Unit 5 A delicate world Understanding ideas 语言点(ppt课件)-2023新外研版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx

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Unit 5 A delicate world Understanding ideas 语言点(ppt课件)-2023新外研版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx_第1页
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Unit 5 A delicate world Understanding ideas 语言点(ppt课件)-2023新外研版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx_第2页
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1、1.1.Strong windsStrong winds and stormy seasstormy seas have helped sculpt its long,thin shape.strong windsstrong winds 强劲的风强劲的风 stormy seasstormy seas 波涛汹涌的大海波涛汹涌的大海Translation强风和波涛汹涌的大海将海岛塑成现在狭长的形状。强风和波涛汹涌的大海将海岛塑成现在狭长的形状。2.The green grass and bare rock of its landscape contrast dramaticallycontras

2、t dramatically,giving it a wild and natural beauty.contrast dramaticallycontrast dramatically 对比鲜明对比鲜明 contrast contrast vi.vi.熟词生义熟词生义(靠近或作比较时靠近或作比较时)显出明显的显出明显的 差异;形成对比差异;形成对比Translation绿草和光禿的岩石形成的景观反差巨大绿草和光禿的岩石形成的景观反差巨大,使海岛呈现出使海岛呈现出一种狂野和天然的美。一种狂野和天然的美。3.Nor would they fail to imagine how its nativ

3、e native inhabitantsinhabitants including royal penguins,king penguins,and elephant seals existed inin perfect harmony withharmony with their natural habitat for thousands of years.u fail v.fail v.失败失败;不及格不及格;出故障出故障;使失望使失望;使无能为力使无能为力 fail to do fail to do 未能未能;不能;不能 fail in fail in 在在方面失败;考试不及格方面失败;

4、考试不及格 native inhabitantsnative inhabitants 本土动物;本地居民本土动物;本地居民 in harmony with.in harmony with.与与协调;与协调;与和睦和睦lI failedfailed to persuade him out of smoking.lHe failedfailed(in)the competition,feeling sad.lThe examiners failedfailed over half the candidates.lThe brakes on my bike failedfailed halfway

5、down the hill.lHer eyesight isis failingfailing owing to using the Internet too much.lWhen he lost his job,he felt he had failedhad failed his family.lWords failfail me to express my great gratitude.lThe crops failedfailed again last summer.lMany small companies have failedhave failed during the pan

6、demic.未能做成某事未能做成某事不过关;不及格不过关;不及格判定不合格判定不合格出故障出故障健康衰退健康衰退使失望使失望无能为力无能为力歉收歉收破产破产nor+nor+部分倒装句部分倒装句具有否定意义的副词放在句首时,句子要用部分倒装具有否定意义的副词放在句首时,句子要用部分倒装结构。结构。nornor 为为否定词,常见否定词,常见结构为结构为:Nor Nor+助动词助动词/be/be动词动词/情态动词情态动词 +主语主语 +谓语谓语 +其它其它成分成分句型变换He didnt quit his job,and he wasnt fired either.=He didnt quit th

7、e job,and nor was he firednor was he fired.他们那时无法理解这件事,我们也理解不了。They couldnt understand it at the time,and nor/neither could wenor/neither could we.具有否定意义的副词具有否定意义的副词never,seldom,little,few,rarely,nowhere,not until,never,seldom,little,few,rarely,nowhere,not until,hardlywhen,no sooner than,not only bu

8、t also,hardlywhen,no sooner than,not only but also,in no way,by no means,under no circumstances,in no way,by no means,under no circumstances,etc.I have never seen such a moving film.NeverNever before have I seenhave I seen such a moving film.We will by no means give up.By no meansBy no means will we

9、 give upwill we give up.I had hardly entered the classroom when the bell rang.HardlyHardly had I enteredhad I entered the classroom when the bell rang.3.Nor would they fail to imagine how its native native inhabitantsinhabitants including royal penguins,king penguins,and elephant seals existed inin

10、perfect harmony withharmony with their natural habitat for thousands of years.Translation他们也不难想象出他们也不难想象出,数千年来数千年来,包括帝企鹅、王企鹅和象包括帝企鹅、王企鹅和象海豹在内的当地动物是如何与其自然栖息地完美地和谐海豹在内的当地动物是如何与其自然栖息地完美地和谐共存的。共存的。4.But the islands more recent history tells a tells a different storydifferent story.tell a different story

11、tell a different story 说的情况迥然不同说的情况迥然不同5.It a tragic story that began in 1810 when humans arrived on the island.In their ships they unknowingly brought rats and micerats and mice.rats and micerats and mice 大大小小的老鼠大大小小的老鼠6.These small animals quickly took overtook over the island,eating the birds egg

12、s and attacking baby birds.take overtake over 接管;接手接管;接手7.Unfortunately,the cats subsequently developed an developed an appetiteappetite for for the birds,too.have a good/poor/no appetite have a good/poor/no appetite 胃口好胃口好/胃口不好胃口不好/没有胃口没有胃口 develop an appetite for.develop an appetite for.对对有胃口有胃口 h

13、ave an appetite for.have an appetite for.渴望渴望 have no appetite for.have no appetite for.不喜欢不喜欢8.Meanwhile rabbits were introduced towere introduced to the island as a source of food for humans.be introduced to be introduced to 被引入被引入/进进.9.Loose on the island,they did what rabbits do best-they multip

14、lied rapidly and began eating the native vegetation and digging holes,which caused soil erosion.Translation由于在岛上放任其生存由于在岛上放任其生存,兔子做了自己最擅长的事一一飞兔子做了自己最擅长的事一一飞快地繁殖快地繁殖,它们开始吃当地植被并挖洞它们开始吃当地植被并挖洞,造成了土壤侵蚀。造成了土壤侵蚀。10.The exploding rabbit population provided plentiful food for the cats,meaning thatthat the t

15、he number ofnumber of cats also increased.11.This in turnin turn led toled to more cats hunting the birds.The end result was that parakeets once large in number and native to the island,died outdied out in 1891.in turnin turn 反过来;转而反过来;转而 lead to lead to 导致导致 die out die out 灭绝灭绝12.Even after Macqua

16、rie Island became an official nature reserve in the 1970s,the rabbits remained out of controlout of control.out of controlout of control 失去控制;无法管理失去控制;无法管理13.Experts felt it necessary to come up withcome up with a plan to removeremove all the rabbits fromfrom the e up with come up with 想出;想起想出;想起 re

17、move.from.remove.from.使使.从从.消失消失15.The cats in consequencein consequence turned their attention-and their stomachs-back to the native birds,killing up to 60,000 each year.in consequencein consequence=as a consequence =as a consequence 结果,因此结果,因此14.But although the virus caused the rabbit population

18、to decrease from 130.000 to around 10.000,it also meant less food for the cats.u decrease/increase by decrease/increase by 减少了减少了/增加了增加了u decrease/increase to decrease/increase to 减少减少到到/增加增加到到u decrease/increase from.to.decrease/increase from.to.从从减少减少/增加到增加到16.In the 1980s trapstraps and dogs were

19、 used to catch the cats.u trap ntrap n夹子;陷阱;困境夹子;陷阱;困境vt.vt.使陷入困境使陷入困境 be trapped in.be trapped in.困在困在中;陷在中;陷在中中 trap sb.into(doing)sth.trap sb.into(doing)sth.诱使某人做某事诱使某人做某事17.It turned outturned out that they developed an immunity todeveloped an immunity to the virus,and their numbers exploded onc

20、e again.turn outturn out 原来是;证明是;结果是原来是;证明是;结果是 develop an immunity to.develop an immunity to.形成对形成对的免疫力的免疫力be/get caught/stuck inturnturn的相关短语的相关短语 turn off 关掉关掉;关上关上;关关;拐弯拐弯 turn up 开大开大;出现出现;来到来到;找到找到 turn down 关小关小;调低调低;拒绝拒绝;调小调小 turn over 移交移交;翻过来翻过来;仔细考虑仔细考虑;翻身翻身 turn back 回来回来;折回折回;翻过来翻过来;往回走

21、往回走 turn around 转身转身;转向转向;转过身转过身;转圈转圈18.Then,in 2006,the rabbits digging caused some land to collapse and killed a substantial number a substantial number of of penguins.This incident made it clear that the rat,mouse and rabbit problem needed solving once and for allonce and for all.a substantial nu

22、mber ofa substantial number of 相当多的;大量相当多的;大量 once and for all once and for all 最终地;最后地;彻底地最终地;最后地;彻底地19.So,I am here on Macquarie Island to participate participate inin the programme to tackle this very problem.participate in participate in 参与参与20.The next step is to remove the last remaining invad

23、ing speciesinvading species,and thats where I come in=with my dogs.invading speciesinvading species 侵袭性物种侵袭性物种21.This intervention is a long,much-delayed ending to a sad story,but we humans oweowe it to the island to give it a happy ending.u owe vowe v应该做;对应该做;对负有负有的义务的义务 owe sb.sth.(for sth.)owe sb

24、.sth.(for sth.)owe sth.to sb.(for sth.)owe sth.to sb.(for sth.)(为某事为某事)欠某人某物欠某人某物 owe.to.owe.to.把把归功于归功于 owing to owing to 因为;由于因为;由于22.In 2014,Macquarie Island was declared pest-free and the islands ecology is finally on the on the road to recoveryroad to recovery.on the road to recoveryon the road

25、 to recovery 走上复苏之路走上复苏之路Using languageu native native adj.adj.原产于某地的,当地的;出生地的原产于某地的,当地的;出生地的 n nCC出生于某国出生于某国(或某地或某地)的人的人;本地的动物本地的动物(或植物或植物)be native to.be native to.原产于原产于 ones native land/country/language ones native land/country/language 某人的故乡某人的故乡/祖国祖国/母语母语 a native of.a native of.本地人;产于本地人;产于的动

26、物的动物(或植物或植物)u absorb vt.absorb vt.吸收吸收(液体、气体等液体、气体等);吞并;理解,掌握;吞并;理解,掌握;吸引全部注意力,使全神贯注吸引全部注意力,使全神贯注 absorb.into.absorb.into.把把吸收进吸收进;将将并入并入 be absorbed in(doing)sth.be absorbed in(doing)sth.全神贯注于全神贯注于(做某事做某事)u feed on(feed on(动物动物)以以为食为食 feed sb./sth.on/with.feed sb./sth.on/with.feed.to sb./sth.feed.t

27、o sb./sth.用用来喂来喂/饲养饲养 be fed up with be fed up with 厌烦厌烦 live on live on 以以为主食;靠为主食;靠 生活生活 live by live by 靠靠过活过活u break downbreak down 分解分解;出故障出故障;(精神精神/身体等身体等)垮掉垮掉;(谈判谈判等等)破裂破裂He had to pause from time to time to wipe the sweat from his forehead,because the air-conditioning system broke downbroke

28、down.If Tim carries on working like this,hell break break downdown sooner or later.To understand the grammar of the sentence,you must breakbreak it downdown into parts.The two countries are going to meet to break break downdown some barriers to trade between them.(机器机器)出故障出故障(身体身体)垮掉垮掉分解分解消除消除 break

29、 upbreak up break in break into break out break off break through break away from 打碎;分裂;解体;结束;分手;放假打碎;分裂;解体;结束;分手;放假破门而入;打断(谈话等)破门而入;打断(谈话等)强行闯入;突然强行闯入;突然.起来起来(战争、火灾)爆发;发生(战争、火灾)爆发;发生(使使)分离分离;(;(使使)脱离脱离;停止停止;中止中止冲破障碍冲破障碍;(;(在某领域在某领域)有进展或突破有进展或突破脱离;挣脱脱离;挣脱u take intake in 吸收;理解;欺骗吸收;理解;欺骗taketake的相关短语的相关短语 take down 记下;取下;拆掉 take off起飞;匆匆离去;脱下;大获成功 take on 呈现;雇用;承担 take over 接收;接管;取代 take up 占去;占据;开始从事 take after 追逐;追赶


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