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1、2022届重庆市高三学业质量调研抽测(第二次)英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读理解China is one of the worlds ancient civilizations and has the earliest outstanding bronze casting technology. Here weve created a list of 4 museums where you can gain an in - depth understanding of Chinese bronze. Sanxingdui MuseumAddress: Sanxingdui R

2、uin Site, 133 Xian Road, Guanghan, Deyang, Sichuan provinceHours: Comprehensive Gallery (the first exhibition hall): 8:30-18:00; Bronze Gallery (the second exhibition hall): 8:30-18:30. Last tickets sold at 17:00. Closed on the morning of Chinese New Years EveTicket booking: 0838-5651526General admi

3、ssion: Gallery ticket 80 yuanNote: Children shorter than 1.2m (including 1.2m) can visit the gallery free of charge. The ticket must be used on the day it is sold and authorizes one visit to each gallery. National Museum of ChinaAddress: East side of Tiananmen Square, Dongcheng district, BeijingHour

4、s: 8:30-17:00 (no entry after 16:30)General admission: Free (passport required for entry), Closed Mondays (except for national holidays)E - mail: webmasterShanghai MuseumAddress: 201 Renmin Avenue, Huangpu district, ShanghaiHours: 9:00-17:00 (no entry after 16:00), Closed Mondays (except for nationa

5、l holidays)E - mail: webmastershanghai-museum.orgGeneral admission: free (a max of 8, 000 admitted daily)Hunan MuseumAddress: 50 Dongfeng Road, Changsha, Hunan provinceHours:9:00-17:00 (no entry after 16:00), Closed Mondays (except for national holidays) and the eve of Chinese New YearTel: (+86-731)

6、 8415833, 84475933E - mail: webGeneral admission: Free (passport required for entry)1Which museum should you choose for your family to visit next Monday?ASanxingdui MuseumBHunan MuseumCShanghai MuseumDNational Museum of China2What do these museums in this passage have in common?AThey are all free of

7、 charge.BThey all set a deadline for entry.CThey all lie in the south of China.DThey can all be available through E-mail.3In which part of a newspaper can you most probably read this passage?AScienceBTodays NewsCEntertainmentDHistory and CultureGrowing up in the South Central neighborhood of Los Ang

8、eles in the 1970s, Ghuan Featherstone only remembers riding a horse with his parents at a nearby park when he was eight years old. But ever since, hes been chasing that sense of freedom and power he felt on the horse that day. “I felt like I could conquer (征服) anything,” Featherstone, now 51, said i

9、n a Story Corps interview last month with Jordan Humphreys, a 13-year-old horseback rider. After serving in the Army for eight years, Featherstone remained determined to realize his childhood dream of becoming a cowboy. When he returned to Los Angeles, he learned to ride at stables (马厩,马训场) known as

10、 “The Hill” in Compton. Riders there would jump on their horse backs and take their horses into the city streets. In 2012, a fire burned down The Hill. What had become a shelter for youth was suddenly gone. Sensing the void (空缺) after the fire, Featherstone opened his own stables, Urban Saddles, in

11、2019 to create a space where he could teach kids like Humphreys to care for and ride horses. As a black man, Featherstone is against prejudice. People of color are often prevented from pop culture and historical representations of the cowboy. His stable has helped keep the cowboy lifestyle alive in

12、the streets. “Riding through the streets on horseback has given me a way to connect with others in the community,” said Humphreys. “It makes them happy seeing us on a horse and then they may be smiling, and I believe that when we come through, we give them a sense of hope.” he added. If theres one l

13、esson Featherstone hopes to convey to kids, its a respect for all life. “Were respecting the animals and were respecting each other,” he said.4What made Featherstone want to become a cowboy?AHis childhood riding experience.BThe duty of saving the world.CThe serving years in the army.DHis love to his

14、 parents.5What is mainly talked about in paragraph 3?AThe life of being a cowboy.BThe dream of being a cowboy.CThe course of opening Urban Saddles.DThe place of teaching kids like Humphreys.6Whats Featherstones real purpose of opening his own stables?ATo teach the black kids to ride horses.BTo help

15、the kids to learn to respect all life.CTo make money by teaching the kids to ride.DTo train the cowboys to become more hopeful.7Which of the following words may best describe Fetherstone?ASmart but careless.BDiligent and kind-hearted.CSlow but productive.DDetermined and broad-minded.Theres a child l

16、ike joy that comes with ordering something online whether it be clothes or kitchen stuffs. We sit anxiously refreshing the Postal Service or Express pages to see when our items will arrive, and we become overly excited, hopeful and anxious.According to Owen OKane, a psychologist and writer, even the

17、 smallest positive future events can motivate us when were feeling down especially during the pandemic, which has been filled with unexpected disappointments. Waiting for a parcel may not just represent an imagined positive future where you can control your needs for a book or toaster or shirt, maki

18、ng life feel more manageable, but can also serve as a temporary distraction from the boring life because it gives you something new to wake up to and get excited about.However, people went into a frenzy when the Postal Service announced that its mail delivery would become permanently slower. And the

19、n, many became worried about their items arriving on time, appearing broken, or simply not living up to expectations. A delayed package may seem insignificant to some. But for others, getting your hopes up only for them to be thwarted is anxiety and angering. OKane says these reactions are natural,

20、but telling about more deep-rooted internal issues in our lives that go beyond the delayed package. Its really symbolic about something bigger, psychologically, about the need to control and needing everything to be perfect.Its important to practice self-care and treat yourself with occasional gifts

21、. However, experts caution comfort shopping is only a temporary fix, which only helped you escape problems temporarily. “Shopping for and receiving an item is stimulating on some level, and also the most passive way to live,” OKane adds.8Why do we look forward to receiving packages based on the firs

22、t two paragraphs?AIt makes life easy to manage.BIt gives us something positive to expect.CIt distracts us from a better life.DIt helps us avoid unexpected disappointments.9What does the underlined phrase “went into a frenzy” probably mean?ACanceled their orders.BStood sill to call for their parcels.

23、CGot into a state of craziness.DRan into a postal service company.10What is OKanes attitude toward peoples reactions to the delayed package?AConcerned.BIndifferent.COptimistic.DPositive.11What exactly does the writer want to say in the last paragraph?AFind hope in your comfort shopping.BNever order

24、and track something online.CGo shopping for and receiving items occasionally.DLive actively and take actions to solve problems for good.Animal keepers use the term enrichment to describe the introduction of environmental stimuli into the surroundings of caged animals. In recent years, “environmental

25、 enrichment” also known as behavioral enrichment, providing animals with challenges, opportunities, and stimulation that are species-appropriate, has grown more popular in zoos and aquariums. A latest study does, however, identify potential to “diversify the enrichment types being supplied and the s

26、pecies being examined.”The study conducted by the University of Exeter and Sparsholt College, Hampshire, looked into whether zoo enrichment is based on evidence of what each species requires. It was discovered that this was true for specific animals as well as certain forms of enrichment, but the qu

27、antities of both could be larger, especially the samples of certain species of animals. “Based on our findings, we would encourage zoos to continue enrichment, but with a stronger emphasis on using available knowledge on what works for each species. Keepers should also consider what behaviors are be

28、ing taught and whether there is evidence that this behavior is normal and good in the long run.” stated University of Exeters Dr. Paul Rose. The research looked at a database of peer-reviewed works as well as two magazines for zoo workers. Almost 77 percent of the enrichment articles identified focu

29、sed on mammals, with 11 percent on birds, 6 percent on considerable species, 4 percent on reptiles, and only a few on some other species. This emphasis on popular species may result in greater and higher-quality enrichment for some species than others. Whats more, in the case of mammals, the applica

30、tion of biological evidence to inform this enrichment was inconsistent.There are many ways to enrich an animals surroundings such as adjusting animal care, forming social groups, and enhancing sensory stimulation. The purpose of any enrichment program should be to generate ideas for providing a spec

31、ies-appropriate stimulating environment that encourages positive behaviors while keeping in mind that both species and individuals will have varied demands.12What does the latest study mentioned in the passage want to figure out?AThe real situation of zoo enrichment.BThe final evidence of zoo enrich

32、ment.CThe possible future of zoo enrichment.DThe original purpose of zoo enrichment.13How did the writer prove his statement in paragraph 3?ABy giving a database.BBy doing persuasion.CBy discussing the data.DBy presenting an example.14What are not enough about the environmental enrichment according

33、to the passage?AThe lasting challenges and opportunities.BThe space of the zoos and the keepers knowledge.CThe enrichment types, the animal species and numbers.DThe stimuli the keepers give and the articles the keepers write.15Which could be the best title of this passage?AMore Zoo Keepers Should Be

34、 DevelopedBEnrichment of Zoos Could Be ExpandedCArticles on Enrichment Could Be PublishedDEnvironmental Enrichment Should Be Encouraged二、七选五Conflict between young children in any childcare setting is unavoidable. There will always be tension arising from negotiations over toys, friendships, roles an

35、d so on. _16_ But when children are supported to resolve conflict in a positive way, it can also lead to fantastic learning experiences. First of all, its helpful to set some clear rules for your children. _17_ They could include things like each child will get a turn to give their side of the story

36、. Actually, even very small children are capable of resolving their own conflicts, and if possible should be left alone to do so. That will give them the best learning experience of all. _18_ If a child is being hurt, or getting particularly upset, or the conflict is out of control in some other way

37、, obviously you need to step in. _19_ Gather the children together again and restate what happened; get the children to describe it in their own words. Ask them to come up with some ideas about how they might be able to avoid that particular conflict happening again and resolve it by themselves next

38、 time. There are all kinds of reasons why some children are more likely than others to get into conflict on a regular basis. _20_ For example, reinforce (强化) their positive behavior through descriptive praise, reward charts and so on, but also through more careful observation.AThese children may nee

39、d extra support.BKeep the rules simple and understandable.CHowever, intervention will also be necessary.DThey may well manage to avoid the crisis by themselves.EThis can be challenging for childcare workers to deal with.FIf it is practical or necessary, move the children away and keep quiet.GThen it

40、 would be useful to reshape the learning experience after the conflict.三、完形填空Black people left the South for multiple reasons, including severe Jim Crow laws that denied black people their civil rights and economic conditions that made advancement next to impossible. They saw _21_ for them to get in

41、 northern cities, where workers were needed during labor shortages _22_ by World War I. Between 1915 and about 1960, northern industrial cities _23_ five million black people, becoming majority black. Many went to the northern city of Harlem - a New York neighborhood that had once been a rural _24_

42、white area. During a real estate crash at the turn of the 20th century, the _25_ of property became more willing to rent to black renters. Property values then _26_ as white residents attempted to offload their real estate and move away. _27_, the area became majority black, and Harlem tuned into an

43、 attraction for migrants _28_ economic chance and a rich cultural and social life. These _29_ werent just from the American South: A group of people came from Caribbean countries like Jamaica, Antigua, and Trinidad, _30_ economic downturns because of the decline of sugar prices throughout the West I

44、ndies. That cultural _31_ stimulated new types of expression and thought. Promoted by black churches and businesses, Harlem _32_ life. There, a poor black worker could brush _33_ with educated, wealthy black residents. They could take part in entertainment by black people, for black people. The Jama

45、ica - born black, Marcus Garvey, even _34_ the Universal Negro Improvement Association to _35_ racial pride and economic independence.21AguiltBabilityCelectricityDopportunity22AcausedBstoppedCchangedDimproved23AadjustedBabsorbedCabandonedDadvertised24AemptyBhungryCwealthyDtemporary25AownersBcreators

46、CdonatorsDconsumers26AdroppedBrecoveredCdoubledDexploded27AEnormouslyBEventuallyCEspeciallyDExceptionally28Ain charge ofBin defence ofCin advance ofDin search of29AtravelersBdefendersCentertainersDnewcomers30AresearchingBobservingCescapingDexploring31AmixtureBfutureCadventureDdeparture32Awas bored w

47、ithBwas filled withCwas loaded withDwas decorated with33AarmsBfacesChandsDshoulders34AaccusedBfoundedCdiscoveredDcertificated35AjudgeBcontrolCsupportDforgive四、用单词的适当形式完成短文阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当单词或括号内单词的正确形式。As the world sees more and more extreme weather patterns, it is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the effects of climate change. It is now _36_ common topic of discussion and has even found is way into the books we read. Because of his, a genre (类型) _37_ (call) climate fiction, or cli -


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