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1、2022年山西省中考一模英语试题 一、听录音选图片1ABC2ABC3ABC4ABC5ABC二、听短对话选答案6ASusan.BJack.CKevin.7ABy air.BBy car.CBy train.8ATaking a class.BMaking a call.CHaving a meeting.9AIn a bank.BIn a hospital.CIn a bookstore.10AShe doesnt find the book.BThe boy can get the book for free.CThe boy cant take this book away.三、听短文选答案

2、这一大题你将听到一篇短文。请你根据短文内容和所提出的5个问题,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。11Which class is Kevin in?AThe same class as the writer.BA different class from the writer.CClass 14.12What isnt Kevin like?AHelpful.BHumorous.CFriendly.13What does Kevin look like?AHe is shorter but stronger than the writer.BHe i

3、s shorter but heavier than the writer.CHe is taller and stronger than the writer.14What sport does Kevin like best among the three?AVolleyball.BFootball.CBasketball.15What is the writer going to be in the future?AA teacher.BA doctor.CA soldier.四、听短文填表本题你将听到一篇短文。请你根据所听内容,完成下面的表格,并将获取的信息填到答题卡相应的位置上,每空

4、一词。Advice on studying for testsMake a study planMake sure you can go over the lessons _16_ in the end. Find a _17_ place to studyThe school library is a good choice. Avoid studying in your bedroom. _18_ in a groupIt will help you not get too _19_.Dont be too worried about the _20_.What really matter

5、s is that you do your best. 五、单项选择21Zhang Guimei, a headteacher of a girls high school, asks her students study hard so that _ have a good future.AsheBweCthey22Family education has an important _ on childrens development, so parents should create a good environment for them.AsuggestionBpopulationCin

6、fluence23Eating too much junk food can harm your body, especially _ youre between the ages of 10 and 19. Yes. Junk food has a bad influence on teenagers ability to think, learn and remember.AifBunlessCalthough24Because of the development of the Internet, information and knowledge spread very _.Aloud

7、lyBquicklyCseriously25To keep safe, passengers are required to stay in their seats and wear seat belts when the plane is _.Ashowing upBtaking offCpulling together26Maybe some parents dont understand why music and art will be added to the Zhongkao. But _, its good for students all-round development.A

8、in factBfor exampleCto start with27Spending time with your family is quite important. Even eating a meal, talking about your day and doing housework together _ love.Aare tired ofBare thankful forCare full of28Its not a good habit to _ things like old clothes and used bottles. We can recycle them.Ath

9、row awayBput awayCrun away29I lost my bike yesterday and had to walk home. _.ANo problemBIts a pleasureCIm sorry to hear that30All the students in our class speak highly of Paul. I wonder _.He bravely rushed into a burning house and saved a boy. We all admire him for his courage.Awhy he is so popula

10、rBhow he gets good gradesCwhich is his favorite sport六、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余项。Day Day Up (3 persons)John Victor Hi, guys! How are you doing? Great! Busy days. _31_ I keep reading and exercising every day. It makes me feel good. Good! Id like to invite you to tak

11、e part in an activity this weekend. _32_Protecting ancient buildings in Shanxi. Are you interested in it? Of course. _33_An amazing theme! What should we prepare for it?_34_OK. Ill start at once. Im good at collecting materials. _35_Well meet to discuss about it at 9: 00 a. m. on Sunday at our schoo

12、l. Got it. Well be well-prepared and get there on time. AThanks.BMe too.CHow about you?DWhats it about?EWhen and where will we meet?FI love both history and buildings.GWe can first search online for materials about the ancient buildings.七、完形填空A rich man lived in a small town. He was very kind, _36_

13、his son had unluckily kept bad company. Many times the man advised his son not to go with the bad guys, but all failed. One day, the father went to a wise man to _37_ advice. The wise man said, “Send your son to me tomorrow.”The next morning, the father sent his son over. The wise man asked the boy

14、to pick a rose from his garden and said, “Smell it and feel its fragrance (香气) _38_” The boy did as asked. Then the wise man showed a bag of rice to the boy and asked him to put the rose next to the bag. The boy followed the instructions. After an hour, the wise man asked the boy to _39_ the rose ag

15、ain. “How does it smell now?” the wise man asked. “It smells just as _40_ as before,” the boy replied. Then the wise man said, “Now put the rose next to this bag of jiggery (棕榈糖).” The boy did so. After an hour, the wise man asked the boy to smell the rose again. “Is there any _41_ in the fragrance?

16、” the wise man asked. “No, it smells as good as before,” the boy answered. Then the wise man said, “Boy, you should be good to everybody you _42_, just like this rose.”The boy understood the wise mans _43_. We shouldnt let “bad smells” influence how we act. Our good qualities (品质) are our strength.

17、We shouldnt lose them.36AsoBifCbut37Aask forBhand inCdepend on38AsuddenlyBcertainlyCcarefully39AsellBplantCsmell40AsoftBgoodCdifferent41AtruthBchangeCsurprise42AmeetBteachCchoose43AwordsBchoicesCfeelings八、阅读单选Who do you admire most?Jackie, 14Sofia, my friend Mikes mom, is probably the most amazing p

18、erson I know. She is very brave. She is a wildlife photographer (摄影师) and she travels to some of the most dangerous places on Earth to take photos of the worlds most endangered animals. Jacob, 16One of my heroes is Mr. Turner, our great music teacher. He is so creative and finds different ways to ge

19、t us interested in his lessons. Hes also an excellent guitar player. He is in a band. Im sure the band will be famous one day. But I hope it wont happen soon. I dont want to lose my teacher!Oliver, 17The greatest person I know is my uncle John. He is a brave policeman. I admire him because he tries

20、his best to look after my aunt who is in a wheelchair and their kids. Life is hard. But I have never heard him complain. There is always a big smile on his face. Alex, 15The person I admire most is my grandmother Mandy. She is 78 and looks just amazing. Many people think she is my mother when they s

21、ee us together. She always sees goodness in others. She still does voluntary work for a local childrens home. 44Who does Jackie admire most?AHis uncle.BHis music teacher.CHis friends mother.45Where does Mr. Turner work?AIn a school.BIn a police station.CIn a childrens home.46Why does Oliver admire J

22、ohn?ABecause he lives a happy life.BBecause he is a famous policeman.CBecause he cares about his family a lot.47Whats Mandy like?AShe is brave.BShe is creative.CShe is kind-hearted.48Which of the following is TRUE about the people these teenagers admire?AThey have made a big difference to the world.

23、BThey teach the teenagers some basic life skills.CThey are all common people around these teenagers.According to research, more than 130 billion pounds of uneaten food goes to waste in Lauras country each year. That is about 30% of the yearly food supply. It is a sad fact, especially when you consid

24、er how many families and homeless people are in hunger. When Laura saw her school dining hall throw away food that was not eaten at all every day, she came up with an idea. She started a project to help her school dining hall to give away uneaten food to homeless shelters (庇护所) in her community. In

25、the past three years, the same project has spread to other schools and some fast food restaurants throughout the city. The project is called Feed & Find, and has already fed thousands of people in her city. How does it work? Through an app, Feed & Find matches local homeless shelters with school din

26、ing halls and restaurants that have uneaten food to provide. When dining halls or restaurants have uneaten food left, they can use the app to share the information about the food. A truck driver working for the project is then sent to pick it up and take it to a shelter. Pretty coo1, right? Its not

27、surprising that people in other cities have got in touch with Laura, hoping that she could help develop similar projects for their communities. Some people, however, have concerns about the safety of the uneaten food. They think such food may not be clean enough. Still, this project is a clever way

28、to help solve the problem of food waste and it helps those in need.49The numbers in Paragraph 1 tell us _.Asome people are poorBfood waste is seriousCthe research is interesting50Lauras project first got food from _.Aher school dining hailBher familyCa fast food restaurant51People in other cities wo

29、uld like Laura to _.Avisit their communitiesBgive away food to themChelp develop projects like hers52The underlined word “concerns” in this passage means _.A决定B确信C担心53Which can be the best title for this passage?AA Dining Guide AppBA Food Sharing ProjectCA Food Safety Project九、阅读还原6选5Red is the colo

30、r of China. Among all the colors, red is most easily seen. The color red is fresh and joyful. And in China we call it China Red. Chinese people are attracted by the color red. On the one hand, it makes people feel excited. _54_ No country in the world has ever used a color in such a way as China. He

31、re, red is a symbol. It gives color to the spirit of the nation. _55_ Even now, it is also a theme for China that will last forever, and it is an important color for the Chinese people. “China Red” has become a very popular phrase, attracting the worlds attention.Finding red-colored things in China

32、is very easy, as you can see the color everywhere. _56_ Most importantly, red is the main color of our national flag. They all play special roles in China. Red is the color of luck, health, happiness, peace, wealth and so on. _57_ The color can be alive and breathing only when its connected with peo

33、ple. _58_ It also carries the ancient history and culture of the Chinese nation. “China Red” is filled with mysterious charm (魅力) beyond description and it is right here in China waiting for you to feel and discover!ARed is more than just a color in China.BIn the past, red stood for seriousness and

34、mystery.COnly real things and events can fully show the real beauty of red.DOn the other hand, it has rich meaning in Chinese culture and history.EChinese people use special things to drive away bad luck in special situations.FTraditional things such as Chinese knots, lanterns, and traditional paper

35、-cuts are almost all red.十、阅读填表请阅读下面短文,在下面的横线上填入与文章意思最符合的单词,并将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上。每空一词。Because of the rapid development of society, people are feeling more interested in the physical activities which include sports and other outdoor exercise. Some people think physical activities have a lot of benefits to

36、 students, while many others argue that physical activities will influence the students studies. They think that students only have limited time and they should spend most of it on subjects like math, physics or chemistry. In my opinion, the latter (后者) havent realized the importance of physical act

37、ivities. In fact, physical activities can prevent some stress and diseases. Physical activities can make it easy for students to relax. Nowadays, students have lots of work in school and after school like community activities and homework. All of these take a lot of time and students are facing too

38、much pressure. Some organizations did research on the effects of stress on students. They surveyed 2, 240 students from 40 schools. 6 in every 10 students are so stressed that they could not finish their schoolwork or homework. Without physical activities, students may be under more stress which can

39、 cause some serious mental problems. In order to prevent the students from this, sports are necessary for sure. Taking part in physical activities is also helpful for students to avoid getting some diseases. The activities improve blood circulation (血液循环) and are helpful in removing waste matter fro

40、m the body. Physical ActivitiesIdeaslSome people consider that physical activities are good for students. lMany others think physical activities will have a (n) _59_ on students studies. lIn the writers opinion, some people havent understood that it is _60_ to take part in physical activities. Benef

41、itslPhysical activities can _61_ make students relax. lAccording to a survey, about three _62_ of 2, 240 students are stressed. Without physical activities, students may have mental problems. lPhysical activities _63_ students avoid getting some diseases. 十一、多任务混合阅读The trains run across mountains an

42、d the Great Wall to the north of Beijing. They run on a high-speed railway line connecting Beijing and Zhangjiakou. The railway is an important support project for the 2022 Winter Olympics. Some of the places of interest near the lineJuyongguan Great WallMingTombs (明十三陵) Badaling Great WallGuanting

43、Reservoir National Wetland Park (官厅水库国家湿地公园) Crowing Mountain scenic area (鸡鸣山景区) Ancient City of XuanhuaZhangjiakou Ancient Fortress (张家口堡) The 174-km railways trains move at a top speed of 350 km/h. This shortens the travel time between Beijing and Zhangjiakou, the host cities of the 2022 Winter O

44、lympics, from over three hours to less than an hour. The Beijing-Zhangjiakou high-speed railway has 10 stops in total. It will help boost (促进) tourism.Whos Zhan Tianyou?In 1872, the Qing government chose 30 young boys to be sent to the US to study. 他们是中国历史上第一批出国留学的学生。Zhan Tianyou was one of them. Af

45、ter graduating from Yale University, Zhan came back to China. In 1905, the Qing government decided to build a railroad between Beijing and Zhangjiakou. Zhan, who studied engineering, led the project. The project is best-known for its Y-shaped switchback (人字形坡路)Some of the trains on this railway are

46、smart trains that can run by themselves. Passengers can also watch live events during the 2022 Winter Olympics on the train, which is equipped (配备) with 5G technology.Some people regard Zhan Tianyou as the “father of Chinas railways”. He led the building of the old Beijing-Zhangjiakou railway, Chinas first indenpendently-designed (独立设计的) railway. Back in the Qing Dynasty, building a railway without foreign help was thought to be impossi


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