Unit 6Language points(ppt课件)-2023新外研版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx

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1、Developing ideas(P68-69)Whats really green?B2-U6 Earth firstPassage 2:P68-70短语句式预习测查1.环保 _2.靠近你的住处_3.视情况而定。_4.使读者全面理解_5.了解,意识到_6.我们大多数人_7.采取措施节能_8.减少浪费和污染_9.对构成危险_10.误食塑料袋_11.塑料需数百年才分解。_ _12.正因如此_13.耗能为生产塑料袋的四倍_ _14.耗水多达三倍_15.不利环境,不环保_16.随身带个可重复利用的袋子_ _17.关掉设备_18.停止耗电_19.进入待机状态/模式20.在这种状态/模式下21.从流失2

2、2.确保你的设备真正关闭。23.从电源上拔下/移除插头24.常识25.是事物的生产过程,而不是其运输,消耗大部分能源的。26.在有些情况下27.遥远距离以外种植的农产品28.把考虑在内29.淋浴比泡澡更好?30.这取决于你淋浴的时间和你的浴缸大小。31.耗水量与泡澡一样多32.关键是要33.提高/增强环保意识34.值得审视一下习以为常的理念。35.了解/清楚这些环保真相36.更详细地描述37.以鼓励听众更环保的方式结束发言P68-70短语句式预习测查P68-70短语句式查找并标注校对1.be environmentally friendly2.near to where you live3.I

3、t(all)depends.4.give readers an overall understanding of 5.be aware that+从句/be aware of sth6.most of us/the majority of us7.take steps to save energy8.reduce waste and pollution9.be a danger to 10.mistake plastic bags for food11.It takes hundreds of years for plastic to break down.12.because of this

4、13.use 4 times as much energy as making a plastic bag14.use up to 3 times the amount of water 15.be bad for the environment/be not environmentally friendly16.take a reusable bag with you17.turn off the device/appliance18.stop using power19.go into stand-by mode20.in this mode21.leak from 22.Make sur

5、e your appliance/device is in fact off.23.remove the plug from its power mon sense25.It is the production of food,not its transport,that uses most of the energy.26.in some cases/situations27.produce grown a long way away28.take into account29.Is it better to take a shower than a bath?30.It depends o

6、n how long you spend in the shower and how large your bath is.31.use as much water as in a bath32.The key is to do 33.raise environmental awareness /raise awareness of environmental protection34.Its worth checking common ideas.35.be aware of the“green truths”36.describe in more detail37.end your tal

7、k by encouraging your audience to become“greener”P68-70短语句式查找标注校对_。Language PointsI.Most of us are aware that we must take care of the environment,and the majority of us take steps to save energy and reduce waste and pollution.翻译:1.aware adj.知道的,意识到的,察觉的 be aware of sth be aware that+从句 as far as Im

8、 aware 据我所知Are you aware that there is a danger?翻译:_?He was suddenly aware of the numbing cold._。我们大部分人都意识到要保护环境,也采取了各种行动节约我们大部分人都意识到要保护环境,也采取了各种行动节约能源,减少浪费和污染能源,减少浪费和污染。I.Most of us are aware that we must take care of the environment,and the majority of us take steps to save energy and reduce waste

9、 and pollution.翻译:1.aware adj.知道的,意识到的,察觉的 be aware of sth be aware that+从句 as far as Im aware 据我所知Are you aware that there is a danger?你知道有危险吗?He was suddenly aware of the numbing cold.他突然察觉到了这让人麻木的寒气。I.Most of us are aware that we must take care of the environment,and the majority of us take steps

10、 to save energy and reduce waste and pollution.2.majority n.多数,大多数(人或物)the majority of+集体名词,谓语动词用单数或复数 amajorityof+复数名词,表“许多”,谓语动词用复数例1:这个国家的大部分人口都住在城市里。Themajorityofthepopulationinthecountry _incities.例2:现在多数工人每周工作5天。Amajorityofworkersnow _ fivedaysaweek.I.Most of us are aware that we must take car

11、e of the environment,and the majority of us take steps to save energy and reduce waste and pollution.2.majority n.多数,大多数(人或物)the majority of+集体名词,谓语动词用单数或复数 amajorityof+复数名词,表“许多”,谓语动词用复数例1:这个国家的大部分人口都住在城市里。Themajorityofthepopulationinthecountry _incities.lives/live例2:现在多数工人每周工作5天。Amajorityofworkers

12、now _ fivedaysaweek.workI.Most of us are aware that we must take care of the environment,and the majority of us take steps to save energy and reduce waste and pollution.3.take steps to do 采取措施,采取行动(以)take measures to do 例:至于贸易,我们将采取措施,进一步扩大进口。As for trade,we will _ import more.take steps totake meas

13、ures to_。1.mistake.for 把错认为II.Plastic bags cause litter and are a danger to wild animals,which mistake them for food.It takes hundreds of years for plastic to break down,but much less time for paper.翻译:例:新来的人把你的讽刺误解为愤恨。New arrivals _ your sarcasm _ bitterness.塑料袋会变成垃圾,被野生动物误食后会对其造成伤害。塑料塑料袋会变成垃圾,被野生动

14、物误食后会对其造成伤害。塑料需要数百年才能分解,而纸的降解时间要短得多需要数百年才能分解,而纸的降解时间要短得多。1.mistake.for 把错认为II.Plastic bags cause litter and are a danger to wild animals,which mistake them for food.It takes hundreds of years for plastic to break down,but much less time for paper.翻译:例:新来的人把你的讽刺误解为愤恨。New arrivals _ your sarcasm _ bit

15、terness.mistakefor2.break down 分解;拆分;失控痛哭;出故障;摧毁,打破屏障II.Plastic bags cause litter and are a danger to wild animals,which mistake them for food.It takes hundreds of years for plastic to break down,but much less time for paper.例1:Because he was being so kind and concerned,I broke down and cried.翻译:_。例

16、2:She/Her car broke down on the motorway._。例3:Class barriers can be broken down by educational reform._。2.break down 分解;拆分;失控痛哭;出故障;摧毁,打破屏障II.Plastic bags cause litter and are a danger to wild animals,which mistake them for food.It takes hundreds of years for plastic to break down,but much less time

17、 for paper.例1:Because he was being so kind and concerned,I broke down and cried.翻译:_因为他那时对我那样友善关心,我失控哭了起来。例2:She/Her car broke down on the motorway.她的车在高速公路上突然抛锚了。例3:Class barriers can be broken down by educational reform.通过教育改革可以消除阶级障碍。III.It is the production of food,not its transport,that uses mo

18、st of the energy and produces most of the greenhouse gases.翻译:_。强调句的构成:强调句的构成:It is/was+被强调部分被强调部分(主主/宾宾/状状)+that/who+从句其他成分从句其他成分例1:我是读了这篇报道才意识到新型冠状病毒肺炎“Novel coronavirus pneumonia”(简称NCP)的危险的。_ after I read about the news report _ I was aware of the danger of the Novel coronavirus pneumonia,which

19、is short for NCP.例2:It is _ who/that _ protecting and saving the patients.是他们在保护和挽救病人。III.It is the production of food,not its transport,that uses most of the energy and produces most of the greenhouse gases.翻译:是食物的生产过程是食物的生产过程,而不是其运输而不是其运输,消耗大部分能源并产生大部分消耗大部分能源并产生大部分温室气体的温室气体的。强调句的构成:强调句的构成:It is/wa

20、s+被强调部分被强调部分(主主/宾宾/状状)+that/who+从句其他成分从句其他成分例1:我是读了这篇报道才意识到新型冠状病毒肺炎“Novel coronavirus pneumonia”(简称NCP)的危险的。It was after I read about the news report that I was aware of the danger of the Novel coronavirus pneumonia,which is short for NCP.例2:It is they who/that are protecting and saving the patients

21、.使他们在保护和挽救病人。_。take into account 考虑;重视IV.In some cases,local produce might have used more energy and produced more greenhouse gases than produce grown a long way away-even taking into account its transport.翻译:例:考虑一下别人的意见,将它们与你自己的意见结合起来。_ the views of other people and _ them _ yours.有些情况下有些情况下,即使将运输的

22、因素考虑在内即使将运输的因素考虑在内,本地的农产品也可能比本地的农产品也可能比远距离以外种植的农产品耗能更多远距离以外种植的农产品耗能更多,产生的温室气体也更多。产生的温室气体也更多。take into account 考虑;重视IV.In some cases,local produce might have used more energy and produced more greenhouse gases than produce grown a long way away-even taking into account its transport.翻译:例:考虑一下别人的意见,将它

23、们与你自己的意见结合起来。_ the views of other people and combine them with yours.Take into accountV.It depends on how long you spend in the shower and how large your bath is.翻译:_。depend on/upon 依靠;取决于依靠;取决于 1)That depends./It all depends._。2)You may depend upon it._。3)She came to depend on her daughter for support._。V.It depends on how long you spend in the shower and how large your bath is.翻译:这取决于你淋浴所花的时间和你的浴缸的大小。这取决于你淋浴所花的时间和你的浴缸的大小。depend on/upon 依靠;取决于依靠;取决于 1)That depends./It all depends.要看情况而定/得看具体情形。2)You may depend upon it.肯定无疑;放心好了。3)She came to depend on her daughter for support.她最终依靠女儿供养。


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