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1、人教版初中英语七年级下册Unit4SectionA巩固练习Unit 4 Dont eat in class.Unit 4 Section A巩固练习EXERCISES:一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填词。1.He is l to the news on radio.2.The school u are very nice.Students like to wear them.3.What clothes should I b ?4.Please w a hat when you ride a motorbike.5.Its boring.Lets go for a walk o .6.Ther

2、e are too many r in our school.7.We cant eat in the classroom.We should eat in the d hall.8.Tom often f with his twin brotherTim.9.The visitor will a at our city next Monday.10.It is very i for us to learn English well.11.There are many r in my family.12.We cant run after others in the (走廊).13.Jim,d

3、ont (打架)with your classmates.14.Its snowing now.Dont go (外面).15.Mike often a late for school.二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. (not be)late for class.2.He (have)to read English every morning.3.Do you have to (wear)school uniforms every day?4.Tony (not have) to come to school every day.5.Pleast (be)quiet in the libra

4、ry.三、用方框中的词或短语的适当形式填空。listen to,on time,arrive,wear,important1.We cant late for class.2.School rules are very to us.3.Jane always school uniforms.4.Please get to school .5.We cant music in class.in class,on time,have to,wear a unform,be quiet1.You should ,the baby is sleeping.2.She likes on school d

5、ays.3.We cant listen to music .4.Can I finish my homework tomorrow? I am afraid not.You hand it in today.5.You cant arrive late for class.You must be .四、单项选择。( )1. late for class again,Lily.A.Be B.Cant C.Dont be D.Dont( )2.Do you like music? A.listening to B.listening C.listen to D.hearing( )3.”Plea

6、se your homework to school.”Mr.Wang says.A.take B.make C.do D.bring( )4.Lily always goes to school .A.in time B.on time C.at times D.for time( )5.Tom home early every day.A,gets to B.arrives at C.arrives D.arrives in( )6.We mustnt fight our classmates.A.with B.to C.in D.at( )7.Dont run shout in the

7、classroom.A.and B.so C.or D.but( )8.Can I wear a hat in class? No,you .A.can B.do C.dont D.cant( )9.What you to do?A.can;have B.are;have C.do;have D.can;has( )10.Lily home on time.A.has to come to B.has to come C.have to come to D.have to come五、选词填空。1. (Can/Does)we eat in class?2. (Dont /Has to)wear

8、 a hat to school!3.Does Bill (have to/can)go to bed now?4.Francisco and Andrew (cant /doesnt)come.5. (Do/Have to)they wear sneakers?六、补全对话,选择适当的句子补全对话。A:Can we go to the movies tonight,Emily?B:No. 1 .A:Oh,I cant,either.I want to go out. 2 .B:3 I have so many rules in my family.A:Family rules?Like wh

9、at?B:I cant play with my friends after school.A:4 .B:Yeah,I have to go home by 5:30 and do my homework.A:Oh,I do, too.And I have to practice the piano every day.B:I dont have to wash my clothes.Do you have to wash your clothes?A:Yes,I do. 5 . A.So,your lucky. B.Really? C.I cant go out on school nigh

10、ts. D.But I have to stay at home. E.Its too bad.七、连词成句(注意大小写和标点符号)。1.late,dont, for ,school,arrive. 2.music,listen to,in the classroom,dont 3.eat,cant,in the classroom,we 4.sneakers,you,wear,for,gym class,have to 5.too,I ,many,rules,have ,in ,my home. 八、句型转换,每空一词。1.They must finish their work on Fri

11、day.(改为同义句) They finish their work on Friday.2.You cant take your computer game to school . (改为祈使句) your computer game to school .3.She has to write a letter to her pen pal. (改为一般疑问句) she write a letter to her pen pal?4.Run in the street. (改为否定句) in the street.5.Tom has to clean his room every day.(

12、对划线部分提问) Tom to every day?6.You cant eat in the classroom. (改为祈使句) in the classroom.7.Maria has to practice the piano on Sundays. (改为一般疑问句) Maria practice the piano on Sundays?8.Students can run and talk loudly in the hallways.(改为否定句) Students run talk loudly in the hallways.9.They have to clean the

13、 classroom.(对画线部分提问) they ?10.Run in the hallways.(改为否定句) in the hallways.11.I have to get up at six.(改为一般疑问句) you up at six?九、根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。1.别在课堂上吃东西。 .2.上学不要迟到。 school.3.不要在走廊里跑。 .4.我们能在课堂上听音乐吗?。 we ?5.我们总是得穿校服并保持教室安静。 We always school uniforms and in the classroom.九、书面表达。每所学校都有自己的规章制度,假如你是李明,下面是

14、你们学校的一些规章制度,请写一封电子邮件向你的笔友Tom作一下介绍。词数不少于50。1.上课不准迟到。2.课堂上保持安静。3.见到老师要问好。4.不许在教室里吃东西。5.不许在课堂上听音乐、玩游戏。Dear Tom, Yours, Li Ming(DearTom,Thanksforyourlastletter.Youwanttoknowtherulesinourschool.Nowletmetellyouaboutthem.Wecantarrivelateforclass.Wecanttalkloudlyinclass.Weshouldkeepquiet.Whenwemeetourteachersonourway,weshouldsayhellotothem.Wecanteatordrinkinclass,andwecantlistentomusicorplaygamesinclass.Ithinkwehavetoomanyrules.Whataboutyours?Pleasewriteandtellme.Yours,LiMing


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