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1、2022届天津市部分区高三下学期质量调查(二)英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单项选择1Shall we go camping to celebrate our graduation of senior high? _ . Lets make a plan first.ANo wayBGood ideaCIts nothingDI dont think2_ well do is to leave a note for Mum to tell her we wont be back till late.AThatBWhichCWhatDHow3Success is the sum o

2、f small efforts, _ day in and day out.ArepeatBto repeatCrepeatingDrepeated4Alices Adventures in Wonderland, has inspired the imagination and creativity of generations around the world since it _ into different languages.AtranslatedBhas translatedCwas translatedDhas been translated5Tom tried hard to

3、_ his book, but his thoughts kept flying back to the movie.Aconcentrate onBsettle forCgive upDtake down6When I was talking, Mrs. Southern listened keenly, _ breaking in with relevant questions.AeventuallyBrepeatedlyCoccasionallyDimmediately7Those _ achieve great things are the ones willing to be sca

4、red but not scared off.AwhatBwhoCwhichDwhom8Do you feel much better now?Yes. The medicine does work _ emotional and mental health.Ain case ofBbecause ofCas a result ofDin terms of9Knowledge is of no value _ you put it into practice.AifBuntilCalthoughDunless10I _ for over 40 minutes, but my food stil

5、l isnt ready.Aam waitingBhave been waitingCwas waitingDhad waited11After winning Chinas first ever Olympic gold medal in snowboarding, Su Yiming, encouraged other youngsters to _ their goals.AapplyBpursueCadaptDchange12Bing Dwen Dwen, has a massive fan base, and people are going crazy for products t

6、he smiling panda.AfeaturingBfeaturedCto featureDfeature13This _an improvement, but “breakthrough” was an overstatement.Acan have beenBshould have beenCmay have beenDneed have been14Lily is so _ . She is always making you feel you can talk quite naturally to her.AcriticalBavailableCmagnificentDdramat

7、ic15There is good news for you. Youve been admitted to the Tianjin University. _ Thats great!AHave I?BPardon?CCongratulations!DGood idea!二、完形填空Emily Bhatnagar, a 17-year-old-girl, developed serious health issues depression and anxiety. However, she found a way to _16_ that negative feelings into som

8、ething good. Books were her _17_, so maybe, she thought, she could help others who were _18_ challenges also escape into the pages of a book.This summer, she decided to start collecting new or lightly used _19_ for children of all ages, with the _20_ of distributing them to health-care services. Whe

9、n she initially wrote a _21_ asking for books on the neighborhood networking site Nextdoor, “I was only _22_ two to three responses,” she said. To her delight, hundreds of neighbors _23_ offered to support her book drive (捐书活动), and before long, “there were boxes of books just piled up at my front d

10、oor,” Bhatnagar said.On Oct. 5, Bhatnagar with her parents, _24_ 2, 215 books to the Childrens National Hospital in DC“Kids treated here will stay in the hospital for extended periods of time. Reading helps to _25_ them from the boring and fearful course and makes the time _26_quicker,” said Allie S

11、locum, doctor at the Childrens National Hospital. Likewise, staff at lnova Health System in Virginia are thrilled about the 1, 400 _27_ books Bhatnagar dropped off on Sunday. “A book is super _28_. It is a small thing that can have a big _29_,” said Fadi Saadeh, senior director at the Inova Cares Cl

12、inic for Families. The _30_ Bhatnagar gets from collecting and donating books is, “Brilliant,” She said, adding that she also buys books to contribute to the initiative, using _31_ she earns while working at her familys bread shop. “The book drive gives me a sense of _32_.” Since the start of her bo

13、ok gathering, “she has come _33_ her shell so much, I feel so _34_ of her, and I am sure all those kids are enjoying those books as well,” said her mother. “Its like she found her voice, and its so beautiful to see her using it to _35_ joy.”16AimpressBchannelCinformDnarrow17AcompanyBwisdomCimaginati


15、26Agive outBfall onCgo byDuse up27AdonatedBbrokenCvirtualDdramatic28AluxuryBvaluableClimitedDfriendly29AmouthBchanceCimpactDquestion30AfeelingBreportCfameDstuff31AburdenBpraiseCoptionsDtips32AsafetyBpurposeCrealityDhumor33Aout ofBintoCoverDdown34AcertainBproudCawareDcapable35AexpressBspreadCkeepDdec

16、rease三、阅读理解Stanford Summer Session provides high-achieving and ambitious students with a transformative educational experience at a world-class university. Here is a list of the courses. Cellphone Photography Instructor:Yanez, V Course Description: The course combines critical analysis of cellphone

17、photography with the creation of photographic artworks that explore this specific mediums experimental, social and documentary potential. Note:No lab fee. Limited enrollment (注册人数). Attendance at the first class required. Enrollment will be determined at the first class meeting. Human Rights and Wor

18、ld Literature Instructor: David Palumbo Lui Course Description: This course has two components. The first will be a set of readings on the history of modern human rights. These readings will come from philosophy, history, political theory. The second component consists of novels and films that come

19、from different locations in the world, each telling a good story. Technology and Inequality Instructor: Jihye Lee Course Description: This course will provide an introduction to the social, politienl, and economic inequalities arising in the digital age. It also functions as an introduction to entry

20、-level data science whereby you develop basic programming skills and apply them to present your group project. No previous programming experience is necessary. Public Speaking: Romancing the Room Instructor: James Wagstaffe Course Description: A practical approach to the art of public speaking. The

21、course aims to develop skills in speech types including those used for personal communication, interviews, demonstrations, persuading, and special occasions. Materials include video tapes, texts of famous speeches, and a final dinner program of speeches. Students evaluate presentations by others. 55

22、 materials fee.36What should students taking Yanez, Vs class keep in mind?AThey must show up at the first class.BThey will be charged for using labs.CThey should have programming experience.DThey need to bring their photographic works.37The readings on the history of modern human rights will NOT com

23、e from_.AphilosophyBhistoryCpsychologyDpolitical theory38What is Jihye Lee expert at?ACellphone photography.BSocial psychology.CMovie review.DComputer science.39What will James Wagstaffe teach students?ATo make wonderful videotapes.BTo give public speeches skillfully.CTo organize successful dinner p

24、arties.DTo write about their personal experiences.40Which course charges materials fee?ACellphone Photography.BTechnology and Inequality.CHuman Rights and World Literature.DPublic Speaking: Romancing the Room.Sara Kays, a 22-year-old girl, is a rising star on online video sharing platforms. She not

25、only uses TikTok to promote her music but also posts songs to get feedback from her followers.“Its been cool to engage with people that way” said Kays, who has been using online platforms to pursue her music dream to maximum effect. Now, she is a TikTok celebrity with about 1.3 million followers. Sh

26、e released her breakup song Remember That Night? in November 2020. The post blew up, getting almost three million views in a matter of days.Kays has loved singing since she was young. At 11, she got a guitar from her mother and then started to sing while playing. Gradually, people started asking her

27、 to play at restaurants and she also started to post some live videos on YouTube, gaining her more and more followers. At 17, Kays turned to songwriting to help her deal with the confusion of adolescence and serve as an outlet for her thoughts and feelings.“I feel very blessed to have the opportunit

28、y to release songs and that all these people are listening to them online,” said Kays. “Its been amazing.”Different from other content creators who update their content frequently, Kays updates on a weekly basis and only posts videos about her songs and related stories, such as singing, playing the

29、guitar or ukulele, shooting music videos. Her videos are always concise and simple, the recording process is pretty simple too: she edit the vocals and video in her room.Now, Kays has signed with a music company. In Kays eyes, people like her songs and videos because she exemplifies the ideal packag

30、e for a TikToker: Relatable, authentic and youthful. “I just sing and share my feelings about divorced parents, body image, loneliness and mental health,” said Kays. “I want more people to know theyre not alone with the struggles in their lives.”41For what purpose does Kays use TikTok?Arelaxing hers

31、elf.Blearning the fashion.Cchatting with people.Dchasing her dream.42What does the underlined phrase “blew up” in paragraph 2 probably mean?AWas almost ignored.BReceived a lot of criticism.CSuddenly became popular.DConfused people.43Why did Kays start to write songs?AShe hoped to make money by writi

32、ng songs.BShe wanted to find an outlet for her feelings.CHer followers asked her to write songs for them.DShe wanted to help teenagers with their difficulties.44According to Kays, why do people like her songs?AShe updates her songs frequently on video platforms.BHer music videos are simple and conci

33、se.CShe posts the recording process for her songs.DHer songs express feelings felt by many young people.45Whats the best title for the text?ASongs from the heartBWays to use TikTok wellCThe popularity of TikTokDA lucky girlLikely to suffer from loss of memory from time to time? Smart cameras can now

34、 remind you. Khai Truong at the University of Toronto in Canada and his colleagues have created a smartphone app that records interactions with household objects. The system involves a barcode-like markers that the user sticks to objects whose use they would like to track. With the smartphone worn a

35、round your neck, the app automatically records a short video clip when a marked object comes into view. “The user is able to look through the application and see the last time they interacted with it.” says Truong. The app can help people track the state of objects such as whether they locked a door

36、 or switched a light off as well as routine actions. At present it successfully records about 75% of interactions, but only works for fixed objects. A similar but separate system can solve the problem. E. Akin Sisbot and Jonathan Connell at IBM Research in New York have invented a ceiling-mounted (安

37、装在天花板上的) camera that monitors objects and people. It continuously watches an area such as a tabletop in your home, tracking the placement of objects in relation to one another. It also remembers who first brought an object into the field of view as well as anyone moved it for afterwards. When asked,

38、 “Where is my wallet?” the system might respond, “It is next to the vase, under the magazines.”The camera could also be used in factories or operating theatres to track a vital tools, says Sisbot. For now, the camera uses a deep sensor to spot things. It is limited to detecting objects thicker than

39、3 centimeters, meaning that it has trouble with thin objects such as a closed laptop placed flat on a table. The accuracy of such smart camera systems may need to improve before they are widely adopted. “Youve got to trust the technology for it to be of any comfort or reassurance.” says Geoffrey War

40、d at the University of Essex in UK.46How does the smartphone app mentioned in Paragraph 2 work?ABy switching of electricity automatically.BBy scanning barcodes of household objects.CBy recording the movement of marked objects.DBy informing owners of potential dangers.47The smart cameras may be desig

41、ned for_.Alazy studentsBthe blindCyoung adultsDforgetful people48What is the limitation of the ceiling-mounted camera?AIt is unlikely to make a sound.BIt is unable to recognize movable objects.CIt fails to find objects thinner than 3 centimeters.DIt hardly senses objects without barcode-like markers

42、.49What is Geoffrey Wards attitude towards smart camera systems?ANeutral.BSupportive.CSkeptical.DOpposed.50What is the best title for the text?ANew smartphones make life easierBCamera designers face new challengesCSmart cameras help inerease home securityDNew systems help people with memory problems

43、“Girls are weak, and boys are strong. This is what is being subconsciously communicated to hundreds of millions of young boys and girls all over the world, just like it was with me,” said American actor Justin Baldoni. As a boy, all he wanted was to be accepted by other people. That acceptance meant

44、 he had to pretend to be strong when he was weak, confident when he felt insecure, and tough when he was actually hurting.Is that a healthy lifestyle? A member of the CPPCC Standing Committee might say “yes”. In his proposal, he spoke of a need to “prevent the feminization of male youths”. In respon

45、se to his call, Chinas Ministry of Education has recently demanded that schools should hire more physical education teachers and improve teaching methods to cultivate masculinity in students.The response has been widely debated online, with many people saying that it reinforces gender stereotypes. T

46、he state broadcaster CCTV wrote on its Weibo account, “Education is not simply about cultivating men and women. Its more important to develop a willingness to take responsibility.” You might be wondering now: What is masculinity, and why is this so controversial?Well, by itself, “masculinity” refers to the qualities traditionally considered to be typical of men. While there is not really a single “correct” set of qualities, the term is ofte


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