Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Vocabulary(ppt课件) -2023新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx

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1、VocabularyCULTURAL HERITAGEPeriod1Learning Objectivesacquire the usage of key words.apply the key words to use.memorize the transformation of words.After the class,students will be able to:How to learn a word?1.Word formation2.Word origins3.Key words4.Chunk learning5.PracticeFormationOriginsKey word

2、s Chunk learningPracticeWord FormationWordn.v.Wordn.v.mount山峰爬;登上download下载已下载的数据资料preserve保护区保护,保存document文件,公文记录,记载balance平衡使平衡conduct行为,举止组织,安排,带领protest抗议反对,抗议process过程,进展处理,加工limit限度,限制限制,限定exit出口,通道出去,离开issue重要议题,争论的问题宣布,公开,发行contrast对比,对照形成对比attempt企图;试图;尝试parade游行,检阅游行庆祝,示威FormationOriginsKe

3、y words Chunk learningPracticeWord Formationv.n.v.n.applyidentifycompareinvestigatecreatelosecontributepromotedisappearpreventdonateproposeforgivepreservepromotionproposalpreventionlossinvestigationapplicationapplicantcontributiondisappearanceperseverancecomparisonidentitydonationforgivenesscreation

4、donorFormationOriginsKey words Chunk learningPracticeWord Originspreservepre-(提)前-serve=to keep=guard beforehand 保护;保护区 reserve 保留;预定;保护区pre(=before)-vent(=come),If you prevent someone,you come before them,站在某人面前,预防阻止pro-(向)前+pose摆放;姿势 propose 摆在面前提议proposal n.提议;建议-test=witness protest 走向前来公开作证,以此表

5、达不满抗议at(表方向)-tempt(=tend倾向)倾向于某个方向 企图;尝试 attemptpreventproposeinvestigate in-vestig(=track足迹)-ate(在足迹里面)调查=look into FormationOriginsKey words Chunk learningPracticeKey words.promote C促进;发扬;提升,提拔;晋级;促销品 1.Good listening can show respect,promote understanding and improve interpersonal relationship.2.

6、While waiting for the opportunity to get promoted,Henry did his best to perform his duty.3.There are good chances of promotion in this firm.4.What is the advertisement promoting?Translate the underlined words:晋升to advance(someone)to a higher grade or office促进to help sth to happen or develop(encourag

7、e)prmt推销FormationOriginsKey words Chunk learningPractice2.balance blns 英语单词 balance 最初的本意是“天平”。它源自古拉丁语 bilanx,由 bi(two,两个)+lanx(pans,盘)构成,指的就是“由两个秤盘构成的天平”。后来,该词又逐渐衍生出“平衡”的比喻之意,再在财会领域中,由“财务平衡表的差值”而衍生出“余额”之意。Weigh it on the balance.n.v.balance 平衡使物体“平衡”的工具天平;秤抽象的“平衡”平衡;均衡(使)保持平衡;(使)均衡账户上的“平衡”余额;余额(n.)

8、a state of equilibrium.CI have a balance of$2,000 in my savings account.UI think it important to have a balance between study and a social life.(v.)bring into balance or equilibrium.vtThe company needs to balance the budget each year.vi Hobbies help people balance between work and play.Fill in the b

9、lanks using correct forms:(1)The girl cycled round the corner so quickly that she lost her _(balance),fell off and hurt her legs seriously.(2)Perhaps we ought to combine our ideas and provide a _(balance)menu with food full of energy and fibre.balance balanced FormationOriginsKey words Chunk learnin

10、gPracticeFormationOriginsKey words Chunk learningPractice3.contributionkntribjun 教材原句:The group asked for contributions from different departments.该委员会请求各个部门予以资金支持(捐款;贡献;捐赠)(1)make a contribution/contributions to The school sees its job as preparing students to make a contribution to/towards society

11、.(2)contribute(sth)to It was generous of her to contribute such a large sum of money to the Red Cross.She contributed a number or articles to the magazine.(3)contribute to Eating too much fat can contribute to heart disease and cause high blood pressure.vi.&vt.捐献;捐助an action or a service that helps

12、to cause or increase sth为作贡献 to give sth,especially money or goods,to help sb/sth 捐献/贡献给to write things for a magazine,newspaper or radio.向投稿to be one of the causes of sth促成;有助于;导致(=lead to)=donatecontributor n.C捐款人;撰稿人;起作用的因素 FormationOriginsKey words Chunk learningPractice J.K.Rowlings novel Harry

13、 Potter made a great conbribution to the world literature.She has contributes a lot of money to the charity since she became rich.To inspire other writers,she shared some rejection letters from the publishers.Those letters related to The Cuckoos Calling.J.K.Rowling contributed to the novel to a maga

14、zine under the name of Galbraith without revealing her true identity.The first was rejected by several publishers,and Rowling was even advised to take a writing course.When The Cuckoos Calling found a publisher in 2013,it was achieving respectable sales before the secret of its authorship broke,and

15、it contributed to the novel reaching the top of the bestseller lists.Read the following passage.FormationOriginsKey words Chunk learningPractice4.conduct kndkt教材原句:Experts investigated the issue,conducted several tests 专家们经过调查研究,多次进行实验n.行为;举止;管理方法 v.进行;表现举止;带领;指挥behaviourconduct an experiment/a surv

16、eymanagementconduct oneself well/badlyconduct sb.into/around=behaveConfucius suggested a principle for the conduct of life:Do not do to others what you would not want others to do to you.己所不欲,勿施于人。=didFormationOriginsKey words Chunk learningPractice4.conduct kndkt:to lead or bring together conductco

17、n(with/together)duct(to lead)引导,带领productpro(向前)duct(to lead)向前引导educatee(out)ducere(to lead)启发,教育 Exercise:(1)The guide conducted us _ the ruins of the ancient city.导游带我们参观了这座古城的遗迹。(2)He was fired(被开除)from the company due to his improper(不当的)_(conduct).aroundconductFormationOriginsKey words Chunk l

18、earningPractice5.identify aidentifai:sameness,oneness,state of being the same1.He was too far away to identify faces.2.To be effective,you need to identify your strengths and concentrate on them.3.Her accent identify him as a Russian.to recognize and correctly name sb/sth.(根据具体特征识别)认出,识别出to find or

19、discover sb/sth.(根据抽象特征识别)确认,找出to be a sign that shows who or what sb/sth is(特征使之被识别(表明.的身份FormationOriginsKey words Chunk learningPractice5.identify aidentifaiidentity n.身份;同一性,一致;特性;an identity card(ID card)Wendy is not her real name,but its one she uses to disguise her identity.FormationOriginsKe

20、y words Chunk learningPractice6.issue iju 岁月留痕,无关风月,只在本心。不染执念,便无尘埃。FormationOriginsKey words Chunk learningPractice6.issue iju n.v.议题,争论的问题令人担忧的问题报刊的号;版次公布;发布发给,供给发行an important topic thats discussed or argued abouta problem or worry that sb has with sthone of a regular series of magazines or newspa

21、perissue a statement to the publicissue the poor with warm clothingissue a set of stampsFormationOriginsKey words Chunk learningPractice7.give Match work:give awaygive backgive in(to)give offgive out give up give way(to)归还 赠送;泄密等 分发;耗尽 发出(光、声音等)散发出(气味)放弃;投降 屈服;让步FormationOriginsKey words Chunk learn

22、ingPractice8.set up build 最普通用词,主要指“修建、建筑”,常带house,road,bridge,socialism,hope等;如:The house is built of wood.这房子是用木头建造的。set up是口语用词,同establish;着重表示开始,草创。如:A new government was set up after the war.新政府于战后成立。establish主要指建立机构、组织或联系,有稳固建成的意思;如:Our hospital was established in 1968.found主要用于创立机构、组织或理论;如:Th

23、ey founded a college.他们创办了一所大学。open 主要用于商店,餐馆,旅馆等创立;如:A barber shop is to be open next week near my house.FormationOriginsKey words Chunk learningPractice值 得worthworthwhileThe temple is worth visiting/a visit.The visit is really worthwhile.Chunk learning is a term that simply means to learn a chunk

24、at a time.阻 止preventstopWe must prevent the spread of the disease/the disease(from)spreading.keepCant you stop your son(from)getting into trouble?She could hardly keep(herself)from laughing.可 能likelypossibleprobableIt is likely that you will miss the train.Is it possible to buy tickets in advance?Ra

25、in is possible but not probable this evening.START1.Click START2.Choose a number3.Click and answer the questions to win the point.Whichever team gets the most points wins.FormationOriginsKey words Chunk learningPracticeVS1.Translate the following words:01.基金 02.建立返回返回Keys:01.fund 02.establish 2point

26、s返回返回 2.Fill in the blanks:01.work_(创造性地)02._(促进)economic growth Keys:01.creatively 02.promote 2points返回返回3.Tranlate:01.economic development _ 02.keep the right balance _ Keys:01.经济发展经济发展 02.保持合适的平衡保持合适的平衡 2points4.请用合适的关系词填空:There comes a time _ the old must give way to the new.返回返回Key:when 2points

27、5.Translate:Do not do to others what you would not want others to do to you.Keys:己所不欲,勿施于人。己所不欲,勿施于人。返回返回2points返回返回Keys:01.建立一个委员会建立一个委员会 02.调查事件调查事件01.establish a committee 02.investigate the issue6.Translate:2points返回返回Key:contributionI am proud of my_(贡献)to the teams success.17.Translate:point返回

28、返回 The department is established to _(确保)everything goes well.Key:make sure18.Translate:point返回返回Shes very _(可能)to ring me tonight.Key:likely29.Translate:points返回返回10.Fill in the blank using the correct form in the branket.He _(work)hard since he was promoted(升职).Key:has worked3points返回返回But they ca

29、n _(阻止)us from coming back.Key:prevent111.Translate:point返回返回Studies and play are both necessary(必要的)to us._(前者)gives us knowledge(知识),and the latter gives us rest.Key:The former212.Translate:pointsHomework Read the new words and make up a short story using the key words.Share the story with your classmates.promotebalancecontributionconductidentifyissueset upTHANKS!


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