wanted to figure out if the resources could be recycled. Through analysis,Tom argued that the current fatal error was lack of high-end facilities,which resulted in the failure of space training. As a result,he had to signa

33、l for help.汤姆牢记那句名言“对一个人来说那是一小步,对人类来说却是一大 步”。于是他热衷于探索宇宙的奥秘。曾经有一次在太空进行虚拟训练,汤姆登上了一辆名叫玉兔的月球车,希望能探索最后的边界。航天器上有一台微波炉、一部智能手机、一个枕头、一只氧气瓶、一些肥皂、毛巾、纸巾和其他为他提供的设施。宇宙飞船进入轨道后,监视器定期发出信号。当他就要完成正在进行的任务时,由于缺乏足够的训练,他开始在太空舱里漂浮,他的肌肉也开始疼痛。幸运的是,他被紧紧地绑在飞船上,否则,他将漂浮在飞船之外。但当他发现自己有限的 资源即将耗尽时,他感到很失望。他想弄清楚这些资源是否可以循环利用。通过分析,汤姆认为目

34、前致命的错误是缺乏高端设施,这导致太空训练失败。结果,他不得不发信号求救。Unit 5 The Value of MoneyIs money the basis of a happy life? Should we judge people on the basis of how much money they have? Heres a scene from the play The Million Pound Bank Note. I love a wide range of plays,including operas and musicals. I once played the ro

35、le of a dinosaur in a play and received many hugs from the audience. This time Id like to be a narrator and tell the story in a narration pattern. I am willing to apologise to you if I leave out any plots or elements of the story. Two brothers named Roderick and Oliver made a bet on what would happe

36、n if a penniless man was given a million pound bank note. They saw by accident a young man in rags wondering near their house,so they asked the servant to call him in. They thought he was the right sort of man they wanted. The young man had been caught in a storm at sea and spotted by a ship sailing

37、 to Britain. As a matter of fact,he was a businessman who worked for a mining company in America. In London he had nowhere to go but to the consulate to ask the ambassador for help,but he failed and didnt dare to try again. The brothers asked him so many odd questions that he seemed to lose patience

38、. To be honest,he was so hungry indeed and ought to be on his way. Just as he was about to leave,the two brothers stopped him and gave him a large envelope in case he needed it in the future. They asked him to promise to postpone opening it until 2 oclock.金钱是幸福生活的基础吗?我们应该根据人们有多少钱来评价他们吗?这是戏剧百万英镑中的一场。


40、饿了,应该上路了。就在他正要离开时,兄弟俩拦住他,给了他一个大信封,以防他将来之需。他们要求他许诺推迟到两点才把信封打开。As the saying goes,money is a good servant and a bad master. It will not bring happiness to pursue money. A sequence of events will indicate to a large extent that money cant buy happiness. Eventually,no odd intention will come true. Nothi

41、ng will come in return. One day,Henry saw a sign for a tailors shop. He stopped and hesitated to come in. The clerk on duty had the obligation to greet him at once,but instead he frowned,said something in a rude manner,and asked Henry to go downstairs. Beneath the floor was a room for ready-made sui

42、ts. Almost all clerks ignored him. Later,hearing Henry had a million-pound bank note,the owner of the shop pushed the clerks aside and came over with a broad smile. He had thought Henry belonged to the upper class ;therefore he wanted to maintain a good relationship with him.In that case,he provided

43、 a wide range of options for Henry to choose from. With his permission,Henry chose one without payment. The owner thought it was normal.俗话说,金钱是善仆,也是恶主。追求金钱不会带来幸福。一系列的事件在很大程度上将表明金钱买不到幸福。最终,任何奇怪的意图都不会实现,不会有任何回报。一天,亨利看到一个裁缝店的招牌。他停了下来,犹豫着是否要进来。值班店员有义务立刻迎接他,但他却皱起眉头,粗鲁地说了些什么,然后让亨利到楼下去,地板下面有一间成衣房。几乎所有的店员都不理睬他。后来,听说亨利有一张百万英镑的钞票,店主把店员推到旁边,满面笑容地走了过来。他以为亨利属于上流社会,所以想和他保持良好的关系。既然那样,他为亨利提供了多种选择。在他的允许下亨利没有付款就选购了一件。店主认为这很正常。5


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