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1、重庆市南川区2021-2022学年七年级下学期期中英语试题一、听句子选答语1AThanks a lot.BThe same to you.CYoure welcome.2AGood idea.BYes, of course.CSee you.3AOK, lets go.BYes, Id love to.CThere are three.4AIm reading.BYou are right.CShe is drawing.5AShes from England.BIts easy.CThey can speak English.6AYes, she does.BNo, I dont.CYes,

2、 I am.二、听短对话选答案7What does Jim want to do? ATo do his homework.BTo play the guitar.CTo play ping-pong.8What does the girl often do at home?AWatch TV.BListen to music.CPlay computer games.9Where is Amys mother now?AIn the kitchen.BIn the bedroom.CIn the living room.10What day is it today? AFriday.BSat

3、urday.CSunday.11Where does the boy want to go? AThe Peoples Park.BThe Peoples Hospital.CThe Yimin Restaurant.12How does Chris usually go to school?ABy subway.BOn foot.CBy bike.三、听长对话选答案听对话,回答下列各小题。13What does Sally want to buy?ASome bread and bananas.BSome fish and chicken.CSome eggs and vegetables.

4、14Where is the supermarket?ANext to the bookstore.BAt the end of the street.CIn front of the community.听材料,回答问题。15How will they go to see a movie?ABy bike.BOn foot.CBy bus.16What time will they go?AAt 5:00 p.m.BAt 6:00 p.m.CAt 7:00 p.m.四、听短文选答案17The boy is talking about _.Ahis studyBhis classroomChi

5、s bedroom18There is a bookshelf _.Aon the right of the blackboardBat the back of the classroomCnear the window19_ is on the wall.AA pictureBA guitarCA clock20Mr. Zhong sometimes _ for the students in the class.Asings songsBplays the guitarCreads story books五、单项选择21Happy New Year!_AThank you.BThank y

6、ou all the same.CThe same to you.DAll right.22Do you usually go to school _?No, I often go to school _.Aon a bus; on footBby bus; on feetCby a bus; by footDon bus; on foot23_ good for you _ the old to cross the street.You are right.AIts; to helpBIts; to helpCThats; helpingDIt; helping24Dont listen _

7、 music _ class. A/, inBto, inCto, forD/, for25Look! What a mess! Your things are everywhere.Sorry, mom. Ill _.Aput it awayBput away itCput them awayDput away them26_ come downstairs and look at my beautiful garden?Good idea. Im coming.AHow aboutBWould you likeCWhy notDLets27How much water is there i

8、n the bottle?_AA few.BYou are right.COnly a little.DFive yuan.28Is there a clock _ the wall?No, there is _ next to my family photo on the desk.Ain, itBin, oneCon, itDon, one29What do you often do in your free time?I often _ books at home and now Im _ a novel (小说).Aread; readBreading; readingCread; r

9、eadingDreading; read30May I go and _ some English newspaper from the library, mom?Of course. But you can only _ them for a month and you must return them on time.Akeep, keepBborrow, borrowCkeep, borrowDborrow, keep六、完形填空Dear Tony, Im glad to get your letter and now I am writing this letter _31_ you

10、about my home in China.My home is in a small village _32_ the city, so we have to take a train there. I live in a house _33_ two floors. On the first floor, there is a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room. _34_ a study, three bedrooms and a bathroom on the second floor. In front of my house, there

11、is a beautiful garden. You can see all kinds of flowers and trees in it. Listen! Some birds _35_ in the tree. There is a pool behind my house. I can swim in it in summer. Now many people are moving from the villages to the cities _36_ cities are large, interesting and easy to find jobs. But I dont l

12、ike living there. It is noisy there and the _37_ there is heavy. I enjoy living in the countryside. The air here is fresh and life is _38_. People here are kind and we _39_ each other. We _40_ our town and we have a wonderful life here.Write to me soon about your home.Yours, Jane31AtellingBto tellCt

13、ellsDtell32Aclose toB500 kilometers far fromC500 kilometers away fromDaway from33AhasBhaveCis havingDwith34ATheresBItsCThere areDThey are35AsingingBsingsCsingDare singing36AbecauseBbutCsoDand37AaccidentBcost of livingCtrafficDpeople38AnoisyBquitCquietDboring39Alook forBlook afterClook atDlook like40

14、AlovesBdont likeCdislikeDlove七、阅读单选Notice Board(公告栏)Movie NightPlace: the City TheaterDay: on Sunday eveningTime: from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.Movies: Kungfu PandaPrice:5 for adult and 2 for childrenStamp ShowDo you want to see all kinds of beautifulstamps in the school art hall between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. ev

15、ery Saturday?Call 74118833 to ask Jenny for tickets.Free for all(There isnt any cost.)Room WantedLook for a quiet and clean room for two people about200 a month. Call Mary at 138-9878-6645 before 6 p.m.For RentSmall apartment for students50 a monthCall Mr. Brown at 139-0987-654341Between 6 p.m. and

16、9 p.m., you can _ .Awatch a movieBwatch a stamp showCsee all kinds of stampsDrent a house42If you want to rent a room, you can call _.AMaryBMr. BrownCJennyDwe dont know43If you and your sister go to watch movies with your parents, you need _.A12B7C9D14Two Americans travel in Spain. One morning they

17、come into a little restaurant because they want some milk and hamburgers. At first they speak “milk” many times and then they spell it, but the waiter can not understand (理解) them.In the end (最后), one of them takes out a piece (张) of paper (纸) and begins to draw a cow (奶牛). After drawing it, he give

18、s it to the waiter. The waiter has a look at it and runs out of the restaurant. “Do you see,” says one of the travelers, “Its very useful for a man like us! He understands!” For a short time, the waiter comes back again but brings no milk. He puts down two tickets for a bull-fight (斗牛赛) in front of

19、the two men.44What do they do to make the waiter understand them?speak “milk” many timesspell “milk”draw a picturegive a paper to the waiterABCD45What do the two Americans want to do?AThey want to travel in America.BThey want to have some milk and hamburgers.CThey want to draw pictures.DThey want to

20、 play a joke (玩笑) on the waiter.46Does the waiter understand them in the end?AYes, he does.BNo, he doesnt.CYes, he doesnt.DNo, he does.47Which of the following is RIGHT?AThey are in a restaurant to have supper.BThe two Americans got two tickets for a bull-fight.CThe pencil is really useful.DThe two

21、Americans live in Spain.In North America, most students go to school by bus. People also use the subway widely in some cities. In small towns and cities, walking is still popular.The yellow school bus is common (普遍的) all over North America. It is a very convenient (方便的) because it takes students to

22、the school gate. It also gives students opportunity (机会), but the bus is slow and does not always get to school on time.The subway is a way of going around quickly in many cities. However, the cost of it is too high and there are too many people on it during rush hour (高峰期). Another disadvantage (缺点

23、)of the subway is that the stops (站台) are not so close to the school, and students often have to walk a long way or take a bus from the subway stop to the school.Walking has many good things for people living close to school. Its free and it makes you do exercise (锻炼), but its not fun if you have a

24、heavy bag. Its also not good to walk in a heavy rain or on cold mornings.48For many students, the yellow school bus is convenient but it is _ .Atoo expensiveBslowCsometimes lateDB and C49Subways are quickly but the stops are a little _ the school.Aclose toBbusy forCfar fromDnext to50If you live clos

25、e to school, you can go to school _.Aby bikeBby subwayCby school busDon foot51Which of the following is not the disadvantages(缺点) of subway?_AThe cost is high.BThere are too many people.CStops are far from schools.DThey are too slow.Joe is ten years old, and he is a very lazy boy. He doesnt like doi

26、ng any work. He has to go to school, but he doesnt study hard there and does as little work as possible. His father and mother are doctors. They also want their son to be a doctor in the future(将来).But one day Tom says to his mother, “When I finish school, I want to be a dustman(垃圾工).”“A dustman?” h

27、is mother asks, and she cant believe(相信) it. “Why do you want to be a dustman?” “Because then I only have to work one day a week.” Joe answers.“Only one day a week?” his mother says, “What do you mean(意思)? And how do you know?”“Well”, Joe answers, “I know that the dustmen who come to our house work

28、on Thursday, because I only see them on that day.”52What is Joe like?AHe studies hard.BHe is lazy and he doesnt want to work hard.CHe is a boy and he works very hard.DHe is a clever boy.53What do Joes parents want him to be?AA dustman.BAn officer.CA doctor.DA teacher.54Which of the following sentenc

29、e is TRUE?AJoe is a good student and he always studies hard.BJoe wants to be a doctor in the future.CA dustman just works one day in a week.DJoes parents are both doctors.55Why does Joe think that dustmen only work one day a week?ABecause a dustman tells him.BBecause he hears of(听说) this.CBecause he

30、 doesnt like doing any work.DBecause he sees the dustmen only on Thursday at his house.In spring, everything comes back to life. People are easy to sleep and dream(做梦)at night. Today, some students talk about their interesting dreams in the classroom.Zeng Jingxian, 13, is a student in Guangdong. She

31、 seldom has dreams, but when she does, they are very strange. She tells us one of them. “I have a strange dream. In the dream, I skip a math class with my friends. We play on the playground. There are some strange things on the playground. We want to go back to the classroom but we cant!”Zhang Shiyu

32、an, from Shanghai, also tells us one of her dreams. “During the dream, I become a superman. I fight against monsters(怪兽). Also, I have many friends. We fight together. I think difficult things in the world are like these monsters. We can beat(打败)all of them and have a happy ending.”Wang Yidi is a su

33、per fan of Harry Potter. She says, “I always dream about him. In the dream, I can study in Hogwarts(霍格华兹魔法学校). I even sit next to Harry Potter. I am really excited. I go to the train station in my hometown, Hefei. But I cant find the right train. I dont know what to do. Finally, the train comes! But

34、 at that time, my mother calls me to get up!”56What doesnt Zeng Jingxian do in her dream?ASleep.BPlay on the playground.CCant go back to the classroom.DSkip a math class.57What does Zhang Shiyuan think of difficult things?AThey are like monsters and we cant beat them.BThey are superman and fight.CWe

35、 can beat them and have a happy ending.DThey are too difficult.58Whats the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “skip”?A路过B逃(学)C蹦D走过59Why is Wang Yidi really excited in the dream?ABecause he has a dream.BBecause he gets to the train station in his hometown.CBecause his mom calls him to get up.DBec

36、ause he sits next to Harry.八、补全对话7选5A: Joe, where is Class One?B: Oh, _60_A: P.E. class? _61_B: Thursday. They have a P.E. class on Thursdays.A: _62_B: Three times a week.A: What do they often do in P.E. class?B: _63_ They are good for health.A: _64_B: At half past ten.A: OK. Ill go and find them on

37、 the playground.AWhat time is it over?BWhat day is it today?CHow long do they have the class?DWhats the date today?EThey often run and play sports.FHow often do they have it?GThey are having a P.E. class on the playground.九、阅读回答问题Be a Better(更好)me!Two young Chinese names shone(闪耀)brightly at the Bei

38、jing 2022 Winter Games: skier Gu Ailing and snowboarder Su Yiming. They are both 18 years old, they get medals and make history. People think they are “prodigies(天才)”, but they dont think so.Gu was born(出生)in the US. She started to ski when she was 3 and began professional training(专业训练)at the age o

39、f 8. Now shes an Olympic champion(冠军), a fashion mode(模特), and going to Stanford University(大学)this Auturmn. How can she achieve(实现)those? “Only 1% of it came from my gift(天分),” said Gu. “People dont see how hard I train every day.”Su Yiming is a boy from Jilin. He began to learn snowboarding at the

40、 age of 4. In 2015, he knew that Beijing would hold(举行)the 2022 Winter Olympic Games. Su was in primary school(小学)then. “I tell myself that I must make it(成功)to my home Olympics.” Su says. It seemed(好像)impossible, but Su made it. “If you have a goal(目标), go for it!” Su says, “Hard work never cheats(

41、欺骗)you.”65Are Gu Ailing and Su Yiming both 18 years old?_66Where does Su Yiming come from?_67When did Gu Ailing start to ski?_68Do you want to be( 成为)a better you? How can you be a better you?_十、改写句子69Im drawing pictures at the back of the classroom. (改为否定句)Im _ pictures at the back of the classroom

42、.70Students always do some cleaning three times a day.(改为一般疑问句)_ students always _ some cleaning three times a day?十一、划线部分提问71Its about ten kilometers away from my home to school.(对划线部分提问)_ is it from your home to school?十二、同义句转化72How do you like your new teachers in the new school? (改为同义句)_ do you

43、think _ your new teachers in the new school?十三、完成句子73 过桥,你就会发现人民医院在你的左边。(完成译句)_ the bridge, _ youll find the Peoples Hospital on your left.十四、短文语境提示填空With the “double reduction” policy carrying out, students in China have a colorful life.On weekdays, students in junior school usually get _74_ later

44、than before. They can sleep for a longer time, but they must get to school _75_ 8:00 and you cant be _76_ for school. They _77_ to have classes at eight. In the morning, they usually have four or five classes. They learn Chinese, English _78_ subjects. Because of COVID-19, they have to take turns to have lunch. After lunch, they can do some sports such as _79_ ping-pong and basketball for an hour. Then the


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