五年级英语下册教案-Module 3 Unit 1 She had eggs and sausages.(6)-外研版 (1).docx

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1、Module 3 Unit 1 She had eggs and sausages.一教学准备与分析:1. 教材分析:文本解读What: 本课的话题是询问和回答一日三餐,题材内容为Daming向Fanfan 描述自己收到的Lingling的电子邮件: Lingling昨天三餐的情况。 Lingling 喜欢英国食物, Daming 向Fanfan讨论传统的英国菜肴。本模块涉及到跨文化教育,学生简单了解中英食物及饮食习惯的对比。Why: 本课内容与学生生活联系非常密切,异国饮食文化是学生感兴趣的话题之一。通过课文学习及老师的异国饮食文化介绍,形成合理的跨文化心态,增强学生对祖国饮食文化的了解与热

2、爱,并帮助学生形成健康饮食情感态度 。How: 本课主要语言功能是询问和回答一日三餐,要求学生能运用一般过去式询问和回答一日三餐。通过课文中Daming向Fanfan 描述自己收到的Lingling的电子邮件:Lingling昨天三餐的情况,Lingling 喜欢英国食物, Daming 向Fanfan讨论传统的英国菜肴。这个背景故事,引导学生学习重点词汇:sausage, sandwich, fish and chips ,traditional, delicious, dish. 以及What did have for breakfast/lunch/dinner? hadfor.句型的运

3、用。学情分析:五年级的学生经过两年多的英语学习积累了一定的学习经验,课堂上能够积极与他人合作交流,也具备了一定的自主学习的能力。经过前面的学习,学生已经初步掌握了询问过去行为的表达方法,这些为本课学习奠定了良好的基础。本课的教学内容与学生的实际生活息息相关, 因而本课的教学内容对学生来说不难理解。全部学生掌握本课的新单词难度不大。通过课堂学习学生能够理解和运用本课新单词和句型。在教学中我设计了多种趣味活动,吸引全体学生积极参与到课堂活动中,培养学生的综合语言运用能力,激发他们的学习兴趣。2. 教学目标:A.知识与技能目标1. 学生能够懂、会读、单词sausage, sandwich, trad

4、itional, dish, delicious, fish and chips2. 全体学生能够听懂、会读、会说句子What did she have for breakfast? She had eggs and sausages. What did she have for dinner? She had fish and chips. 3. 了解英国的饮食,描述饮食习惯。B. 运用能力目标: 1.通过头脑风暴等活动使学生回顾或学习更多的有关食物的单词,并通过完成拓展阅读,写回信等方式运用语言交流。学生简单了解中英食物及饮食习惯的对比。2.能根据老师给出的拓展单词和句型对语言进行拓展运用

5、。C. 素质教育目标:(1)情感态度:通过课文学习及老师的异国饮食文化介绍,形成合理的跨文化心态,增强学生对祖国饮食文化的了解与热爱,并帮助学生形成健康饮食情感态度 。(2)策略目标:培养学生对所学的话题感兴趣,乐于参与,在活动中培养学生的合作行为。3. 教学重点:a. 全体学生能够懂、会读、单词sausage, sandwich, traditional, dish, delicious, fish and chipsb. 全体学生能够听懂、会读、会说句子What did she have for breakfast? She had eggs and sausages. What did

6、she have for dinner? She had fish and chips.并能进行扩展,在实际生活中灵活运用。教学难点:询问和回答一日三餐等句式在生活实际中的灵活运用。二 课堂教学程序教师活动学生活动设计意图Step1.Warming Free talk:T: Did you have breakfast this morning? What food did you have?引导学生用“I had .”来回答。Ss talk about what they had for their breakfast today.师生一起谈论昨天的晚餐,直入本课主题.Step2. Lead

7、ing in1. Guess game: What did Ms Ma have for lunch?Game “Yeah Yeah Yeah or No No No”2.T show the meals she had: sandwiches, sausages, fish and chips.Show ppt, teach the words.Students listen and guess.Students repeat after teacher.运用游戏引出新授单词sausage,sandwich,用自然拼读法引导学生提高单词识记能力与学习效率。Step3. Presentatio

8、n 1.In winter holiday, what did you have for three meals everyday?PPT show traditional Chinese food.Ss learn the word: “traditional”2.Pair workSs talk: In winter holiday, what did you have for breakfast / lunch / dinner? I had. for.Ss enjoy pictures about traditional Chinese food, and learn the word

9、s: traditionalSs talk about their meal during the winter holiday, with the main sentence: I had . for.Ss do pair work.正值寒假归来,结合生活实际,引导学生谈论假期饮食,并通过中华美食精美的图片,营造交流氛围。对本课重点句式进行基础对话练习,为后面的拓展输出做铺垫。Step4. Text learningYou had delicious food, our old friend Lingling also had delicious food. Look, Daming got

10、 an email from Lingling.T shows PPT.1. Listen and answer:Qs: What is the email about?Does lingling like it?2. Watch the video, answer: What did Lingling have for breakfast / lunch / dinner?Circle the pictures.3. Read after the tape, answer the questions.4. Ss read the text together.Ss listen to the

11、text and answer.Ss watch the video and circle the pictures.Ss answer.Ss answer the questions.Ss repeat.Ss read together.学生带着问题听课文,初步感知整篇课文。通过观看课文视频,以及循序渐进的问题设置,让学生们对文本有了更直观深入的学习和理解。通过听录音跟读课文,回答问题,鼓励学生质疑、探究、解疑,引导学生学会自主互助学习,培养学生的观察力,激发学生的学习兴趣。Step5. Task for extending1. PPT shows traditional English f

12、ood. T teaches the words: delicious and talk their favourite English food.2. Task one:Ms Ma had too much English food, like fish and chips and so on, Ms Ma is fatter than before. Do you have any suggestions?Ss talk in four.3. Task two :Read and match the short passages with the countries.In these pa

13、ssages, which country do you think has the healthy diet?Ss see and scan pictures about English food and try to talk their favourite English food.Ss give their suggestions.Ss read the passages and match them with correct countries.Ss talk about the healthy diet in their opinion and why. 引出traditional

14、 English dish,通过课件展示英国传统美食,对比中英传统食物。达成“乐于了解外国文化和习俗”这一目标。设置任务型活动,给吃了很多甜食和油炸食品而发胖的Ms Ma 提中肯建议,通过活动,引导学生自主总结如何合理饮食,是对学生思维品质的渗透和培养。Step6. ConclusionToday, we learn how to ask and answer about meals. Look, in Linglings email, she said she had . for.Help Ss retell according to the blackboard design.Ss try to retell with teachers help.师生共同对课文进行小结,深化课文,引导学生树立健康饮食的意识,渗透情感教育。Step7 Homework1. Read the text for three times.2. Ss phone one friend, make a survey(调查), then write an email to teacher.Students note down the homework.让学生在课后巩固本课语言知识点。


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