1、身体部位I have a I have a.acheacheheadheadacheachetoothtoothacheacheacheacheacheacheacheacheacheacheacheacheacheacheacheacheacheache01Su Hai is ill.WWhats wrong with you?hats wrong with you?WWhats the matter hats the matter with you?with you?当别人不舒服时怎样问?你怎么了?你怎么了?WWhats wrong with Su Hai?hats wrong with
2、Su Hai?She She hashas a headache.a headache.She feelShe feels s cold.cold.头痛头痛感觉冷感觉冷BrainstormingFeelFeelcoldhappy.illsickafraid02Mike has a toothache.WWhats wrong with you?hats wrong with you?WWhats the matter hats the matter with you?with you?当别人不舒服时怎样问?WWhats wrong with Mike?hats wrong with Mike?
3、He He hashas .He He .牙痛牙痛不能吃任何东西不能吃任何东西必会短语必会短语 havehave a headache a headachefeel coldfeel cold头痛头痛感觉冷感觉冷看医生看医生01020304050607080910hashas 牙痛牙痛不能吃任何东西不能吃任何东西必会短语必会短语010203Whats the matter with you?Whats the matter with you?我该怎么办?我该怎么办?必会句子必会句子A熟读课文,要求读至少3遍。B背诵10个短语及三个句子。C完成课本38页。HomeworkThank you very much for watching