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1、人教版四年级英语下册Unit1Unit3专项选择题1.That is the _office.A.teacher B.teachers C.teachers2._.Is this your new bag?A.Thank you B.Bye C.Excuse me3.Wheres the TV room?Its on the _floor.A.one B.first C.two4.Go to the_and read a book.A.playground B.library C.garden5.Is this the library?_.A.Yes,it isnt. B.No,it is.

2、C.No,it isnt.6.Heres _homework.A.my B.me C.I7.wheres the teachers office?Its _the library.A.to B.at C.next to8._Yes,we do.A.Do you have a playground? B.Is this your playground?C.Where is the playground?9.Go to the_.Play computer games.A.playground B.computer room C.music room10.This is my school._A.

3、Thank you. B.Cool. C.OK.11.We have _ art room.A.an B.a C./12._students are there in your school?Forty-five students.A.How much B.How many C.How old13.Xiao Min,is that your computer?_.A.Yes,it is B.Yes,Its not C.No,it is14._Thank you!A.This way,please. B.Sorry,I dont know. C.No,thanks.15.Go to the _a

4、nd borrow(借)a book.A.gym B.garden C.library16.Is that the music room?_A.I like it. B.No,it isnt. C.Its a computer.17.The gym is _the playground.A.next to B.next C./18.The teachers office is _floor.A.the first B.first C.on the first19._is Sarah?She is in the library.A.What B.How C.Where20.Welcome _Be

5、ijing.A.at B.to C.for21.Do you have a playground in your school?_.A.Yes,it is B.Yes, we do C.Yes,I am22.Wow!Your school is big and nice._.A.No.it isnt B.Thank you C.Right23.There are_classrooms.A.first B.two C.second24.What _is it?Its eight oclock.A.time B.colour C.clock25.Its 7:40_.Lets go to schoo

6、l.A.a.m B.p.m C.afternoon26.Its 2 p.m.Its _PE class.A.to B.for C.at27.School is over.Lets _home.A.get B.go to C.go28.Its 12 oclock.Time_have lunch.A.for B.to C.at29.Dinner is _.A.ready B.run C.vegetable30._.Its time to get up.A.Im full B.Its 9 p.m C.Hurry up31.Its time _go to bed.A.to B.for C.and32.

7、Its time for dinner._.A.Come on B.Just a minute C.It doesnt matter33.Its cold _Lhasa.A.under B.in C.on34.Listen!This is the _report.A.weather B.cold C.warm35.In Guangzhou,its _now.A.rain B.wind C.cool36._!The soup is hot.A.Be careful B.Hurry up C.Take off37.Its warm today.Can I _my hat?Yes,you can.A

8、.come B.take off C.put38.Have some bread,Mike._.A.OK B.Be careful C.Help yourself.39._the weather like in Wuhan?Its hot.A.Whats B.Hows C.How about40.Today is cold in Moscow._London?A.How cold B.How many C.How about41.Is it warm in Kunming?_.A.Yes,it is B.No,I cant C.Yes,I am42.The sun goes up(升起).It

9、s _.A.sun B.sunny C.funny 43.Its warm _sunny today.A.or B./ C.and人教版四年级英语下册Unit1Unit3专项选择题参考答案1-5 BCBBC6-10 ACABB11-15 ABAAC16-20BACCB 21-25 BBBAA26-30 BCAAB31-35 ABBAC36-40 ABAAC41-43 ABC人教版四年级英语下册Unit4Unit6专项选择题1.The_are big.A.tomato B.potatoes C.apple2.I love _eat green beans.A.to B./ at3.Look_th

10、e carrots.A.to B./ C.at4.Are these onions?Yes,_.A.these are B.they are not C.they are5.Are they_?A.tomatoes B.potatos C.green bean 6.How many _do you have?Sixteen.A.horse B.a horse C.horses7.What about_?Are they cows?No,they arent.A.this B.those C.that8.This is _.A.a sheep B.sheep C.two sheep9.They

11、are black and white.Milk comes from them.They are_.A.horses B.cows C.pandas10.What are those?_.A.They are sheep B.Yes,they are C.No,they arent11.How many goats do you have?_.A.These are goats B.Thirteen B.They are arent12.Are those hens?No,_.A.they are B.they arent C.those are13.They want four_,six_

12、and an_.A.tomatos;carrots;egg B.tomatoes;carrots;pearC.tomatoes;carrots;apple14.What _?They are goats.A.those are B.is it C.are those15.This is my_farm.A.father B.grandpas C.grandma16.There are six_on the farm.A.hen B.hens C.henes17.You have a lot of _.A.animal B.animals C.animales18.He _to live on

13、the farm.A.wants B.want C.wantes19.My pants _green.A.is B.am C.are20.This is _dress.A.Amys B.Amys C.Amys21. _.Me too.A.Are these yours? B.What about this dress?C.I like this blue dress.22.Is this _?Yes,it is. A.you B.your C.yours23.Are these shoes yours? _.A,Yes,they are B.Yes,they arent C.Yes,it is

14、24.I like that skirt and those _.A.dress B.pants C.hat25. _shoes are these?A.Whose B.Where C.When26.Can you help me,please? _.A.Of course B.No C.I dont know27.Whose coat _this?A.are B.is C./28.I want to wear _blue pants.A.my B.me C.I29.Mike is _a T-shirt and _pants.A.putting on;a pair of B.put on;a

15、pair of C.putting on;a pairs of 30._your sweater .Its cold outside.A.Put in B.Take off C.Put on31.This jacket is_.That blue coat is_.A.mine;your B.mine;yours C.my;yours32.My sweater_new.Your pants _old.A.are;is B.are;are C.is;are33.These shoes_nice,A.is B.are C./34.Can I try these shoes_?A.on B.in C

16、.at35._size of shoes do you wear?Size 8.A.Which B.What C.Where36.Try size 6.They are too small .Can I try_?A.size 6 B.size 7 C.size 537._do you like this shirt?A.Which B.When C.How38._do you think of this shirt?A.What B.When C.How39._are these cakes?Theyre five yuan.A.How many B.How mach C./40.Can I

17、 help you?_,A.All right B.Yes,I want a T-shirt C.OK41.This shirt is nine hundred yuan.Its _expensive.A.too B.to C.two42._.No,They are big.A.Is that OK? B.Are they OK? C.Is this Mikes coat?Unit1Unit3专项选择题参考答案1-5 BACCA6-10 CBABA11-15 BBCCB16-20 BBACB 21-25 CCABA26-30 ABAAC31-35 BCBAB36-40 BCABB41-43 AB


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