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1、七年级英语易错题归纳一 用所给单词的适当形式填空1. The quit is _(my).2. I cant _(find ) my pens, can I use _(your)?3. _(that ) are my rulers .4. Are these your _(radio)?5. Her _(watch) are on the table .6. Lets _(play) basketball .7. She _(have) an _(interest ) book.8. What about _(go ) swimming ? I think it is _(relax).9.

2、 They have three _(soccer ball ) .10. His parents _(be) teachers .11. Tom _(like ) _(play)football with his friend after school .12. I think chicken _(be) very delicious .13. My daughter _(go) to school every day .14. The old man _ (want) go shopping with me .15. How many _(pair) of shoes does he _(

3、want)?16. Please come down to the shop and _(see ) for _(you).17. October is the _(ten) month of the year.18. Tuesday is the _(three) day of the week .19. Do you know his _(age)?20. Do you know the date of his _(birthday)?21. Jane is a 13_(year ) old .22. It _ (sound) great .23. They sing songs _(go

4、od).24. Today is her _(nine) birthday .25. This is a _(use) book .26. Who_(draw) on the book ?27. What is your favorite _(subject)?28. Linda _(teacher) us English .29. Music _(be) is favorite subject .30. The Frenchman is learning _.(china)31. I am too _(tired) after class.32. My class _(finish) at

5、7:00.33. He is _(real) busy .34. Do you have _(some) books ?35. She doesnt _(like) apples_(and) pears.36. Here are some _(box) for you .37. Thank you for your _(help)38. He is good at _(play) the guitar .39. We can _(tell ) you _(story),and you can _ _(make friend).40. She _(love) fruit,because she

6、thinks it is very _(health)41. When we say goodbye to lily at the airport, we cant help _(cry)42. There are many _(woman) teachers in our school .43. _(do) Nancy _ a baseball ?44. I ask him _(find) his ke ys.45. The girl _(have) a nice_(watch ).46. We like English very _(many).47. Li Lins parents _(

7、be not ) in Wuhan now .48. We _ (not want ) go there .49. The Chinese _(be) are friendly and _ hard.50. I dont like scary movies , because I feel _(bore) with it .二 单选1.-Alan, please answer my _.-OK ,please.A. number B.name C. word D. question2.-Can you _ it in English ?-Yes ,I can A. speak B. tell

8、C. say D. read 3.-Excuse me , Miss Wang .-_.A.Why ? B.How ? C. What for ? D. What ?4.-Look , here is your English book .-Thanks .A. is B. have C. are D. am 5.-_ is she ?- She is my friend ,Jenny .A. How B. What C. where D. Who 6.-Well, have a good day .-_.A. Thanks! You ,too B. I see C. Let me see D

9、. Fine ,thinks7.-Is this a photo of your family ?-Yes,_.A.you are B. it is C. this is D. it isnt 8.-Are these your grandparents ?-_.A. Yes,these are B. No,These arent C.Yes, there are D.Yes, they are .9.- I dont like the blue pen .-_ the red one ?A. What B. what about C. what is D. What are 10.-How

10、abou some chocolate ?- I like chocolate ,_ it is bad to eat too much .A. Because B. or C. and D. but 11.-Mum, I am hungry .May I have some _?-Of course ,but dont eat too many .A. noodles B. milk C. water D. apples 12.-You look nice in the skirt .-_.A. Thats OK B. Thank you C. Dont say so D. Youre we

11、lcome13.- Is Lucy your cousin ?-Yes, _.A. She isnt B. she is C. it is D. Kate is 14.They come here _ Thursday morning .A. in B. behind C. under D. on 15.These are apples ,please _ some to your parents .A. call B. bring C. get D. take 16.-Look ! Toms books are everywhere .-Oh , the room is not _.A. B

12、ig B. nice C. tidy D. small17.-Who is that man over there ?-I _ he is my teacher .A. meet B. know C. watch D. think18.-What are those old things ?- Theyre _.A. radios B. book C. chair D. heads 19.Mary must go to school now ,_ you ll be late .A. and B. but C. or D. because 20.-Where is Lily ?- She is

13、 on the way . She is always the _ one to come .A. last B. first C. good D. middle21.-Linda, where is my key ? I cant _ it .-Look, it is under your desk .A. know B. look for C. find D. think 22.-Tom , can you _ the number of bus ? I dont wear glasses today .-OH ,it is No.36A. look B. look at C. see D

14、. watch 23.I dont have anything to do today . I am _.A. free B. kind C. glad D. young 24.-What _ do you like ?-I like tennis .A. food B. color C. number D. sport 25. -The shirt is too small for me .-Well, we have a _ one .A. black B. old C. long D. nice 26. This is _ eye and that is _ nose .A. an ,a

15、 B, an,an C.a ,an D. a,a 27. Computer is difficult for my mom, but its _ for me .A.easy B. difficult C. relaxing D. cool28.We want 3 teachers _ our school show .A. join B,/ C. to D. for 29.Can you _ well ?A. dance B. dancing C. to dance D. dances 30. Dick often help us _ English .A. to B, at C. of D

16、. with31. This kind of candy smells terrible , but it _ delicious .A. has B. sounds C. tastes D have 32. When do you get _ Wuhan ?A. up B. for C. in D. to 33.You can talk_ Miss Li _ more information .A. at;with B. to; with C. at ; for D. to; for 34.-Here is the bus ,Please come _ ! -OK , I will .A.

17、early B. slowly C. late D. quickly 35.Jackie Chan can _ Chinese kung fu .A. play B. do C. work D. take 36.-Does your cousin have a dictionary ?-_. He often looks up new word in it .A. No, he doesnt B. Yes, she does C.Yes, he is D. Yes, he does 37.-What do you _?Tennis racket , I have one A. Like B.

18、do C. have D let 38.-Why does Tim go there ?-He wants something to _. Like water ,cola .A. eat B. drink C. do D. like 39.-Where does Tom have lunch ?-My friend tom _ lunch at home . He _ it at home .A. has; has B. has; have C. doesnt have ; have D, doesnt have, has40.-This problem is so difficult .-

19、Yes. Lets _ it together .A. think about B. think of C.Call for D. call at 41. -What is the _ of the gloves ? Its so nice .-35 dollars .A. size B. price C. colour D. question42.-Can I help you ? -Yes, please . I _ a book about history .A. get B. sell C. take D. want 43.-What are you going to do after

20、 test ?-I am going on a _ to Canada .A.Party B. sale C. dinner D. trip44.-Can you come to my party ?-Id love to , but I am too _ these days .A.relaxed B. happy C. free D. busy 45.-How do you like English ?-I think its _, _ can help me know more about the world.A.easy,but B. useful,because C. fun, so

21、 D. difficult ;and 46.Please _ late for school next time .A. dont be B. arent C. doesnt D. be47.-My eraser is on the desk .What about _?-_ is under the chair .A. you, mine B. you, my C. yours , my D. yours, mine 48.There _ an orange and two apples on the desk .A.are B. has C. is D. have 49._ a clerk

22、 work in the store ?A. Is B.Are C. Does D. Do 50.-Where do you _ the bag ?-_ that store. Its on sale .A.sell,from B. sell,To C. buy,For D. buy,From51. She eats _ food,so she is _ heavy .A.too much;too much B. too much; too manyC. too many;much too D. too much ;much too 52.-_ your cousin have a new i

23、pad ?-Sorry ,I dont think she has _.A. Do; it B.Does ; one C.Does;it D.Do; one 53.-Linda,its time to _.-OK,mum, Good night .54.-Can you tell me the meaning (意思) of this new _ ?-Sorry , I dont know .A.subject B. word C. city D. street55.-Dont eat so much ,peter. Youre too _.-OK ,Mom . and I will play

24、basketball later .A. Relaxing B. tidy C. great D. fat56. -What can you see on the table ?-There _ some salad on the table .A.are B. is C. has D. have 57._ the morning of May 6, We have a great book sale _ 7 oclock .A. In ;on B. On ,in C. On,at D. In , at 58. What do you do _ the weekend ?A. in B. at

25、 C. on D. of 59.-Why _ he like art ?-Because its _.A. Can, boring B. do ,difficult C. does,relaxing D. is ,not good60.-When can we finish _ the house ?-Maybe _later .A. Cleaning ;2hours B. cleaning ;2hour C. clean;2hours D. clean, 2hours三完成句子1.你可以找他要那本字典。You can _ him _ the _.2.不要向我要它,去向你爸爸要吧。Dont a

26、sk me for it,_ and _ your father for it .3.请在兴庆路202 号与我见面。Please _ me at NO 202 , Xingqing Road .4.赶紧拉,戴维,我们已经晚了。_ _ ,David ! we are _.5这本书是好,但并非那本好。The book is _,_ not that book .6.我不认为他是你弟弟。I _ _ he is your brother .7.现在我跟我爸爸在家。Now I am _ my father at _.8.你能和我们一起吗?Can you _ _ us ?9.体育运动对你,对他,还有她-对

27、我们大家都有好处。Sports are _ _ you ,for him and for her -for all of us .10.我可不想变老。I _ _ to be _.11. 你想成为一名老师吗?Do you want to _ a _?12. 早饭你吃什么?What do you _ for _?13.今天下午的英语课课我们需要一些彩笔。We _some color pencils _ this afternoons English _.14,哪位男士看上去年长,但他没那大年龄。That man _ old , _ he is not that old .15.这双鞋穿在你脚上真好

28、看。These shoes _ _ on you .16.请来跟我们吃顿饭吧。Please _ _ _ dinner with us .17.那家还是那个店的东西价格很高,但东西的确不错。That store _ things at high _-but they are _ good.18.本学期我们为大家安排了有趣又好玩的东西。We have some _ and fun things for you this _.19.你们的家长可以前来学校。Your parents can _ _ our school .20.因为第二天是星期六。Because the _ _ is Saturday

29、 .21.我们玩得一点都不开心,但是第二天的旅行确很好。We had a _ time that day ,but the next days _ was pretty good .22. 同学们,现在请打开书,翻到第九页。Now ,Class,please _ your books _ Lesson 9.23.我的学校一节课45 分钟,那么你那?I have a class _ 45 _ at school ,_ _ you ?24.每天我们在学校进行一小时的体育运动。_ _ , we have sports for about one _ at school .25.我们午饭吃汉堡包吧,你

30、看可以吗?Lets _ _ _ lunch , is this OK with you ?26.顾先生精通多种语言,他会说8种语言。Mr.Gu _ _ _ _,he can _ 8languages27.这位老师对孩子有一套。The teacher is _ _ children .28.我想和所有新学生交朋友。I want to _ _ _ all the new _.29.我常帮助我父母做家务。I often _ my _ _ the housework.30.那么我们需要你帮助说英语的学生开展体育活动。Then we need you to _ _ _ for _ students.四句

31、型转换1.I want to join the art club .(对划线部分提问)2.She can dance well.(改为否定句)3.Lucy wants to join the music club.(改为一般疑问句并做肯定回答)4.We can play chess.( 改为一般疑问句并做否定回答)5.You are very good at telling jokes . ( 改为一般疑问句并做否定回答)6.He has time on the weekend .(改为一般疑问句并做肯定回答)7.She does her housework every day .(改为否定句

32、)8.They has 3basketballs.(改为一般疑问句)9.His birthday is on Sep 5th.10.My favorite subject is math .11.Bob likes games .Because it is very interesting .12.It is on Monday and Friday .13.Eric likes English .14.The coat is 8 dollars .15.The black trousers are 87 dollars .16. I usually have milk for breakfa

33、st .17.He likes vegetables .18.i like oranges and apples (改为否定句)19.He has a ball.(改为一般疑问句)20.The books are on the sofa. (改为一般疑问句)21.The pen is in the schoolbag .22.My ruler is on the desk .( 改为否定句)23.These are my keys .(改为一般疑问句并做肯定回答)24.This is my sister . (改为一般疑问句并做否定回答)25.He is my son . (改为一般疑问句并做

34、否定回答)26.Theyre my parents .27.He is my brother ( 改为否定句)28.My phone number is 8489770029.My first name is joe .30.It is an orange .五书面表达A篇: 我叫汤姆,我是一个来自于美国的中学生,我想写信给我的中国朋友谈谈我的中学生活,具体信息如下:1. 每天学习很轻松,一天上四节课,2. 老师课堂有趣,人也很友好,大家喜欢他3. 放学后要帮父母做家务4. 父母不允许我们玩游戏,玩游戏对眼睛不好。提示词:重要的 important 家务 houseworkB篇: 我理想中的卧

35、室我有一个大又整洁的卧室,卧室摆设如下:1. 在窗户旁边,有一台电脑2. 书桌上有很多不同种类的书3. 抽屉里有很多笔和尺子4. 墙上面有一个闹钟和家庭合照5. 玩具到处都是6. 发表一两个观点: 提示词电脑 compture 墙:wallC篇:谈谈凯特的健康生活方式1. 喜欢健康的食物,每天早餐吃面包,喝牛奶2. 在周末上午和同学一起进行体育活动,比如打篮球 3. 不喜欢吃甜食,对牙齿不好4. 睡觉早,每晚8个小时睡眠很重要发表自己观点,说一两点你的看法。提示词:睡觉: sleep 健康的:healthyD.篇:谈论学校生活1.最喜欢周五,因为周五有数学课,有用也有趣2.我们11点有历史课,

36、那以后,我们还有体育课,十分简单3.在下午2点,上语文课,那是我最喜欢的科目,语文老师严肃又有趣。4.我们3:30课程结束,一天很轻松,5.发表一两点你的观点和看法。提示词:严肃的serious 轻松:relaxE篇:寒假即将来临,谈论寒假生活1. 我想度过一个愉快的寒假2. 每天早上起床早,然后和爸爸一起跑步3. 下午帮父母做家务,如:打扫房间,洗碗4. 晚饭后,和父母一起逛超市和散步5. 发表一两点自己的观点。 提示词: 逛超市:go shopping七年级英语书面表达基本句型归纳:1. 我叫李明,我15岁,我在二中学习。2. 我非常喜欢体育活动。3. 我最喜欢的学科是数学,因为它简单又有

37、用4. 努力学习很重要5. 我认为这是一个好主意。6. 在我看来,我们应该有一个健康的饮食习惯7. 他对我们友好,我们都很喜欢他。8. 你最好早睡早起。9. 看电视/玩游戏对眼睛有害处。10. 我有很多爱好,我擅长英语和画画。11. 我对音乐感兴趣。12. 他每天吃很多蔬菜和肉13. 我希望你有一个愉快的假期。14. 我们星期六早上八点在校门口集合。15. 每晚8小时的睡眠很重要。16. 我是一中的学生。17. 你应该吃水果蔬菜并和大量的水。18. 你应该听音乐放松自己。19. 要守时,不要迟到。20. 祝大家玩得开心,旅途愉快。21. 上午我要去购物/做家务/写家庭作业22. 在周末,我要帮助父母做家务。23. 让我们一起运动吧!24. 李明的生日在下个星期,让我们考虑礼物吧。25. 在周日,我们将进行书籍大甩卖。26. 下课/放学后,我经常和我们同学一起踢足球。27. 我热爱运动,但是我不喜欢玩它,我仅仅通过电视观看。28. 这是一张我的家庭照片,他们是我的哥哥,姐姐,我爱他们,我有一个幸福的家庭。29. 我想加入象棋俱乐部,那么你哪?30. 我擅长讲故事,它可以让他们开心。31. 他喜欢聊天和弹钢琴。32. 那么你就可以加入学校音乐节。33. 请给Lucy打622-3467这个电话。34. 我们在老人之家需要帮助。35. 我与同学们相处很好,在同学中我很受欢迎。


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