Unit 1 Reading and Thinking 公开课(ppt课件)-2023新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第三册.pptx

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1、Unit 1 Unit 1 Festivals and CelebrationsFestivals and CelebrationsReading and ThinkingReading and Thinking 壹学习目标1.identify the main ideas of paragraphs when analyzing the text2.know festivals and why we celebrate them3.talk about the faded customs and express your feelingsvideo青玉案青玉案元夕元夕【作者】辛弃疾【作者】辛

2、弃疾 【朝代】宋【朝代】宋 东风夜放花千树。更吹落、星如雨。宝马雕车香满路。凤箫声动,玉东风夜放花千树。更吹落、星如雨。宝马雕车香满路。凤箫声动,玉壶光转,一夜鱼龙舞。壶光转,一夜鱼龙舞。蛾儿雪柳黄金缕。笑语盈盈暗香去。众里寻他千百度。蓦然回首,那蛾儿雪柳黄金缕。笑语盈盈暗香去。众里寻他千百度。蓦然回首,那人却在,灯火阑珊处。人却在,灯火阑珊处。译文:像东风吹散千树繁花一样,又吹得烟火纷纷、乱落如雨。豪译文:像东风吹散千树繁花一样,又吹得烟火纷纷、乱落如雨。豪华的马车满路芳香。悠扬的凤箫声四处回荡,玉壶般的明月渐渐西斜,华的马车满路芳香。悠扬的凤箫声四处回荡,玉壶般的明月渐渐西斜,一夜鱼龙灯飞

3、舞笑语喧哗。一夜鱼龙灯飞舞笑语喧哗。美人头上都戴着亮丽的饰物,笑语盈盈地随人群走过,身上香气飘美人头上都戴着亮丽的饰物,笑语盈盈地随人群走过,身上香气飘洒。我在人群中寻找她千百回,猛然回头,不经意间却在灯火零落之处洒。我在人群中寻找她千百回,猛然回头,不经意间却在灯火零落之处发现了她。发现了她。Phoenix flutes make music,The moonlight flashes,Fish and dragon lanternswhirl the whole night long.“凤箫声动,玉壶光转,一夜鱼龙舞”:“凤箫”是排箫一类的吹奏乐器,这里泛指音乐;“玉壶”指明月;“鱼龙”是

4、灯笼的形状。这句是说,在月华下,灯火辉煌,沉浸在节日里的人通宵达旦载歌载舞。Why do we celebrate these festivals?uThe dragon-boat FestivaluTomb-Sweeping DayuMid-Autumn FestivaluNational Dayu.u To greet the arrival of springu To reunite with family membersu To memorize our ancestorsu To honor some great figuresu To celebrate the harvestu

5、To celebrate the founding of the Peoples Republic of Chinau.What festivals do you celebrate with your family each year?WHY DO WE CELEBRATE FESTIVALS?TraditionCommercialLook at the pictures and title of the passage,and think about what the passage will be about.SkimmingRead the text and underline the

6、 topic sentence of Read the text and underline the topic sentence of each paragraph that gives the main idea.each paragraph that gives the main idea.Most paragraphs will have a topic sentence.It is often the first sentence.Sometimes it is found elsewhere in the paragraph.Tip:Identify the main idea o

7、f a paragraphFestivals are celebrated all around the world.Of all the traditional festivals,the harvest festival can be found in almost every culture.Customs play a significant role in festivals,but sometimes they can change over time.Festivals are becoming more and more commercial,with businesses t

8、aking advantage of the celebrations.Festivals are an important part of society.The origins and spirit of festivals.The harvest festivals.The change of festival customs.Commercialized festivals.The importance of festivals.ScanningRead the first paragraph and fill in the blanks.Read the first paragrap

9、h and fill in the blanks.OriginsSpiritThey have a wide range of origins.Such as the seasons of the year,_,famous_ and important _.religionsfigureseventsThe spirit is common in all festivals.Share _,_,_ or _.joygratitude lovepeaceScanningHarvest festivalPara2Purpose of the harvest festival:People cel

10、ebrate to _LocationTime The people always doEgypt European countries /China show that they are grateful for the years supply of food during the springtime featured a parade and a great feast with music,dancing,and sports decorate churches and town halls with flowers and fruitget together to celebrat

11、e over a meal Mid-Autumn families gather to admire the shining moon and enjoy delicious mooncakes Spring festival Halloween lighting firecrackers to drive away the evil spirits and celebrate the new year many big cities have given up this custom in order to avoid air pollution its religious origins

12、an exciting festival for children In the pastnowadaysScanningWhat factors may affect the changes?How do you feel about festival customs that have already faded away?Discuss it in groups of four.Faded away festivalsCustoms that have already faded awayReasonsYour feeling People inused toduring,but now

13、 Nowadays people no longer People have given up the custom ofin order to As for the custom of,I I think I would love to I think its becauseSpring festivalLetting off fireworksDragon-boat festivalWearing the sachet se Double Ninth FestivalClimbing the mountainsQingming FestivalBurning paper moneyThe

14、festivals and customs are part of our culture and history.They may change through time,but we should believe it that the joy and love we share with our loved ones will never change.Read paragraph4 and find out what the writers attitude towards the commercialization of festival.A.IndifferentB.Critica

15、lC.DoubtfulD.ObjectiveScanningD.ObjectiveWhat do you think of the commercialization of festival?Festivals are an important part of society.They reflect peoples wishes,beliefs,faiths,and attitudes towards life.They are occasions that allow us to relax and enjoy life,and forget about our work for a li

16、ttle while.They help us understand where we came from,who we are,and what to appreciate.And if you study festivals carefully,you may be surprised to find that different cultures actually have a lot in common after all.Why festivals are important?Find some supporting details.What do most festival see

17、m to have in common?They reflectThey are occasions that allow They helpin commonWHY DO WE CELEBRATE FESTIVALS?Supporting detailsScanningSummary 伍para1.Different origins para2._ Festival para3._ of customspara4._ para5._ of festivalsHarvestChangesCommercialisationImportanceWhy do we celebrate festiva

18、ls?importance,commercialization(商业化),harvest,common,changesPost-reading肆Todays festivals have a wide _ of origins,including the seasons of the year,famous _,important events,and religions.The _ festival is one of the most popular festivals and is celebrated in many cultures.Customs play a _ role in

19、festivals,but they can change over time.For example,some Chinese cities no longer allow firecrackers during the Spring festival,as they can increase air pollution.These days,festivals are becoming more_,with people spending more money on gifts.Festivals _ peoples wishes,beliefs,faiths,and attitudes towards life.They are _ to spend time with family,and to relax and enjoy life.rangefiguresharvestsignificantcommercialreflectoccasions陆HomeworkImagine that your class are going to set and celebrate a new festival.What should be considered?Write down your design and present it to your classmates.


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