Unit 3 Listening and Talking (ppt课件)-2023新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第三册.pptx

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1、Unit 3Environmental protectionListening and speakingTalk about air pollutionLead-inPre-listening while-listening post-listeningPart 1 Lead-inBefore you listen,look at the pictures below Before you listen,look at the pictures below and discuss the questions in groups.and discuss the questions in grou

2、ps.Task 1:Task 1:chimneychimneycoalcoalNew energy-New energy-efficient efficient vehiclesvehiclessmoke+fogsmoke+fog=smog=smog1.What information can you get from these pictures?2.How do these situations influence your life?1.What information can you get from these pictures?I can get information about

3、 where the pictures were taken,for example,the bridge is in London,and the chimneys are in a power station.Both places look very polluted.I can see that the car is powered by electricity as it is plugged in.I can see some coal being burned.These pictures tell me that the interview is probably about

4、energy and pollution.2.How do these situations influence your life?These situations influence my life not only by providing electricity for me and transporting me,but also by polluting the air I breathe.What do you know about the air pollutions?What do you know about the air pollutions?Part 2pre-lis

5、teningWords previewsmog 烟雾severe problem严重的问题fossil fuel化石燃料order sb.to do命令某人做claim a life夺去一条生命an expert on.某方面的专家boom 繁荣发展restrict限制be harmful to 对有害advise sb.to do 建议某人做某事as concise as possible尽可能简洁contribute to 促成;有助于;导致combination 结合originate起源于Part 3While-listening1.Smog is _.A.a combination

6、of smoke and fog B.a type of chemical2.Smog became a severe problem because people at that time _A.burn woods B.burn coal C.burn oil D.burn crops 3.The worst air pollution happened in London in _.A.1950 B.1951 C.1952 D.19534.The great smog in London claimed _ deaths.A.3,000 B.4,000 C.5,000 D.6,000Ta

7、sk 2Task 2Listen to an interview with an air pollution expert and decide whether the Listen to an interview with an air pollution expert and decide whether the statements are true(T)or false(F).statements are true(T)or false(F).1.The expression“smog”originated in Britain and means a combination of“s

8、moke”and“fog”.()2.Smog became a severe problem in Britain because people at that time burnt lots of fossil fuels.()3.The worst smog in British history happened in London in 1942.()4.The Great Smog of London claimed 5,000 lives.()5.Later,the UK government ordered people not to burn wood in their home

9、s.()T TT TF FF FF FTask 2Task 2Listen again and take notes on what the expert said.Then summarise the Listen again and take notes on what the expert said.Then summarise the information you got from the interview.information you got from the interview.Ben Drake,an expert on air pollution,is being int

10、erviewed on the radio.He said that smog was a severe problem _ century in Britain.At that time,Britain was experiencing a boom in _.Factories and homes _,which created smog.He also mentioned the heavy smog in London _ _ in 1952.Later the UK government restricted _ in homes and forced factories to_ _

11、.As smog is harmful to everyone,the expert advised us to _,use _,and further develop _ _.in the early 20thin the early 20thindustryindustryused used lots of coallots of coalover 4,000 deaths over 4,000 deaths was particularly bad and causedwas particularly bad and causedburning coalburning coalmove

12、away move away from city centresfrom city centresreplace coal with cleaner forms of energyreplace coal with cleaner forms of energynew energy-efficient vehiclesnew energy-efficient vehiclesgreengreentechnologytechnologyTask 3Task 3Summarise informationIn active listening,summarising helps you review

13、 the key points of a speakers message.In order to w r i t e a g o o d summary,you must take notes of the m o s t i m p o r t a n t points as you listen.When summarising,you need to be as concise as possible and use your own words.Part 4Post-listeningHostess:Hostess:Good morning,listeners.Air polluti

14、on is a serious Good morning,listeners.Air pollution is a serious problem,with urban populations particularly at risk from problem,with urban populations particularly at risk from smog.Ben Drake is an expert on air pollution,and he is joining smog.Ben Drake is an expert on air pollution,and he is jo

15、ining us today to talk about this issue.Ben,where does the word us today to talk about this issue.Ben,where does the word“smog come from?“smog come from?Ben Drake:Ben Drake:“Smog”comes from a combination of the words“Smog”comes from a combination of the words“smoke”and “fog”.It originated in“smoke”a

16、nd “fog”.It originated in Britain Britain ,when smog was a severe problem.,when smog was a severe problem.Hostess:Hostess:Why was it so bad then?Why was it so bad then?Ben Drake:Ben Drake:Well,Britain was one of Well,Britain was one of and factories and homes used lots of coal.When burnt,the coal an

17、d factories and homes used lots of coal.When burnt,the coal produced harmful emissions which created lots of smog.In London,produced harmful emissions which created lots of smog.In London,they also called the smog a“pea soup”because it was as thick they also called the smog a“pea soup”because it was

18、 as thick as soup.as soup.Listening text Listening text Task 3Task 3in the early 20th centuryin the early 20th century the first industrial countriesthe first industrial countries Hostess:Hostess:That sounds terrible!What problems did it cause?That sounds terrible!What problems did it cause?Ben Drak

19、e:Ben Drake:Smog caused many health issues and killed many people.Smog caused many health issues and killed many people.The worst case happened in London in 1952.Over a few days when The worst case happened in London in 1952.Over a few days when the smog was particularly bad,the smog was particularl

20、y bad,4,000 deaths were recorded.It 4,000 deaths were recorded.It was necessary to was necessary to .The UK government.The UK government ordered people ordered people and forced and forced factoriesfactories toto .Hostess:Hostess:But smog is still an important issue in many places.What But smog is s

21、till an important issue in many places.What can be done about it?can be done about it?Ben Drake:Ben Drake:Smog is harmful to everyone,especially to children,Smog is harmful to everyone,especially to children,old people,and those with heart or lungold people,and those with heart or lung problems.We h

22、ave to problems.We have to andand for everyonefor everyones health and s health and wellbeing.We shouldwellbeing.We should andand we need towe need to use use .We have.We have the the ,but,but we must use and develop it.we must use and develop it.Hostess:Hostess:Yes.Lets hope we can make some big ch

23、anges.Thanks,Ben.Yes.Lets hope we can make some big changes.Thanks,Ben.Ben Drake:Ben Drake:Thank you.Thank you.take immediate actiontake immediate action not to burn coal in their homesnot to burn coal in their homes move away from city centres move away from city centres reduce smog reduce smogimpr

24、ove air qualityimprove air qualityreplace coal with cleaner forms of energyreplace coal with cleaner forms of energy new new energyenergy-efficient-efficient vehiclesvehiclestechnologytechnologyEveryone knows that There is no doubt that.Most people think that.We all know that As is known to all,.It

25、is obvious that Work in groups.Discuss the questions.The expressions in the Work in groups.Discuss the questions.The expressions in the box may help you.box may help you.Referring to common knowledgeReferring to common knowledge1.Have you experienced heavy smog where you live?Have you seen photos of

26、 big cities under clouds of smog?What is it like?2.What do you think are the major causes of smog in China?3.What measures have the government and citizens taken to help address the problem?Task 4Task 4Types of pollutionTypes of pollutionLondonLondonYour CityYour CityCauseCauseSolutionsSolutionscoal

27、coalRestricted burning Restricted burning coal and forced coal and forced factories to move factories to move away from away from city centercity centerWhat about your city?The video and pictures below can help youSmog in China:causes Smog in China:causes Vehicle emissions are the Vehicle emissions

28、are the major causes!major causes!Smog in China:measures Smog in China:measures Choose GreenGreen TravellingChoose ElectricElectric VehiclesMake Vehicles Restriction PolicyMake Vehicles Restriction PolicyPlant TreesPlant TreesTypes of pollutionTypes of pollutionLondonLondonYour CityYour CityMajor Ma

29、jor causecauseSolutionsSolutionscoalcoalrestricted burn coal and forced factories to move away from city centervehicle emissionsvehicle emissionsprefer green travelling;choose electric vehicles;make vehicle restriction policy;plant trees 1.Have you experienced heavy smog where you live?Have you seen

30、 photos of big cities under clouds of smog?What is it like?I have occasionally experienced heavy smog where I live.I have also seen pictures of heavy smog over cities.It is very thick and hard to see through.There is no doubt that it is not a good thing.2.What do you think are the major causes of sm

31、og in China?Industry and vehicles are the major causes of smog in China.3.What measures have the government and citizens taken to help address the problem?Most people think that pollution at a certain level is a necessary result of growth,but the government is taking measures to keep it in check by

32、developing green energy solutions and controlling factory and vehicle emissions.Words reviewsmog 烟雾severe problem严重的问题fossil fuel化石燃料order sb.to do命令某人做claim a life夺去一条生命an expert on.某方面的专家boom 繁荣发展restrict限制be harmful to 对有害advise sb.to do 建议某人做某事as concise as possible尽可能简洁contribute to 促成;有助于;导致combination 结合originate起源于Thanks


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