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1、New Horizon College EnglishUnitLooking to the 21st Century9Section A河北经贸大学宋晓娜Teaching Objectives1.Enlarge vocabulary2.Talk about life in the 21st century 3.Learn to read for listing,citation and deduction organization4.Learn to write paragraphs of a topic supported by details Pre-reading ActivitiesV

2、ocabulary Expressions and patternsText analysis Test Exercises Section ASection AWarm up exercisesBackground informationBackground Information(1)We are living in a new economy-powered by technology,fueled by information,and driven by knowledge.The influence of technology will go beyond new equipment

3、 and faster communications,as work and skills will be redefined and reorganized for it has already changed the process of human civilization.Background Information(2)When looking into the 21st century,you may use your vivid imagination to picture your future life.What your future be?Entering the new

4、 millennium mankind seemed more focused on environmental,sociological and financial problems.Background Information(3)Twentieth century society was strongly influenced by the shock of the introduction of new inventions.Communication,the media,cinema and television caused global events to become the

5、concern of all the worlds population.In the remotest parts of the globe people know of life in modern societies,be it in a distorted manner through modern communications.Background Information(4)The society in our 21st century faces many changes and challenges,and may move in directions we have no i

6、dea of presently.We human beings should better prepare us for the 21st life both technologically and philosophically.Otherwise some day the globe may not be able to support its species and human society anymore.Background Information(5)Science is always wrong.It never solves a problem without creati

7、ng ten more.科学永远是不完整的。它每解决一个问题,又会产生十个问题。Warming-up Activities(1)Group discussion:1.What changes are likely to take place in the 21st century?2.What tool brings about major possible changes in the 21st century?3.Do you like those changes?Warming-up Activities(2)Choose or give the correct answer to ea

8、ch of the following questions according to what your read from the text.1.Who or what,according to the editor of the futurist,determines our future?_.A)Our fate B)We ourselves C)Forces beyond our control D)The future itselfBWarming-up Activities(3)2.Which if the following can not be done by computer

9、s?_A)Showing drivers the map of districts the car is going B)Diagnosing any problem with the car engine C)Taking the place of the driver D)Recording the passage of the car CWarming-up Activities(4)3.Which of the following will be the feature of management of the 21st century?_.A)General workers are

10、not needed B)Top managers will be more and more C)Specialists are likely to be top managersD)Levels of middle management will be on decreaseDWarming-up Activities(5)After reading the passage,answer the following questions:1.What was psychologist Arthur Kramers finding?2.What will the 21st century do

11、ctors depend on in their medical diagnosis and treatment?3.What will be more important to the success of a business?4.Will the environment in the future change for the better?Why?Warming-up Activities(6)After reading the passage,answer the following questions:5.How will computers help students in th

12、e future do their homework assignments?6.What do most doctors do now for the health of patients?Warming-up Activities(7)II.Read the following statements.Are they true(T)or false(F)according to the text?_1.Bosses could use frequent computer analysis of brain activity to tell whether their employees w

13、ork efficiently._2.When you are ill,you will have to go to see doctors by yourself in the future._3.In the future,everyone will be able to repair his car all by himself,for computers will tell how.TFFWarming-up Activities(8)_4.In the future if we want to get employed more easily than others wed bett

14、er arm ourselves with some specialized knowledge._5.Developing healthy lifestyles,such as exercising more and giving up smoking,is much better way for a person to keep healthy than taking pills.TTDevicesMain idea of the text and devices for developing itMain idea of each part and devices for develop

15、ing itNew words&TextTranscriptNew WordsTextMain ideaPart Part Part Part Part VPart VIPart VII Part VIII editor futurist publish impose fate volunteer arithmetic predict performance electrical analysis diagnosis treatment interact interactive alternative toll engine connection household security worl

16、dwide site museum facility database globe grocer groceries Internet purchase widespread percentage career management specialist protection pollution survive profit emit emission permit output carbon monoxide policy siege advertise ban pill tension prescribe diet impose on work on more and more pay f

17、or bill for start up on average at risk change from under siege St Edward Cornish Arthur F.Kramer New York London England Europe European GermanyBack1.Your Future The future does not determine itself.The actions of the present determine the future.Edward Cornish,editor of The Futurist magazine publi

18、shed by the World Future Society,says:“The responsibility we have for the future begins when we recognize that we ourselves create the futurethat the future is not something imposed upon us by fate or other forces beyond our control.We ourselves build the future both through what we do and what we d

19、o not do.”2.Your Brain Your brainwaves may be checked to see whether you are busy,tired or doing your work properly.Psychologist Arthur F.Kramer tested volunteers working on arithmetic problems.He could predict their performance from the strength of the brains electrical activity measured through th

20、e head.The future?Bosses could measure brain activity to learn worker quality.Frequent computer analysis could tell whether workers,like air traffic controllers,are seeing all activity clearly enough to monitor it properly.3.Your Doctor More and more,doctors will use visual information about your co

21、ndition from computers,instead of textbooks,for diagnosis and treatment.Home computers will enable you to answer interactive questions about your health and show the alternative results should you act in a certain way.4.Your Car Cars will be almost entirely controlled by computers.To pay for costs,c

22、ars will be billed for using high-speed toll roads.Computers will record the passage of the car and automatically take the money from the owners computer bank account.Computers will show drivers maps of districts the car is crossing on a small screen in the car.Computers will diagnose any problems w

23、ith the engine.Computer connections will list the nearest places of repair,tell the cost of newparts and the place where they can be bought.5.The Computer-Home More than half of the home computers sold in the United States in recent years will become essential to home life in the West.Future tasks c

24、omputers already do at home include:Computers turn on the lights,heating andessential household services before people arrive home from work.Computers control cooking,hot water,security.Computers enable homework assignments to be done with worldwide resources,using sites like museums and science fac

25、ilitiesaround the world.Homework help can come equally from the local library,or libraries and databases in places as far apart as New York and London,or from teachers and fellow students around the globe.Many shoppers order groceries at home through Internet suppliers and have purchasesdelivered.6.

26、The Workplace The changing face of work and the workplace is one of the most widespread influences in Western society.Women now form more than half the workers;the percentage is rising as they start up small businesses of their own,often working from home.People are changing careers on average every

27、 ten years now,instead of staying in a job for life.Increases in information and knowledge-based businesses are reducing levels of middle management.Top managers get all the information needed to work together with front-line staff.Specialists are becoming more important than general workers.7.The e

28、nvironment Protection of the environment used to be the concern of special groups.Now governments and businesses realize bad air and water pollution affect everyone,making it difficult for cities to survive and for businesses to make a profit.London,Englands biggest city,often suffers from air pollu

29、tion which causes more than 1,000 deaths a year.Especially the very young,the elderly and cigarette smokers are at high risk.Many European countries and the United States check vehicles for gas and smoke emissions to make sure the levels are below the permitted output.For example,Germany has 600 sit

30、es that monitor carbon monoxide.8.Your health Physical fitness and healthy lifestyles havechanged from fashion and hobby for a few to official policy for many businesses and governments.Smoking cigarettes is under siege as a habit.Smoking advertising is banned in many areas.Although pills for tensio

31、n,heart conditions,weight and other life-threatening conditionsare prescribed by Western doctors,most now require patients to develop healthy lifestyles by changing diets and exercising more to keep well.BackThe author looks into the 21st century from eight different angles of view and predicts the

32、important roles computers will play.Main idea of the text?Devices for developing it?Back Listing 列举法列举法1)Your future(Para.1-4)built through what we do and what we do not do.2)Your brain(Para.5-8)checked by computers to see whether you are busy,tired or doing your work properly.3)Your doctor(Para.9-1

33、1)will use visual information from computers for diagnosis treatment.Back4)Your car(Para.12-16)almost entirely controlled by computers.5)The computer-home(Para.17-21)will enable essential household services to be done by computers,such as cooking,security,shopping.6)The workplace(Para.22-27)one of t

34、he most widespread changes with increases in information and knowledge-based businesses.Listing 列举法列举法Back7)The environment(Para.28-31)will draw more and more of concern from governments and businesses for the sake of their survival.8)Your health(Para.32-35)will change from fashion and hobby for a f

35、ew to official policy for many businesses and governments.Listing 列举法列举法Back引证法 (Citation)To support his arguments,the author cites Edward Cornish(Para.3 and 4),Psychologist Arthur F.Kramers test(Para.7)and London(Para.30)and Germany(Para.31)as cases in point.Refer to Part I,Part II and VII for deta

36、ilsBack演绎法 (Deduction)For the further development of such subtopics as“Your Car”,“The Computer-Home”,“The Workplace”,and“Your Health”,the author employs the device of Deduction,by which he makes a logical combination of the general with the specific.Refer to Parts IV,V,VI,and VIII for detailsOur act

37、ions today determine our future.Quotation(引言法)引言法)(Para.3&4)Main idea?Devices for developing it?Part I(para.1-4)Part IIPart IIIPart IVPart VPart VIPart VIIPart VIIIBack Your Future:The future does not determine itself.The actions of the present determine the future.The author quotes Edward Cornish a

38、s saying:“The responsibility we have for the future begins when we recognize that we ourselves create the futurethat the future is not something imposed upon us by fate or other forces beyond our control.We ourselves build the future both through what we do and what we do not do.”Topic返回返回BackOnes b

39、rainwaves can be checked to measure ones work quality.Exemplification(例证法)例证法)Main idea?Devices for developing it?Question-raising(设问法)设问法)Paragraph 7 Paragraph 8 Part II(para.5-8)Part IPart IIIPart IVPart VPart VIPart VIIPart VIIIBack Your Brain:Your brainwaves may be checked to measure your work q

40、uality.The author cites an example(para.7)as follows:Psychologist Arthur F.Kramer tested volunteers working on arithmetic problems.He could predict their performance from the strength of the brains electrical activity measured through the head.Topic返回返回Back Your Brain:Your brainwaves may be checked

41、to measure your work quality.The author begins paragraph 8 with a question:The future?Bosses could measure brain activity to learn worker quality.Frequent computer analysis could tell whether workers,like air traffic controllers,are seeing all activity clearly enough to monitor it properly.Topic返回返回

42、BackDoctors will use computers to diagnose the disease.Listing(列举法)列举法)1.Doctors will use visual information for diagnosis and treatment.2.Home computers will enable you to answer interactive questions Main idea?Devices for developing it?Part III(para.9-11)Part IPart IIPart IVPart VPart VIPart VIIPa

43、rt VIIIBackMain idea?Devices for developing it?Your car will be almost entirely controlled by computers.Deduction(演绎法)演绎法)Paragraphs 14-16 Part IV(para.12-16)Part IPart IIPart IIIPart VPart VIPart VIIPart VIIIBack Your Car:Cars will be almost entirely controlled by computers.Computers will record th

44、e passage of the car and automatically take the money from the owners computer bank account.Detail 1Topic Computers will show drivers maps of districts the car is crossing on a small screen in the car.Detail 2 Computers will diagnose any problem with the engine.Computer connections will list the nea

45、rest places of repair,tellDetail 3返回返回BackMain idea?Devices for developing it?Computers will become essential to home life.Deduction(演绎法)演绎法)General statement:St.1 of Para.18 Specific statements:Para.19-21 Part V(para.17-21)Part IPart IIPart IIIPart IVPart VIPart VIIPart VIIIBack The Computer-Home:C

46、omputers will become essential to home life.Topic Computers turn on the lights,heating and essential household servicescontrol cooking,hot water,security.Detail 1 Computers enable homework assignments to be done with worldwide resources,using sites like museums and science facilities around the worl

47、d.Detail 2 Many shoppers order groceries at home through Internet suppliers and have purchases delivered.Detail 3返回返回BackMain idea?Devices for developing it?The changing face of work and the workplace is one of the most widespread influences in western society.General statement:Para.23Specific state

48、ments:Para.24-27Deduction(演绎法)演绎法)Part VI(para.22-27)Part IPart IIPart IIIPart IVPart VPart VIIPart VIIIBack The Workplace:The changing face of work and the workplace is one of the most widespread influences in Western society.Topic Women now form half the workers;the percentage is rising as they st

49、art up small businesses of their own,Detail 1 People are changing careers on average every ten years now,instead of staying in a job for life.Detail 2 Increases in information and knowledge-based businesses are reducing levels of middle management.Detail 3 Specialists are becoming more important tha

50、n general workers.Detail 4返回返回Back Main idea?Devices for developing it?More and more people turn their attention to environmental protection.Exemplification(例证法例证法)Part VII(para.28-31)Part IPart IIPart IIIPart IVPart VPart VIPart VIIIBack The Environment:More and more people realize the importance o


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